
#include "stdafx.h"
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <string.h>

# define MAX_RETINEX_SCALES    2     /* Retinex最多可采用的尺度的数目 */   
# define MIN_GAUSSIAN_SCALE   16     /* 最小Gaussian尺度 */   
# define MAX_GAUSSIAN_SCALE  250     /* 最大Gaussian尺度 */   

typedef struct   
  int     scale;         /* 最大Retinex尺度 */   
  int     nscales;       /* 尺度个数        */   
  int     scales_mode;   /* Retinex尺度计算模式,有3种:UNIFORM, LOW, HIGH */   
  float   cvar;          /* 用于调整色彩动态范围的方差的倍乘系数           */   
} RetinexParams;   

/* 3种Retinex尺度计算模式,均匀,低和高,它们决定RetinexScales中的尺度数据 */   
# define RETINEX_LOW     1
# define RETINEX_HIGH    2

/* 多尺度Retinex中需要的各个Retinex尺度保存在下面数组中 */   
static float RetinexScales[MAX_RETINEX_SCALES];

typedef struct
  int    N;
  float  sigma;
  double B;
  double b[4];
} gauss3_coefs;

 * Private variables.
static RetinexParams rvals =
  240,             /* Scale */
  3,               /* Scales */
  RETINEX_UNIFORM, /* Retinex processing mode */
  1.2f             /* A variant */

# define clip( val, minv, maxv )    (( val = (val < minv ? minv : val ) ) > maxv ? maxv : val )

 * calculate scale values for desired distribution.
void retinex_scales_distribution( float* scales, int nscales, int mode, int s)
  if ( nscales == 1 )
  { /* For one filter we choose the median scale */
      scales[0] =  (float)s / 2;
  else if (nscales == 2)
  { /* For two filters we choose the median and maximum scale */
      scales[0] = (float) s / 2;
      scales[1] = (float) s;
      float size_step = (float) s / (float) nscales;
      int   i;

      switch( mode )
        case RETINEX_UNIFORM:
          for ( i = 0; i < nscales; ++i )
            scales[i] = 2.0f + (float)i * size_step;

        case RETINEX_LOW:
          size_step = (float)log(s - 2.0f) / (float) nscales;
          for ( i = 0; i < nscales; ++i )
            scales[i] = 2.0f + (float)pow (10, (i * size_step) / log (10.0));

        case RETINEX_HIGH:
          size_step = (float) log(s - 2.0) / (float) nscales;
          for ( i = 0; i < nscales; ++i )
            scales[i] = s - (float)pow (10, (i * size_step) / log (10.0));


 * Calculate the average and variance in one go.
void compute_mean_var( float *src, float *mean, float *var, int size, int bytes )
  float vsquared;
  int i, j;
  float *psrc;

  vsquared = 0.0f;
  *mean = 0.0f;
  for ( i = 0; i < size; i+= bytes )
       psrc = src+i;
       for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ )
            *mean += psrc[j];
            vsquared += psrc[j] * psrc[j];

  *mean /= (float) size; /* mean */
  vsquared /= (float) size; /* mean (x^2) */
  *var = ( vsquared - (*mean * *mean) );
  *var = (float)sqrt(*var); /* var */

 * Calculate the coefficients for the recursive filter algorithm
 * Fast Computation of gaussian blurring.
void compute_coefs3( gauss3_coefs * c, float sigma )
   * Papers:  "Recursive Implementation of the gaussian filter.",
   *          Ian T. Young , Lucas J. Van Vliet, Signal Processing 44, Elsevier 1995.
   * formula: 11b       computation of q
   *          8c        computation of b0..b1
   *          10        alpha is normalization constant B
  float q, q2, q3;

  q = 0;

  if ( sigma >= 2.5f )
      q = 0.98711f * sigma - 0.96330f;
  else if ( (sigma >= 0.5f) && (sigma < 2.5f) )
      q = 3.97156f - 4.14554f * (float) sqrt ((double) 1 - 0.26891 * sigma);
      q = 0.1147705018520355224609375f;

  q2 = q * q;
  q3 = q * q2;
  c->b[0] = (1.57825f+(2.44413f*q)+(1.4281f *q2)+(0.422205f*q3));
  c->b[1] = (         (2.44413f*q)+(2.85619f*q2)+(1.26661f *q3));
  c->b[2] = (                     -((1.4281f*q2)+(1.26661f *q3)));
  c->b[3] = (                                    (0.422205f*q3));
  c->B = 1.0f-((c->b[1]+c->b[2]+c->b[3])/c->b[0]);
  c->sigma = sigma;
  c->N = 3;

void gausssmooth( float *in, float *out, int size, int rowstride, gauss3_coefs *c )
   * Papers:  "Recursive Implementation of the gaussian filter.",
   *          Ian T. Young , Lucas J. Van Vliet, Signal Processing 44, Elsevier 1995.
   * formula: 9a        forward filter
   *          9b        backward filter
   *          fig7      algorithm
  int i,n, bufsize;
  float *w1,*w2;

  /* forward pass */
  bufsize = size+3;
  size -= 1;
  w1 = (float *)malloc (bufsize * sizeof (float));
  w2 = (float *)malloc (bufsize * sizeof (float));
  w1[0] = in[0];
  w1[1] = in[0];
  w1[2] = in[0];
  for ( i = 0 , n=3; i <= size ; i++, n++)
     w1[n] = (float)(c->B*in[i*rowstride] +
                   ((c->b[1]*w1[n-1] +
                     c->b[2]*w1[n-2] +
                     c->b[3]*w1[n-3] ) / c->b[0]));

  /* backward pass */
  w2[size+1]= w1[size+3];
  w2[size+2]= w1[size+3];
  w2[size+3]= w1[size+3];
  for ( i = size, n = i; i >= 0; i--, n-- )
     w2[n]= out[i * rowstride] = (float)(c->B*w1[n] +
                                       ((c->b[1]*w2[n+1] +
                                         c->b[2]*w2[n+2] +
                                         c->b[3]*w2[n+3] ) / c->b[0]));

  free (w1);
  free (w2);

 * This function is the heart of the algo.
 * (a)  Filterings at several scales and sumarize the results.
 * (b)  Calculation of the final values.
void MSRCR( unsigned char * src, int width, int height, int bytes )
  int           scale, row, col;
  int           i, j;
  int           size;
  int           pos;
  int           channel;
  unsigned char *psrc = NULL;            /* backup pointer for src buffer */
  float         *dst  = NULL;            /* float buffer for algorithm */
  float         *pdst = NULL;            /* backup pointer for float buffer */
  float         *in, *out;
  int           channelsize;            /* Float memory cache for one channel */
  float         weight;
  gauss3_coefs  coef;
  float         mean, var;
  float         mini, range, maxi;
  float         alpha;
  float         gain;
  float         offset;

  /* Allocate all the memory needed for algorithm*/
  size = width * height * bytes;
  dst = (float *)malloc (size * sizeof (float));
  if (dst == NULL)
      printf( "Failed to allocate memory" );
  memset( dst, 0, size * sizeof (float) );

  channelsize  = ( width * height );
  in  = (float *)malloc (channelsize * sizeof (float));
  if (in == NULL)
      free (dst);
      printf( "Failed to allocate memory" );
      return; /* do some clever stuff */

  out  = (float *)malloc (channelsize * sizeof (float));
  if (out == NULL)
      free (in);
      free (dst);
      printf( "Failed to allocate memory" );
      return; /* do some clever stuff */

    Calculate the scales of filtering according to the
    number of filter and their distribution.
  retinex_scales_distribution( RetinexScales,
                               rvals.nscales, rvals.scales_mode, rvals.scale );

    Filtering according to the various scales.
    Summerize the results of the various filters according to a
    specific weight(here equivalent for all).
  weight = 1.0f / (float) rvals.nscales;

    The recursive filtering algorithm needs different coefficients according
    to the selected scale (~ = standard deviation of Gaussian).
  pos = 0;
  for ( channel = 0; channel < 3; channel++ )
      for ( i = 0, pos = channel; i < channelsize ; i++, pos += bytes )
            /* 0-255 => 1-256 */
            in[i] = (float)(src[pos] + 1.0);
      for ( scale = 0; scale < rvals.nscales; scale++ )
          compute_coefs3( &coef, RetinexScales[scale] );
           *  Filtering (smoothing) Gaussian recursive.
           *  Filter rows first
          for ( row = 0; row < height; row++ )
              pos =  row * width;
              gausssmooth( in + pos, out + pos, width, 1, &coef );

          memcpy( in,  out, channelsize * sizeof(float) );
          memset( out, 0  , channelsize * sizeof(float) );

           *  Filtering (smoothing) Gaussian recursive.
           *  Second columns
          for ( col = 0; col < width; col++ )
              pos = col;
              gausssmooth( in + pos, out + pos, height, width, &coef );

             Summarize the filtered values.
             In fact one calculates a ratio between the original values and the filtered values.
          for ( i = 0, pos = channel; i < channelsize; i++, pos += bytes )
              dst[pos] += weight * (float)( log(src[pos] + 1.0f) - log(out[i]) );

    Final calculation with original value and cumulated filter values.
    The parameters gain, alpha and offset are constants.
  /* Ci(x,y)=log[a Ii(x,y)]-log[ Ei=1-s Ii(x,y)] */

  alpha  = 128.0f;
  gain   = 1.0f;
  offset = 0.0f;

  for ( i = 0; i < size; i += bytes )
      float logl;

      psrc = src+i;
      pdst = dst+i;

      logl = (float)log( (float)psrc[0] + (float)psrc[1] + (float)psrc[2] + 3.0f );

      pdst[0] = gain * ((float)(log(alpha * (psrc[0]+1.0f)) - logl) * pdst[0]) + offset;
      pdst[1] = gain * ((float)(log(alpha * (psrc[1]+1.0f)) - logl) * pdst[1]) + offset;
      pdst[2] = gain * ((float)(log(alpha * (psrc[2]+1.0f)) - logl) * pdst[2]) + offset;

    Adapt the dynamics of the colors according to the statistics of the first and second order.
    The use of the variance makes it possible to control the degree of saturation of the colors.
  pdst = dst;

  compute_mean_var( pdst, &mean, &var, size, bytes );
  mini = mean - rvals.cvar*var;
  maxi = mean + rvals.cvar*var;
  range = maxi - mini;

  printf( "variance: \t\t%7.4f\n", var * rvals.cvar );
  printf( "mean: \t\t%7.4f\n", mean );
  printf( "min: \t\t%7.4f\n", mini );
  printf( "max: \t\t%7.4f\n", maxi );
  printf( "range: \t\t%7.4f\n", range );

  if ( !range ) range = 1.0;

  for ( i = 0; i < size; i+= bytes )
      psrc = src + i;
      pdst = dst + i;

      for (j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
          float c = 255 * ( pdst[j] - mini ) / range;

          psrc[j] = (unsigned char)clip( c, 0, 255 );

  free (dst);

# include <cxcore.h>
# include <cv.h>
# include <highgui.h>
IplImage* process(IplImage* orig)
	//IplImage * orig = NULL;
	IplImage * dst = NULL;
	unsigned char * sImage, * dImage;
	int x, y;
	int nWidth, nHeight, step;

	nWidth = orig->width;
	nHeight = orig->height;
	step = orig->widthStep/sizeof( unsigned char );
	dst = cvCreateImage( cvSize(nWidth,nHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 ); 
	sImage = new unsigned char[nHeight*nWidth*3]; 
	dImage = new unsigned char[nHeight*nWidth*3];

	//cvNamedWindow( "Original Video", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
	//cvNamedWindow( "Result Video", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
	// 혤暠獗쏵契뇹잿
	//cvShowImage( "Original Video", orig );
	if ( orig->nChannels == 3 )
		for ( y = 0; y < nHeight; y++ )
			for ( x = 0; x < nWidth; x++ )
				sImage[(y*nWidth+x)*orig->nChannels] = orig->imageData[y*step+x*orig->nChannels];
				sImage[(y*nWidth+x)*orig->nChannels+1] = orig->imageData[y*step+x*orig->nChannels+1];
				sImage[(y*nWidth+x)*orig->nChannels+2] = orig->imageData[y*step+x*orig->nChannels+2];
	memcpy( dImage, sImage, nWidth*nHeight*orig->nChannels );
	/* 꽈暠獗藤퓻 */
	MSRCR( dImage, nWidth, nHeight, orig->nChannels );
	for ( y = 0; y < nHeight; y++ )
		for ( x = 0; x < nWidth; x++ )
			dst->imageData[y*step+x*3] = dImage[(y*nWidth+x)*3];
			dst->imageData[y*step+x*3+1] = dImage[(y*nWidth+x)*3+1];
			dst->imageData[y*step+x*3+2] = dImage[(y*nWidth+x)*3+2];
	/************** 鞫刻뇹잿暠獗 ****************/
	//cvShowImage( "Result Video", dst );
	//if ( rFilename != NULL )
	//	cvSaveImage( rFilename, dst ); // 깻괏닸써벎匡숭
	//cvWaitKey( 0 );
	// 헌뇜
	//cvReleaseImage( &orig );
	//cvReleaseImage( &dst );
	delete [] sImage; // 헌뇜暠獗buffer
	delete [] dImage;

	return dst;

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如果你不想使用OpenCV库,你可以手动实现CLAHE算法。以下是一个基于NumPy库的简单实现示例: ```python import numpy as np def calculate_histogram(image): histogram = np.zeros(256, dtype=np.uint32) for i in range(image.shape[0]): for j in range(image.shape[1]): pixel_value = image[i, j] histogram[pixel_value] += 1 return histogram def apply_clahe(image, clip_limit=2.0, grid_size=(8, 8)): # 计算图像的直方图 histogram = calculate_histogram(image) # 计算累积直方图 cdf = np.cumsum(histogram) # 计算CLAHE增强后的图像 enhanced_image = np.zeros_like(image) for i in range(image.shape[0]): for j in range(image.shape[1]): pixel_value = image[i, j] # 计算分块的起始和结束坐标 block_start_i = (i // grid_size[0]) * grid_size[0] block_end_i = block_start_i + grid_size[0] block_start_j = (j // grid_size[1]) * grid_size[1] block_end_j = block_start_j + grid_size[1] # 计算分块内的直方图 block_histogram = histogram[pixel_value] block_histogram += cdf[pixel_value] - cdf[block_start_i:block_end_i, block_start_j:block_end_j].mean() # 限制对比度增强 block_histogram = np.clip(block_histogram, 0, clip_limit) # 将像素值映射到增强后的直方图范围 block_histogram = (block_histogram / clip_limit) * 255 # 更新增强后的像素值 enhanced_image[i, j] = block_histogram[pixel_value] return enhanced_image ``` 在上述代码中,`calculate_histogram`函数计算输入图像的直方图。`apply_clahe`函数接收输入图像、对比度限制(clip_limit)和分块大小(grid_size)作为参数,并应用CLAHE增强算法。 请注意,这只是一个简单的CLAHE实现示例,可能没有考虑到所有细节和优化。CLAHE算法涉及到图像分块、直方图计算、限制对比度增强等步骤,因此实现完整的CLAHE算法可能需要更复杂的代码。
评论 3




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