二、Create tests(Visual Studio Online中创建测试用例)

Create manual test cases to check that each of the deliverables meet your users' needs. You organize your test cases by adding test cases to test suites.

  1. If you haven't already, create a test plan and requirement-based test suites.

  2. Choose a requirement-based test suite, and then create a test case for that suite.

    Select the test suite for the backlog item and choose the New button 

    A requirement-based test suite is created from a backlog item. If you add a test case to this type of suite, it is automatically linked to that backlog item.

  3. Add test steps with actions and expected results so that any team member can run the test. You can add attachments to a step if you want.

    Create steps for a new manual test case 

    Now you have created a test case that you can run.


Q:Can I add an extra line into a test step?

A:Yes. Press Shift+Enter in the action or expected results field to add an extra line.

Q:How do I insert a test step into a test case?

A:Select a test step. Press Alt+P to insert a test step above the selected step.

Q:Is there a way to quickly add multiple test cases at the same time?

A:Yes. Use the grid view when you add test cases to the test suite.

Create new test cases using the grid 

In the grid view, use the context menu to insert, clear or delete a row.

Use the context menu for the grid to add, delete or clear rows 

Q:Can I bulk edit multiple test cases?

A:Yes. Switch the view from list to grid. All the test cases for the current test suite will be displayed in the grid with their test steps. This is a helpful view if you want to review your test cases with other team members jointly. When you review, you can update and add new test cases.

To change to grid view, choose List 

Or you can filter and sort the test cases. Then select only the ones that you want to bulk edit.

Select the test cases you want to edit from the grid 

To return to the test suite view, switch the view from grid back to list.

Q:Can I copy test cases and test steps from an existing Excel worksheet?

A:Yes. Copy the columns from Excel that you want to use for the title, action and expected results fields. Any formatting in the columns, other than multiline, will not be copied into the worksheet. Paste these columns into the grid view, edit if necessary, and save them.

Save copied test cases in grid view 

Q:Can I copy test cases from the grid view to an Excel worksheet?

A:Yes. Copy the data and paste it into your Excel worksheet. Any formatting in the test steps, other than multiline, will not be copied into the worksheet.

Q:Can I edit other fields in the grid view?

A:Yes. Use column options to select fields in the test case work item.

Use column options to select fields to edit  

The fields can then be viewed and edited when you switch to the grid view.

Q:Can I share test steps between test cases?

A:Yes. Choose the steps that you want to share. More details are here.

Create shared test steps 

Q:Can I add parameters to a test case to run multiple times with different data?

A:Yes. Choose a test step and then add the parameter. More details are here.

Add parameters 

Q:How do I reassign a test to another tester?

A:Select the tests that you want to reassign. Then choose the tester who you want to run the tests.

Reassign tests to a different tester 

Q:What happens when I delete a test case from a requirement-based test suite?

A:The test case still exists in your team project, but the test case is removed from the test suite. In addition, it is no longer linked to the backlog item for that test suite.





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