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原创 冷水机组与多联机的比较


2020-09-28 20:25:14 2417

原创 IEC 61131标准系列

IEC 61131标准系列IEC 61131是IEC可编程控制器标准。在IEC改变编码系统之前,它被称为IEC 1131。IEC 61131标准的各部分由IEC TC65技术委员会SC 65B分委会可编程控制系统7工作组负责编制和维护。标准IEC 61131分为10部分:第1部分:一般信息 它包含了标准后续部分中使用的术语的定义,并概述了PLC的主要功能特性和特征。第2部分:设备要求和测试第3部分:编程语言第4部分:用户指南第5部分:通信第6部分:功能安全第7部分:模糊控制编程第8部分:

2020-08-21 10:48:42 5208 1

原创 2020年10种最佳物联网开发工具和技术


2020-08-20 18:20:41 1821

原创 中华人民共和国国家标准和行业标准代号


2020-08-18 10:06:25 10985

原创 必须招标的工程项目规定

必须招标的工程项目规定中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会令 第16号 ,自2018年6月1日起施行。第一条 为了确定必须招标的工程项目,规范招标投标活动,提高工作效率、降低企业成本、预防腐败,根据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》第三条的规定,制定本规定。第二条 全部或者部分使用国有资金投资或者国家融资的项目包括:(一)使用预算资金200 万元人民币以上,并且该资金占投资额10%以上的项目;(二)使用国有企业事业单位资金,并且该资金占控股或者主导地位的项目。第三条 使用国际组织或者外国政府贷款、援

2020-06-19 15:01:41 176

原创 VS Code调试C/C++程序

VS Code调试C/C++程序环境准备:Visual Studio CodeMinGWVS Code C/C++扩展操作系统:Windows 10 64位Visual Studio Code从微软官方网站下载最新稳定版本的VS Code。选择64位安装版,当前版本为1.46.1,安装后打开VS Code,使用快捷键[Ctrl+Shift+P],在搜索框中输入configure display language选择zh-cn,重启VS Code,界面就更换为中文。MinGW从So

2020-06-19 14:25:11 266

原创 招标依据或编制依据


2020-06-19 14:23:30 1167

原创 Anaconda中使用conda创建python虚拟环境

Anaconda中使用conda创建python虚拟环境conda可以理解为一个工具,也是一个可执行命令,其核心功能是包管理和环境管理。包管理与pip的使用方法类似,环境管理则是允许用户方便滴安装不同版本的python环境并在不同环境之间快速地切换。conda 的设计理念conda将几乎所有的工具、第三方包都当作package进行管理,甚至包括python 和conda自身。Anaconda是一个打包的集合,里面预装好了conda、某个版本的python、各种packages等。安装Anacon

2020-05-25 18:56:52 440

原创 节能标准体系

节能标准体系节能标准是国家节能制度的基础,是提升经济质量效益、推动绿色低碳循环发展、建设生态文明的重要手段,是化解产能过剩、加强节能减排工作的有效支撑。2017年1月11日国家发展改革委、国家标准委印发了《节能标准体系建设方案》,对建设节能标准体系提出了总体要求,并给出了优化标准体系建设的措施,搭建了完备的节能标准体系框架。节能标准体系框架主要包括基础共性、目标、设计、建设、运行、评估、优化等 7 个标准子体系。基础共性标准子体系基础共性标准在节能工作中广泛应用,是其他节能标准的依据和基础。目标标

2020-05-25 18:53:18 1383

原创 OpenDSS从入门到精通——简介

OpenDSS(The Open Distribution System Simulator)是美国电科院(EPRI)研发的一款免费的、开源的电力系统配电网仿真工具,用于模拟分布式电力系统。这个软件支持几乎所有常用的用于配网规划分析的基于有效值(RMS)的稳态分析(即频域分析)。并且它还支持许多有关智能电网的新分析来迎接电网分析的未来需要。这个软件的特性包括:支持分布式发电分析;支持电能传送的效率分析;智能电网应用;谐波分析。此外,它支持许多新型的分析,旨在满足未来与智能电网、电网现代化和可再生能源研究相关

2020-05-24 11:14:16 8409

原创 GB/T 12504-90 计算机软件质量保证计划规范

为使软件产品符合规定需求所进行的一系列有计划的必要工作,称为质量保证。软件特别是重要软件需要编制《软件质量保证计划》文档,目前《软件质量保证计划》文档的编制主要依据国标《GB/T 12504-90 计算机软件质量保证计划规范》。GB/T 12504-90 计算机软件质量保证计划规范的主要内容有:1 主题内容与适用范围2 引用标准3 术语4 软件质量保证计划编制大纲附录A 软件质量保证计划示例(参考件)附录B 软件进展报表(参考件)附录C 项目阶段评审表(参考件)其中第4部分已经给出了软

2020-05-14 15:30:08 1291

原创 GB/T 5271.X 信息技术词汇标准

GB/T 5271.X系列信息技术词汇标准的目的是为了方便信息处理方面的国际交流。它给出了与信息处理领域相关的概念的术语及其定义,并明确了各术语词条之间的关系。本系列标准定义了信息技术领域的基本概念。差不多是等效采用国际标准ISO/IEC 2382-X 序列。IEC 目前编号排到37。GB/T 5271.1-2000 信息技术 词汇 第1部分:基本术语GB/T 5271.2-1988 数据处理词汇 02部分 算术和逻辑运算GB/T 5271.3-2008 信息技术 词汇 第3部分:设备技术GB/T

2020-05-13 13:56:31 2221 1

原创 MQTT简介

MQTT(消息队列遥测传输)是ISO 标准(ISO/IEC PRF 20922)下基于发布/订阅范式的消息协议。它工作在 TCP/IP协议族上,它的设计思想是轻巧、开放、简单、规范,易于实现。是为硬件性能低下的远程设备以及网络状况糟糕的情况下而设计的发布/订阅型消息协议,适用于受限的环境如机器与机器的通信(M2M)以及物联网环境(IoT)。官网:http://mqtt.org/Wiki:ht...

2019-12-26 15:36:47 265



2005-06-22 11:45:00 1369

转载 吃鸡三境界

        我这人崇拜有派头的主儿,比如李白;诗仙,确实仙:“天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。”人家活着纯是为了享受——服不服吧。还有现代的,听听这个:         “我来到这个世界,只带着纸、笔和绳索。”         马上令人想起传说中的判官和小鬼,都是有法力的角色。         我呢?来到这个世界,为了什么?没认真想过。可能是凑数来的。世界上有伟大的人也有凡夫俗子。

2004-09-27 13:45:00 1902

转载 美食之研究

    美食的美是个啥意思?有考证:美就是大羊。羔是小羊,羹就是小羊加大羊。说来说去,就是一只羊。所以脱离了羊谈美食多半是不充分的。羊肉可以用炖的方法对付,加一样十分奇怪的东西,橘子皮。     中专毕业后,我在北京服务学校任教。同宿舍烹调教研室的小汪借到法使馆做菜,我接手教一个月。那时我刚考了托福,左右无事,所以这课教得极流利,一个月下来,也便整理出一本美食小书。     这书不同于别书的地

2004-09-27 13:40:00 854

原创 《用例分析技术》第2版学习(一)

《用例分析技术》介绍    用例技术通过用例。执行者和用例以及用例之间的关系来描绘系统外在可见的需求情况,它是用户和开发者共同剖析系统功能需求的起点。随着用例作为UML的一种重要表示法,用例分析开始在软件开发中占据决定性地位,用例技术对于项目管理员、高级分析人员、设计人员、程序员、测试人员、用户都非常重要。在用例技术越来越得到重视的今天,非常需要一本新书以通俗易懂的方式来说明用例表示的语意及其应用

2004-09-27 13:33:00 2047 2

原创 MISAIYA为图雅涂鸦

    今天忙里偷闲,在网上看了些别人写的文章。不经意间看了图雅的几篇。觉得不错。想把他的文章都收集起来。以后自己常看看,进入了自己注册的几个BLOG。等速度很慢(看来BLOG真的会成为以后网络带宽的主力了)    CSDN,注册了。但BLOG还没有激活。试试,速度还可以。先放在这吧。如果有人看到了。能读读这些文章,解解编程之乏。也是另外的好处!    就这么多了。

2004-09-24 16:14:00 1151

GB 2626-2006 呼吸防护用品 自吸过滤式防颗粒物呼吸器.pdf

本标准规定了自吸过滤式防颗粒物呼吸器的技术要求、检测方法和标识。 本标准适用于防护各类颗粒物的自吸式过滤式呼吸防护用品。 本标准不适用于防护有害气体和蒸气的呼吸防护用品。本标准不适用于缺氧环境、水下作业、逃生和消防用呼吸防护用品。



文章名称:10 Years: Progress to Action 英文版 国际可再生能源署(IRENA)发布名为《10年:进展到行动》(10 YEARS: PROGRESS TO ACTION)的简报,以图文形式展示了过去十年间全球可再生能源的发展成就,并概括出下一个十年需要达成的关键目标。






Multivariate Nonparametric Methods with R: An Approach Based on Spatial Signs and Ranks 多变量非参数方法与R This book introduces a new way to analyze multivariate data. The analysis of data based on multivariate spatial signs and ranks proceeds very much as does a traditional multivariate analysis relying on the assumption of multivariate normality: the L2 norm is just replaced by different L1 norms, observation vectors are replaced by their (standardized and centered) spatial signs and ranks, and so on. Themethods are fairly efficient and robust, and no moment assumptions are needed. A unified theory starting with the simple one-sample location problem and proceeding through the several-sample location problems to the general multivariate linear regression model and finally to the analysis of cluster-dependent data is presented.


Professional ASP.NET MVC 4

An outstanding author team presents the ultimate Wrox guide to ASP.NET MVC 4 Microsoft insiders join giants of the software development community to offer this in-depth guide to ASP.NET MVC, an essential web development technology. Experienced .NET and ASP.NET developers will find all the important information they need to build dynamic, data-driven websites with ASP.NET and the newest release of Microsoft's Model-View-Controller technology. Featuring step-by-step guidance and lots of code samples, this guide gets you started and moves all the way to advanced topics, using plenty of examples. •Designed to give experienced .NET and ASP.NET programmers everything needed to work with the newest version of MVC technology •Expert author team includes Microsoft ASP.NET MVC insiders as well as leaders of the programming community •Covers controllers, views, models, forms and HTML helpers, data annotation and validation, membership, authorization, security, and routing •Includes essential topics such as Ajax and jQuery, NuGet, dependency injection, unit testing, extending MVC, and Razor •Includes additional real-world coverage requested by readers of the previous edition as well as a new case study example chapter


A Programmer’s Guide to C# 5.0, 4th Edition

472 pages Publisher: Apress; 4 edition (November 7, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 143024593X ISBN-13: 978-1430245933 What you’ll learn •Learn the "why" behind C# features. •Learn how to use C# features effectively, in the way they were designed. •Apply the newest C# features to your coding problems. •Streamline your database code using Linq. •Use Async support to simplify your code.





MongoDB in Action

MongoDB in Action introduces you to MongoDB and the document-oriented database model. This perfectly paced book provides both the big picture you'll need as a developer and enough low-level detail to satisfy a system engineer. Numerous examples will help you develop confidence in the crucial area of data modeling. You'll also love the deep explanations of each feature, including replication, auto-sharding, and deployment This book is written for developers. No MongoDB or NoSQL experience required. Purchase includes free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBooks downloadable at manning.com. What's Inside Indexes, queries, and standard DB operations Map-reduce for custom aggregations and reporting Schema design patterns Deploying for scale and high availability ========================================​========== Table of Contents PART 1 GETTING STARTED A database for the modern web MongoDB through the JavaScript shell Writing programs using MongoDB PART 2 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT IN MONGODB Document-oriented data Queries and aggregation Updates, atomic operations, and deletes PART 3 MONGODB MASTERY Indexing and query optimization Replication Sharding Deployment and administration


Advanced .NET Debugging

.NET 高级调试技术,评论比较不错的书。 “While the .NET environment provides a developer with a powerful toolbox to accomplish their goals, it can often be a daunting task to debug some of the issues that inevitably crop up during software development. This book provides the crucial details about how the CLR works internally, which you need to know to diagnose many classes of bugs in your .NET programs, and it provides clear examples of how to solve the same types of issues we see our customers struggle with on a daily basis. This book is required reading for all serious .NET developers.” —Lee Culver, CLR Quick Response Team, Microsoft Corporation “Have you ever wondered why your .NET application is not responding? Or why it’s intermittently consuming high CPU? Or crashing? When things go wrong you need to think low level, using the proper knowledge and tools to investigate the internals of your application. Advanced .NET Debugging delivers the knowledge necessary to quickly isolate nasty software problems. Welcome to the debugging world!” —Roberto A. Farah, Senior Premier Field Engineer, Microsoft Corporation “Mario Hewardt’s Advanced .NET Debugging is an excellent resource for both beginner and experienced developers working with .NET. The book is also packed with many debugging tips and discussions of CLR internals that will benefit developers architecting software. I highly recommend Mario’s book.” —Jeffrey Richter, consultant, trainer, and author at Wintellect “This book talks about tools such as SOS in the kind of depth that I have not seen elsewhere. It’s a definite aid in understanding and debugging managed application behavior.” —Maoni Stephens, GC Developer, Microsoft Corporation “Advanced .NET Debugging is essential reading for someone who wants to get under the covers and obtain an intimate understanding of how the .NET Common Language Runtime works. It clearly identifies the layout of the system and how the assemblies are loaded and organized. I recommend it to anyone who wants to debug more complex issues brought on by synchronization problems and corruption. It also effectively addresses the difficult task of postmortem debugging.” —Pat Styles, Microsoft Corporation



RNDIS /Ethernet Gadget 驱动,很难找到,装了activesync也没有用,只有自己下载了之后修改的inf配置文件 你也可能需要根据你设备的pid vid设置inf之后才能安装驱动 详细说明: http://hi.baidu.com/deep_pro/blog/item/d2c2e8a8b947dbbbca130c22.html


.NET Web Services: Architecture and Implementation

.NET Web Services is the authoritative guide to designing and architecting better Web services using Microsoft technologies. Written by Keith Ballinger, a Program Manager for XML Web Services at Microsoft, this book explains what Web services are, why they exist, and how they work in .NET. Readers will gain a thorough understanding of the technologies that allows them to take full advantage of .NET. The book opens with an introduction to Web services and Web services standards. It then explores .NET technologies and examines how the .NET Framework gives developers the tools they need to build Web service applications. The core of the book focuses on the key specifications that make up the Web services architecture, from HTTP to SOAP to WS-Security. .NET Web Services concludes with the author's expert advice on architecting and designing Web service applications. Topics covered include: * The features and pitfalls of Web services * Web services standards * Creating Web Services with ASP.NET * Creating Web service clients * XML serialization with .NET * Extending Web services * Transport protocols for Web services * XML and XML Schemas * SOAP * Describing Web services * Discovering Web services * Messaging with Web services * Securing Web services * Advanced messaging Best practices are illustrated throughout with full working examples as well as code samples using C# and ASP.NET Web services.Books in the Microsoft .NET Development Series focus on the design, architecture, and implementation of the Microsoft .NET initiative to empower developers and students everywhere with the knowledge they need to thrive in the Microsoft .NET revolution.



applications on the Java platform. This example-driven book for Java developers delves into the framework's basic features, as well as advanced concepts such as containers. You'll learn how Spring makes Java Messaging Service easier to work with, and how its support for Hibernate helps you work with data persistence and retrieval. Throughout Just Spring, you'll get your hands deep into sample code, beginning with a problem that illustrates dependency injection, Spring's core principle. In the chapters that follow, author Madhusudhan Konda walks you through features that underlie the solution. Learn dependency injection through a simple object coupling problem, along with different injection types Tackle the framework's core fundamentals, including beans and bean factories Dive into containers and other advanced concepts, such as event handling and autowiring beans Discover how Spring makes the Java Messaging Service API easier to use Learn how Spring has revolutionized data access with Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) Use Spring with the Hibernate framework to manipulate data as objects






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