

An Activity is an application component thatprovides a screen with which users can interact in order to do something, suchas dial the phone, take a photo, send an email, or view a map. Each activity isgiven a window in which to draw its user interface. The window typically fillsthe screen, but may be smaller than the screen and float on top of otherwindows.

activity是提供一个用户可以交互的屏幕应用组件,像拨打电话、照相、发邮件或看地图。每个 activity被给予一个窗口来绘制一个用户界面。那个窗口通常会充满屏幕,但是也可能会比屏幕小,而且浮在其他窗口上。

An applicationusually consists of multiple activities that arelooselybound to each other. Typically, one activity in an application is specified as the"main" activity, which is presented to the user when launching theapplication for the first time. Each activity can then start another activityin order to perform different actions. Each time a new activity starts, the previous activity is stopped, butthe system preserves the activity in a stack (the "back stack"). When a new activity starts, it is pushed onto the backstack andtakes user focus.The back stack abides to the basic "last in, first out" stackmechanism, so, when the user is done with the current activity and presses theBack button, it is popped from thestack (and destroyed) and the previous activity resumes.(The back stack is discussed more in theTasks and BackStack document.)

一个应用通常包含多个互相松散绑定的activities通常,在一个应用中一个activity被规定为主activity,主activity就是第一次启动应用程序时呈现给用户的。每一个activity随后都可以通过启动其他的activity来执行不同的操作。每回一个新的activity启动时,之前的activity被关闭,但是之前的activity被系统保留在一个栈中(返回栈)。当一个新的activity启动时,它被压入返回栈中并获得用户焦点。返回栈遵循基本的“后进先出”原则,所以当用户已经处理完当前activity而且点击返回按钮时,当前activity从栈中弹出(并销毁),先前的activity恢复。(返回栈在Tasks and Back Stack档中有更多讨论。

When an activityis stopped because a new activity starts, it is notified of this change instate through the activity's lifecycle callback methods. There are severalcallback methods that anactivity might receive, due to a change in its state—whether the system iscreating it, stopping it, resuming it, or destroying it—and each callbackprovides you the opportunity toperform specific work that'sappropriate to that state change. For instance, when stopped, your activityshould release any large objects, such as network or database connections. Whenthe activity resumes, you can reacquire the necessary resources and resumeactions that were interrupted. These state transitions are all part of theactivity lifecycle.


The rest of thisdocument discusses the basics of how to build and use an activity, including acomplete discussion of how the activity lifecycle works, so you can properlymanage the transition between various activity states.


Class Overview 类概述

An activity is a single, focused thing that the user can do. Almostall activities interact with the user, so the Activity class takes care ofcreating a window for you in which you can place your UI with setContentView(View).While activities are often presented to the user as full-screen windows, theycan also be used in other ways: as floating windows (via a theme with windowIsFloating set) or embeddedinside of another activity (using ActivityGroup). There are two methods almost all subclasses of Activitywill implement:


·        onCreate(Bundle) is where you initialize your activity. Most importantly, hereyou will usually call setContentView(int) with a layout resource defining your UI, and usingfindViewById(int) to retrieve the widgets in that UI that you need tointeract with programmatically.

·        OnCreate(Bundle)用于初始化Activity。最重要的是,在这里一般通过一个定义你UIlayout资源来调用setContentView,用findViewById(int)获取你需要以编程的方式来交互的UI控件。

·        onPause() is where you deal with the user leaving your activity. Mostimportantly, any changes made by the user should at this point be committed(usually to theContentProvider holding the data).

·        OnPause用于处理用户退出Avtivity。最重要的是,此刻任何用户所做的修改的应该被提交(通常由ContentProvider保存相应的数据)。

Developer Guides 开发者指南

The Activity class is an important partof an application's overall lifecycle, and the way activities are launched andput together is a fundamental part of the platform's application model. For adetailed perspective on the structure of an Android application and howactivities behave, please read the ApplicationFundamentals and Tasks and BackStack developer guides.

Activity类是一个应用程序整个生命周期很重要的一部分,activity的加载和组成的方法是平台的应用模型的基础部分。如果想详细了解Android应用的结构和activities运作方式,可以阅读ApplicationFundamentalsTasks and Back Stack开发者指南

You can also find a detailed discussion about how to create activitiesin the Activities developer guide.


Activity Lifecycle  Activity生命周期

Activities in the system are managed as an activity stack. When a new activity is started, it is placed on the top ofthe stack and becomes the running activity -- the previous activity alwaysremains below it in the stack, and will not come to the foreground again untilthe new activity exits.

系统中的活动窗口用Activity堆栈管理。当一个新的activity被启动时,它被放置在堆栈的顶部,并且变成正在运行的activity --先前的activity在堆栈中始终保持在它的下面,直到新的activity退出时它才会出现在最前面。


An activity has essentially four states:

·        If an activity inthe foreground of the screen (at the top of the stack), it is active or running.

·        如果一个activity在屏幕的最前面(在堆栈的顶部),它是活着的或正在运行的。

·        If an activity haslost focus but is still visible (that is, a new non-full-sized or transparentactivity has focus on top of your activity), it is paused. A paused activity is completely alive (it maintains allstate and member information and remains attached to the window manager), butcan be killed by the system in extreme low memory situations.

·        如果一个activity已经失去焦点,但仍然可见(即,一个新的非全屏的或明显的activity在你的activity前面),它已暂停。一个暂停的activity是完全活着的(它保持所有状态和成员信息并保持连接到窗口管理器),但可能在极端低内存情况下被系统杀死。

·        If an activity iscompletely obscured by another activity, it is stopped. It still retains all state and member information,however, it is no longer visible to the user so its window is hidden and itwill often be killed by the system when memory is needed elsewhere.

·        如果一个activity是由另一个activity完全遮蔽,它已停止。它仍然保留了所有状态和成员信息,但是,它不再对用户可见,所以它的窗口被隐藏,但在系统需要额外内存来支持其他应用程序的情况下经常被系统杀死。

·        If an activity ispaused or stopped, the system can drop the activity from memory by eitherasking it to finish, or simply killing its process. When it is displayed againto the user, it must be completely restarted and restored to its previousstate.

·        如果一个activity是暂停或停止时,系统要么要求它完成,或者干脆杀死它的进程来释放该activity的内存空间。当它再次显示给用户时,它必须完全重新启动并恢复到它原来的状态。

The following diagram shows the important state paths of an Activity.The square rectangles represent callback methods you can implement to performoperations when the Activity moves between states. The colored ovals are majorstates the Activity can be in.


There are three key loops you may be interested in monitoring withinyour activity:


·        The entire lifetime of an activity happensbetween the first call to onCreate(Bundle) through to a single final call to onDestroy(). An activity will do all setup of "global" statein onCreate(), and release all remaining resources in onDestroy(). For example,if it has a thread running in the background to download data from the network,it may create that thread in onCreate() and then stop the thread inonDestroy().

·        从第一次调用的onCreateBundle)到最终调用onDestroy()方法之间就是一个activity的整个生命周期。一个activity会在onCreate()中设置所有的“全局”状态,在onDestroy()中释放所有的剩余的资源。例如,如果它在后台运行一个线程,这个线程是从网络下载数据,它可以在onCreate()中创建该线程,然后onDestroy()中停止该线程。

·        The visible lifetime of an activity happensbetween a call to onStart() until a corresponding call to onStop(). During this time the user can see the activity on-screen,though it may not be in the foreground and interacting with the user. Betweenthese two methods you can maintain resources that are needed to show theactivity to the user. For example, you can register a BroadcastReceiver in onStart() to monitor for changes that impact your UI,and unregister it in onStop() when the user no longer sees what you aredisplaying. The onStart() and onStop() methods can be called multiple times, asthe activity becomes visible and hidden to the user.

·        一个activity的可视生命周期从调用onStart(),直到调用一个相应的onStop()。在此期间,用户可以在屏幕上看到该activity,尽管它可能不在最前面,也不和用户交互。在调用这两种方法期间你就可以保持所需要的资源,以显示activity给用户。例如,你可以在onStart()中注册一个BroadcastReceiver来监视你的UI的变化,并在onStop()中注销它,当用户不再看到你显示什么时。该onStart()和OnStop()方法可以被调用多次,来使activity变得可见和对用户隐藏。

·        The foreground lifetime of an activityhappens between a call to onResume() until a corresponding call to onPause(). During this time the activity is in front of all otheractivities and interacting with the user. An activity can frequently go betweenthe resumed and paused states -- for example when the device goes to sleep, whenan activity result is delivered, when a new intent is delivered -- so the codein these methods should be fairly lightweight.

·        一个activity的前台生命周期从调用onResume(),直到调用一个相应的onPause()。在此期间,该activity是在所有其他activity前面与用户交互。一个activity可以频繁在恢复和暂停状态之间转换 - 例如当设备进入睡眠状态时,当一个activity的结果被传递时,当一个新的intent被传递时 - 所以在这些方法的代码应该是相当轻量级的。

The entirelifecycle of an activity is defined by the following Activity methods. All ofthese are hooks that you can override to do appropriate work when the activitychanges state. All activities will implement onCreate(Bundle) to do their initial setup; many will also implement onPause() to commit changes to data and otherwise prepare to stopinteracting with the user. You should always call up to your superclass whenimplementing these methods.



Called when the activity is first created.This is where you should do all of your normal static set up: create views,bind data to lists, etc. This method also provides you with a Bundle containingthe activity's previously frozen state, if there was one.

Always followed by onStart().



Called after your activity has beenstopped, prior to it being started again.

Always followed by onStart()



Called when the activity is becomingvisible to the user.

Followed by onResume() if the activitycomes to the foreground, or onStop() if it becomes hidden.



Called when the activity will startinteracting with the user. At this point your activity is at the top of theactivity stack, with user input going to it.

Always followed by onPause().                       



Called when the system is about to startresuming a previous activity. This is typically used to commit unsaved changesto persistent data, stop animations and other things that may be consuming CPU,etc. Implementations of this method must be very quick because the nextactivity will not be resumed until this method returns.

Followed by either onResume() if the activityreturns back to the front, or onStop() if it becomes invisible to the user.




Called when the activity is no longervisible to the user, because another activity has been resumed and is coveringthis one. This may happen either because a new activity is being started, anexisting one is being brought in front of this one, or this one is beingdestroyed.

Followed by either onRestart() if this activity iscoming back to interact with the user, or onDestroy() if this activity isgoing away



The finalcall you receive before your activity is destroyed. This can happen eitherbecause the activity is finishing (someone called finish() on it, or because the system is temporarily destroyingthis instance of the activity to save space. You can distinguish between thesetwo scenarios with the isFinishing()method.

你的activity被破坏前收到的最后调用。这发生可能是因为activity正在完成(有人叫finish()),或因为系统暂时正在销毁该activity的实例以节省空间。你可以用isFinishing )方法区别这两种情况。

ProcessLifecycle 进程生命周期

The Android system attempts to keep application processaround foras long as possible, but eventually will need to remove old processes whenmemory runs low. As described in Activity Lifecycle, the decision about which process to remove is intimatelytied to the state of the user's interaction with it. In general, there are fourstates a process can be in based on the activities running in it, listed herein order of importance. The system will kill less important processes (the lastones) before it resorts tokilling more important processes (the first ones).

Android系统试图尽量的延长应用进程的的周期,但是在内存不足时最终是需要移除旧的进程。正如在Activity Lifecycle生命周期所表述的那样,移除哪个进程的决策与用户和它的交互状态有关。一般基于运行其中的activity一个进程可有4个状态,按照重要程度列表如下。系统会在不太重要的进程(the last ones) 诉诸于杀掉更重要的进程(the first ones)前杀掉它。

The foregroundactivity (the activity at the top of the screen that the user is currentlyinteracting with) is considered the most important. Its process will only bekilled as a last resort, if it uses more memory than is available on thedevice. Generally at this point the device has reached a memory paging state, sothis is required in order to keep the user interface responsive.


A visible activity (anactivity that is visible to the user but not in the foreground, such as onesitting behind a foreground dialog) is considered extremely important and willnot be killed unless that is required to keep the foreground activity running.


A background activity (anactivity that is not visible to the user and has been paused) is no longercritical, so the system may safely kill its process to reclaim memory for otherforeground or visible processes. If its process needs to be killed, when theuser navigates back to the activity (making it visible on the screen again),itsonCreate(Bundle) method will be called with the savedInstanceState it hadpreviously supplied in onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) so that it can restart itself in the same state as theuser last left it.


An empty process is onehosting no activities or other application components (such as Service or BroadcastReceiver classes). These are killed very quickly by the system asmemory becomes low. For this reason, any background operation you do outside ofan activity must be executed in the context of an activity BroadcastReceiver orService to ensure that the system knows it needs to keep your process around.

一个空的进程,没持有任何activity,也没有其他应用程序组件(如服务或BroadcastReceiver类)。当内存变低时,这些进程很快被系统杀害。出于这个原因,在一个activity之外你做的任何后台操作必须在activity BroadcastReceiver的或服务的上下文中执行,以确保系统知道它需要保持你的进程运行。

Sometimes an Activity may need to do a long-runningoperation that exists independently of the activity lifecycle itself. Anexample may be a camera application that allows you to upload a picture to aweb site. The upload may take a long time, and the application should allow theuser to leave the application will it is executing. To accomplish this, yourActivity should start a Service in which the upload takes place. This allows the system toproperly prioritize your process (considering it to be more important than othernon-visible applications) for the duration of the upload, independent ofwhether the original activity is paused, stopped, or finished.


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