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原创 Problem Set #1(4)

Question 4: Consider a person with initial wealth  who evaluates gambles according to the Koszegi-Rabin model with consumption utility () =  and gain-loss utility ½  if  ≥ 0 () =  if  ≤ 0. Suppose  this person is ask

2022-02-28 11:36:38 150

原创 Problem Set #1(3)

Reminder: You should feel free to discuss the problems with your fellow students, and in fact are encouraged to do so. However, after discussing the problems, you must write out your answers on your own. Directly copying someone else’s problem set will

2022-02-28 11:19:05 116

原创 Problem Set #1(2)

Reminder: You should feel free to discuss the problems with your fellow students, and in fact are encouraged to do so. However, after discussing the problems, you must write out your answers on your own. Directly copying someone else’s problem set will

2022-02-28 11:14:48 148

原创 Problem Set #1

[Due on Friday, March 4 by 6pm ET (submitted via Canvas)] Reminder: You should feel free to discuss the problems with your fellow students, and in fact are encouraged to do so. However, after discussing the problems, you must write out your answers on

2022-02-28 11:11:20 147

原创 Technologies for Future Mobility(三)

2.2.1Drivingsimulatordescription:TheNewcastleUniversityDrivingSimulatorisaJentig50systemfromSTSoftwareSimulatorSystemsintheNetherlands–seeST Software car driving simulator for driver training, assessment and researchformoreinforma...

2022-02-22 16:42:50 117

原创 Technologies for Future Mobility(二)


2022-02-22 16:40:25 83

原创 Technologies for Future Mobility


2022-02-22 16:35:44 276

原创 2021Darden商学院MBA申请Essay题目精析(四)

#What is your short-term, post-MBA career goal and why? (150 words)这也是一道非常直接的问题,招生处希望由此确认你是带着明确的目标来到Darden的。注意,题干中只询问了短期职业目标,因此一定要牢牢把握答题范围,并确保自己表述的职业目标是切实可行的。在回答的时候,一定要将自己的短期职业目标和过往经历、技能特长结合起来,让招生官相信你不是在空想。同时,突出Darden MBA项目在你实现目标过程中所起到的作用,进一步证明你的申请决定是经

2022-02-21 17:08:19 194

原创 2021Darden商学院MBA申请Essay题目精析(三)

#Learning Team: Tell us what you would want your learning team to know about you – personally, professionally, or both? (100 words)在下笔之前,建议大家先研究一下什么是“Learning Team”,以及它所承载的功能和作用。在Darden商学院,每五到六名学生会组成一个Learning Team,Team里不同成员的性格特点和个人背景,都是经过精心搭配的,说直白点就是“学习

2022-02-21 16:57:13 161

原创 2021Darden商学院MBA申请Essay题目精析(二)

#Diversity: Diversity and inclusion are critical to our mission and they work best when they are an integral and celebrated part of our community. Read University of Virginia’s Diversity & Inclusion Vision Statement. Share a time in which you engaged w

2022-02-21 15:26:36 586

原创 2021Darden商学院MBA申请Essay题目精析

​​两年前,Darden商学院针对MBA项目的Essay题目进行了大刀阔斧的改革,不过最近两年的申请季,Darden的Essay题目逐渐趋于稳定,今年,题干的描述进行了微调,且题目的排列顺序也进行了调整,但核心写作思路维持不变。申请人依旧需要完成五篇文书,总字数限制为705字 。整体而言,Darden商学院的Essay创作主题依然围绕着申请人的过往经历、教育背景和职业目标展开,而这些题目所涉及到的团队协作、国际履历和多文化交融的相关内容,恰好呼应了Darden商学院的录取标准。具体写作思路,尽在本篇Es

2022-02-21 15:13:08 265

原创 Individual Summary: Financials(2)

- Break even point = fixed cost (labor + rent) ($10,501,900 +$ 8,850,000 +$ 2,595,000) = $21,946,900 - Selling price per unit = $20,000 on average per car sold - Variable cost per unit = $39,096,900 / $3,400 = 11,499 - $21,946,900 / ($20,00

2022-02-20 14:25:35 195

原创 Individual Summary: Financials

Work out with calculations: Total units of service/product sold per year - With the startup of our business we are going up against competitors like Carvana, Carfax, Autotraders, and Truecare. So to begin, we are going to have to be patient to expe

2022-02-20 14:19:07 261

原创 留学Essay挂科后如何进行补救?

Essay如何不挂科Essay意为作业,但与我们平时认为的作业有着很大区别。一般来说,Essay在大学的课程中都是非常重要的考核方式,以essay的方式呈现的比较多。这一类作业在考核中占比随不同课程而可高可低,平时做好这类作业就能够较为轻松地减轻最终的考核压力。对于大部分只需要一年的留学生来说,最重要的考核方式要属essay了,那小编带大家重点了解一下Essay考核。这种考核中,每篇essay要注意到论题、结构、内容、语言、标点符号、格式的安排,大致结构分为introduction,main bod

2022-02-18 18:01:27 147

原创 留学生作业常见文体形式及不同点总结

Design Spcification适用范围:用于与可能无法理解科学家使用的技术语言的学术界外部人士共享有关复杂产品或程序设计的信息。对于从事各种工程工作的人员来说,它们是至关重要的类型。Introduction与Essay的Intro不同,第一段需要总结整个设计过程以及最终设计的计划使用。描述这个project是关于什么的。用一段话概括这个Design。讨论成品之后的使用。Describe problems在描述过程时,要解释遇到的问题。这是写Design Speci

2022-02-18 17:56:18 147

原创 任何学科中最常见的学术体裁。

Introduction写明所选topic论点的两面,通常为两个不同的对立观点。概述此论文的目的。Point of issue影响所选立场的因素,可以是正面,也可以是反面,此部分可引用学术资料进行支持。Challenge对之前研究结果的反驳,并说明反驳的理由,通常将先前资料正反两方进行比较,最后得出最终立场。Suggestions全文的结尾部分,此部分需要对topic相关的行业或从事机构进行建议,结合自己论文的内容,对后续如何处理此问题给出合理意见。2.Case Stud

2022-02-18 17:50:28 106

原创 让你从CS作业中解放出来,从此,你可以天天浪翻天,final季也嗨起来

我们理解海外留学生在外求学的辛苦,面对繁重作业时的无奈,成绩不理想时的焦虑。我们的目标也绝不仅仅是帮助学生写完一份作业,而是希望留学生们都能获得学业上的成功。所以,Assignment, Homework, Lab, Project,网课和Final,任何关于CS的学习困难,我们都能远程辅导,包教包会。我们会在coding的过程中不断的与你交流进展,以及商讨作业的情况,这是我们团队的特色,这样可以保证你全程参与,最终给你的作业一定是你想要的那一份100%原创的完美模仿学生作业风格的code各..

2022-02-18 16:47:25 574

原创 每一份我写的java assignment都能拿到高分。不超纲,深知命题意图

java这门课范围很广,大一到大四的course也许都有,从入门的variables,for while loop,conditions,再到array,class,高级一点的用法有map,set,linkedlist,arraylist,看到作业就知道professor出题的范围在哪(他内裤的颜色我都知道,蛤蛤),是考察基础概念,还是implement一个数据结构,或者是design一个app/game。下面我写的代码真正诠释了“榨菜做出鲍鱼味”的含义。整个method数据结构难度甚至不超过arra..

2022-02-18 15:40:19 185



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