





	public class FontAwesome
		/// <summary>
		/// Properties for FontAwesome images
		/// </summary>
		public class Properties
			/// <summary>
			/// Image square size in pixels
			/// </summary>
			public int Size { get; set; }

			/// <summary>
			/// Position of image
			/// </summary>
			public Point Location { get; set; }

			public Color ForeColor { get; set; }

			public Color BackColor { get; set; }

			public Color BorderColor { get; set; }

			public bool ShowBorder { get; set; }

			/// <summary>
			/// Image/icon type
			/// </summary>
			public FontAwesome.Type Type { get; set; }

			private Properties()
				Size = 32;
				Location = new Point(0, 0);
				ForeColor = Color.Black;
                BackColor = Color.Transparent;
				//BorderColor = Color.Gray;
                BorderColor = Color.Transparent;
                ShowBorder = false;

			public Properties(Type type)
				Size = Default.Size;
				Location = Default.Location;
				ForeColor = Default.ForeColor;
				BackColor = Default.BackColor;
				BorderColor = Default.BorderColor;
				ShowBorder = Default.ShowBorder;
				Type = type;

            public Properties(Type type, int _Size)
                Size = _Size;
                Location = Default.Location;
                ForeColor = Default.ForeColor;
                BackColor = Default.BackColor;
                BorderColor = Default.BorderColor;
                ShowBorder = Default.ShowBorder;
                Type = type;

            /// <summary>
            /// Get default properties for type
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="type"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static Properties Get(Type type = Type.None)
				var props = Default;
				props.Type = type;
				return props;

			private static Properties _default;
			public static Properties Default
					if (_default == null)
						_default = new Properties();
					return _default;
				internal set
					_default = value;


		private PrivateFontCollection _fonts = new PrivateFontCollection();
		private string FONT_FILE_NAME = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\fontawesome-webfont.ttf";

		#region statics
		private static FontAwesome _instance;

		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes this instance.
		/// </summary>
		public static void Initialize()
			//Load font to memory
			if (_instance == null)
				_instance = new FontAwesome();

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the instance
		/// </summary>
		/// <value>
		/// The images.
		/// </value>
		public static FontAwesome Instance
				if (_instance == null)
				return _instance;

		private static string _downloadLink = "";

		public static void SetDownloadLink(string link)
			_downloadLink = link;

		/// <summary>
		/// FontAwesome default properties
		/// </summary>
		public static Properties DefaultProperties { get { return Properties.Default; } }

		#region public methods

		/// <summary>
		/// Sets the default properties.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="props">The props.</param>
		public void SetDefaultProperties(Properties props)
			Properties.Default = props;

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the icon.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="type">The type.</param>
		/// <param name="props">The props.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public Icon GetIcon(Type type, Properties props = null)
			if (props == null)
				props = Properties.Default;
			props.Type = type;
			return GetIcon(props);

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the icon.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="props">The props.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public Icon GetIcon(Properties props)
			var img = GetImage(props);
			return Icon.FromHandle(img.GetHicon());

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the image.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">The name.</param>
		/// <param name="props">The props.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public Bitmap GetImage(string name, Properties props = null)
			if (props == null)
				props = Properties.Default;
			if (props.Type != Type.None)
				return GetImage(FontAwesome.Properties.Get(ParseType(name)));
			return null;

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the image.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="type">The type.</param>
		/// <param name="props">The props.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public Bitmap GetImage(Type type, Properties props = null)
			if (props == null)
				props = Properties.Default;
			props.Type = type;
			return GetImage(props);

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the image.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="props">The props.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public Bitmap GetImage(Properties props)
			return GetImageInternal(props);


		#region private methods
		/// <summary>
		/// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="FontAwesome"/> class from being created.
		/// </summary>
		private FontAwesome()
			// Load font file

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the image internal
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="props">The props.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private Bitmap GetImageInternal(Properties props)
			var size = GetFontIconRealSize(props.Size, (int)props.Type);
			var bmpTemp = new Bitmap(size.Width, size.Height);
			using (Graphics g1 = Graphics.FromImage(bmpTemp))
				g1.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
				var font = GetIconFont(props.Size);
				if (font != null)
					string character = char.ConvertFromUtf32((int)props.Type);
					var format = new StringFormat()
						Alignment = StringAlignment.Center,
						LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center,
						Trimming = StringTrimming.Character

					g1.DrawString(character, font, new SolidBrush(props.ForeColor), 0, 0);
					g1.DrawImage(bmpTemp, 0, 0);

			var bmp = ResizeImage(bmpTemp, props);
			if (props.ShowBorder)
				using (Graphics g2 = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
					var pen = new Pen(props.BorderColor, 1);
					var borderRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(props.Size - pen.Width), (int)(props.Size - pen.Width));
					g2.DrawRectangle(pen, borderRect);
			return bmp;

		/// <summary>
		/// Measure the real icon size
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="size">The size.</param>
		/// <param name="iconIndex">Index of the icon.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private Size GetFontIconRealSize(int size, int iconIndex)
			var bmpTemp = new Bitmap(size, size);
			using (Graphics g1 = Graphics.FromImage(bmpTemp))
				g1.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
				g1.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
				var font = GetIconFont(size);
				if (font != null)
					string character = char.ConvertFromUtf32(iconIndex);
					var format = new StringFormat()
						Alignment = StringAlignment.Center,
						LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center,
						Trimming = StringTrimming.Word

					var sizeF = g1.MeasureString(character, font, new Point(0, 0), format);
					return sizeF.ToSize();
			return new Size(size, size);

		/// <summary>
		/// Resizes the image to requested size and center it
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="imgToResize">The img to resize.</param>
		/// <param name="props">The props.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private Bitmap ResizeImage(Bitmap imgToResize, FontAwesome.Properties props)
			var srcWidth = imgToResize.Width;
			var srcHeight = imgToResize.Height;

			float ratio = (srcWidth > srcHeight) ? (srcWidth / (float)srcHeight) : (srcHeight / (float)srcWidth);

			var dstWidth = (int)Math.Ceiling(srcWidth / ratio);
			var dstHeight = (int)Math.Ceiling(srcHeight / ratio);

			var x = (int)Math.Round((props.Size - dstWidth) / 2f, 0);
			var y = (int)(1 + Math.Round((props.Size - dstHeight) / 2f, 0));

			Bitmap b = new Bitmap(props.Size + props.Location.X, props.Size + props.Location.Y);
			using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage((Image)b))
				g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
				g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
				g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
				g.DrawImage(imgToResize, x + props.Location.X, y + props.Location.Y, dstWidth, dstHeight);
			return b;

		/// <summary>
		/// Download (if neccessary) and Load the font file.
		/// </summary>
		private void LoadFont()
				if (!System.IO.File.Exists(FONT_FILE_NAME) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_downloadLink))
					Uri downloadUri;
					if (Uri.TryCreate(_downloadLink, UriKind.Absolute, out downloadUri)
						&& (downloadUri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp || downloadUri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps))
						using (var client = new System.Net.WebClient())
							client.DownloadFile(downloadUri, FONT_FILE_NAME);
				if (System.IO.File.Exists(FONT_FILE_NAME))

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the icon font with given pixel size
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="pixelSize">Font size in pixel</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private Font GetIconFont(int pixelSize)
			var size = pixelSize / (16f / 12f); //pixel to point conversion rate
												//maybe caching would be useful
			var font = new Font(_fonts.Families[0], size, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point);
			return font;

		/// <summary>
		/// Parses the type.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">The name.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static FontAwesome.Type ParseType(string name)
			FontAwesome.Type retval = Type.Empty;
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
				retval = (FontAwesome.Type)Enum.Parse(typeof(FontAwesome.Type), name);
			return retval;

		#region IconNames Type Enum
		/// <summary>
		/// FontAwesome 4.7.0 version
		/// </summary>
		public enum Type
			//not part of FontAwesome, use this empty image
			None = 0x0,
			//alias to None
			Empty = 0x0,
			//4.4, 500Px, 0xf26E
			Px500 = 0xf26e,
			//4.7, AddressBook, 0xf2B9
			AddressBook = 0xf2B9,
			//4.7, AddressBookO, 0xf2Ba
			AddressBookO = 0xf2Ba,
			//4.7, AddressCard, 0xf2Bb
			AddressCard = 0xf2Bb,
			//4.7, AddressCardO, 0xf2Bc
			AddressCardO = 0xf2Bc,
			//Adjust, 0xf042
			Adjust = 0xf042,
			//Adn, 0xf170
			Adn = 0xf170,
			//AlignCenter, 0xf037
			AlignCenter = 0xf037,
			//AlignJustify, 0xf039
			AlignJustify = 0xf039,
			//AlignLeft, 0xf036
			AlignLeft = 0xf036,
			//AlignRight, 0xf038
			AlignRight = 0xf038,
			//4.4, Amazon, 0xf270
			Amazon = 0xf270,
			//Ambulance, 0xf0F9
			Ambulance = 0xf0F9,
			//4.6, AmericanSignLanguageInterpreting, 0xf2A3
			AmericanSignLanguageInterpreting = 0xf2A3,
			//Anchor, 0xf13D
			Anchor = 0xf13D,
			//Android, 0xf17B
			Android = 0xf17B,
			//4.2, Angellist, 0xf209
			Angellist = 0xf209,
			//AngleDoubleDown, 0xf103
			AngleDoubleDown = 0xf103,
			//AngleDoubleLeft, 0xf100
			AngleDoubleLeft = 0xf100,
			//AngleDoubleRight, 0xf101
			AngleDoubleRight = 0xf101,
			//AngleDoubleUp, 0xf102
			AngleDoubleUp = 0xf102,
			//AngleDown, 0xf107
			AngleDown = 0xf107,
			//AngleLeft, 0xf104
			AngleLeft = 0xf104,
			//AngleRight, 0xf105
			AngleRight = 0xf105,
			//AngleUp, 0xf106
			AngleUp = 0xf106,
			//Apple, 0xf179
			Apple = 0xf179,
			//Archive, 0xf187
			Archive = 0xf187,
			//4.2, AreaChart, 0xf1Fe
			AreaChart = 0xf1Fe,
			//ArrowCircleDown, 0xf0Ab
			ArrowCircleDown = 0xf0Ab,
			//ArrowCircleLeft, 0xf0A8
			ArrowCircleLeft = 0xf0A8,
			//ArrowCircleODown, 0xf01A
			ArrowCircleODown = 0xf01A,
			//4.0, ArrowCircleOLeft, 0xf190
			ArrowCircleOLeft = 0xf190,
			//4.0, ArrowCircleORight, 0xf18E
			ArrowCircleORight = 0xf18E,
			//ArrowCircleOUp, 0xf01B
			ArrowCircleOUp = 0xf01B,
			//ArrowCircleRight, 0xf0A9
			ArrowCircleRight = 0xf0A9,
			//ArrowCircleUp, 0xf0Aa
			ArrowCircleUp = 0xf0Aa,
			//ArrowDown, 0xf063
			ArrowDown = 0xf063,
			//ArrowLeft, 0xf060
			ArrowLeft = 0xf060,
			//ArrowRight, 0xf061
			ArrowRight = 0xf061,
			//ArrowUp, 0xf062
			ArrowUp = 0xf062,
			//Arrows, 0xf047
			Arrows = 0xf047,
			//ArrowsAlt, 0xf0B2
			ArrowsAlt = 0xf0B2,
			//ArrowsH, 0xf07E
			ArrowsH = 0xf07E,
			//ArrowsV, 0xf07D
			ArrowsV = 0xf07D,
			//4.6, AslInterpreting, 0xf2A3
			AslInterpreting = 0xf2A3,
			//4.6, AssistiveListeningSystems, 0xf2A2
			AssistiveListeningSystems = 0xf2A2,
			//Asterisk, 0xf069
			Asterisk = 0xf069,
			//4.2, At, 0xf1Fa
			At = 0xf1Fa,
			//4.6, AudioDescription, 0xf29E
			AudioDescription = 0xf29E,
			//4.1, Automobile, 0xf1B9
			Automobile = 0xf1B9,
			//Backward, 0xf04A
			Backward = 0xf04A,
			//4.4, BalanceScale, 0xf24E
			BalanceScale = 0xf24E,
			//Ban, 0xf05E
			Ban = 0xf05E,
			//4.7, Bandcamp, 0xf2D5
			Bandcamp = 0xf2D5,
			//4.1, Bank, 0xf19C
			Bank = 0xf19C,
			//BarChart, 0xf080
			BarChart = 0xf080,
			//BarChartO, 0xf080
			BarChartO = 0xf080,
			//Barcode, 0xf02A
			Barcode = 0xf02A,
			//Bars, 0xf0C9
			Bars = 0xf0C9,
			//4.7, Bath, 0xf2Cd
			Bath = 0xf2Cd,
			//4.7, Bathtub, 0xf2Cd
			Bathtub = 0xf2Cd,
			//4.4, Battery, 0xf240
			Battery = 0xf240,
			//4.4, Battery0, 0xf244
			Battery0 = 0xf244,
			//4.4, Battery1, 0xf243
			Battery1 = 0xf243,
			//4.4, Battery2, 0xf242
			Battery2 = 0xf242,
			//4.4, Battery3, 0xf241
			Battery3 = 0xf241,
			//4.4, Battery4, 0xf240
			Battery4 = 0xf240,
			//4.4, BatteryEmpty, 0xf244
			BatteryEmpty = 0xf244,
			//4.4, BatteryFull, 0xf240
			BatteryFull = 0xf240,
			//4.4, BatteryHalf, 0xf242
			BatteryHalf = 0xf242,
			//4.4, BatteryQuarter, 0xf243
			BatteryQuarter = 0xf243,
			//4.4, BatteryThreeQuarters, 0xf241
			BatteryThreeQuarters = 0xf241,
			//4.3, Bed, 0xf236
			Bed = 0xf236,
			//Beer, 0xf0Fc
			Beer = 0xf0Fc,
			//4.1, Behance, 0xf1B4
			Behance = 0xf1B4,
			//4.1, BehanceSquare, 0xf1B5
			BehanceSquare = 0xf1B5,
			//Bell, 0xf0F3
			Bell = 0xf0F3,
			//BellO, 0xf0A2
			BellO = 0xf0A2,
			//4.2, BellSlash, 0xf1F6
			BellSlash = 0xf1F6,
			//4.2, BellSlashO, 0xf1F7
			BellSlashO = 0xf1F7,
			//4.2, Bicycle, 0xf206
			Bicycle = 0xf206,
			//4.2, Binoculars, 0xf1E5
			Binoculars = 0xf1E5,
			//4.2, BirthdayCake, 0xf1Fd
			BirthdayCake = 0xf1Fd,
			//Bitbucket, 0xf171
			Bitbucket = 0xf171,
			//BitbucketSquare, 0xf172
			BitbucketSquare = 0xf172,
			//Bitcoin, 0xf15A
			Bitcoin = 0xf15A,
			//4.4, BlackTie, 0xf27E
			BlackTie = 0xf27E,
			//4.6, Blind, 0xf29D
			Blind = 0xf29D,
			//4.5, Bluetooth, 0xf293
			Bluetooth = 0xf293,
			//4.5, BluetoothB, 0xf294
			BluetoothB = 0xf294,
			//Bold, 0xf032
			Bold = 0xf032,
			//Bolt, 0xf0E7
			Bolt = 0xf0E7,
			//4.1, Bomb, 0xf1E2
			Bomb = 0xf1E2,
			//Book, 0xf02D
			Book = 0xf02D,
			//Bookmark, 0xf02E
			Bookmark = 0xf02E,
			//BookmarkO, 0xf097
			BookmarkO = 0xf097,
			//4.6, Braille, 0xf2A1
			Braille = 0xf2A1,
			//Briefcase, 0xf0B1
			Briefcase = 0xf0B1,
			//Btc, 0xf15A
			Btc = 0xf15A,
			//Bug, 0xf188
			Bug = 0xf188,
			//4.1, Building, 0xf1Ad
			Building = 0xf1Ad,
			//BuildingO, 0xf0F7
			BuildingO = 0xf0F7,
			//Bullhorn, 0xf0A1
			Bullhorn = 0xf0A1,
			//Bullseye, 0xf140
			Bullseye = 0xf140,
			//4.2, Bus, 0xf207
			Bus = 0xf207,
			//4.3, Buysellads, 0xf20D
			Buysellads = 0xf20D,
			//4.1, Cab, 0xf1Ba
			Cab = 0xf1Ba,
			//4.2, Calculator, 0xf1Ec
			Calculator = 0xf1Ec,
			//Calendar, 0xf073
			Calendar = 0xf073,
			//4.4, CalendarCheckO, 0xf274
			CalendarCheckO = 0xf274,
			//4.4, CalendarMinusO, 0xf272
			CalendarMinusO = 0xf272,
			//CalendarO, 0xf133
			CalendarO = 0xf133,
			//4.4, CalendarPlusO, 0xf271
			CalendarPlusO = 0xf271,
			//4.4, CalendarTimesO, 0xf273
			CalendarTimesO = 0xf273,
			//Camera, 0xf030
			Camera = 0xf030,
			//CameraRetro, 0xf083
			CameraRetro = 0xf083,
			//4.1, Car, 0xf1B9
			Car = 0xf1B9,
			//CaretDown, 0xf0D7
			CaretDown = 0xf0D7,
			//CaretLeft, 0xf0D9
			CaretLeft = 0xf0D9,
			//CaretRight, 0xf0Da
			CaretRight = 0xf0Da,
			//CaretSquareODown, 0xf150
			CaretSquareODown = 0xf150,
			//4.0, CaretSquareOLeft, 0xf191
			CaretSquareOLeft = 0xf191,
			//CaretSquareORight, 0xf152
			CaretSquareORight = 0xf152,
			//CaretSquareOUp, 0xf151
			CaretSquareOUp = 0xf151,
			//CaretUp, 0xf0D8
			CaretUp = 0xf0D8,
			//4.3, CartArrowDown, 0xf218
			CartArrowDown = 0xf218,
			//4.3, CartPlus, 0xf217
			CartPlus = 0xf217,
			//4.2, Cc, 0xf20A
			Cc = 0xf20A,
			//4.2, CcAmex, 0xf1F3
			CcAmex = 0xf1F3,
			//4.4, CcDinersClub, 0xf24C
			CcDinersClub = 0xf24C,
			//4.2, CcDiscover, 0xf1F2
			CcDiscover = 0xf1F2,
			//4.4, CcJcb, 0xf24B
			CcJcb = 0xf24B,
			//4.2, CcMastercard, 0xf1F1
			CcMastercard = 0xf1F1,
			//4.2, CcPaypal, 0xf1F4
			CcPaypal = 0xf1F4,
			//4.2, CcStripe, 0xf1F5
			CcStripe = 0xf1F5,
			//4.2, CcVisa, 0xf1F0
			CcVisa = 0xf1F0,
			//Certificate, 0xf0A3
			Certificate = 0xf0A3,
			//Chain, 0xf0C1
			Chain = 0xf0C1,
			//ChainBroken, 0xf127
			ChainBroken = 0xf127,
			//Check, 0xf00C
			Check = 0xf00C,
			//CheckCircle, 0xf058
			CheckCircle = 0xf058,
			//CheckCircleO, 0xf05D
			CheckCircleO = 0xf05D,
			//CheckSquare, 0xf14A
			CheckSquare = 0xf14A,
			//CheckSquareO, 0xf046
			CheckSquareO = 0xf046,
			//ChevronCircleDown, 0xf13A
			ChevronCircleDown = 0xf13A,
			//ChevronCircleLeft, 0xf137
			ChevronCircleLeft = 0xf137,
			//ChevronCircleRight, 0xf138
			ChevronCircleRight = 0xf138,
			//ChevronCircleUp, 0xf139
			ChevronCircleUp = 0xf139,
			//ChevronDown, 0xf078
			ChevronDown = 0xf078,
			//ChevronLeft, 0xf053
			ChevronLeft = 0xf053,
			//ChevronRight, 0xf054
			ChevronRight = 0xf054,
			//ChevronUp, 0xf077
			ChevronUp = 0xf077,
			//4.1, Child, 0xf1Ae
			Child = 0xf1Ae,
			//4.4, Chrome, 0xf268
			Chrome = 0xf268,
			//Circle, 0xf111
			Circle = 0xf111,
			//CircleO, 0xf10C
			CircleO = 0xf10C,
			//4.1, CircleONotch, 0xf1Ce
			CircleONotch = 0xf1Ce,
			//4.1, CircleThin, 0xf1Db
			CircleThin = 0xf1Db,
			//Clipboard, 0xf0Ea
			Clipboard = 0xf0Ea,
			//ClockO, 0xf017
			ClockO = 0xf017,
			//4.4, Clone, 0xf24D
			Clone = 0xf24D,
			//Close, 0xf00D
			Close = 0xf00D,
			//Cloud, 0xf0C2
			Cloud = 0xf0C2,
			//CloudDownload, 0xf0Ed
			CloudDownload = 0xf0Ed,
			//CloudUpload, 0xf0Ee
			CloudUpload = 0xf0Ee,
			//Cny, 0xf157
			Cny = 0xf157,
			//Code, 0xf121
			Code = 0xf121,
			//CodeFork, 0xf126
			CodeFork = 0xf126,
			//4.1, Codepen, 0xf1Cb
			Codepen = 0xf1Cb,
			//4.5, Codiepie, 0xf284
			Codiepie = 0xf284,
			//Coffee, 0xf0F4
			Coffee = 0xf0F4,
			//Cog, 0xf013
			Cog = 0xf013,
			//Cogs, 0xf085
			Cogs = 0xf085,
			//Columns, 0xf0Db
			Columns = 0xf0Db,
			//Comment, 0xf075
			Comment = 0xf075,
			//CommentO, 0xf0E5
			CommentO = 0xf0E5,
			//4.4, Commenting, 0xf27A
			Commenting = 0xf27A,
			//4.4, CommentingO, 0xf27B
			CommentingO = 0xf27B,
			//Comments, 0xf086
			Comments = 0xf086,
			//CommentsO, 0xf0E6
			CommentsO = 0xf0E6,
			//Compass, 0xf14E
			Compass = 0xf14E,
			//Compress, 0xf066
			Compress = 0xf066,
			//4.3, Connectdevelop, 0xf20E
			Connectdevelop = 0xf20E,
			//4.4, Contao, 0xf26D
			Contao = 0xf26D,
			//Copy, 0xf0C5
			Copy = 0xf0C5,
			//4.2, Copyright, 0xf1F9
			Copyright = 0xf1F9,
			//4.4, CreativeCommons, 0xf25E
			CreativeCommons = 0xf25E,
			//CreditCard, 0xf09D
			CreditCard = 0xf09D,
			//4.5, CreditCardAlt, 0xf283
			CreditCardAlt = 0xf283,
			//Crop, 0xf125
			Crop = 0xf125,
			//Crosshairs, 0xf05B
			Crosshairs = 0xf05B,
			//Css3, 0xf13C
			Css3 = 0xf13C,
			//4.1, Cube, 0xf1B2
			Cube = 0xf1B2,
			//4.1, Cubes, 0xf1B3
			Cubes = 0xf1B3,
			//Cut, 0xf0C4
			Cut = 0xf0C4,
			//Cutlery, 0xf0F5
			Cutlery = 0xf0F5,
			//Dashboard, 0xf0E4
			Dashboard = 0xf0E4,
			//4.3, Dashcube, 0xf210
			Dashcube = 0xf210,
			//4.1, Database, 0xf1C0
			Database = 0xf1C0,
			//4.6, Deaf, 0xf2A4
			Deaf = 0xf2A4,
			//4.6, Deafness, 0xf2A4
			Deafness = 0xf2A4,
			//Dedent, 0xf03B
			Dedent = 0xf03B,
			//4.1, Delicious, 0xf1A5
			Delicious = 0xf1A5,
			//Desktop, 0xf108
			Desktop = 0xf108,
			//4.1, Deviantart, 0xf1Bd
			Deviantart = 0xf1Bd,
			//4.3, Diamond, 0xf219
			Diamond = 0xf219,
			//4.1, Digg, 0xf1A6
			Digg = 0xf1A6,
			//Dollar, 0xf155
			Dollar = 0xf155,
			//4.0, DotCircleO, 0xf192
			DotCircleO = 0xf192,
			//Download, 0xf019
			Download = 0xf019,
			//Dribbble, 0xf17D
			Dribbble = 0xf17D,
			//4.7, DriversLicense, 0xf2C2
			DriversLicense = 0xf2C2,
			//4.7, DriversLicenseO, 0xf2C3
			DriversLicenseO = 0xf2C3,
			//Dropbox, 0xf16B
			Dropbox = 0xf16B,
			//4.1, Drupal, 0xf1A9
			Drupal = 0xf1A9,
			//4.5, Edge, 0xf282
			Edge = 0xf282,
			//Edit, 0xf044
			Edit = 0xf044,
			//4.7, Eercast, 0xf2Da
			Eercast = 0xf2Da,
			//Eject, 0xf052
			Eject = 0xf052,
			//EllipsisH, 0xf141
			EllipsisH = 0xf141,
			//EllipsisV, 0xf142
			EllipsisV = 0xf142,
			//4.1, Empire, 0xf1D1
			Empire = 0xf1D1,
			//Envelope, 0xf0E0
			Envelope = 0xf0E0,
			//EnvelopeO, 0xf003
			EnvelopeO = 0xf003,
			//4.7, EnvelopeOpen, 0xf2B6
			EnvelopeOpen = 0xf2B6,
			//4.7, EnvelopeOpenO, 0xf2B7
			EnvelopeOpenO = 0xf2B7,
			//4.1, EnvelopeSquare, 0xf199
			EnvelopeSquare = 0xf199,
			//4.6, Envira, 0xf299
			Envira = 0xf299,
			//Eraser, 0xf12D
			Eraser = 0xf12D,
			//4.7, Etsy, 0xf2D7
			Etsy = 0xf2D7,
			//Eur, 0xf153
			Eur = 0xf153,
			//Euro, 0xf153
			Euro = 0xf153,
			//Exchange, 0xf0Ec
			Exchange = 0xf0Ec,
			//Exclamation, 0xf12A
			Exclamation = 0xf12A,
			//ExclamationCircle, 0xf06A
			ExclamationCircle = 0xf06A,
			//ExclamationTriangle, 0xf071
			ExclamationTriangle = 0xf071,
			//Expand, 0xf065
			Expand = 0xf065,
			//4.4, Expeditedssl, 0xf23E
			Expeditedssl = 0xf23E,
			//ExternalLink, 0xf08E
			ExternalLink = 0xf08E,
			//ExternalLinkSquare, 0xf14C
			ExternalLinkSquare = 0xf14C,
			//Eye, 0xf06E
			Eye = 0xf06E,
			//EyeSlash, 0xf070
			EyeSlash = 0xf070,
			//4.2, Eyedropper, 0xf1Fb
			Eyedropper = 0xf1Fb,
			//4.6, Fa, 0xf2B4
			Fa = 0xf2B4,
			//Facebook, 0xf09A
			Facebook = 0xf09A,
			//FacebookF, 0xf09A
			FacebookF = 0xf09A,
			//4.3, FacebookOfficial, 0xf230
			FacebookOfficial = 0xf230,
			//FacebookSquare, 0xf082
			FacebookSquare = 0xf082,
			//FastBackward, 0xf049
			FastBackward = 0xf049,
			//FastForward, 0xf050
			FastForward = 0xf050,
			//4.1, Fax, 0xf1Ac
			Fax = 0xf1Ac,
			//Feed, 0xf09E
			Feed = 0xf09E,
			//Female, 0xf182
			Female = 0xf182,
			//FighterJet, 0xf0Fb
			FighterJet = 0xf0Fb,
			//File, 0xf15B
			File = 0xf15B,
			//4.1, FileArchiveO, 0xf1C6
			FileArchiveO = 0xf1C6,
			//4.1, FileAudioO, 0xf1C7
			FileAudioO = 0xf1C7,
			//4.1, FileCodeO, 0xf1C9
			FileCodeO = 0xf1C9,
			//4.1, FileExcelO, 0xf1C3
			FileExcelO = 0xf1C3,
			//4.1, FileImageO, 0xf1C5
			FileImageO = 0xf1C5,
			//4.1, FileMovieO, 0xf1C8
			FileMovieO = 0xf1C8,
			//FileO, 0xf016
			FileO = 0xf016,
			//4.1, FilePdfO, 0xf1C1
			FilePdfO = 0xf1C1,
			//4.1, FilePhotoO, 0xf1C5
			FilePhotoO = 0xf1C5,
			//4.1, FilePictureO, 0xf1C5
			FilePictureO = 0xf1C5,
			//4.1, FilePowerpointO, 0xf1C4
			FilePowerpointO = 0xf1C4,
			//4.1, FileSoundO, 0xf1C7
			FileSoundO = 0xf1C7,
			//FileText, 0xf15C
			FileText = 0xf15C,
			//FileTextO, 0xf0F6
			FileTextO = 0xf0F6,
			//4.1, FileVideoO, 0xf1C8
			FileVideoO = 0xf1C8,
			//4.1, FileWordO, 0xf1C2
			FileWordO = 0xf1C2,
			//4.1, FileZipO, 0xf1C6
			FileZipO = 0xf1C6,
			//FilesO, 0xf0C5
			FilesO = 0xf0C5,
			//Film, 0xf008
			Film = 0xf008,
			//Filter, 0xf0B0
			Filter = 0xf0B0,
			//Fire, 0xf06D
			Fire = 0xf06D,
			//FireExtinguisher, 0xf134
			FireExtinguisher = 0xf134,
			//4.4, Firefox, 0xf269
			Firefox = 0xf269,
			//4.6, FirstOrder, 0xf2B0
			FirstOrder = 0xf2B0,
			//Flag, 0xf024
			Flag = 0xf024,
			//FlagCheckered, 0xf11E
			FlagCheckered = 0xf11E,
			//FlagO, 0xf11D
			FlagO = 0xf11D,
			//Flash, 0xf0E7
			Flash = 0xf0E7,
			//Flask, 0xf0C3
			Flask = 0xf0C3,
			//Flickr, 0xf16E
			Flickr = 0xf16E,
			//FloppyO, 0xf0C7
			FloppyO = 0xf0C7,
			//Folder, 0xf07B
			Folder = 0xf07B,
			//FolderO, 0xf114
			FolderO = 0xf114,
			//FolderOpen, 0xf07C
			FolderOpen = 0xf07C,
			//FolderOpenO, 0xf115
			FolderOpenO = 0xf115,
			//Font, 0xf031
			Font = 0xf031,
			//4.6, FontAwesome, 0xf2B4
			FontAwesome = 0xf2B4,
			//4.4, Fonticons, 0xf280
			Fonticons = 0xf280,
			//4.5, FortAwesome, 0xf286
			FortAwesome = 0xf286,
			//4.3, Forumbee, 0xf211
			Forumbee = 0xf211,
			//Forward, 0xf04E
			Forward = 0xf04E,
			//Foursquare, 0xf180
			Foursquare = 0xf180,
			//4.7, FreeCodeCamp, 0xf2C5
			FreeCodeCamp = 0xf2C5,
			//FrownO, 0xf119
			FrownO = 0xf119,
			//4.2, FutbolO, 0xf1E3
			FutbolO = 0xf1E3,
			//Gamepad, 0xf11B
			Gamepad = 0xf11B,
			//Gavel, 0xf0E3
			Gavel = 0xf0E3,
			//Gbp, 0xf154
			Gbp = 0xf154,
			//4.1, Ge, 0xf1D1
			Ge = 0xf1D1,
			//Gear, 0xf013
			Gear = 0xf013,
			//Gears, 0xf085
			Gears = 0xf085,
			//4.4, Genderless, 0xf22D
			Genderless = 0xf22D,
			//4.4, GetPocket, 0xf265
			GetPocket = 0xf265,
			//4.4, Gg, 0xf260
			Gg = 0xf260,
			//4.4, GgCircle, 0xf261
			GgCircle = 0xf261,
			//Gift, 0xf06B
			Gift = 0xf06B,
			//4.1, Git, 0xf1D3
			Git = 0xf1D3,
			//4.1, GitSquare, 0xf1D2
			GitSquare = 0xf1D2,
			//Github, 0xf09B
			Github = 0xf09B,
			//GithubAlt, 0xf113
			GithubAlt = 0xf113,
			//GithubSquare, 0xf092
			GithubSquare = 0xf092,
			//4.6, Gitlab, 0xf296
			Gitlab = 0xf296,
			//Gittip, 0xf184
			Gittip = 0xf184,
			//Glass, 0xf000
			Glass = 0xf000,
			//4.6, Glide, 0xf2A5
			Glide = 0xf2A5,
			//4.6, GlideG, 0xf2A6
			GlideG = 0xf2A6,
			//Globe, 0xf0Ac
			Globe = 0xf0Ac,
			//4.1, Google, 0xf1A0
			Google = 0xf1A0,
			//GooglePlus, 0xf0D5
			GooglePlus = 0xf0D5,
			//4.6, GooglePlusCircle, 0xf2B3
			GooglePlusCircle = 0xf2B3,
			//4.6, GooglePlusOfficial, 0xf2B3
			GooglePlusOfficial = 0xf2B3,
			//GooglePlusSquare, 0xf0D4
			GooglePlusSquare = 0xf0D4,
			//4.2, GoogleWallet, 0xf1Ee
			GoogleWallet = 0xf1Ee,
			//4.1, GraduationCap, 0xf19D
			GraduationCap = 0xf19D,
			//Gratipay, 0xf184
			Gratipay = 0xf184,
			//4.7, Grav, 0xf2D6
			Grav = 0xf2D6,
			//Group, 0xf0C0
			Group = 0xf0C0,
			//HSquare, 0xf0Fd
			HSquare = 0xf0Fd,
			//4.1, HackerNews, 0xf1D4
			HackerNews = 0xf1D4,
			//4.4, HandGrabO, 0xf255
			HandGrabO = 0xf255,
			//4.4, HandLizardO, 0xf258
			HandLizardO = 0xf258,
			//HandODown, 0xf0A7
			HandODown = 0xf0A7,
			//HandOLeft, 0xf0A5
			HandOLeft = 0xf0A5,
			//HandORight, 0xf0A4
			HandORight = 0xf0A4,
			//HandOUp, 0xf0A6
			HandOUp = 0xf0A6,
			//4.4, HandPaperO, 0xf256
			HandPaperO = 0xf256,
			//4.4, HandPeaceO, 0xf25B
			HandPeaceO = 0xf25B,
			//4.4, HandPointerO, 0xf25A
			HandPointerO = 0xf25A,
			//4.4, HandRockO, 0xf255
			HandRockO = 0xf255,
			//4.4, HandScissorsO, 0xf257
			HandScissorsO = 0xf257,
			//4.4, HandSpockO, 0xf259
			HandSpockO = 0xf259,
			//4.4, HandStopO, 0xf256
			HandStopO = 0xf256,
			//4.7, HandshakeO, 0xf2B5
			HandshakeO = 0xf2B5,
			//4.6, HardOfHearing, 0xf2A4
			HardOfHearing = 0xf2A4,
			//4.5, Hashtag, 0xf292
			Hashtag = 0xf292,
			//HddO, 0xf0A0
			HddO = 0xf0A0,
			//4.1, Header, 0xf1Dc
			Header = 0xf1Dc,
			//Headphones, 0xf025
			Headphones = 0xf025,
			//Heart, 0xf004
			Heart = 0xf004,
			//HeartO, 0xf08A
			HeartO = 0xf08A,
			//4.3, Heartbeat, 0xf21E
			Heartbeat = 0xf21E,
			//4.1, History, 0xf1Da
			History = 0xf1Da,
			//Home, 0xf015
			Home = 0xf015,
			//HospitalO, 0xf0F8
			HospitalO = 0xf0F8,
			//4.3, Hotel, 0xf236
			Hotel = 0xf236,
			//4.4, Hourglass, 0xf254
			Hourglass = 0xf254,
			//4.4, Hourglass1, 0xf251
			Hourglass1 = 0xf251,
			//4.4, Hourglass2, 0xf252
			Hourglass2 = 0xf252,
			//4.4, Hourglass3, 0xf253
			Hourglass3 = 0xf253,
			//4.4, HourglassEnd, 0xf253
			HourglassEnd = 0xf253,
			//4.4, HourglassHalf, 0xf252
			HourglassHalf = 0xf252,
			//4.4, HourglassO, 0xf250
			HourglassO = 0xf250,
			//4.4, HourglassStart, 0xf251
			HourglassStart = 0xf251,
			//4.4, Houzz, 0xf27C
			Houzz = 0xf27C,
			//Html5, 0xf13B
			Html5 = 0xf13B,
			//4.4, ICursor, 0xf246
			ICursor = 0xf246,
			//4.7, IdBadge, 0xf2C1
			IdBadge = 0xf2C1,
			//4.7, IdCard, 0xf2C2
			IdCard = 0xf2C2,
			//4.7, IdCardO, 0xf2C3
			IdCardO = 0xf2C3,
			//4.2, Ils, 0xf20B
			Ils = 0xf20B,
			//Image, 0xf03E
			Image = 0xf03E,
			//4.7, Imdb, 0xf2D8
			Imdb = 0xf2D8,
			//Inbox, 0xf01C
			Inbox = 0xf01C,
			//Indent, 0xf03C
			Indent = 0xf03C,
			//4.4, Industry, 0xf275
			Industry = 0xf275,
			//Info, 0xf129
			Info = 0xf129,
			//InfoCircle, 0xf05A
			InfoCircle = 0xf05A,
			//Inr, 0xf156
			Inr = 0xf156,
			//4.6, Instagram, 0xf16D
			Instagram = 0xf16D,
			//4.1, Institution, 0xf19C
			Institution = 0xf19C,
			//4.4, InternetExplorer, 0xf26B
			InternetExplorer = 0xf26B,
			//4.3, Intersex, 0xf224
			Intersex = 0xf224,
			//4.2, Ioxhost, 0xf208
			Ioxhost = 0xf208,
			//Italic, 0xf033
			Italic = 0xf033,
			//4.1, Joomla, 0xf1Aa
			Joomla = 0xf1Aa,
			//Jpy, 0xf157
			Jpy = 0xf157,
			//4.1, Jsfiddle, 0xf1Cc
			Jsfiddle = 0xf1Cc,
			//Key, 0xf084
			Key = 0xf084,
			//KeyboardO, 0xf11C
			KeyboardO = 0xf11C,
			//Krw, 0xf159
			Krw = 0xf159,
			//4.1, Language, 0xf1Ab
			Language = 0xf1Ab,
			//Laptop, 0xf109
			Laptop = 0xf109,
			//4.2, Lastfm, 0xf202
			Lastfm = 0xf202,
			//4.2, LastfmSquare, 0xf203
			LastfmSquare = 0xf203,
			//Leaf, 0xf06C
			Leaf = 0xf06C,
			//4.3, Leanpub, 0xf212
			Leanpub = 0xf212,
			//Legal, 0xf0E3
			Legal = 0xf0E3,
			//LemonO, 0xf094
			LemonO = 0xf094,
			//LevelDown, 0xf149
			LevelDown = 0xf149,
			//LevelUp, 0xf148
			LevelUp = 0xf148,
			//4.1, LifeBouy, 0xf1Cd
			LifeBouy = 0xf1Cd,
			//4.1, LifeBuoy, 0xf1Cd
			LifeBuoy = 0xf1Cd,
			//4.1, LifeRing, 0xf1Cd
			LifeRing = 0xf1Cd,
			//4.1, LifeSaver, 0xf1Cd
			LifeSaver = 0xf1Cd,
			//LightbulbO, 0xf0Eb
			LightbulbO = 0xf0Eb,
			//4.2, LineChart, 0xf201
			LineChart = 0xf201,
			//Link, 0xf0C1
			Link = 0xf0C1,
			//Linkedin, 0xf0E1
			Linkedin = 0xf0E1,
			//LinkedinSquare, 0xf08C
			LinkedinSquare = 0xf08C,
			//4.7, Linode, 0xf2B8
			Linode = 0xf2B8,
			//Linux, 0xf17C
			Linux = 0xf17C,
			//List, 0xf03A
			List = 0xf03A,
			//ListAlt, 0xf022
			ListAlt = 0xf022,
			//ListOl, 0xf0Cb
			ListOl = 0xf0Cb,
			//ListUl, 0xf0Ca
			ListUl = 0xf0Ca,
			//LocationArrow, 0xf124
			LocationArrow = 0xf124,
			//Lock, 0xf023
			Lock = 0xf023,
			//LongArrowDown, 0xf175
			LongArrowDown = 0xf175,
			//LongArrowLeft, 0xf177
			LongArrowLeft = 0xf177,
			//LongArrowRight, 0xf178
			LongArrowRight = 0xf178,
			//LongArrowUp, 0xf176
			LongArrowUp = 0xf176,
			//4.6, LowVision, 0xf2A8
			LowVision = 0xf2A8,
			//Magic, 0xf0D0
			Magic = 0xf0D0,
			//Magnet, 0xf076
			Magnet = 0xf076,
			//MailForward, 0xf064
			MailForward = 0xf064,
			//MailReply, 0xf112
			MailReply = 0xf112,
			//MailReplyAll, 0xf122
			MailReplyAll = 0xf122,
			//Male, 0xf183
			Male = 0xf183,
			//4.4, Map, 0xf279
			Map = 0xf279,
			//MapMarker, 0xf041
			MapMarker = 0xf041,
			//4.4, MapO, 0xf278
			MapO = 0xf278,
			//4.4, MapPin, 0xf276
			MapPin = 0xf276,
			//4.4, MapSigns, 0xf277
			MapSigns = 0xf277,
			//4.3, Mars, 0xf222
			Mars = 0xf222,
			//4.3, MarsDouble, 0xf227
			MarsDouble = 0xf227,
			//4.3, MarsStroke, 0xf229
			MarsStroke = 0xf229,
			//4.3, MarsStrokeH, 0xf22B
			MarsStrokeH = 0xf22B,
			//4.3, MarsStrokeV, 0xf22A
			MarsStrokeV = 0xf22A,
			//Maxcdn, 0xf136
			Maxcdn = 0xf136,
			//4.2, Meanpath, 0xf20C
			Meanpath = 0xf20C,
			//4.3, Medium, 0xf23A
			Medium = 0xf23A,
			//Medkit, 0xf0Fa
			Medkit = 0xf0Fa,
			//4.7, Meetup, 0xf2E0
			Meetup = 0xf2E0,
			//MehO, 0xf11A
			MehO = 0xf11A,
			//4.3, Mercury, 0xf223
			Mercury = 0xf223,
			//4.7, Microchip, 0xf2Db
			Microchip = 0xf2Db,
			//Microphone, 0xf130
			Microphone = 0xf130,
			//MicrophoneSlash, 0xf131
			MicrophoneSlash = 0xf131,
			//Minus, 0xf068
			Minus = 0xf068,
			//MinusCircle, 0xf056
			MinusCircle = 0xf056,
			//MinusSquare, 0xf146
			MinusSquare = 0xf146,
			//MinusSquareO, 0xf147
			MinusSquareO = 0xf147,
			//4.5, Mixcloud, 0xf289
			Mixcloud = 0xf289,
			//Mobile, 0xf10B
			Mobile = 0xf10B,
			//MobilePhone, 0xf10B
			MobilePhone = 0xf10B,
			//4.5, Modx, 0xf285
			Modx = 0xf285,
			//Money, 0xf0D6
			Money = 0xf0D6,
			//MoonO, 0xf186
			MoonO = 0xf186,
			//4.1, MortarBoard, 0xf19D
			MortarBoard = 0xf19D,
			//4.3, Motorcycle, 0xf21C
			Motorcycle = 0xf21C,
			//4.4, MousePointer, 0xf245
			MousePointer = 0xf245,
			//Music, 0xf001
			Music = 0xf001,
			//Navicon, 0xf0C9
			Navicon = 0xf0C9,
			//4.3, Neuter, 0xf22C
			Neuter = 0xf22C,
			//4.2, NewspaperO, 0xf1Ea
			NewspaperO = 0xf1Ea,
			//4.4, ObjectGroup, 0xf247
			ObjectGroup = 0xf247,
			//4.4, ObjectUngroup, 0xf248
			ObjectUngroup = 0xf248,
			//4.4, Odnoklassniki, 0xf263
			Odnoklassniki = 0xf263,
			//4.4, OdnoklassnikiSquare, 0xf264
			OdnoklassnikiSquare = 0xf264,
			//4.4, Opencart, 0xf23D
			Opencart = 0xf23D,
			//4.1, Openid, 0xf19B
			Openid = 0xf19B,
			//4.4, Opera, 0xf26A
			Opera = 0xf26A,
			//4.4, OptinMonster, 0xf23C
			OptinMonster = 0xf23C,
			//Outdent, 0xf03B
			Outdent = 0xf03B,
			//4.0, Pagelines, 0xf18C
			Pagelines = 0xf18C,
			//4.2, PaintBrush, 0xf1Fc
			PaintBrush = 0xf1Fc,
			//4.1, PaperPlane, 0xf1D8
			PaperPlane = 0xf1D8,
			//4.1, PaperPlaneO, 0xf1D9
			PaperPlaneO = 0xf1D9,
			//Paperclip, 0xf0C6
			Paperclip = 0xf0C6,
			//4.1, Paragraph, 0xf1Dd
			Paragraph = 0xf1Dd,
			//Paste, 0xf0Ea
			Paste = 0xf0Ea,
			//Pause, 0xf04C
			Pause = 0xf04C,
			//4.5, PauseCircle, 0xf28B
			PauseCircle = 0xf28B,
			//4.5, PauseCircleO, 0xf28C
			PauseCircleO = 0xf28C,
			//4.1, Paw, 0xf1B0
			Paw = 0xf1B0,
			//4.2, Paypal, 0xf1Ed
			Paypal = 0xf1Ed,
			//Pencil, 0xf040
			Pencil = 0xf040,
			//PencilSquare, 0xf14B
			PencilSquare = 0xf14B,
			//PencilSquareO, 0xf044
			PencilSquareO = 0xf044,
			//4.5, Percent, 0xf295
			Percent = 0xf295,
			//Phone, 0xf095
			Phone = 0xf095,
			//PhoneSquare, 0xf098
			PhoneSquare = 0xf098,
			//Photo, 0xf03E
			Photo = 0xf03E,
			//PictureO, 0xf03E
			PictureO = 0xf03E,
			//4.2, PieChart, 0xf200
			PieChart = 0xf200,
			//4.6, PiedPiper, 0xf2Ae
			PiedPiper = 0xf2Ae,
			//4.1, PiedPiperAlt, 0xf1A8
			PiedPiperAlt = 0xf1A8,
			//4.1, PiedPiperPp, 0xf1A7
			PiedPiperPp = 0xf1A7,
			//Pinterest, 0xf0D2
			Pinterest = 0xf0D2,
			//4.3, PinterestP, 0xf231
			PinterestP = 0xf231,
			//PinterestSquare, 0xf0D3
			PinterestSquare = 0xf0D3,
			//Plane, 0xf072
			Plane = 0xf072,
			//Play, 0xf04B
			Play = 0xf04B,
			//PlayCircle, 0xf144
			PlayCircle = 0xf144,
			//PlayCircleO, 0xf01D
			PlayCircleO = 0xf01D,
			//4.2, Plug, 0xf1E6
			Plug = 0xf1E6,
			//Plus, 0xf067
			Plus = 0xf067,
			//PlusCircle, 0xf055
			PlusCircle = 0xf055,
			//PlusSquare, 0xf0Fe
			PlusSquare = 0xf0Fe,
			//4.0, PlusSquareO, 0xf196
			PlusSquareO = 0xf196,
			//4.7, Podcast, 0xf2Ce
			Podcast = 0xf2Ce,
			//PowerOff, 0xf011
			PowerOff = 0xf011,
			//Print, 0xf02F
			Print = 0xf02F,
			//4.5, ProductHunt, 0xf288
			ProductHunt = 0xf288,
			//PuzzlePiece, 0xf12E
			PuzzlePiece = 0xf12E,
			//4.1, Qq, 0xf1D6
			Qq = 0xf1D6,
			//Qrcode, 0xf029
			Qrcode = 0xf029,
			//Question, 0xf128
			Question = 0xf128,
			//QuestionCircle, 0xf059
			QuestionCircle = 0xf059,
			//4.6, QuestionCircleO, 0xf29C
			QuestionCircleO = 0xf29C,
			//4.7, Quora, 0xf2C4
			Quora = 0xf2C4,
			//QuoteLeft, 0xf10D
			QuoteLeft = 0xf10D,
			//QuoteRight, 0xf10E
			QuoteRight = 0xf10E,
			//4.1, Ra, 0xf1D0
			Ra = 0xf1D0,
			//Random, 0xf074
			Random = 0xf074,
			//4.7, Ravelry, 0xf2D9
			Ravelry = 0xf2D9,
			//4.1, Rebel, 0xf1D0
			Rebel = 0xf1D0,
			//4.1, Recycle, 0xf1B8
			Recycle = 0xf1B8,
			//4.1, Reddit, 0xf1A1
			Reddit = 0xf1A1,
			//4.5, RedditAlien, 0xf281
			RedditAlien = 0xf281,
			//4.1, RedditSquare, 0xf1A2
			RedditSquare = 0xf1A2,
			//Refresh, 0xf021
			Refresh = 0xf021,
			//4.4, Registered, 0xf25D
			Registered = 0xf25D,
			//Remove, 0xf00D
			Remove = 0xf00D,
			//Renren, 0xf18B
			Renren = 0xf18B,
			//Reorder, 0xf0C9
			Reorder = 0xf0C9,
			//Repeat, 0xf01E
			Repeat = 0xf01E,
			//Reply, 0xf112
			Reply = 0xf112,
			//ReplyAll, 0xf122
			ReplyAll = 0xf122,
			//4.1, Resistance, 0xf1D0
			Resistance = 0xf1D0,
			//Retweet, 0xf079
			Retweet = 0xf079,
			//Rmb, 0xf157
			Rmb = 0xf157,
			//Road, 0xf018
			Road = 0xf018,
			//Rocket, 0xf135
			Rocket = 0xf135,
			//RotateLeft, 0xf0E2
			RotateLeft = 0xf0E2,
			//RotateRight, 0xf01E
			RotateRight = 0xf01E,
			//4.0, Rouble, 0xf158
			Rouble = 0xf158,
			//Rss, 0xf09E
			Rss = 0xf09E,
			//RssSquare, 0xf143
			RssSquare = 0xf143,
			//4.0, Rub, 0xf158
			Rub = 0xf158,
			//4.0, Ruble, 0xf158
			Ruble = 0xf158,
			//Rupee, 0xf156
			Rupee = 0xf156,
			//4.7, S15, 0xf2Cd
			S15 = 0xf2Cd,
			//4.4, Safari, 0xf267
			Safari = 0xf267,
			//Save, 0xf0C7
			Save = 0xf0C7,
			//Scissors, 0xf0C4
			Scissors = 0xf0C4,
			//4.5, Scribd, 0xf28A
			Scribd = 0xf28A,
			//Search, 0xf002
			Search = 0xf002,
			//SearchMinus, 0xf010
			SearchMinus = 0xf010,
			//SearchPlus, 0xf00E
			SearchPlus = 0xf00E,
			//4.3, Sellsy, 0xf213
			Sellsy = 0xf213,
			//4.1, Send, 0xf1D8
			Send = 0xf1D8,
			//4.1, SendO, 0xf1D9
			SendO = 0xf1D9,
			//4.3, Server, 0xf233
			Server = 0xf233,
			//Share, 0xf064
			Share = 0xf064,
			//4.1, ShareAlt, 0xf1E0
			ShareAlt = 0xf1E0,
			//4.1, ShareAltSquare, 0xf1E1
			ShareAltSquare = 0xf1E1,
			//ShareSquare, 0xf14D
			ShareSquare = 0xf14D,
			//ShareSquareO, 0xf045
			ShareSquareO = 0xf045,
			//4.2, Shekel, 0xf20B
			Shekel = 0xf20B,
			//4.2, Sheqel, 0xf20B
			Sheqel = 0xf20B,
			//Shield, 0xf132
			Shield = 0xf132,
			//4.3, Ship, 0xf21A
			Ship = 0xf21A,
			//4.3, Shirtsinbulk, 0xf214
			Shirtsinbulk = 0xf214,
			//4.5, ShoppingBag, 0xf290
			ShoppingBag = 0xf290,
			//4.5, ShoppingBasket, 0xf291
			ShoppingBasket = 0xf291,
			//ShoppingCart, 0xf07A
			ShoppingCart = 0xf07A,
			//4.7, Shower, 0xf2Cc
			Shower = 0xf2Cc,
			//SignIn, 0xf090
			SignIn = 0xf090,
			//4.6, SignLanguage, 0xf2A7
			SignLanguage = 0xf2A7,
			//SignOut, 0xf08B
			SignOut = 0xf08B,
			//Signal, 0xf012
			Signal = 0xf012,
			//4.6, Signing, 0xf2A7
			Signing = 0xf2A7,
			//4.3, Simplybuilt, 0xf215
			Simplybuilt = 0xf215,
			//Sitemap, 0xf0E8
			Sitemap = 0xf0E8,
			//4.3, Skyatlas, 0xf216
			Skyatlas = 0xf216,
			//Skype, 0xf17E
			Skype = 0xf17E,
			//4.1, Slack, 0xf198
			Slack = 0xf198,
			//4.1, Sliders, 0xf1De
			Sliders = 0xf1De,
			//4.2, Slideshare, 0xf1E7
			Slideshare = 0xf1E7,
			//SmileO, 0xf118
			SmileO = 0xf118,
			//4.6, Snapchat, 0xf2Ab
			Snapchat = 0xf2Ab,
			//4.6, SnapchatGhost, 0xf2Ac
			SnapchatGhost = 0xf2Ac,
			//4.6, SnapchatSquare, 0xf2Ad
			SnapchatSquare = 0xf2Ad,
			//4.7, SnowflakeO, 0xf2Dc
			SnowflakeO = 0xf2Dc,
			//4.2, SoccerBallO, 0xf1E3
			SoccerBallO = 0xf1E3,
			//Sort, 0xf0Dc
			Sort = 0xf0Dc,
			//SortAlphaAsc, 0xf15D
			SortAlphaAsc = 0xf15D,
			//SortAlphaDesc, 0xf15E
			SortAlphaDesc = 0xf15E,
			//SortAmountAsc, 0xf160
			SortAmountAsc = 0xf160,
			//SortAmountDesc, 0xf161
			SortAmountDesc = 0xf161,
			//SortAsc, 0xf0De
			SortAsc = 0xf0De,
			//SortDesc, 0xf0Dd
			SortDesc = 0xf0Dd,
			//SortDown, 0xf0Dd
			SortDown = 0xf0Dd,
			//SortNumericAsc, 0xf162
			SortNumericAsc = 0xf162,
			//SortNumericDesc, 0xf163
			SortNumericDesc = 0xf163,
			//SortUp, 0xf0De
			SortUp = 0xf0De,
			//4.1, Soundcloud, 0xf1Be
			Soundcloud = 0xf1Be,
			//4.1, SpaceShuttle, 0xf197
			SpaceShuttle = 0xf197,
			//Spinner, 0xf110
			Spinner = 0xf110,
			//4.1, Spoon, 0xf1B1
			Spoon = 0xf1B1,
			//4.1, Spotify, 0xf1Bc
			Spotify = 0xf1Bc,
			//Square, 0xf0C8
			Square = 0xf0C8,
			//SquareO, 0xf096
			SquareO = 0xf096,
			//4.0, StackExchange, 0xf18D
			StackExchange = 0xf18D,
			//StackOverflow, 0xf16C
			StackOverflow = 0xf16C,
			//Star, 0xf005
			Star = 0xf005,
			//StarHalf, 0xf089
			StarHalf = 0xf089,
			//StarHalfEmpty, 0xf123
			StarHalfEmpty = 0xf123,
			//StarHalfFull, 0xf123
			StarHalfFull = 0xf123,
			//StarHalfO, 0xf123
			StarHalfO = 0xf123,
			//StarO, 0xf006
			StarO = 0xf006,
			//4.1, Steam, 0xf1B6
			Steam = 0xf1B6,
			//4.1, SteamSquare, 0xf1B7
			SteamSquare = 0xf1B7,
			//StepBackward, 0xf048
			StepBackward = 0xf048,
			//StepForward, 0xf051
			StepForward = 0xf051,
			//Stethoscope, 0xf0F1
			Stethoscope = 0xf0F1,
			//4.4, StickyNote, 0xf249
			StickyNote = 0xf249,
			//4.4, StickyNoteO, 0xf24A
			StickyNoteO = 0xf24A,
			//Stop, 0xf04D
			Stop = 0xf04D,
			//4.5, StopCircle, 0xf28D
			StopCircle = 0xf28D,
			//4.5, StopCircleO, 0xf28E
			StopCircleO = 0xf28E,
			//4.3, StreetView, 0xf21D
			StreetView = 0xf21D,
			//Strikethrough, 0xf0Cc
			Strikethrough = 0xf0Cc,
			//4.1, Stumbleupon, 0xf1A4
			Stumbleupon = 0xf1A4,
			//4.1, StumbleuponCircle, 0xf1A3
			StumbleuponCircle = 0xf1A3,
			//Subscript, 0xf12C
			Subscript = 0xf12C,
			//4.3, Subway, 0xf239
			Subway = 0xf239,
			//Suitcase, 0xf0F2
			Suitcase = 0xf0F2,
			//SunO, 0xf185
			SunO = 0xf185,
			//4.7, Superpowers, 0xf2Dd
			Superpowers = 0xf2Dd,
			//Superscript, 0xf12B
			Superscript = 0xf12B,
			//4.1, Support, 0xf1Cd
			Support = 0xf1Cd,
			//Table, 0xf0Ce
			Table = 0xf0Ce,
			//Tablet, 0xf10A
			Tablet = 0xf10A,
			//Tachometer, 0xf0E4
			Tachometer = 0xf0E4,
			//Tag, 0xf02B
			Tag = 0xf02B,
			//Tags, 0xf02C
			Tags = 0xf02C,
			//Tasks, 0xf0Ae
			Tasks = 0xf0Ae,
			//4.1, Taxi, 0xf1Ba
			Taxi = 0xf1Ba,
			//4.7, Telegram, 0xf2C6
			Telegram = 0xf2C6,
			//4.4, Television, 0xf26C
			Television = 0xf26C,
			//4.1, TencentWeibo, 0xf1D5
			TencentWeibo = 0xf1D5,
			//Terminal, 0xf120
			Terminal = 0xf120,
			//TextHeight, 0xf034
			TextHeight = 0xf034,
			//TextWidth, 0xf035
			TextWidth = 0xf035,
			//Th, 0xf00A
			Th = 0xf00A,
			//ThLarge, 0xf009
			ThLarge = 0xf009,
			//ThList, 0xf00B
			ThList = 0xf00B,
			//4.6, Themeisle, 0xf2B2
			Themeisle = 0xf2B2,
			//4.7, Thermometer, 0xf2C7
			Thermometer = 0xf2C7,
			//4.7, Thermometer0, 0xf2Cb
			Thermometer0 = 0xf2Cb,
			//4.7, Thermometer1, 0xf2Ca
			Thermometer1 = 0xf2Ca,
			//4.7, Thermometer2, 0xf2C9
			Thermometer2 = 0xf2C9,
			//4.7, Thermometer3, 0xf2C8
			Thermometer3 = 0xf2C8,
			//4.7, Thermometer4, 0xf2C7
			Thermometer4 = 0xf2C7,
			//4.7, ThermometerEmpty, 0xf2Cb
			ThermometerEmpty = 0xf2Cb,
			//4.7, ThermometerFull, 0xf2C7
			ThermometerFull = 0xf2C7,
			//4.7, ThermometerHalf, 0xf2C9
			ThermometerHalf = 0xf2C9,
			//4.7, ThermometerQuarter, 0xf2Ca
			ThermometerQuarter = 0xf2Ca,
			//4.7, ThermometerThreeQuarters, 0xf2C8
			ThermometerThreeQuarters = 0xf2C8,
			//ThumbTack, 0xf08D
			ThumbTack = 0xf08D,
			//ThumbsDown, 0xf165
			ThumbsDown = 0xf165,
			//ThumbsODown, 0xf088
			ThumbsODown = 0xf088,
			//ThumbsOUp, 0xf087
			ThumbsOUp = 0xf087,
			//ThumbsUp, 0xf164
			ThumbsUp = 0xf164,
			//Ticket, 0xf145
			Ticket = 0xf145,
			//Times, 0xf00D
			Times = 0xf00D,
			//TimesCircle, 0xf057
			TimesCircle = 0xf057,
			//TimesCircleO, 0xf05C
			TimesCircleO = 0xf05C,
			//4.7, TimesRectangle, 0xf2D3
			TimesRectangle = 0xf2D3,
			//4.7, TimesRectangleO, 0xf2D4
			TimesRectangleO = 0xf2D4,
			//Tint, 0xf043
			Tint = 0xf043,
			//ToggleDown, 0xf150
			ToggleDown = 0xf150,
			//4.0, ToggleLeft, 0xf191
			ToggleLeft = 0xf191,
			//4.2, ToggleOff, 0xf204
			ToggleOff = 0xf204,
			//4.2, ToggleOn, 0xf205
			ToggleOn = 0xf205,
			//ToggleRight, 0xf152
			ToggleRight = 0xf152,
			//ToggleUp, 0xf151
			ToggleUp = 0xf151,
			//4.4, Trademark, 0xf25C
			Trademark = 0xf25C,
			//4.3, Train, 0xf238
			Train = 0xf238,
			//4.3, Transgender, 0xf224
			Transgender = 0xf224,
			//4.3, TransgenderAlt, 0xf225
			TransgenderAlt = 0xf225,
			//4.2, Trash, 0xf1F8
			Trash = 0xf1F8,
			//TrashO, 0xf014
			TrashO = 0xf014,
			//4.1, Tree, 0xf1Bb
			Tree = 0xf1Bb,
			//Trello, 0xf181
			Trello = 0xf181,
			//4.4, Tripadvisor, 0xf262
			Tripadvisor = 0xf262,
			//Trophy, 0xf091
			Trophy = 0xf091,
			//Truck, 0xf0D1
			Truck = 0xf0D1,
			//4.0, Try, 0xf195
			Try = 0xf195,
			//4.2, Tty, 0xf1E4
			Tty = 0xf1E4,
			//Tumblr, 0xf173
			Tumblr = 0xf173,
			//TumblrSquare, 0xf174
			TumblrSquare = 0xf174,
			//4.0, TurkishLira, 0xf195
			TurkishLira = 0xf195,
			//4.4, Tv, 0xf26C
			Tv = 0xf26C,
			//4.2, Twitch, 0xf1E8
			Twitch = 0xf1E8,
			//Twitter, 0xf099
			Twitter = 0xf099,
			//TwitterSquare, 0xf081
			TwitterSquare = 0xf081,
			//Umbrella, 0xf0E9
			Umbrella = 0xf0E9,
			//Underline, 0xf0Cd
			Underline = 0xf0Cd,
			//Undo, 0xf0E2
			Undo = 0xf0E2,
			//4.6, UniversalAccess, 0xf29A
			UniversalAccess = 0xf29A,
			//4.1, University, 0xf19C
			University = 0xf19C,
			//Unlink, 0xf127
			Unlink = 0xf127,
			//Unlock, 0xf09C
			Unlock = 0xf09C,
			//UnlockAlt, 0xf13E
			UnlockAlt = 0xf13E,
			//Unsorted, 0xf0Dc
			Unsorted = 0xf0Dc,
			//Upload, 0xf093
			Upload = 0xf093,
			//4.5, Usb, 0xf287
			Usb = 0xf287,
			//Usd, 0xf155
			Usd = 0xf155,
			//User, 0xf007
			User = 0xf007,
			//4.7, UserCircle, 0xf2Bd
			UserCircle = 0xf2Bd,
			//4.7, UserCircleO, 0xf2Be
			UserCircleO = 0xf2Be,
			//UserMd, 0xf0F0
			UserMd = 0xf0F0,
			//4.7, UserO, 0xf2C0
			UserO = 0xf2C0,
			//4.3, UserPlus, 0xf234
			UserPlus = 0xf234,
			//4.3, UserSecret, 0xf21B
			UserSecret = 0xf21B,
			//4.3, UserTimes, 0xf235
			UserTimes = 0xf235,
			//Users, 0xf0C0
			Users = 0xf0C0,
			//4.7, Vcard, 0xf2Bb
			Vcard = 0xf2Bb,
			//4.7, VcardO, 0xf2Bc
			VcardO = 0xf2Bc,
			//4.3, Venus, 0xf221
			Venus = 0xf221,
			//4.3, VenusDouble, 0xf226
			VenusDouble = 0xf226,
			//4.3, VenusMars, 0xf228
			VenusMars = 0xf228,
			//4.3, Viacoin, 0xf237
			Viacoin = 0xf237,
			//4.6, Viadeo, 0xf2A9
			Viadeo = 0xf2A9,
			//4.6, ViadeoSquare, 0xf2Aa
			ViadeoSquare = 0xf2Aa,
			//VideoCamera, 0xf03D
			VideoCamera = 0xf03D,
			//4.4, Vimeo, 0xf27D
			Vimeo = 0xf27D,
			//4.0, VimeoSquare, 0xf194
			VimeoSquare = 0xf194,
			//4.1, Vine, 0xf1Ca
			Vine = 0xf1Ca,
			//Vk, 0xf189
			Vk = 0xf189,
			//4.6, VolumeControlPhone, 0xf2A0
			VolumeControlPhone = 0xf2A0,
			//VolumeDown, 0xf027
			VolumeDown = 0xf027,
			//VolumeOff, 0xf026
			VolumeOff = 0xf026,
			//VolumeUp, 0xf028
			VolumeUp = 0xf028,
			//Warning, 0xf071
			Warning = 0xf071,
			//4.1, Wechat, 0xf1D7
			Wechat = 0xf1D7,
			//Weibo, 0xf18A
			Weibo = 0xf18A,
			//4.1, Weixin, 0xf1D7
			Weixin = 0xf1D7,
			//4.3, Whatsapp, 0xf232
			Whatsapp = 0xf232,
			//4.0, Wheelchair, 0xf193
			Wheelchair = 0xf193,
			//4.6, WheelchairAlt, 0xf29B
			WheelchairAlt = 0xf29B,
			//4.2, Wifi, 0xf1Eb
			Wifi = 0xf1Eb,
			//4.4, WikipediaW, 0xf266
			WikipediaW = 0xf266,
			//4.7, WindowClose, 0xf2D3
			WindowClose = 0xf2D3,
			//4.7, WindowCloseO, 0xf2D4
			WindowCloseO = 0xf2D4,
			//4.7, WindowMaximize, 0xf2D0
			WindowMaximize = 0xf2D0,
			//4.7, WindowMinimize, 0xf2D1
			WindowMinimize = 0xf2D1,
			//4.7, WindowRestore, 0xf2D2
			WindowRestore = 0xf2D2,
			//Windows, 0xf17A
			Windows = 0xf17A,
			//Won, 0xf159
			Won = 0xf159,
			//4.1, Wordpress, 0xf19A
			Wordpress = 0xf19A,
			//4.6, Wpbeginner, 0xf297
			Wpbeginner = 0xf297,
			//4.7, Wpexplorer, 0xf2De
			Wpexplorer = 0xf2De,
			//4.6, Wpforms, 0xf298
			Wpforms = 0xf298,
			//Wrench, 0xf0Ad
			Wrench = 0xf0Ad,
			//Xing, 0xf168
			Xing = 0xf168,
			//XingSquare, 0xf169
			XingSquare = 0xf169,
			//4.4, YCombinator, 0xf23B
			YCombinator = 0xf23B,
			//4.1, YCombinatorSquare, 0xf1D4
			YCombinatorSquare = 0xf1D4,
			//4.1, Yahoo, 0xf19E
			Yahoo = 0xf19E,
			//4.4, Yc, 0xf23B
			Yc = 0xf23B,
			//4.1, YcSquare, 0xf1D4
			YcSquare = 0xf1D4,
			//4.2, Yelp, 0xf1E9
			Yelp = 0xf1E9,
			//Yen, 0xf157
			Yen = 0xf157,
			//4.6, Yoast, 0xf2B1
			Yoast = 0xf2B1,
			//Youtube, 0xf167
			Youtube = 0xf167,
			//YoutubePlay, 0xf16A
			YoutubePlay = 0xf16A,
			//YoutubeSquare, 0xf166
			YoutubeSquare = 0xf166

 FONT_FILE_NAME 参数为fontawesome-webfont.ttf文件的目录

3 应用部分的代码

 new FontAwesome.Properties(FontAwesome.Type.Automobile) { ForeColor = Color.Black, BorderColor = Color.Transparent, BackColor = Color.Transparent }.AsIcon();

new FontAwesome.Properties(FontAwesome.Type.Laptop) { ForeColor = Color.Black, BorderColor = Color.Transparent, BackColor = Color.Transparent }.AsImage();







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


