
1. Halo2中的Proof实现

1.1 Proof以opaque byte stream表示

与bellman proving system实现不同,bellman中有明确的Proof结构体封装可proof data,该结构体由Prover返回,并传送给Verifier。


  • Proof结构体中将包含vectors of (vectors of) curve points and scalars。这将使proof的序列化和反序列化变复杂,因为这些vectors的长度将取决于circuit的配置。但是,我们并不想在proof中encode the lengths of vectors,因为at runtime the circuit is fixed, and thus so are the proof sizes。
  • 很容易意外地将内容放入一个Proof结构中,而并没有放在transcript中,这在开发和实施proving system时是一种危险。
  • 需要能同时创建多个PLONK proofs,对于同一circuit,这些proofs共享很多不同的子结构体。

相反,Halo2中将proof objects当成opaque byte streams。通过transcript来创建和消费这些byte streams:

  • TranscriptWrite trait表示something that we can write proof components to (at proving time)。
  • TranscriptRead trait表示something that we can read proof components from (at verifying time)。

最关键的是,TranscriptWrite的实现应负责支持同时写入some std::io::Write buffer that they hash things into the transcript,TranscriptRead的实现应负责支持同时读取some std::io::Read buffer。

将proofs以opaque byte streams表示,可确保verification时会考虑到反序列化的开销,由于point compression,这种开销不可忽略。

1.2 Proof encoding

Halo2 proof,基于curve E ( F p ) E(\mathbb{F}_p) E(Fp)构建的,encode为a stream of:

  • Points P ∈ E ( F p ) P\in E(\mathbb{F}_p) PE(Fp) (for commitments to polynomials)
  • Scalars s ∈ F q s\in\mathbb{F}_q sFq(for evaluations of polynomials以及blinding values)

对于Pallas和Vesta curves,points和scalars均具有32-byte encodings,即意味着proof的大小总为32 bytes的倍数。

halo2 crate支持同时对同一circuit的多个instance进行证明,可共享共同的proof components和protocol logic。

实际encoding过程中,使用了如下circuit-specific constants:

  • k k k - the size parameter of the circuit (which has 2 k 2^k 2k rows).
  • A A A - the number of advice columns.
  • F F F - the number of fixed columns.
  • I I I - the number of instance columns.
  • L L L - the number of lookup arguments.
  • P P P - the number of permutation arguments.
  • Col P \textsf{Col}_P ColP - the number of columns involved in permutation argument P P P.
  • D D D - the maximum degree for the quotient polynomial.
  • Q A Q_A QA - the number of advice column queries.
  • Q F Q_F QF - the number of fixed column queries.
  • Q I Q_I QI - the number of instance column queries.
  • M M M - the number of instances of the circuit that are being proven simultaneously.

由于proof encoding 直接follow the transcript,可将encoding切分为以下sections来匹配Halo2 协议:

  • PLONK commitments:

    • A A A points (repeated M M M times).
    • 2 L 2L 2L points (repeated M M M times).
    • P P P points (repeated M M M times).
    • L L L points (repeated M M M times).
  • Vanishing argument:

    • D − 1 D - 1 D1 points.
    • Q I Q_I QI scalars (repeated M M M times).
    • Q A Q_A QA scalars (repeated M M M times).
    • Q F Q_F QF scalars.
    • D − 1 D - 1 D1 scalars.
  • PLONK evaluations:

    • ( 2 + Col P ) × P (2 + \textsf{Col}_P) \times P (2+ColP)×P scalars (repeated M M M times).
    • 5 L 5L 5L scalars (repeated M M M times).
  • Multiopening argument:

    • 1 point.
    • 1 scalar per set of points in the multiopening argument.
  • Polynomial commitment scheme:

    • 1 + 2 k 1 + 2k 1+2k points.
    • 2 2 2 scalars.

2. Halo2中的Fields实现

Halo2中使用的Pasta curves,特意设计为具有high 2-adic,即在每个field都有large 2 S 2^S 2S multiplicative subgroup 存在。
p − 1 ≡ 2 S ⋅ T p-1\equiv2^S\cdot T p12ST,其中 T T T为奇数。

对于Halo2中使用Pallas和Vesta curve,其 S = 32 S=32 S=32

2.1 采用Sarkar square-root算法(table-based variant)

Halo2中使用 Sarkar2020中的算法 来计算 square roots平方根

使用该算法的原因是,可split the task into computing square roots in each multiplicative subgroup。

假设我们需找到 u u u modulo one of the Pasta primes p p p 的平方根,其中 u u u为a non-zero square in Z p × \mathbb{Z}_p^{\times} Zp×
定义a 2 S 2^S 2S root of unity g = z T g=z^T g=zT,其中 z z z为a non-square in Z p × \mathbb{Z}_p^{\times} Zp×,然后预计算出如下tables:
g t a b = [ g 0 g 1 . . . g 2 8 − 1 ( g 2 8 ) 0 ( g 2 8 ) 1 . . . ( g 2 8 ) 2 8 − 1 ( g 2 16 ) 0 ( g 2 16 ) 1 . . . ( g 2 16 ) 2 8 − 1 ( g 2 24 ) 0 ( g 2 24 ) 1 . . . ( g 2 24 ) 2 8 − 1 ] gtab = \begin{bmatrix} g^0 & g^1 & ... & g^{2^8 - 1} \\ (g^{2^8})^0 & (g^{2^8})^1 & ... & (g^{2^8})^{2^8 - 1} \\ (g^{2^{16}})^0 & (g^{2^{16}})^1 & ... & (g^{2^{16}})^{2^8 - 1} \\ (g^{2^{24}})^0 & (g^{2^{24}})^1 & ... & (g^{2^{24}})^{2^8 - 1} \end{bmatrix} gtab=g0(g28)0(g216)0(g224)0g1(g28)1(g216)1(g224)1............g281(g28)281(g216)281(g224)281

i n v t a b = [ ( g − 2 24 ) 0 ( g − 2 24 ) 1 . . . ( g − 2 24 ) 2 8 − 1 ] invtab = \begin{bmatrix} (g^{-2^{24}})^0 & (g^{-2^{24}})^1 & ... & (g^{-2^{24}})^{2^8 - 1} \end{bmatrix} invtab=[(g224)0(g224)1...(g224)281]

v = u ( T − 1 ) / 2 v=u^{(T-1)/2} v=u(T1)/2,则可定义 x = u v ⋅ v = u T x=uv\cdot v=u^{T} x=uvv=uT为an element of the 2 S 2^S 2S multiplicative subgroup。
x 3 = x , x 2 = x 3 2 S , x 1 = x 2 2 S , x 0 = x 1 2 S x_3=x,x_2=x_3^{2^S}, x_1=x_2^{2^S},x_0=x_1^{2^S} x3=x,x2=x32S,x1=x22S,x0=x12S

2.1.1 当 i = 0 , 1 i=0,1 i=0,1

使用 i n v t a b invtab invtab, we lookup t 0 t_0 t0 使得:
x 0 = ( g − 2 24 ) t 0    ⟹    x 0 ⋅ g t 0 ⋅ 2 24 = 1. x_0 = (g^{-2^{24}})^{t_0} \implies x_0 \cdot g^{t_0 \cdot 2^{24}} = 1. x0=(g224)t0x0gt0224=1.

定义 α 1 = x 1 ⋅ ( g 2 16 ) t 0 \alpha_1 = x_1 \cdot (g^{2^{16}})^{t_0} α1=x1(g216)t0

2.1.2 当 i = 2 i=2 i=2

Lookup t 1 t_1 t1 满足:
α 1 = ( g − 2 24 ) t 1    ⟹    x 1 ⋅ ( g 2 16 ) t 0 = ( g − 2 24 ) t 1    ⟹    x 1 ⋅ g ( t 0 + 2 8 ⋅ t 1 ) ⋅ 2 16 = 1. \begin{array}{ll} \alpha_1 = (g^{-2^{24}})^{t_1} &\implies x_1 \cdot (g^{2^{16}})^{t_0} = (g^{-2^{24}})^{t_1} \\ &\implies x_1 \cdot g^{(t_0 + 2^8 \cdot t_1) \cdot 2^{16}} = 1. \end{array} α1=(g224)t1x1(g216)t0=(g224)t1x1g(t0+28t1)216=1.

定义 α 2 = x 2 ⋅ ( g 2 8 ) t 0 + 2 8 ⋅ t 1 \alpha_2 = x_2 \cdot (g^{2^8})^{t_0 + 2^8 \cdot t_1} α2=x2(g28)t0+28t1

2.1.3 当 i = 3 i=3 i=3

Lookup t 2 t_2 t2满足:
α 2 = ( g − 2 24 ) t 2    ⟹    x 2 ⋅ ( g 2 8 ) t 0 + 2 8 ⋅ t 1 = ( g − 2 24 ) t 2    ⟹    x 2 ⋅ g ( t 0 + 2 8 ⋅ t 1 + 2 16 ⋅ t 2 ) ⋅ 2 8 = 1. \begin{array}{ll} \alpha_2 = (g^{-2^{24}})^{t_2} &\implies x_2 \cdot (g^{2^8})^{t_0 + 2^8\cdot {t_1}} = (g^{-2^{24}})^{t_2} \\ &\implies x_2 \cdot g^{(t_0 + 2^8 \cdot t_1 + 2^{16} \cdot t_2) \cdot 2^8} = 1. \end{array} α2=(g224)t2x2(g28)t0+28t1=(g224)t2x2g(t0+28t1+216t2)28=1.

定义 α 3 = x 3 ⋅ g t 0 + 2 8 ⋅ t 1 + 2 16 ⋅ t 2 \alpha_3 = x_3 \cdot g^{t_0 + 2^8 \cdot t_1 + 2^{16} \cdot t_2} α3=x3gt0+28t1+216t2

2.1.4 Final result

Lookup t 3 t_3 t3 使得:

α 3 = ( g − 2 24 ) t 3    ⟹    x 3 ⋅ g t 0 + 2 8 ⋅ t 1 + 2 16 ⋅ t 2 = ( g − 2 24 ) t 3    ⟹    x 3 ⋅ g t 0 + 2 8 ⋅ t 1 + 2 16 ⋅ t 2 + 2 24 ⋅ t 3 = 1. \begin{array}{ll} \alpha_3 = (g^{-2^{24}})^{t_3} &\implies x_3 \cdot g^{t_0 + 2^8\cdot {t_1} + 2^{16} \cdot t_2} = (g^{-2^{24}})^{t_3} \\ &\implies x_3 \cdot g^{t_0 + 2^8 \cdot t_1 + 2^{16} \cdot t_2 + 2^{24} \cdot t_3} = 1. \end{array} α3=(g224)t3x3gt0+28t1+216t2=(g224)t3x3gt0+28t1+216t2+224t3=1.

t = t 0 + 2 8 ⋅ t 1 + 2 16 ⋅ t 2 + 2 24 ⋅ t 3 t = t_0 + 2^8 \cdot t_1 + 2^{16} \cdot t_2 + 2^{24} \cdot t_3 t=t0+28t1+216t2+224t3

x 3 ⋅ g t = 1    ⟹    x 3 = g − t    ⟹    u v 2 = g − t    ⟹    u v = v − 1 ⋅ g − t    ⟹    u v ⋅ g t / 2 = v − 1 ⋅ g − t / 2 . \begin{array}{lclcl} x_3 \cdot g^{t} = 1 &\implies& x_3 &=& g^{-t} \\ &\implies& uv^2 &=& g^{-t} \\ &\implies& uv &=& v^{-1} \cdot g^{-t} \\ &\implies& uv \cdot g^{t / 2} &=& v^{-1} \cdot g^{-t / 2}. \end{array} x3gt=1x3uv2uvuvgt/2====gtgtv1gtv1gt/2.

对右侧求平方,有 ( v − 1 g − t / 2 ) 2 = v − 2 g − t = u . (v^{-1} g^{-t / 2})^2 = v^{-2}g^{-t} = u. (v1gt/2)2=v2gt=u. 从而可知, u u u 的平方根为 u v ⋅ g t / 2 uv \cdot g^{t / 2} uvgt/2,其中第一部分之前已计算出了,第二部分可使用 g t a b gtab gtab中的3个multiplication来计算。


[1] Halo2中的proof实现
[2] Halo2中的Field实现





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