
英二-2020-Text 4 摘自新闻周刊《Newsweek》2019年6月的文章《Gen Zs are Anxious, Entrepreneurial and Determined to Avoid Their Predecessor’s Mistakes》。

Paragraph 1

  1. Now that members of Generation Z are graduating college this spring — the most commonly-accepted definition says this generation was born after 1995, give or take a year — the attention has been rising steadily in recent weeks.

    • 翻译:如今,Z世代在这个春天就要大学毕业 —— 出生于1995年之后,相差不到一年,是对这一代人最普遍接受的定义—— 近几周,对Z世代的关注已经在稳步上升了。
    • 解释:
      • member n. 成员
      • generation n. 代,一代人
      • commonly-accepted 广泛地接受的
      • definition n. 定义
      • give or take 加上或减去,是一个俚语,常用于描述某个事件或事物发生的时间范围,强调对某个数值或时间的灵活性和不确定性。
      • attention n. 关注、注意
      • steadily adv. 稳定地,steady adj. 稳定的
  2. Gen Zs are about to hit the streets looking for work in a labor market that’s tighter than it’s been in decades.

    • 翻译:Z世代们即将走上街头,在一个比几十年来更紧张的劳动力市场中找工作。
    • 解释:
      • about adj. 即将(做…)的
      • look for 寻找,找
      • labor market 劳动力市场
      • tighter adj. 比较级:更紧的,更紧身的,原形 tight adj. 紧的
      • decades n. 几十年(复数,原形decade
  3. And employers are planning on hiring about 17 percent more new graduates for jobs in the U.S. this year than last, according to a survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

    • 翻译:与此同时,根据国家大学和雇主协会的一项调查显示,今年美国雇主们计划比去年多雇佣17%的应届生。
    • 解释:
      • employer n. 雇主,雇佣的那个人,而不是被雇佣的人!
      • plan on 计划做…
      • hire v. 雇佣
      • graduate n. 毕业生
      • according to 根据
      • survey n. 调查
      • conducted by 由…执行的
      • national adj. 国家的、全国的
      • association n. 协会
      • college n. 大学
  4. Everybody wants to know how the people who will soon inhabit those empty office cubicles will differ from those who came before them.

    • 翻译:每人都想要知道将要居住在那些空置的办公小房间的人,和在他们之前来过的人有何不同。
    • 解释:
      • inhabit v. 居住在
      • cubicle n. 小房间
      • Everybody wants to know how the people (…) will differ from [those who came before them].

36) Generation Zs graduating college this spring ___.
[A] are recoginized for their abilities
[B] are in favor of office job offers
[C] are optimistic about the labor market
[D] are drawing growing public attention
译:越来越受到公众关注(drawing 吸引,growing 成长的、增长的)

Paragraph 2

  1. If “entitled” is the most common adjective, fairly or not, applied to millennials (those born between 1981 and 1995), the catchwords for Generation Z are practical and cautious.

    • 翻译:如果"有资格的"(自以为有权利的)是最普遍的形容词,不论公正与否,用来形容千禧一代(那些出身于1981到1995年的人),那么形容Z世代的流行语就是现实且谨慎的。
    • 解释:
      • entitled adj. 有资格的
      • fairly adv. 相当地、公正地
      • apply v. 应用,申请
      • millennials n. 千禧一代,millennial adj. 千禧的、千福年的,这个词超纲了,所以后面用括号补充了其解释,这种情况大概率与出题有关。
      • catchwords n. 流行语
      • practical adj. 实际的、现实的
      • cautious adj. 小心的、谨慎的
      • 这句话传达了对不同年代人群个性特点的对比。千禧一代被看作是自以为有权利的,而Z世代被认为更加实际和谨慎。这是一种对两个不同年代人群的主观描述,并不适用于每个人。
  2. According to the career counselors and experts who study them, Generation Zs are cleareyed, economic pragmatists.

    • 翻译:据研究他们的职业生涯顾问和专家反馈,Z世代不仅眼睛雪亮,而且是经济务实主义者。
    • 解释:
      • career n. 职业生涯
      • counselor n. 顾问。原形 counsel v. 建议、提供咨询;n. 忠告、建议、法顾、律师。
      • expert n. 专家
      • cleareyed adj. 清醒的眼睛
      • economic adj. 经济的、经济学的、经济上的
      • pragmatist n. 实用主义者,pragmatic adj. 实用的、务实的
  3. Despite graduating into the best economy in the past 50 years, Gen Zs know what an economic train wreck looks like.

    • 翻译:尽管毕业于50年来最好的经济时代,Z世代也知道经济危机是什么样。
    • 解释:
      • despite prep. 尽管
      • economic adj. 经济的
      • train n. 列车、火车
      • wreck n. 沉船、失事、破坏
  4. They were impressionable kids during the crash of 2008, when many of their parents lost their jobs or their life savings or both.

    • 翻译:他们在2008年的经济崩溃期间还是易受影响的孩子,当时他们的父母中有许多人失去了工作,或者失去了他们的积蓄,或者两者皆有。
    • 解释:
      • impressionable adj. 易受影响的,impress n./v. 印象/留下印象,impression n. 印象,impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的
      • crash n. 破裂
      • life savings 毕生积蓄、存款
  5. They aren’t interested in taking any chances.

    • 翻译:他们对冒险不感兴趣。
    • 解释:
      • chance n. 机会、风险、冒险
  6. The booming economy seems to have done little to assuage this underlying generational sense of anxious urgency, especially for those who have college debt.

    • 翻译:激增的经济看上去并不能缓解这一代人潜在的焦虑紧迫感,尤其是那些有大学贷款的人。
    • 解释:
      • booming adj. 激增的
      • assuage v. 缓和
      • anxious adj. 焦虑的
      • urgency n. 紧迫性
      • debt n. 债务
  7. College loan balances in the U,S. now stand at a record $ 1.5 trillion, according to the Federal Reserve.

    • 翻译:根据美联储的数据,现在美国的大学贷款余额维持在1.5万亿的记录。
    • 解释:
      • loan n. 贷款
      • balance n. 余额
      • the Federal Reserve 美联储,federal adj. 联邦的,reserve n. 储备金

37) Generation Zs are keenly aware ___.
[A] what a tough economic situation is like
[B] what their parents expect of them
[C] how they differ from past generations
[D] how valuable a counselor’s advice is

38) The word “assuage”(Para.2) is closest in meaning to ___.
译:第二段的单词 assuage 的意思与哪项最接近?
[A] define 定义
[B] relieve 减轻、缓解
[C] maintain 保持、维持
[D] deepen 加深、深化

Paragraph 3

  1. One survey from Accenture found that 88 percent of graduating seniors this year chose their major with a job in mind.

    • 翻译:来自Accenture公司的一项调查发现,今年88%的毕业生倾向于选择与他们的专业相符的工作。
    • 解释:
      • survey n. 调查
      • percent n. 百分
      • senior n. 高级的,毕业班学生
      • major n. 专业,主修课;v. 主修、专攻;adj. 主要的、主修的
      • in mind 在心里、在想法中
  2. In a 2019 survey of University of Georgia students, meanwhile, the career office found the most desirable trait in a future employer was the ability to offer secure employment ( followed by professional development and training, and then inspiring purpose).

    • 翻译:与此同时,一份来自佐治亚州大学生的调查,职业生涯办发现(学生们)对未来雇主最向往的特质是提供安全就业的能力(其次是专业发展和培训,然后是令人振幅的目标)。
    • 解释:
      • meanwhile adv. 同时、与此同时
      • career n. 职业生涯
      • office n. 办公室
      • desirable adj. 可取的、向往的
      • trait n. 特质、个人个性的特征
      • in a future employer 在未来的雇主身上
      • offer v. 提供
      • secure adj. 安全的、可靠的、牢靠的
      • employment n. 工作、就业、就业率
      • followed by 其次
      • professional adj. 专业的、职业的
      • development n. 发展、开发
      • training n. 训练、培训、锻炼
      • inspiring adj. 令人激动的、鼓舞人心的,inspire v. 激励、鼓舞
      • purpose n. 目的、企图、目标
  3. Job security or stability was the second most important career goal (work-life balance was number one), followed by a sense of being dedicated to a cause or to feel good about serving the greater good.

    • 翻译:工作岗位的安全或稳定是第二重要的职业目标(工作与生活的平衡排在首位),其次是对事业的专注感或者提供更多利益的良好感受。
    • 解释:
      • security n. 安全、牢靠、安全性
      • stability n. 稳定、稳定性
      • career n. 职业、职业生涯
      • goal n. 目标
      • dedicated adj. 专注的
      • followed by 然后、其次
      • serve v. 服务、提供、接待

39) It can be learned from Paragraph 3 that Generation Zs ___.
[A] care little about their job performance
[B] give top priority to professional training
[C] think it hard to achieve work-life balance
[D] have a clear idea about their future jobs

Paragraph 4

  1. That’s a big change from the previous generation.

    • 翻译:相较于上一代人,那是一个巨大的改变。
    • 解释:
      • previous adj. 前面的
  2. “Millennials wanted more flexibility in their lives,” notes Tanya Michelsen, Associate Director of YouthSight, a UK-based brand manager that conducts regular 60-day surveys of British youth, in findings that might just as well apply to American youth.

    • 翻译:“千禧一代在生活中需要更多的弹性”,Tanya Michelsen(YouthSight的副总监,这是一家总部位于英国的品牌经理,定期对英国青年进行为期60天的调查),这些发现可能同样适用于美国青年。
    • 解释:
      • millennial n. 千禧一代
      • flexibility n. 灵活性、弹性
      • associate adj. 联合的、准的、副的、非正式的
      • director n. 主任、董事、经理、负责人
      • brand n. 品牌
      • manager n. 经理
  3. "Generation Zs are looking for more certainty and stability, because of the rise of the gig economy.

    • 翻译:"Z世代寻找更多的确定性和稳定性,因为零工经济的不断增长。
    • 解释:
      • certainty n. 确定性,certain adj. 确定的
      • stability n. 稳定性,stable adj. 稳定的
      • the gig economy 零工经济
  4. They have troubles seeing a financial future and they are quite risk averse."

    • 翻译:他们看不到财务上的未来,而且他们相当厌恶风险。"
    • 解释:
      • trouble n. 困难
      • financial adj. 财务的
      • future n. 未来
      • quite adv. 相当、十分
      • averse adj. 厌恶

40) Michelsen thinks that compared with millennials, Generation Zs are ___.
译:Michelsen 认为与千禧代相比,Z世代怎么样?
[A] less realistic
[B] less adventurous
[C] more diligent
[D] more generous





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