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转载 Real Mode IVT Map

The following is a list of the standard BIOS interrupts used in a typical BIOS.  Interrupt Address

2008-05-31 17:35:00 860

转载 AMIT/AMI BIOS Post Codes

AMI BIOS Post Procedures AMI BIOS Text Error Messages AMIT BIOS Post Codes (Prior to April 1990) AMI BIOS Post Codes (After April 1990)

2008-05-31 17:33:00 3273

转载 CMOS Memory Map

Below is a typical CMOS RAM memory map for an AT PC.  Under a 128byte ISA compatible CMOS, 16 bytes (00h-0fh) is the real time clock, 32 bytes (10h-2Fh) is the ISA configuration data, 16 bytes (30h-3F

2008-05-31 17:30:00 2294

转载 BDA - BIOS Data Area - PC Memory Map

Address Size    Description 00:00 256dwords Interrupt vector table 30:00 256bytes Stack area used during post and bootstrap 40:00 word COM1 port address 40:02 word COM2 port address 40:04 word COM3 po

2008-05-29 23:38:00 3256

原创 如何检测非MFC程序的内存泄露?

在调试MFC程序时,在应用程序入口函数所在的模块(.cpp)加入如下语句:#define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #includestdlib.h> #includecrtdbg.h>在应用程序入口函数中加上如下语句:_CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF);程序退出时,如

2008-05-19 16:00:00 1391

转载 The Portable Executable File Format from Top to Bottom

 Randy KathMicrosoft Developer Network Technology Group Download the EXEVIEW sample. (Afterwards, use PKUNZIP.EXE -d to recreate directory structure.) Download the PEFILE sample. (Afterwards, us

2008-05-16 16:37:00 2195

转载 “PE文件格式”1.9版 完整译文(附注释)

作 者: ah007时 间: 2006-02-28,13:32链 接: http://bbs.pediy.com/showthread.php?t=21932$Id: pe.txt,v 1.9 1999/03/20 23:55:09 LUEVELSMEYER Exp $PE文件格式系列译文之一----          【翻译】“PE文件格式”1.9版 完整译文(附注释)=============

2008-05-16 12:02:00 1581

转载 PE文件格式详解(下)

作者:MSDN译者:李马 (http://home.nuc.edu.cn/~titilima)预定义段    一个Windows NT的应用程序典型地拥有9个预定义段,它们是.text、.bss、.rdata、.data、.rsrc、.edata、.idata、.pdata和.debug。一些应用程序不需要所有的这些段,同样还有一些应用程序为了自己特殊的需要而定义了更多的段。这种做法与MS-DOS

2008-05-16 11:56:00 761

转载 PE文件格式详解(上)

作者:MSDN译者:李马 (http://home.nuc.edu.cn/~titilima) 摘要    Windows NT 3.1引入了一种名为PE文件格式的新可执行文件格式。PE文件格式的规范包含在了MSDN的CD中(Specs and Strategy, Specifications, Windows NT File Format Specifications),但是它非常之晦涩。   

2008-05-16 11:52:00 681

原创 Tutorial 7: Export Table

We have learned about one part of the dynamic linking, namely the import table, in the previous tutorial. Now we will learn about the other side of the coin, the export table.Download the example.

2008-05-15 21:00:00 845

原创 Tutorial 6: Import Table

We will learn about import table in this tutorial. Let me warn you first. This tutorial is a long and difficult one for those who arent familiar with the import table. You may need to read this tutor

2008-05-15 17:38:00 958

转载 Tutorial 5: Section Table

Download the example.Theory:Up to this tutorial, we learned about the DOS header, the PE header. What remains is the section table. A section table is actually an array of structure immediately fo

2008-05-15 17:30:00 662

转载 Tutorial 4: Optional Header

We have learned about the DOS header and some members of the PE header. Heres the last, the biggest and probably the most important member of the PE header, the optional header.To refresh your memo

2008-05-15 16:38:00 527

转载 Tutorial 3: File Header

In this tutorial, we will study the file header portion of the PE header. Lets summarize what we have learned so far: DOS MZ header is called IMAGE_DOS_HEADER. Only two of its members are im

2008-05-15 16:31:00 578

转载 Tutorial 2: Detecting a Valid PE File

[Iczelions Win32 Assembly Homepage]In this tutorial, we will learn how to check if a given file is a valid PE file.Download the example.Theory:How can you verify if a given file is a PE file? T

2008-05-15 16:13:00 785

转载 Tutorial 1: Overview of PE file format

Iczelions Win32 Assembly HomepageThis is the complete rewrite of the old PE tutorial no1 which I considered the worst tutorial I have ever written. So I decided to replace it with this new one.PE

2008-05-15 15:46:00 866

转载 Playing with the Stack

Chavdar Dimitrov (view profile)November 14, 2002 Environment: MSVC6, Borland C++ 5.02, Borland C++ Builder 6, NT4, Win2000 In this essay, I am goi

2008-05-13 21:12:00 837

转载 WBINVD--Write Back and Invalidate Cache

WBINVD--Write}}--> Back and Invalidate Cache Opcode Instruction Descripti

2008-05-13 21:03:00 1875

原创 C/C++ call stack traces

哎,郁闷,不知道是CSDN的bug还是有人故意捣乱,辛辛苦苦写的文章被替换成“自由的思维”一文,真是百思不解呀,至此也没有什么再写的激情了!(该程序能输出调用栈上的函数名称,实参个数及其值,以及函数调用处的偏移量。像VC++ 6.0中的call stack)控制台输出如下:StackTrace dump begin...StackTrace(  )Call_C( 0x0000000A,

2008-05-09 18:43:00 1833



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