MS Press - Microsoft ADO.NET Step by Step

MS Press - Microsoft ADO.NET Step by Step 

更新日期: 2005年09月03日
文件大小: 16.335MB
图书格式: Adobe/PDF
图书语言: 英语


ADO.NET is the data access component of Microsoft’s new .NET Framework. Microsoft bills ADO.NET as “an evolutionary improvement” over previous versions of ADO, a claim that has been hotly debated since its announcement. It is certainly true that the ADO.NET object model bears very little relationship to earlier versions of ADO. In fact, whether you decide to love it or hate it, one fact about the .NET Framework seems undeniable: it levels the playing ground. Whether you’ve been at this computergame longer than you care to talk about or you’re still sorting out your heaps and stacks,
learning the .NET Framework will require a major investment. We’re all beginners now.
So welcome to Microsoft ADO.NET Step by Step. Through the exercises in this book, I will introduce you to the ADO.NET object model, and you’ll learn how to use that model in developing data-bound Windows Forms and Web Forms. In later topics, we’ll look at how ADO.NET interacts with XML and how to access older versions of ADO from the .NET environment.
Since we’re all beginners, an exhaustive treatment would be, well, exhausting, so this book is necessarily limited in scope. My goal is to provide you with an understanding of the ADO.NET objects—what they are and how they work together. So fair warning: this book will not make you an expert in ADO.NET. (How I wish it were that simple!) What this book will give you is a road map, a fundamental understanding of the environment, from which you will be able to build expertise. You’ll know what you need to do to start building data applications. The rest will come with time and experience. This book is a place to start.
Although I’ve pointed out language differences where they might be confusing, in order to keep the book within manageable proportions I’ve assumed that you are already familiar with Visual Basic .NET or Visual C# .NET. If you’re completely new to the .NET environment, you might want to start with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Step by Step by Michael Halvorson (Microsoft Press, 2002) or Microsoft Visual C# .NET Step by Step by John Sharp and Jon Jagger (Microsoft Press, 2002), depending on your language of choice.
The exercises that include programming are provided in both Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft C#. The two versions are identical (except for the difference between the languages), so simply choose the exercise in the language of your choice and skip the other version.


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