Effective C#之Item 47:Prefer Safe Code

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Item 47: Prefer Safe Code


The .NET runtime has been designed so that malicious code cannot infiltrate and execute on a remote machine. Yet some distributed systems rely on downloading and executing code from remote machines. If you might be delivering your software via the Internet or an intranet, or running it directly from the web, you need to understand the restrictions that the CLR will place on your assemblies. If the CLR does not fully trust an assembly, it limits the allowed actions. This is called code access security (CAS). On another axis, the CLR enforces role-based security, in which code might or might not execute based on a particular user account's privileges.


Security violations are runtime conditions; the compiler cannot enforce them. Furthermore, they are far less likely to show up on your development machine; code that you compile is loaded from your hard drive and, therefore, has a higher trust level. Discussing all the implications of the .NET Security model fills volumes, but you can take a small set of reasonable actions to enable your assemblies to interact with the .NET security model more easily. These recommendations apply only if you are creating library components, or components and programs that might be delivered across the web.


Throughout this discussion, remember that .NET is a managed environment. The environment guarantees a certain amount of safety. The bulk of the .NET Framework library is granted full trust through the .NET config policy when it is installed. It is verifiably safe, which means that the CLR can examine the IL and ensure that it does not perform any potentially dangerous actions, such as accessing raw memory. It does not assert any particular security rights needed to access local resources. You should try to follow that same example. If your code does not need any particular security rights, avoid using any of the CAS APIs to determine your access rights; all you do is decrease performance.

通过这些讨论,记住.NET是一个托管的环境。该环境保障了一定程度的安全性。当安装.NET环境时,通过.NET的配置策略,可以完全信任整个.NET框架库。它是确定安全的,这意味着CLR可以检查IL代码,保证它不会执行任何潜在的危险代码,例如访问原始内存。对于访问本地资源,它不声明任何特殊安全权限。你应该努力遵守同样的规则。如果你的代码不需要任何特定的安全权限,那么就避免使用任何CAS API来决定访问权限;你做的所有工作都会降低性能。

You will use the CAS APIs to access a small set of protected resources that demand increased privileges. The most common protected resources are unmanaged memory and the file system. Other protected resources include databases, network ports, the Windows Registry, and the printing subsystem. In each case, attempting to access those resources fires exceptions when the calling code does not have the proper permissions. Furthermore, accessing those resources might cause the runtime to perform a security stack walk to ensure that all assemblies in the current call stack have the proper permissions. Let's look at memory and the file system, discussing the best practices for a secure and safe program.

你将会使用CAS API来访问一些要求提升权限的受保护的资源。最常见的受保护资源就是未托管内存和文件系统。其它受保护的资源包括数据库,网络端口,Windows注册表和打印子系统。对于每种情况,尝试访问这些资源时,一旦调用代码没有获得合适的许可,就会引发异常。进一步说,访问这些资源可能会引起运行时对安全栈进行遍历,以此来保证当前的调用栈里面的所有程序集都有合适的许可。让我们来看内存和文件系统,讨论一个安全的系统里面最好的实践。

You can avoid unmanaged memory access by creating verifiably safe assemblies whenever possible. A safe assembly is one that does not use any pointers to access either the managed or unmanaged heaps. Whether you knew it or not, almost all the C# code that you create is safe. Unless you turn on the /unsafe C# compiler option, you've created verifiably safe code. /unsafe allows the user of pointers, which the CLR cannot verify.


The reasons to use unsafe code are few, with the most common being performance. Pointers to raw memory are faster than safe reference checks. In a typical array, they can be up to 10 times faster. But when you use unsafe constructs, understand that unsafe code anywhere in an assembly affects the entire assembly. When you create unsafe code blocks, consider isolating those algorithms in their own assembly (see Item 32). This limits the affect that unsafe code has on your entire application. If it's isolated, only callers who need the particular feature are affected. You can still use the remaining safe functionality in more restrictive environments. You might also need unsafe code to deal with P/Invoke or COM interfaces that require raw pointers. The same recommendation applies: Isolate it. Unsafe code should affect its own small assembly and nothing else.


The advice for memory access is simple: Avoid accessing unmanaged memory whenever possible.


The next most common security concern is the file system. Programs store data, often in files. Code that has been downloaded from the Internet does not have access to most locations on the file system that would be a huge security hole. Yet, not accessing the file system at all would make it far more difficult to create usable programs. This problem is solved by using isolated storage. Isolated storage can be thought of as a virtual directory that is isolated based on the assembly, the application domain, and the current user. Optionally, you can use a more general isolated storage virtual directory that is based on the assembly and the current user.


Partially trusted assemblies can access their own specific isolated storage area, but nowhere else on the file system. The isolated storage directory is hidden from other assemblies and other users. You use isolated storage through the classes in the System.IO.IsolatedStorage namespace. The IsolatedStorageFile class contains methods very similar to the System.IO.File class. In fact, it is derived from the System.IO. FileStream class. The code to write to isolated storage is almost the same as writing to any file:

部分受信任的程序集可以访问它们特定的隔离存储区域,但不能访问文件系统的其它地方。隔离存储目录对于其它程序集和用户来说是不可见的。通过使用System.IO.IsolatedStorage命名空间下面的类来隔离存储。IsolatedStorageFile类包含与System.IO.File类相似的方法。事实上,它是从System.IO. FileStream类派生的。向隔离存储进行写入的代码几乎和向任何文件进行写入的代码一样:

  1. IsolatedStorageFile iso = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForDomain( );
  3. IsolatedStorageFileStream myStream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream( "SavedStuff.txt", FileMode.Create, iso );
  4. StreamWriter wr = new StreamWriter( myStream );
  5. // several wr.Write statements elided
  6. wr.Close();
  8. //Reading is equally familiar to anyone who has used file I/O:
  9. IsolatedStorageFile isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForDomain( );
  11. string[] files = isoStore.GetFileNames( "SavedStuff.txt" );
  12. if ( files.Length > 0 )
  13. {
  14.   StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( new
  15.     IsolatedStorageFileStream( "SavedStuff.txt",  FileMode.Open,isoStore ) );
  17.   // Several reader.ReadLines( ) calls elided.
  19.   reader.Close();
  20. }


You can use isolated storage to persist reasonably sized data elements that enable partially trusted code to save and load information from a carefully partitioned location on the local disk. The .NET environment defines limits on the size of isolated storage for each application. This prevents malicious code from consuming excessive disk space, rendering a system unusable. Isolated storage is hidden from other programs and other users. Therefore, it should not be used for deployment or configuration settings that an administrator might need to manipulate. Even though it is hidden, however, isolated storage is not protected from unmanaged code or from trusted users. Do not use isolated storage for high-value secrets unless you apply additional encryption.


To create an assembly that can live within the possible security restrictions on the file system, isolate the creation of your storage streams. When your assembly might be run from the Web or might be accessed by code run from the web, consider isolated storage.


You might need other protected resources as well. In general, access to those resources is an indication that your program needs to be fully trusted. The only alternative is to avoid the protected resource entirely. Consider the Windows Registry, for example. If your program needs to access the Registry, you must install your program to the end user's computer so that it has the necessary privileges to access the Registry. You simply can't safely create a Registry editor that runs from the web. That's the way it should be.


The .NET Security model means that your program's actions are checked against its rights. Pay attention to the rights your program needs, and try to minimize them. Don't ask for rights you don't need. The fewer protected resources your assembly needs, the less likely it will generate security exceptions. Avoid using secure resources, and consider alternatives whenever possible. When you do need higher security permissions for some algorithms, isolate that code in its own assembly.


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