
1. 直方图均衡化

  • 直方图均衡化的目的: 寻找变换函数, 该函数产生有均匀直方图的输出图像. 也就是得到一幅灰度级丰富且动态范围大的图像;

  • 该函数仅仅依靠输入图像直方图中的信息就可以自动达到这一点;

  • 直方图均衡化的关键: 寻找变换函数, 该函数产生有均匀直方图的输出图像.

  • 直方图均衡化的原理:

    • 考虑连续函数并且让变量r代表待增强图像的灰度级. 假设r被归一化到期间[0, 1], 且r=0表示黑色及r=1表示白色.
    • 对于任一个满足上述条件的r, 我们将注意力集中在变换形式s = T(r) 0 <= r <=1上, 假设变换函数T(r)满足以下条件:
      (a) T(r)在区间0<=r<=1中单值且单调递增; (b) 当0<=r<=1时, 0<=T(r)<=1


2. 直方图匹配(规定化)

3. 局部直方图增强

Created by HenryMa on 2020/8/24

__author__ = 'HenryMa'

from builtins import print, object, len, range, tuple, Exception, staticmethod, sum, int
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

class ImageContraster(object):
    def __init__(self):

    def enhance_contrast(self, img, method='HE', level=256, window_size=32, affect_size=16, blocks=8, threshold=10.0):
        equalize the histogram
        :param img: Image type
        :param method: Histogram Equalization Method
        :param level: color or gray scale
        :param window_size: in AHE, the window to calculate Histogram CDF size
        :param affect_size: in AHE, the affected pixels size
        :param blocks: in CLAHE, split how many times in row and col
        :param threshold: in CLAHE, if threshold times higher than the mean, clip
        :return: equalized result
        # choose algorithms
        if method in ['HE', 'FHE', 'he', 'fhe']:
            he_func = self.histogram_equalization  # HE
        elif method in ['AHE', 'ahe']:
            he_func = self.adaptive_histogram_equalization  # AHE
        elif method in ['CLANE', 'clane']:
            he_func = self.contrast_limited_adaptive_histogram_equalization  # CLAHE
        elif method in ['standard', 'STANDARD', 'Standard']:
            he_func = self.standard_histogram_equalization  # ImageOps HE
        elif method in ['Bright', 'bright', 'bright_level']:
            he_func = self.bright_wise_histogram_equalization  # Local Region Stretch
            he_func = self.histogram_equalization
            raise Exception("unknown method: ", method)

        # process gray and color images
        img_arr = np.array(img)
        if len(img_arr.shape) == 2:
            channel_num = 1
        elif len(img_arr.shape) == 3:
            channel_num = img_arr.shape[2]
            channel_num = 1
            raise Exception("image shape wrong")

        if channel_num == 1:
            # gray image
            arr = he_func(img_arr, level=level, window_size=window_size,
                          affect_size=affect_size, blocks=blocks, threshold=threshold)
            img_res = Image.fromarray(arr)
        elif channel_num == 3 or channel_num == 4:
            # RGB image or RGBA image(such as png)
            rgb_arr = [None] * 3
            rgb_img = [None] * 3
            # process dividely
            for k in range(3):
                rgb_arr[k] = he_func(img_arr[:, :, k], level=level, window_size=window_size,
                                     affect_size=affect_size, blocks=blocks, threshold=threshold)
                rgb_img[k] = Image.fromarray(rgb_arr[k])
            img_res = Image.merge("RGB", tuple(rgb_img))
            img_res = img
            raise Exception("The channel_num must be 1, 3 or 4")

        return img_res

    def histogram_equalization(self, img_arr, level=256, **args):
        ### equalize the distribution of histogram to enhance contrast
        :param img_arr: numpy.array uint8 type, 2-dim
        :param level: the level of gray scale
        :param args:
        :return arr: the equalized image array
        # calculate hists
        hists = self.calc_histogram_(img_arr, level)

        # equalization
        (m, n) = img_arr.shape
        hists_cdf = self.calc_histogram_cdf_(hists, m, n, level)  # calculate CDF

        arr = np.zeros_like(img_arr)
        arr = hists_cdf[img_arr]  # mapping

        return arr

    def adaptive_histogram_equalization(self, img_arr, level=256, window_size=32, affect_size=16, **args):
        ### equalize the distribution of histogram to enhance contrast
        :param img_arr: numpy.array uint8 type, 2-dim
        :param level: the level of gray scale
        :param window_size: calculate the histogram mapping function in a window of (window_size, window_size)
        :param affect_size: the real affected pixels by a mapping function
        :return the equalized image array:
        arr = img_arr.copy()

        # calculate how many blocks needed in row-axis and col-axis
        (m, n) = img_arr.shape
        if (m - window_size) % affect_size == 0:
            rows = int((m - window_size) / affect_size + 1)
            rows = int((m - window_size) / affect_size + 2)
        if (n - window_size) % affect_size == 0:
            cols = int((n - window_size) / affect_size + 1)
            cols = int((n - window_size) / affect_size + 2)

        # equalize histogram of every block image
        for i in range(rows):
            for j in range(cols):
                # offset
                off = int((window_size - affect_size) / 2)

                # affect region border
                asi, aei = i * affect_size + off, (i + 1) * affect_size + off
                asj, aej = j * affect_size + off, (j + 1) * affect_size + off

                # window region border
                wsi, wei = i * affect_size, i * affect_size + window_size
                wsj, wej = j * affect_size, j * affect_size + window_size

                # equalize the window region
                window_arr = img_arr[wsi:wei, wsj:wej]
                block_arr = self.histogram_equalization(window_arr, level)

                # border case
                if i == 0:
                    arr[wsi: asi, wsj: wej] = block_arr[0: asi - wsi, :]
                elif i > rows - 1:
                    arr[aei: wei, wsj: wej] = block_arr[aei - wsi: wei - wsi, :]
                if j == 0:
                    arr[wsi: wei, wsj: asj] = block_arr[:, 0: asj - wsj]
                elif j >= cols - 1:
                    arr[wsi: wei, aej: wej] = block_arr[:, aej - wsj: wej - wsj]
                arr[asi: aei, asj: aej] = block_arr[asi - wsi: aei - wsi, asj - wsj: aej - wsj]

        return arr

    def contrast_limited_adaptive_histogram_equalization(self, img_arr, level=256, blocks=8, threshold=10.0, **args):
        ### equalize the distribution of histogram to enhance contrast, using CLANE
        :param img_arr: numpy.array uint8 type, 2-dim
        :param level: the level of gray scale
        :param blocks: the window used to calculate CDF mapping function
        :param threshold: clip histogram by exceeding the threshold times of the mean value
        :return arr: the equalized image array
        (m, n) = img_arr.shape
        block_m = int(m / blocks)
        block_n = int(n / blocks)

        # split small regions and calculate the CDF for each, save to a 2-dim list
        maps = []
        for i in range(blocks):
            row_maps = []
            for j in range(blocks):
                # block border
                si, ei = i * block_m, (i + 1) * block_m
                sj, ej = j * block_n, (j + 1) * block_n

                # block image array
                block_img_arr = img_arr[si: ei, sj: ej]

                # calculate histogram and cdf
                hists = self.calc_histogram_(block_img_arr)
                clip_hists = self.clip_histogram_(hists, threshold=threshold)  # clip histogram
                hists_cdf = self.calc_histogram_cdf_(clip_hists, block_m, block_n, level)

                # save

        # interpolate every pixel using four nearest mapping functions
        # pay attention to border case
        arr = img_arr.copy()
        for i in range(m):
            for j in range(n):
                r = int((i - block_m / 2) / block_m)  # the row index of the left-up mapping function
                c = int((j - block_n / 2) / block_n)  # the col index of the left-up mapping function

                x1 = (i - (r + 0.5) * block_m) / block_m  # the x-axis distance to the left-up mapping center
                y1 = (j - (c + 0.5) * block_n) / block_n  # the y-axis distance to the left-up mapping center

                lu = 0  # mapping value of the left up cdf
                lb = 0  # left bottom
                ru = 0  # right up
                rb = 0  # right bottom

                # four corners use the nearest mapping directly
                if r < 0 and c < 0:
                    arr[i][j] = maps[r + 1][c + 1][img_arr[i][j]]
                elif r < 0 and c >= blocks - 1:
                    arr[i][j] = maps[r + 1][c][img_arr[i][j]]
                elif r >= blocks - 1 and c < 0:
                    arr[i][j] = maps[r][c + 1][img_arr[i][j]]
                elif r >= blocks - 1 and c >= blocks - 1:
                    arr[i][j] = maps[r][c][img_arr[i][j]]
                # four border case using the nearest two mapping : linear interpolate
                elif r < 0 or r >= blocks - 1:
                    if r < 0:
                        r = 0
                    elif r > blocks - 1:
                        r = blocks - 1
                    left = maps[r][c][img_arr[i][j]]
                    right = maps[r][c + 1][img_arr[i][j]]
                    arr[i][j] = (1 - y1) * left + y1 * right
                elif c < 0 or c >= blocks - 1:
                    if c < 0:
                        c = 0
                    elif c > blocks - 1:
                        c = blocks - 1
                    up = maps[r][c][img_arr[i][j]]
                    bottom = maps[r + 1][c][img_arr[i][j]]
                    arr[i][j] = (1 - x1) * up + x1 * bottom
                # bilinear interpolate for inner pixels
                    lu = maps[r][c][img_arr[i][j]]
                    lb = maps[r + 1][c][img_arr[i][j]]
                    ru = maps[r][c + 1][img_arr[i][j]]
                    rb = maps[r + 1][c + 1][img_arr[i][j]]
                    arr[i][j] = (1 - y1) * ((1 - x1) * lu + x1 * lb) + y1 * ((1 - x1) * ru + x1 * rb)
        arr = arr.astype("uint8")
        return arr

    def bright_wise_histogram_equalization(self, img_arr, level=256, **args):
        ### split the image to three level according brightness, equalize histogram dividely
        ### @params img_arr : numpy.array uint8 type, 2-dim
        ### @params level : gray scale
        ### @return arr : the equalized image array
        def special_histogram(img_arr, min_v, max_v):
            ### calculate a special histogram with max, min value
            ### @params img_arr : 1-dim numpy.array
            ### @params min_v : min gray scale
            ### @params max_v : max gray scale
            ### @return hists : list type, length = max_v - min_v + 1
            hists = [0 for _ in range(max_v - min_v + 1)]
            for v in img_arr:
                hists[v - min_v] += 1
            return hists

        def special_histogram_cdf(hists, min_v, max_v):
            ### calculate a special histogram cdf with max, min value
            ### @params hists : list type
            ### @params min_v : min gray scale
            ### @params max_v : max gray scale
            ### @return hists_cdf : numpy.array
            hists_cumsum = np.cumsum(np.array(hists))
            hists_cdf = (max_v - min_v) / hists_cumsum[-1] * hists_cumsum + min_v
            hists_cdf = hists_cdf.astype("uint8")
            return hists_cdf

        def pseudo_variance(arr):
            ### calculate a type of variance
            ### @params arr : 1-dim numpy.array
            arr_abs = np.abs(arr - np.mean(arr))
            return np.mean(arr_abs)

        # search two grayscale level, which can split the image into
        # three parts having approximately same number of pixels
        (m, n) = img_arr.shape
        hists = self.calc_histogram_(img_arr)
        hists_arr = np.cumsum(np.array(hists))
        hists_ratio = hists_arr / hists_arr[-1]

        scale1 = None
        scale2 = None
        for i in range(len(hists_ratio)):
            if hists_ratio[i] >= 0.333 and scale1 is None:
                scale1 = i
            if hists_ratio[i] >= 0.667 and scale2 is None:
                scale2 = i

        # split images
        dark_index = (img_arr <= scale1)
        mid_index = (img_arr > scale1) & (img_arr <= scale2)
        bright_index = (img_arr > scale2)

        # variance
        dark_variance = pseudo_variance(img_arr[dark_index])
        mid_variance = pseudo_variance(img_arr[mid_index])
        bright_variance = pseudo_variance(img_arr[bright_index])

        # build three level images
        dark_img_arr = np.zeros_like(img_arr)
        mid_img_arr = np.zeros_like(img_arr)
        bright_img_arr = np.zeros_like(img_arr)

        # histogram equalization individually
        dark_hists = special_histogram(img_arr[dark_index], 0, scale1)
        dark_cdf = special_histogram_cdf(dark_hists, 0, scale1)

        mid_hists = special_histogram(img_arr[mid_index], scale1, scale2)
        mid_cdf = special_histogram_cdf(mid_hists, scale1, scale2)

        bright_hists = special_histogram(img_arr[bright_index], scale2, level - 1)
        bright_cdf = special_histogram_cdf(bright_hists, scale2, level - 1)

        def plot_hists(arr):
            hists = [0 for i in range(256)]
            for a in arr:
                hists[a] += 1

        # mapping
        dark_img_arr[dark_index] = dark_cdf[img_arr[dark_index]]
        mid_img_arr[mid_index] = mid_cdf[img_arr[mid_index] - scale1]
        bright_img_arr[bright_index] = bright_cdf[img_arr[bright_index] - scale2]

        # weighted sum
        # fractor = dark_variance + mid_variance + bright_variance
        # arr = (dark_variance * dark_img_arr + mid_variance * mid_img_arr + bright_variance * bright_img_arr)/fractor
        arr = dark_img_arr + mid_img_arr + bright_img_arr
        arr = arr.astype("uint8")
        return arr

    def standard_histogram_equalization(img_arr, level=256, **args):
        ###  equalize the distribution of histogram to enhance contrast, using PIL.ImageOps
        :param img_arr: numpy.array uint8 type, 2-dim
        :param level: the level of gray scale
        :return arr: the equalized image array
        # ImageOps.equalize
        img = Image.fromarray(img_arr)
        img_res = ImageOps.equalize(img)
        arr = np.array(img_res)

        return arr

    def calc_histogram_(gray_arr, level=256):
        ### calculate the histogram of a gray scale image
        :param gray_arr: numpy.array uint8 type, 2-dim
        :param level: the level of gray scale
        :return: list type
        hists = [0 for _ in range(level)]
        for row in gray_arr:
            for p in row:
                hists[p] += 1
        return hists

    def calc_histogram_cdf_(hists, block_m, block_n, level=256):
        ### calculate the CDF of the hists
        :param hists: list type
        :param block_m: the histogram block's height
        :param block_n: the histogram block's width
        :param level: the level of gray scale
        :return hist_cdf: numpy.array type
        hists_cumsum = np.cumsum(np.array(hists))
        const_a = (level - 1) / (block_m * block_n)
        hists_cdf = (const_a * hists_cumsum).astype(np.uint8)
        return hists_cdf

    def clip_histogram_(hists, threshold=10.0):
        ### clip the peak of histogram, and separate it to all level uniformly
        :param hists: list type
        :param threshold: the top ratio of hists over mean value
        :return clip_hists: list type
        all_sum = sum(hists)
        threshold_value = all_sum / len(hists) * threshold
        total_extra = sum([h - threshold for h in hists if h >= threshold_value])
        mean_extra = total_extra / len(hists)

        clip_hists = [0 for _ in hists]
        for i in range(len(hists)):
            if hists[i] >= threshold_value:
                clip_hists[i] = int(threshold_value + mean_extra)
                clip_hists[i] = int(hists[i] + mean_extra)

        return clip_hists

    def draw_histogram_(hists):
        ### draw a bar picture of the given histogram
        plt.bar(range(len(hists)), hists)

    def plot_images(img1, img2):
        ### draw two images
        :param img1: Image type
        :param img2: Image type
Created by HenryMa on 2020/8/26

__author__ = 'HenryMa'

from PIL import Image, ImageOps
import numpy as np
from builtins import print

from contrast import ImageContraster

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # read image
    img = Image.open('../pic/Fig0320(4)(bottom_left).tif')

    # contraster
    icter = ImageContraster()

    # HE
    he_eq_img = icter.enhance_contrast(img, method='HE')
    icter.plot_images(img, he_eq_img)

    # AHE
    ahe_eq_img = icter.enhance_contrast(img, method='AHE', window_size=32, affect_size=16)
    icter.plot_images(img, ahe_eq_img)

    # CLANE
    clane_eq_img = icter.enhance_contrast(img, method='CLANE', blocks=8, threshold=10.0)
    icter.plot_images(img, clane_eq_img)

    # Local Region Stretch
    lrs_eq_img = icter.enhance_contrast(img, method='Bright')
    icter.plot_images(img, lrs_eq_img)

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