IEEE 参考文献bib文件最常引用模板




  author        = "S. Zhang and C. Zhu and J. K. O. Sin and P. K. T. Mok",
  title         = "A Novel Ultrathin Elevated Channel Low-temperature 
                   Poly-{Si} {TFT}",
  journal       = IEEE_J_EDL,
  volume        = "20",
  month         = nov,
  year          = "1999",
  pages         = "569-571"

journal article using et al.
The (five) authors are actually: F. Delorme, S. Slempkes, G. Alibert, 
B. Rose, J. Brandon
The month (July) was not given here.
From the September 1998 issue of "IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications", page 1257, reference #28.
  author        = "F. Delorme and others",
  title         = "Butt-jointed {DBR} Laser With 15 {nm} Tunability Grown
                   in Three {MOVPE} Steps",
  journal       = "Electron. Lett.",
  volume        = "31",
  number        = "15",
  year          = "1995",
  pages         = "1244-1245"


a paper in a conference proceedings
"conference" can be used as an alias for "inproceedings"
From the June 2002 issue of "Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems",
page 205, reference #16.
  author        = "R. K. Gupta and S. D. Senturia",
  title         = "Pull-in Time Dynamics as a Measure of Absolute Pressure",
  booktitle     = "Proc. {IEEE} International Workshop on
                   Microelectromechanical Systems ({MEMS}'97)",
  address       = "Nagoya, Japan",
  month         = jan,
  year          = "1997",
  pages         = "290-294"


a book
From the May 2002 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Magnetics",
page 1466, reference #4.
  author        = "B. D. Cullity",
  title         = "Introduction to Magnetic Materials",
  publisher     = "Addison-Wesley",
  address       = "Reading, MA",
  year          = "1972"


technical report
From the August 2001 issue of "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking",
page 490, reference #15.
  author        = "R. Jain and K. K. Ramakrishnan and D. M. Chiu",
  title         = "Congestion Avoidance in Computer Networks with a 
                   Connectionless Network Layer",
  institution   = "Digital Equipment Corporation",
  address       = "MA",
  number        = "DEC-TR-506",
  month         = aug,
  year          = "1987"


U.S. patent
Use the type field to override the patent type. e.g.,
type = "Patent Application"
The address is that of the assignee. Note that IEEE does not
display the assignee, the address, and only displays one date.
(if year is not present, the filed dates are used.) However, this
information should be entered as other BibTeX styles may use it.
alternatively, nationality could be entered as "U.S." 
From the April 2000 issue of "IEEE Transactions on Communications",
page 542, reference #6.
  author        = "Ronald E. Sorace and Victor S. Reinhardt and
                   Steven A. Vaughn",
  assignee      = "Hughes Aircraft Company",
  address       = "Los Angeles, CA",
  title         = "High-Speed Digital-to-{RF} Converter",
  nationality   = "United States",
  number        = "5668842",
  dayfiled      = "28",
  monthfiled    = feb,
  yearfiled     = "1995",
  day           = "16",
  month         = sep,
  year          = "1997"


  author = {Huang, G. B.},
  title = {Kernel SVM},
  year = {2012}

LaTeX 文档中引用 bib 文件参考文献,需要以下几个步骤: 1. 准备 bib 文件bib 文件中,每一条参考文献都是一个条目(entry),包含了作者、标题、年份、出版信息等信息。例如,以下是一个 bib 文件中的一个条目: ``` @article{greenwade93, author = "George D. Greenwade", title = "The {C}omprehensive {T}ex {A}rchive {N}etwork ({CTAN})", year = "1993", journal = "TUGBoat", volume = "14", number = "3", pages = "342--351" } ``` 2. 在 LaTeX 文档中导入 bib 文件LaTeX 文档中,通过以下命令导入 bib 文件: ``` \bibliography{bib文件名} ``` 例如,要导入名为 `references.bib` 的 bib 文件,可以使用以下命令: ``` \bibliography{references} ``` 3. 在文中引用参考文献 在文中引用参考文献时,需要使用以下命令: ``` \cite{参考文献标识符} ``` 例如,在文中引用上面的参考文献条目,可以使用以下命令: ``` \cite{greenwade93} ``` 4. 编译 LaTeX 文档 最后,需要编译 LaTeX 文档两次。第一次编译生成 `.aux` 文件,第二次编译在文中插入参考文献。可以使用以下命令编译 LaTeX 文档: ``` pdflatex 文档名 bibtex 文档名 pdflatex 文档名 pdflatex 文档名 ``` 其中,`文档名` 是要编译的 LaTeX 文档的文件名(不包括扩展名)。 5. 生成参考文献列表 在文档末尾使用以下命令生成参考文献列表: ``` \bibliographystyle{参考文献样式} \bibliography{bib文件名} ``` 其中,`参考文献样式` 是参考文献的显示样式,例如 `plain`、`unsrt`、`alpha` 等。可以根据需要选择合适的样式。例如,要使用 `plain` 样式生成参考文献列表,可以使用以下命令: ``` \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{references} ```
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