On the Amortized Complexity of Zero Knowledge Protocols for Multiplicative Relations 学习笔记

1. 引言

Cramer等人2011年论文《On the Amortized Complexity of Zero Knowledge Protocols for Multiplicative Relations》。

【正如 Thomas Attema等人发表于CRYPTO 2020中的论文《Compressed sigma-Protocol Theory and Practical Application to Plug & Play Secure Algorithmics》中所指出的。详情参见博客 Compressed sigma-Protocol Theory and Practical Application to Plug & Play Secure Algorithmics学习笔记
(1)借助安全多方计算技术,实现了对arbitrary constraints on vectors of committed elements的证明。
(2)考虑的是单个element of Z q \mathbb{Z}_q Zq 的homomorphic commitment scheme,对应a vecotr的commitment size为 O ( n ) O(n) O(n),其中 n n n为vector size。主要是利用 ∑ \sum -protocol实现了乘法关系的证明,即 x i y i = z i x_iy_i=z_i xiyi=zi。(Thomas Attema等人发表于CRYPTO 2020中的论文《Compressed sigma-Protocol Theory and Practical Application to Plug & Play Secure Algorithmics》中 对此仅需了改进,实现了packed commitment。详情参见参见博客 Compressed sigma-Protocol Theory and Practical Application to Plug & Play Secure Algorithmics学习笔记 1.3节内容。)
(3)其本质思想是 h ( X ) = f ( X ) g ( X ) h(X)=f(X)g(X) h(X)=f(X)g(X) 多项式乘积证明,可将多项式 f ( X ) f(X) f(X) g ( X ) g(X) g(X) h ( X ) h(X) h(X)看成是分别对应multiplication gates的packed-secret sharings of left inputs、right inputs和outputs。(详情参见参见博客 Compressed sigma-Protocol Theory and Practical Application to Plug & Play Secure Algorithmics学习笔记 1.3节内容。)


  • 提供了a zero-knowledge protocol用于证明 the committed values x i , y i , z i x_i,y_i,z_i xi,yi,zi for i = 1 , ⋯   , l i=1,\cdots,l i=1,,l,满足 x i y i = z i x_iy_i=z_i xiyi=zi
    其中 x i , y i , z i x_i,y_i,z_i xi,yi,zi 值均来自于有限域内。
    For error probability 2 − u 2^{-u} 2u, the size of the proof is linear in u u u and only logarithmic in l l l
    因此,对于任意fixed error probability,the amortized complexity 随着 l l l的增加会消失。
    特别地,当the committed values来自于a field of small constant size是,可进一步改进之前方案 的complexity by a factor of l l l

  • 为circuit satisifiability of circuit C C C构建的zero-knowledge interactive proof,相应的proof size为 O ( ∣ c ∣ ) O(|c|) O(c)

  • generalize a protocol——用于verify l l l instances of an algebraic circuit D D D over K K K with v v v inputs。即已知committed values x i , j x_{i,j} xi,j z i z_i zi with i = 1 , ⋯   , l i=1,\cdots, l i=1,,l and j = 1 , ⋯   , v j=1,\cdots,v j=1,,v,Prover需证明 D ( x i , 1 , ⋯   , x i , v ) = z i D(x_{i,1},\cdots,x_{i,v})=z_i D(xi,1,,xi,v)=zi for i = 1 , ⋯   , l i=1,\cdots,l i=1,,l
    有一个有趣的属性是,the amortized complexity of verifying one circuit only depends on the multiplicative depth of the circuit and not the size。因此,对于具有small multiplicative depth的circuit,the amortized cost要小于the number of multiplications in D D D

  • 借助preprocessing,实现了信息论安全的homomorphic commitments to integer valuse。仅需a constant number of multiplications per commitment。

  • 实现了verify l l l integer multiplications with low amortized complexity。

  • 本文的所有协议的安全假设依赖于commitment scheme本身,即factoring。而这些协议也可扩展至使用standard computationally securce commitment,相应的安全假设则基于strong RSA assumption。

本文主要关注的是commitments to elements in a finite field K K K, or to integers,同时假设这些commitments具有同态属性,即 [ x ] ⋅ [ y ] = [ x + y ] [x]\cdot [y]=[x+y] [x][y]=[x+y]

commitment scheme 的一个经典应用是:
the Prover needs to convince the Verifier that the values he commits to satisfy a certain algebraic relation。

the Prover commits to x 1 , ⋯   , x v x_1,\cdots,x_v x1,,xv and the Verifier wants to know that D ( x 1 , ⋯ x v ) = 0 D(x_1,\cdots x_v)=0 D(x1,xv)=0 for an algebraic circuit D defined over K K K or over the integers。
D D D仅适用linear operations,则利用commitment的同态属性,Verifier可自己计算a commitment to D ( x 1 , ⋯   , x v ) D(x_1,\cdots,x_v) D(x1,,xv) and Prover opens this to reveal 0。
但是,当 D D D中有乘法时,则需要a zero-knowledge protocol来让the Prover convinces the Verifier that three committed values x , y , z x,y,z x,y,z 满足 x y = z xy=z xy=z

  • 在 Cramer 等人1999年论文《Efficient multiparty computations secure against an adaptive adversary》中,利用homomorphic commitments over any finite field K K K构建了类似的multiplication protocol,相应的soundness error为 1 / ∣ K ∣ 1/|K| 1/K,当 K K K为a field with small size (constant or logarithmic in the security parameter)时,soundness error 1 / ∣ K ∣ 1/|K| 1/K值过大。为了实现smaller error,目前知道的唯一解决办法是repeat the protocol,相应的communication complexity为 Θ ( K u ) \Theta(\mathcal{K}u) Θ(Ku) for soundness error 2 − u 2^{-u} 2u and commitment size为 K \mathcal{K} K bits。

  • Fujisaki等人1997年论文《 Statistical zero knowledge protocols to prove modular polynomial relations》 和 Damg˚ard 等人 2002年论文《 A statistically-hiding integer commitment scheme based on groups with hidden order》 中提出了a multiplication protocol for integer commitments,相应的communication complexity 为 Θ ( K + l + k ) \Theta(\mathcal{K}+l+k) Θ(K+l+k),其中 k k k为Prover’s secret integers的bit size,同时需要依赖额外的假设——strong RSA assumption。若我们考虑仅需要factoring假设的commitment scheme时,相应的complexity为 Θ ( ( K + k ) l ) \Theta((\mathcal{K}+k)l) Θ((K+k)l)

  • Cramer等人2009年论文《On the amortized complexity of zero-knowledge protocols》中 指出,很多应用中Prover需要make many ZK proofs of similar statements,因此可以进一步进行改进——make the amortized complexity per proof be small by combining all the proofs into one protocol。
    在本文中即意味着,the Prover commits to x i , y i , z i x_i,y_i,z_i xi,yi,zi for i = 1 , ⋯   , l i=1,\cdots,l i=1,,l 然后wants to convince the Verifier that x i y i = z i x_iy_i=z_i xiyi=zi for all i i i。Cramer等人2009年论文《On the amortized complexity of zero-knowledge protocols》中的算法实现了amortized complexity Θ ( K + l ) \Theta(\mathcal{K}+l) Θ(K+l),但是要求所有的 x i x_i xi是一样的(或者所有的 y i y_i yi是一样的),这在实际应用时很难满足。

1.1 本文主要贡献

  • 构建了a zero-knowledge protocol,适用于任意的 x i , y i , z i x_i,y_i,z_i xi,yi,zi,同时适于任意的homomorphic commitment scheme。
    当选择standard unconditionally binding and computationally hiding commitment scheme时,the amortized complexity为 O ( u l ⋅ K ) O(\frac{u}{l}\cdot \mathcal{K}) O(luK) bits for error probability 2 − u 2^{-u} 2u。相比于Cramer 等人1999年论文《Efficient multiparty computations secure against an adaptive adversary》的 Θ ( K u ) \Theta(\mathcal{K}u) Θ(Ku)改进了 l l l倍。 (特别地,当 l = u l=u l=u,amortized complexity为 O ( K ) O(\mathcal{K}) O(K)。)

  • 实现了unconditionally secure homomorphic commitments assuming preprocessing。可以使协议的效率更高,as only a constant number of multiplications per commitment is required。

  • 当需要verify l l l instances of an algebraic circuit D D D over K K K with v v v inputs,相当于:given committed values x i , j , z i x_{i,j},z_i xi,j,zi with i = 1 , ⋯   , l i=1,\cdots,l i=1,,l and j = 1 , ⋯   , v j=1,\cdots,v j=1,,v,Prover需要证明 D ( x i , 1 , ⋯   , x i , v ) = z i D(x_{i,1},\cdots,x_{i,v})=z_i D(xi,1,,xi,v)=zi for i = 1 , ⋯   , l i=1,\cdots,l i=1,,l。The amortized cost to verify one circuit with multiplicative depth δ \delta δ O ( 2 δ K + v K + δ log ⁡ l ) O(2^{\delta}\mathcal{K}+v\mathcal{K}+\delta\log l) O(2δK+vK+δlogl) bits for an error probability of 2 − l 2^{-l} 2l,与circuit size无关。
    对于具有small multiplicative depth 的circuit(如 the classes K − S A C 0 K-SAC^0 KSAC0 K − S A C 1 K-SAC^1 KSAC1),这种方法具有优势,the amortized communication cost要小于the number of multiplications in D D D

  • 允许Verifier将function的计算外包给第三方,只要Verifier choose the random challenge in the protocol,this would be secure if the prover is malicous and the third party is semi-honest。

  • 最终实现的zero-knowledge protocol为:使用black-box access to homomophic commitments to k k k-bit integers。为了check l l l integer multiplications and error probability 2 − l 2^{-l} 2l,the amortized complexity 为 O ( K + k + l log ⁡ ( l ) ) O(\mathcal{K}+k+l\log(l)) O(K+k+llog(l))。当其中的commitment使用standard computationally secure scheme时,相比于之前需要strong RSA assumption的方案,此处不需要任何assumption。

  • 当使用information theoretically secure commitments based on preprocessing时,本文构建的协议具有perfect zero-knowledge against general verifiers。
    当使用standard computationally secure commitments时,仅具有honest verifier zero-knowledge。

  • 本文用到的技术有点类似于[IKOS09]中的“MPC-in-the-head”技术,但是有以下差异:both strategies都用到了“virtual players”,即,the Prover in his head imagines n n n players that receive shares of his secret values and he must later reveal information to the verifier relating to these shares。[IKOS09]中的协议complexity为 O ( n ) O(n) O(n),因为其Prover需commit to the view of each virtual player。而本文利用了commitment scheme的同态属性,将complexity降为 O ( log ⁡ n ) O(\log n) O(logn),这也是为啥our amortized overhead vanishes instead of being constant, as one would get using MPC-in-the-head。
    另外,将本文协议和“multiparty computation in the head” 技术结合,在某些参数情况下可改进其communication complexity。

  • 同时期,Ben_Sasson等人2011年论文《Near-linear unconditionally-secure multiparty computation with a dishonest minority》中展示了a multiparty protocol for honest majority that checks several multiplicative relations on secret-shared values with low amortized complexity。该技术基于secret sharing,但是the checking works in a different way since in that setting there is no single prover who knows all values。

1.2 相关应用


  • give ZK proofs for satisfiability of a Boolean circuit C C C:Prover commits to the bits on each wire in the circuit,然后opens the output as 1 and shows that, for each AND-gate, the corresponding multiplicative relation holds for the committed bits。
    若基于ideal commitment model,[IKOS09] 实现了constant communication overhead和polynomial computation overhead。
    [DIK10] 中则实现了communication overhead和computation overhead均为poly-logarithmic。
    而若使用ideal homomorphic commitment model,本文的协议实现了communication overhead和computation overhead均为constant。
    而若使用information theoretically secure homomophic scheme,则需要额外的local computation,相应的communication overhead为constant的,computation overhead为polynomial。与[IKOS09]相比,涉及的constant值更小。同时,对于linear operations,本文不需要任何communication cost。

  • 类似于[CDN01]中所示,可基于additively homomorphic encryption scheme实现general multiparty computation。相比于之前的技术,a player可用本文协议证明that his input satisfy a given condition much more efficiently that by previous techniques。

  • 可用于anonymous credentials和group signatures。可基于Fiat-Shamir heuristic来实现non-interactive zero-knowledge proof。当需要证明a committed number在指定范围内时,一种解决方案是——可用[Bou00]中的proof技术来"transfer" the values to an integer commitment scheme来证明。其本质是multiplication proofs,因此可使用本文的方案来实现。

2. 相关定义

2.1 information theoretic commitment

[ v ] [v] [v] 表示a commitment to v v v
假设commitment操作对应于an additive group。

该commitment scheme具有同态属性:
[ v ] ⋅ [ v ′ ] = [ v + v ′ ] [v]\cdot [v']=[v+v'] [v][v]=[v+v]
for all v , v ′ v,v' v,v in the proper domain (either a finite field K K K or the integers)。

v ⃗ = ( v 1 , ⋯   , v m ) \vec{v}=(v_1,\cdots,v_m) v =(v1,,vm) 为a vector with entries in K K K (or in the integers)。
[ v ⃗ ] [\vec{v}] [v ]表示a vector of commitments, one to each coordinate in v ⃗ \vec{v} v
u ⃗ = ( u 1 , ⋯   , u m ) \vec{u}=(u_1,\cdots,u_m) u =(u1,,um)为a vector of the same length as v ⃗ \vec{v} v 时,则 [ v ⃗ ] u ⃗ = ∏ i [ v i ] u i [\vec{v}]^{\vec{u}}=\prod_i[v_i]^{u_i} [v ]u =i[vi]ui,实际为a commitment containing the inner product of u ⃗ \vec{u} u and v ⃗ \vec{v} v

[ u ⃗ ] ∗ [ v ⃗ ] [\vec{u}]*[\vec{v}] [u ][v ]表示the component-wise product。

(1) Field Scenario:
K K K 为a finite field, L L L为an extension of K K K,本文考虑 K K K为a small constant size field的情况。
a ∈ L a\in L aL为Verifier的private valuse,假设Prover有a list A A A of uniform values u 1 , ⋯   , u i , ⋯ ∈ K u_1,\cdots,u_i,\cdots\in K u1,,ui,K,且对每一个 u i u_i ui Prover同时有a value m u i = a ⋅ u i + b u i m_{u_i}=a\cdot u_i+b_{u_i} mui=aui+bui,其中 b u i b_{u_i} bui为uniform in L L L且为Verifier的private value。
可将 m u i m_{u_i} mui看成是an information theoretic message authentication code (MAC) on u i u_i ui,而将 ( a , b u i ) (a,b_{u_i}) (a,bui) 看成是the key to open such a MAC on u i u_i ui。如[BDOZ11, DPSZ12]等论文中所示,可通过a functionality for the preprocessing phase of a multiparty computation protocol来实现。

  • Prover为了commit to v ∈ K v\in K vK,Prover首先将 u − v u-v uv发送给Verifier。
  • 然后设置 m v = m u = a ⋅ u + b u m_v=m_u=a\cdot u+b_u mv=mu=au+bu,其中 u u u 为the first unused value in the list A A A
  • Verifier更新相应的key值 b v = b u + a ⋅ ( u − v ) b_v=b_u+a\cdot (u-v) bv=bu+a(uv)
  • 最终的commitment to v v v值为:
    而open commitment [ v ] [v] [v]时,Prover可将 v , m v v,m_v v,mv发送给Verifier,Verifier验证 a ⋅ v + b v = m v a\cdot v+b_v=m_v av+bv=mv是否成立即可。


  • unconditionally binding。错误的概率不高于 1 / ∣ L ∣ 1/|L| 1/L。实际设计师,通常要求 ∣ L ∣ = 2 Θ ( K ) |L|=2^{\Theta(\mathcal{K})} L=2Θ(K),其中 K \mathcal{K} K为security parameter。
  • unconditionally hiding。即Verifer收到a commitment u − v u-v uv only knows a a a, b u 1 , ⋯   , b u i , ⋯ b_{u_1},\cdots,b_{u_i},\cdots bu1,,bui,,这些均与 v v v无关。
  • 同态属性,即满足 [ v ] ⋅ [ v ′ ] = [ v + v ′ ] [v]\cdot [v']=[v+v'] [v][v]=[v+v]

(2)Integer Scenario
此处构建 unconditionally secure commitments on k k k-bits integers。
与之前的Field Scenario 不同:
a a a为a prime in the interval [ − 2 K , ⋯   , 2 K ] [-2^{\mathcal{K}},\cdots,2^{\mathcal{K}}] [2K,,2K] a a a为Verifier的私有信息。假设Prover有a list A A A of integer values u 1 , ⋯   , u i , ⋯ u_1,\cdots,u_i,\cdots u1,,ui, 均匀分布在 [ − 2 k + K , ⋯   , 2 k + K ] [-2^{k+\mathcal{K}},\cdots,2^{k+\mathcal{K}}] [2k+K,,2k+K],且对于每个 u i u_i ui,Prover还有相应的integer m u i = a ⋅ u i + b u i m_{u_i}=a\cdot u_i+b_{u_i} mui=aui+bui,其中 b u i b_{u_i} bui为a uniform integer in [ − 2 k + 3 K , ⋯   , 2 k + 3 K ] [-2^{k+3\mathcal{K}},\cdots,2^{k+3\mathcal{K}}] [2k+3K,,2k+3K] 且为Verifier的私有信息。

  • Prover为了commit to the integer v ∈ [ − 2 k , ⋯   , 2 k ] v\in [-2^k,\cdots,2^k] v[2k,,2k],Prover将 u − v u-v uv发送给Verifier。

  • Prover设置 m v = m u = a ⋅ u + b u m_v=m_u=a\cdot u+b_u mv=mu=au+bu,其中 u u u为the first unused value in the list A A A

  • Verifier更新相应的key值 b v = b u + a ⋅ ( u − v ) b_v=b_u+a\cdot (u-v) bv=bu+a(uv)

  • 整个commitment to v v v可表示为:

  • 为了open commitment [ v ] [v] [v],Prover仅需将 v , m v v,m_v v,mv发送给Verifier,Verifier验证 a ⋅ v + b v = m v a\cdot v+b_v=m_v av+bv=mv 是否成立即可。

以上commitment scheme具有的属性为:

  • 同态属性
  • unconditionally hiding
  • unconditionally binding (基于factoring假设——a ( k + K ) (k+\mathcal{K}) (k+K)-bits integer contains at most ( k + K ) / K (k+\mathcal{K})/\mathcal{K} (k+K)/K prime factors of length K \mathcal{K} K and the number of K \mathcal{K} K-bits primes is Θ ( 2 K / K ) \Theta(2^{\mathcal{K}}/\mathcal{K}) Θ(2K/K),此commitment scheme的error probability为 Θ ( ( ( k + K ) / K ) ⋅ ( 2 K / K ) ) = Θ ( ( k + K ) / 2 K ) \Theta(((k+\mathcal{K})/\mathcal{K})\cdot (2^{\mathcal{K}}/\mathcal{K}))=\Theta((k+\mathcal{K})/2^{\mathcal{K}}) Θ(((k+K)/K)(2K/K))=Θ((k+K)/2K),若 k = O ( K ) k=O(\mathcal{K}) k=O(K),则the error probability为 O ( K / 2 K ) O(\mathcal{K}/2^{\mathcal{K}}) O(K/2K)。 )

2.2 Linear Secret Sharing Schemes

目前的linear secret sharing scheme有:

  • [KW93, CDM00] 中的monotone span program formalism。
  • [CCG+07] 中的linear code based formalism。

本文关注的是支持several values from the underlying field can be shared simultaneously,详细的设计思路为:
设置 K K K 为a finite field, m m m为a positive integer。针对 m m m-dimensional K K K-vector space K m K^m Km,index set为 I = { 1 , 2 , ⋯   , m } I=\{1,2,\cdots,m\} I={1,2,,m} x ⃗ = ( x i ) i ∈ I \vec{x}=(x_i)_{i\in I} x =(xi)iI 表示the coordinates of x ⃗ ∈ K m \vec{x}\in K^m x Km。接下来,考虑的都是finite space的linear functions。同时注意,由于这些函数具有(additive) group homomorphisms,通常为regular,即each element in the image has the same number of pre-images,又称为the cardinality of the kernel。
For a non-empty set A ⊆ I A\subseteq I AI, the restriction to A A A is the K K K-linear function:
C ⊆ K m C\subseteq K^m CKm 为 a K K K-linear subspace, A , S ∈ I A,S\in I A,SI为non-empty sets。则可称 S S S offers uniformity if π S ( C ) = K ∣ S ∣ \pi_S(C)=K^{|S|} πS(C)=KS,注意by the regularity of π S \pi_S πS,若 c c c为uniform in C C C,则 π S ( c ) \pi_S(c) πS(c)为uniform in K ∣ S ∣ K^{|S|} KS
接下来从subspace C C C中选择一组随机vector,即 c ⃗ ∈ C \vec{c}\in C c C,使得 π S ( c ⃗ ) = s ⃗ \pi_S(\vec{c})=\vec{s} πS(c )=s ,其中 S S S为a set offering uniformity, s ⃗ \vec{s} s 为the vector of secret values to be shared。The shares are then the coordinates of c ⃗ \vec{c} c that are not in S S S

当存在a function f : K ∣ A ∣ → K ∣ S ∣ f:K^{|A|}\rightarrow K^{|S|} f:KAKS 时,则可称 A A A determines S S S,对所有的 v e c c ∈ C vec{c}\in C veccC,有 ( f ∘ π A ) ( c ⃗ ) = π S ( c ⃗ ) (f\circ \pi_A)(\vec{c})=\pi_S(\vec{c}) (fπA)(c )=πS(c )。若相应的 f f f存在,其为 K K K-linear function。若 c ⃗ \vec{c} c 为uniformly chosen from C C C A A A determines S S S,则 π A ( c ⃗ ) \pi_A(\vec{c}) πA(c ) determines π S ( c ⃗ ) \pi_S(\vec{c}) πS(c ) with probability 1。

若存在满射的 K K K-linear function:
则可称 A A A S S S为mutually independent。
注意当且仅当 A A A S S S为mutually independent 且 A A A determines S S S时, π S ( C ) = { 0 } \pi_S(C)=\{0\} πS(C)={0}。 特别地,若 c ⃗ \vec{c} c is uniformly chosen from C C C,则 π S ( C ) ≠ { 0 } \pi_S(C)\neq\{0\} πS(C)={0};若 A A A S S S为independent的,则 π A ( c ⃗ ) \pi_A(\vec{c}) πA(c ) π S ( c ⃗ ) \pi_S(\vec{c}) πS(c )为独立分布的。


  • 乘法属性:(Schur-product,或称 component-wise product,或称 Hadamard product)
  • Sweeping vecotrs:

3. 乘法关系证明,又可称为Hadamard product 证明协议


  • public info:commitments [ x ⃗ ] , [ y ⃗ ] , [ z ⃗ ] [\vec{x}],[\vec{y}],[\vec{z}] [x ],[y ],[z ]。【注意此处的commitment size为 3 l 3l 3l,即本论文的vector commitment size为 O ( l ) O(l) O(l),其中 l l l为vector size。】
  • private info: x ⃗ = ( x 1 , ⋯   , x l ) , y ⃗ = ( y 1 , ⋯   , y l ) , z ⃗ = ( z 1 , ⋯   , z l ) \vec{x}=(x_1,\cdots,x_l),\vec{y}=(y_1,\cdots,y_l),\vec{z}=(z_1,\cdots,z_l) x =(x1,,xl),y =(y1,,yl),z =(z1,,zl)
  • relation: x ⃗ ∗ y ⃗ = z ⃗ \vec{x}*\vec{y}=\vec{z} x y =z ,即 for i = 1 , ⋯   , l i=1,\cdots,l i=1,,l,有 x i y i = z i x_iy_i=z_i xiyi=zi

假设Prover和Verifier均同意使用 an l l l-multisecret linear secret sharing scheme ( C , S ) (C,S) (C,S), 有 d d d个players,提供 r ^ \hat{r} r^-product reconstruction,具有的privacy threshold为 t t t
定义generator g : K l + e → C g: K^{l+e}\rightarrow C g:Kl+eC for ( C , S ) (C,S) (C,S)KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '\right' at position 22: …}:K^{l+\hat{e}}\̲r̲i̲g̲h̲t̲ ̲\hat{C} for ( C ^ , S ) (\hat{C},S) (C^,S),相应的public basis分别为 K l + e K^{l+e} Kl+e K l + e ^ K^{l+\hat{e}} Kl+e^,这样the linear mapping g g g (或 g ^ \hat{g} g^) can be computed as the action of a matrix M M M (或 M ^ \hat{M} M^)。


  • ( C , S ) (C, S) (C,S)具有product reconstruction特性时,Prover使用 ( C , S ) (C,S) (C,S)来表示secret shares x ⃗ , y ⃗ \vec{x},\vec{y} x ,y ,使用 ( C ^ , S ) (\hat{C},S) (C^,S)来表示secret shares z ⃗ \vec{z} z ,这样 the resulting vectors of shares c ⃗ x , c ⃗ y , c ⃗ ^ z \vec{c}_x,\vec{c}_y,\hat{\vec{c}}_z c x,c y,c ^z满足 c ⃗ x ∗ c ⃗ y = c ⃗ ^ z \vec{c}_x * \vec{c}_y = \hat{\vec{c}}_z c xc y=c ^z
  • Prover commits to the randomness used in all sharings,借助同态属性,Verifier可计算commitments to any desired share。
  • Verifier选择 t t t个随机的coordinate位置,要求Prover open the commitments to the shares in those positions。
  • Verifier可验证the shares in x ⃗ , y ⃗ \vec{x},\vec{y} x ,y multiply to the shares in z ⃗ \vec{z} z

整个机制是安全的,因为任意的 t t t个shares不会泄露任何信息。但是若 x ⃗ ∗ y ⃗ ≠ z ⃗ \vec{x}*\vec{y}\neq \vec{z} x y =z ,则 c ⃗ x ∗ c ⃗ y = c ⃗ ^ z \vec{c}_x * \vec{c}_y=\hat{\vec{c}}_z c xc y=c ^z最多仅在 r ^ \hat{r} r^个位置成立,因此,Verifier有很大的概率能找到相应的位置使得验证不通过。


4. circuit proof

D D D 为an arithmetic circuit over K K K with v v v inputs and one ouput, c ⃗ 1 , ⋯   , c ⃗ v ∈ K m \vec{c}_1,\cdots,\vec{c}_v\in K^m c 1,,c vKm,定义 D ( c ⃗ 1 , ⋯   , c ⃗ v ) ∈ K m D(\vec{c}_1,\cdots,\vec{c}_v)\in K^m D(c 1,,c v)Km 为the vector whose j j j-th coordinate为 D ( ( c ⃗ 1 ) j , ⋯   , ( v ⃗ ) j ) D((\vec{c}_1)_j,\cdots,(\vec{v})_j) D((c 1)j,,(v )j),即apply D D D to the j j j-th coordinate of all input vectors。


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