Halo2 学习笔记——背景资料之PLONKish arithmetization(7)

1. 引言

circuit基于的域为 F = F p \mathbb{F}=\mathbb{F}_p F=Fp

n = 2 k n=2^k n=2k ω \omega ω为a primitive root of unity of order n n n in F × \mathbb{F}^{\times} F×,则 F × \mathbb{F}^{\times} F×有a multiplicative subgroup H = { 1 , ω , ω 2 , ⋯   , ω n − 1 } \mathcal{H}=\{1,\omega,\omega^2,\cdots,\omega^{n-1}\} H={1,ω,ω2,,ωn1},该subgroup即可构建a Lagrange basis。

2. Polynomial rules

a polynomial rule定义了a constraint that must hold between its specified columns at every row(即,at every element in the multiplicative subgroup)。

a * sa + b * sb + a * b * sm + c * sc + PI = 0

3. Columns

  • fixed columns:fixed for all instance of a particular circuit。这里面包含了selector columns,用于切换parts of a polynomial rule “on” or “off” to form a “custom gate”. 同时也可包含任意其它fixed data。
  • advice columns:为variable values assigned in each instance of the circuit,对应为Prover的secret witness。
  • public input:类似advice columns,但是为publicly known values。

每列对应为a vector of n n n values,如 a ⃗ = [ a 0 , a 1 , ⋯   , a n − 1 ] \vec{a}=[a_0,a_1,\cdots,a_{n-1}] a =[a0,a1,,an1],可将该vector想象成是the evaluation form of the column polynomial a ( X ) , X ∈ H a(X), X\in\mathcal{H} a(X),XH。为了恢复相应column polynomial a ( X ) a(X) a(X)的系数,可使用Lagrange interpolation,使得 a ( ω i ) = a i a(\omega^i)=a_i a(ωi)=ai

4. Equality constraints

equality constraints,用于:

  • 定义a set of columns之间的permutation,如 σ ( a , b , c ) \sigma(a,b,c) σ(a,b,c)
  • assert equalities between specific cells in these columns,如 b 1 = c 0 b_1=c_0 b1=c0
  • 构建permuted columns which should evaluate to same value as origin columns。

5. Permutation grand product

Z ( ω i ) : = ∏ 0 ≤ j ≤ i C k ( ω j ) + β δ k ω j + γ C k ( ω j ) + β S k ( ω j ) + γ Z(\omega^i) := \prod_{0 \leq j \leq i} \frac{C_k(\omega^j) + \beta\delta^k \omega^j + \gamma}{C_k(\omega^j) + \beta S_k(\omega^j) + \gamma} Z(ωi):=0jiCk(ωj)+βSk(ωj)+γCk(ωj)+βδkωj+γ

其中 i = 0 , ⋯   , n − 1 i=0,\cdots,n-1 i=0,,n1 indexes over the size of the multiplicative subgroup, k = 0 , ⋯   , m − 1 k=0,\cdots,m-1 k=0,,m1 indexes over the advice columns involved in the permutation。 δ \delta δ的作用为:keep columns linearly independent。
这是a running product, where each term includes the cumulative(累积的)product of the terms before it。

Check the constraints:

  • 1)第一个term为1: L 0 ( X ) ⋅ ( 1 − Z ( X ) ) = 0 \mathcal{L}_0(X) \cdot (1 - Z(X)) = 0 L0(X)(1Z(X))=0
  • 2)Running product is well-constructed。对于每一行,check:
    Z ( ω i ) ⋅ ( C ( ω i ) + β S k ( ω i ) + γ ) − Z ( ω i − 1 ) ⋅ ( C ( ω i ) + δ k β ω i + γ ) = 0 Z(\omega^i) \cdot{(C(\omega^i) + \beta S_k(\omega^i) + \gamma)} - Z(\omega^{i-1}) \cdot{(C(\omega^i) + \delta^k \beta \omega^i + \gamma)} = 0 Z(ωi)(C(ωi)+βSk(ωi)+γ)Z(ωi1)(C(ωi)+δkβωi+γ)=0
    Z ( ω i ) = Z ( ω i − 1 ) C ( ω i ) + β δ k ω i + γ C ( ω i ) + β S k ( ω i ) + γ Z(\omega^i) = Z(\omega^{i-1}) \frac{C(\omega^i) + \beta\delta^k \omega^i + \gamma}{C(\omega^i) + \beta S_k(\omega^i) + \gamma} Z(ωi)=Z(ωi1)C(ωi)+βSk(ωi)+γC(ωi)+βδkωi+γ
    即可定义相应的grand product polynomial。

5.1 Lookup


5.2 Vanishing argument


  • gate constraints
  • permutation constraints
  • lookup constraints

定义的所有expression都evaluate to zero at all elements in the multiplicative subgroup。为此,Prover需collapse all the expressions into one polynomial:
H ( X ) = ∑ i = 0 e y i E i ( X ) H(X) = \sum_{i=0}^e y^i E_i(X) H(X)=i=0eyiEi(X)
其中, e e e为expression的数量, y y y为用于keep the constraints linearly independent的random challenge。Prover需divide this by the vanishing polynomial and commits to the resulting quotient:
Commit ( Q ( X ) ) , where  Q ( X ) = H ( X ) Z H ( X ) \text{Commit}(Q(X)), \text{where } Q(X) = \frac{H(X)}{Z_H(X)} Commit(Q(X)),where Q(X)=ZH(X)H(X)

Verifier发送random evaluation point x x x,Prover回复the claimed evaluations q = Q ( x ) , { e i } i = 0 e = { E i ( x ) } i = 0 e q = Q(x), \{e_i\}_{i=0}^e = \{E_i(x)\}_{i=0}^e q=Q(x),{ei}i=0e={Ei(x)}i=0e

q = ? ∑ i = 0 e y i e i Z H ( x ) q \stackrel{?}{=} \frac{\sum_{i=0}^e y^i e_i}{Z_H(x)} q=?ZH(x)i=0eyiei

注意,此时仍需check that the committed polynomials indeed evaluate to the claimed values at:
x , q = ? Q ( x ) , { e i } i = 0 e = ? { E i ( x ) } i = 0 e . x, q \stackrel{?}{=} Q(x), \{e_i\}_{i=0}^e \stackrel{?}{=} \{E_i(x)\}_{i=0}^e. x,q=?Q(x),{ei}i=0e=?{Ei(x)}i=0e.
该check可由polynomial commitment scheme来处理。





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