YUY2(YUV) 与 RGB 格式图片的相互转换 以及 基于YUY2(YUV)的blending

转: http://blog.csdn.net/jtujtujtu/archive/2009/02/10/3874621.aspx




C = Y - 16

D = U - 128

E = V - 128

R = clip(( 298 * C           + 409 * E + 128) >> 8)G = clip(( 298 * C - 100 * D - 208 * E + 128) >> 8)B = clip(( 298 * C + 516 * D           + 128) >> 8)其中 clip()为限制函数,将其取值限制在0-255之间.


Y = ( (  66 * R + 129 * G +  25 * B + 128) >> 8) +  16U = ( ( -38 * R -  74 * G + 112 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128V = ( ( 112 * R -  94 * G -  18 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128上述两个公式在代码中的int YUV2RGB(void* pYUV, void* pRGB, int width, int height, bool alphaYUV, bool alphaRGB);int RGB2YUV(void* pRGB, void* pYUVX, int width, int height, bool alphaYUV, bool alphaRGB);函数中转换。在诸如摄像头的数据获取中,我们往往需要直接在YUY2(YUV)空间上进行一些图象处理,我们希望能够在YUY2(YUV)进行一些RGB上可以做到的处理。这里已blending为例,将两张带有透明度的YUY2(YUV)图片进行叠加,以达到在RGB空间进行图像合成的效果。RGB空间进行图像叠加,通常背景(BG)是不透明的,而前景(FG)是带有透明度的。在RGB空间,可以简单表示为:Rdest = Rfg*alpha + Rbg*(1-alpha);Gdest = Gfg*alpha + Gbg*(1-alpha);Bdest = Bfg*alpha + Bbg*(1-alpha);// Rdest、Gdest、Bdest 为最终合成后的像素值考虑到Y = ( (  66 * R + 129 * G +  25 * B + 128) >> 8) +  16U = ( ( -38 * R -  74 * G + 112 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128V = ( ( 112 * R -  94 * G -  18 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128我们可以推导出(Ydest-16)<<8 = ((Yfg-16)<<8)*alpha + ((Ybg-16)<<8)*(1-alpha);(Udest-128)<<8 = ((Ufg-128)<<8)*alpha + ((Ubg-128)<<8)*(1-alpha);(Vdest-128)<<8 = ((Vfg-128)<<8)*alpha + ((Vbg-128)<<8)*(1-alpha);从而可以得到Ydest = (Yfg-16)*alpha + (Ybg-16)*(1-alpha) + 16;Udest = (Ufg-128)*alpha + (Ubg-128)*(1-alpha) + 128;Vdest = (Vfg-128)*alpha + (Vbg-128)*(1-alpha) + 128;这个叠加过程在函数int YUVBlending(void* pBGYUV, void* pFGYUV, int width, int height, bool alphaBG, bool alphaFG)中实现。由于本文针对摄像头采集所得的数据进行处理,因此数据为YUY2格式,即4个字节来表示两个像素点的YUV信息,排列为Y1 U1 Y2 V2, 对于像素点1为(Y1, U1, V1),像素点2为(Y2, U1, V1)。即两个像素点共用U、V信息。这里假设带有alpha透明度的YUV格式用6个字节来表示两个像素点的YUV以及alpha信息,排列为 Y1 U1 Y2 V1 alpha1 alpha2其中像素点1为(Y1, U1, V1, alpha1),像素点2为(Y2, U1, V1, alpha2)。其中alpha为对应点的透明度信息。而带有alpha透明度RGB格式的图片,假设为32bits的BMP图片,每个像素点用4bytes来表示,分别为B G R alpha信息。上述函数的具体实现为:view plaincopy to clipboardprint?//   // YUV2RGB   // pYUV         point to the YUV data   // pRGB         point to the RGB data   // width        width of the picture   // height       height of the picture   // alphaYUV     is there an alpha channel in YUV   // alphaRGB     is there an alpha channel in RGB   //   int YUV2RGB(void* pYUV, void* pRGB, int width, int height, bool alphaYUV, bool alphaRGB)   {       if (NULL == pYUV)       {           return -1;       }       unsigned char* pYUVData = (unsigned char *)pYUV;       unsigned char* pRGBData = (unsigned char *)pRGB;       if (NULL == pRGBData)       {           if (alphaRGB)           {               pRGBData = new unsigned char[width*height*4];           }           else              pRGBData = new unsigned char[width*height*3];       }       int Y1, U1, V1, Y2, alpha1, alpha2, R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2;       int C1, D1, E1, C2;       if (alphaRGB)       {           if (alphaYUV)           {               for (int i=0; i<height; ++i)               {                   for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j)                   {                       Y1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6);                       U1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+1);                       Y2 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+2);                       V1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+3);                       alpha1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+4);                       alpha2 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+5);                       C1 = Y1-16;                       C2 = Y2-16;                       D1 = U1-128;                       E1 = V1-128;                       R1 = ((298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);                       G1 = ((298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);                         B1 = ((298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8);                         R2 = ((298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);                       G2 = ((298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);                       B2 = ((298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8);                         *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+2) = R1<0 ? 0 : R1;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+1) = G1<0 ? 0 : G1;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8) = B1<0 ? 0 : B1;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+3) = alpha1;                           *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+6) = R2<0 ? 0 : R2;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+5) = G2<0 ? 0 : G2;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+4) = B2<0 ? 0 : B2;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+7) = alpha2;                       }               }              }           else          {               int alpha = 255;               for (int i=0; i<height; ++i)               {                   for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j)                   {                       Y1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4);                       U1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+1);                       Y2 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+2);                       V1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+3);                       C1 = Y1-16;                       C2 = Y2-16;                       D1 = U1-128;                       E1 = V1-128;                       R1 = ((298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);                       G1 = ((298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);                         B1 = ((298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8);                         R2 = ((298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);                       G2 = ((298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);                       B2 = ((298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8);                         *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+2) = R1<0 ? 0 : R1;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+1) = G1<0 ? 0 : G1;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8) = B1<0 ? 0 : B1;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+3) = alpha;                        *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+6) = R2<0 ? 0 : R2;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+5) = G2<0 ? 0 : G2;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+4) = B2<0 ? 0 : B2;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+7) = alpha;                    }               }              }       }       else      {           if (alphaYUV)           {               for (int i=0; i<height; ++i)               {                   for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j)                   {                       Y1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*4);                       U1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*4+1);                       Y2 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*4+2);                       V1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*4+3);                       C1 = Y1-16;                       C2 = Y2-16;                       D1 = U1-128;                       E1 = V1-128;                       R1 = ((298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);                       G1 = ((298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);                         B1 = ((298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8);                         R2 = ((298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);                       G2 = ((298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);                       B2 = ((298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8);                         *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+2) = R1<0 ? 0 : R1;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+1) = G1<0 ? 0 : G1;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6) = B1<0 ? 0 : B1;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+5) = R2<0 ? 0 : R2;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+4) = G2<0 ? 0 : G2;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+3) = B2<0 ? 0 : B2;                   }               }           }           else          {               for (int i=0; i<height; ++i)               {                   for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j)                   {                       Y1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4);                       U1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+1);                       Y2 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+2);                       V1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+3);                       C1 = Y1-16;                       C2 = Y2-16;                       D1 = U1-128;                       E1 = V1-128;                       R1 = ((298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);                       G1 = ((298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);                         B1 = ((298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8);                         R2 = ((298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);                       G2 = ((298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);                       B2 = ((298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8);                         *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+2) = R1<0 ? 0 : R1;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+1) = G1<0 ? 0 : G1;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6) = B1<0 ? 0 : B1;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+5) = R2<0 ? 0 : R2;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+4) = G2<0 ? 0 : G2;                       *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+3) = B2<0 ? 0 : B2;                   }               }              }       }       return 0;   }     //   // RGB2YUV   // pRGB         point to the RGB data   // pYUV         point to the YUV data   // width        width of the picture   // height       height of the picture   // alphaYUV     is there an alpha channel in YUV   // alphaRGB     is there an alpha channel in RGB   //   int RGB2YUV(void* pRGB, void* pYUV, int width, int height, bool alphaYUV, bool alphaRGB)   {       if (NULL == pRGB)       {           return -1;       }       unsigned char* pRGBData = (unsigned char *)pRGB;       unsigned char* pYUVData = (unsigned char *)pYUV;       if (NULL == pYUVData)       {           if (alphaYUV)           {               pYUVData = new unsigned char[width*height*3];           }           else              pYUVData = new unsigned char[width*height*2];       }       int R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2, Y1, U1, Y2, V1;       int alpha1, alpha2;       if (alphaYUV)       {           if (alphaRGB)           {               for (int i=0; i<height; ++i)               {                   for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j)                   {                       B1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8);                       G1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+1);                       R1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+2);                       alpha1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+3);                       B2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+4);                       G2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+5);                       R2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+6);                       alpha2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+7);                       Y1 = (((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16) > 255 ? 255 : (((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16);                       U1 = ((((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8)+((-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128)>255 ? 255 : ((((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8)+((-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128);                       Y2 = (((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16)>255 ? 255 : ((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16;                       V1 = ((((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8) + ((112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128)>255 ? 255 : ((((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8) + ((112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128);                       *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6) = Y1;                       *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+1) = U1;                       *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+2) = Y2;                       *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+3) = V1;                       *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+4) = alpha1;                       *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+5) = alpha2;                   }               }              }           else          {               unsigned char alpha = 255;               for (int i=0; i<height; ++i)               {                   for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j)                   {                       B1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6);                       G1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+1);                       R1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+2);                       B2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+3);                       G2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+4);                       R2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+5);                       Y1 = ((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16;                       U1 = ((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8+(-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8)/2 + 128;                       Y2 = ((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16;                       V1 = ((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8 + (112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8)/2 + 128;                       Y1 = (((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16) > 255 ? 255 : (((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16);                       U1 = ((((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8)+((-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128)>255 ? 255 : ((((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8)+((-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128);                       Y2 = (((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16)>255 ? 255 : ((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16;                       V1 = ((((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8) + ((112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128)>255 ? 255 : ((((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8) + ((112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128);                       *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6) = Y1;                       *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+1) = U1;                       *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+2) = Y2;                       *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+3) = V1;                       *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+4) = alpha;                       *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+5) = alpha;                   }               }              }       }       else      {           if (alphaRGB)           {               for (int i=0; i<height; ++i)               {                   for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j)                   {                       B1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8);                       G1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+1);                       R1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+2);                       B2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+4);                       G2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+5);                       R2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+6);                       Y1 = (((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16) > 255 ? 255 : (((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16);                       U1 = ((((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8)+((-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128)>255 ? 255 : ((((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8)+((-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128);                       Y2 = (((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16)>255 ? 255 : ((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16;                       V1 = ((((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8) + ((112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128)>255 ? 255 : ((((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8) + ((112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128);                       *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4) = Y1;                       *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+1) = U1;                       *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+2) = Y2;                       *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+3) = V1;                   }               }              }           else          {               for (int i=0; i<height; ++i)               {                   for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j)                   {                       B1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6);                       G1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+1);                       R1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+2);                       B2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+3);                       G2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+4);                       R2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+5);                       Y1 = (((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16) > 255 ? 255 : (((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16);                       U1 = ((((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8)+((-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128)>255 ? 255 : ((((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8)+((-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128);                       Y2 = (((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16)>255 ? 255 : ((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16;                       V1 = ((((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8) + ((112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128)>255 ? 255 : ((((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8) + ((112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128);                       *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4) = Y1;                       *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+1) = U1;                       *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+2) = Y2;                       *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+3) = V1;                   }               }              }       }       return 0;   }     //   // pGBYUV           point to the background YUV data   // pFGYUV           point to the foreground YUV data   // width            width of the picture   // height           height of the picture   // alphaBG          is there an alpha channel in background YUV data   // alphaFG          is there an alpha channel in fourground YUV data   //   int YUVBlending(void* pBGYUV, void* pFGYUV, int width, int height, bool alphaBG, bool alphaFG)   {       if (NULL == pBGYUV || NULL == pFGYUV)       {           return -1;       }       unsigned char* pBGData = (unsigned char*)pBGYUV;       unsigned char* pFGData = (unsigned char*)pFGYUV;       if (!alphaFG)       {           if (!alphaBG)           {               memcpy(pBGData, pFGData, width*height*2);           }           else          {               for (int i=0; i<height; ++i)               {                   for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j)                   {                       *(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4) = *(pFGData+i*width*2+j*4);                       *(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+1) = *(pFGData+i*width*2+j*4+1);                       *(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+2) = *(pFGData+i*width*2+j*4+2);                       *(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+3) = *(pFGData+i*width*2+j*4+3);                   }               }           }       }       int Y11, U11, V11, Y12, Y21, U21, V21, Y22;       int alpha1, alpha2;       if (!alphaBG)       {           for (int i=0; i<height; ++i)           {               for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j)               {                   Y11 = *(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4);                   U11 = *(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+1);                   Y12 = *(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+2);                   V11 = *(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+3);                     Y21 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6);                   U21 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+1);                   Y22 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+2);                   V21 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+3);                   alpha1 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+4);                   alpha2 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+5);                     *(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4) = (Y21-16)*alpha1/255+(Y11-16)*(255-alpha1)/255+16;                   *(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+1) = ((U21-128)*alpha1/255+(U11-128)*(255-alpha1)/255 + (U21-128)*alpha2/255+(U11-128)*(255-alpha2)/255)/2+128;                   *(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+3) = ((V21-128)*alpha1/255+(V11-128)*(255-alpha1)/255 + (V21-128)*alpha2/255+(V11-128)*(255-alpha2)/255)/2+128;                   *(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+2) = (Y22-16)*alpha2/255+(Y12-16)*(255-alpha2)/255+16;               }           }       }       else      {           for (int i=0; i<height; ++i)           {               for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j)               {                   Y11 = *(pBGData+i*width*3+j*6);                   U11 = *(pBGData+i*width*3+j*6+1);                   Y12 = *(pBGData+i*width*3+j*6+2);                   V11 = *(pBGData+i*width*3+j*6+3);                     Y21 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6);                   U21 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+1);                   Y22 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+2);                   V21 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+3);                   alpha1 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+4);                   alpha2 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+5);                     *(pBGData+i*width*3+j*6) = (Y21-16)*alpha1/255+(Y11-16)*(255-alpha1)/255+16;                   *(pBGData+i*width*3+j*6+1) = ((U21-128)*alpha1/255+(U11-128)*(255-alpha1)/255 + (U21-128)*alpha2/255+(U11-128)*(255-alpha2)/255)/2+128;                   *(pBGData+i*width*3+j*6+3) = ((V21-128)*alpha1/255+(V11-128)*(255-alpha1)/255 + (V21-128)*alpha2/255+(V11-128)*(255-alpha2)/255)/2+128;                   *(pBGData+i*width*3+j*6+2) = (Y22-16)*alpha2/255+(Y12-16)*(255-alpha2)/255+16;               }           }       }       return 0;   } 


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