
Wireless Network

Adhoc自组织网络 piconet微微网 :

  • Bluetooth
  • a master and up to seven slave devices, located within 10m from the master, with data rate 400 to 700kbps

Wireless LAN:

  • Wifi (IEEE 802.11)
  • up to 100m coverage, with data rate 11 to 54Mbps
  • analogous相似的 function to wired LAN

Cellular radio network 蜂窝无线网络:

  • mobile phone network, with area of coverage divided into a large number of small cells
  • (e.g.) GSM


General characters

  • operates at ISM (industrial, scientific, medical) band.
    – 2.4GHz, no license required for use
  • 79 separate carrier frequencies within the ISM band
    – hopping from one frequency to another in a pseudo伪 random order, at a rate of 1600 hops per second (slot time of 625µs per hop) 伪随机码控制载波跳变。接收端发送端都有相同的跳频发生器
    minimising interference干扰 from other users
    – transmissions within 1,3 or 5 consecutive连续的 slots,可以在后面的传输图里看出来
  • modulation bit rate of 1MHz, using the FSK
  • system timing provided by the master’s clock, and shared by all slaves within a piconet
    – unique hopping sequence determined by the master
  • named after Bluetooth, 10C king of Denmark/Norway



SS: standby slaves device 备用从设备。无法参与到微微网中来
AS: active slaves,最多7个可以在一个微微网中同时操作
PS: parked slaves 停驻的从属服务器。最多可以255个,不是活跃状态。master知道它的存在,可以被重新激活reactivated。
中间的那个AS可以是两边任何一个微微网的成员,但是not both。由于不同的随即跳变序列,多个微微网可以同时操作。

Packet transmission


所有的从master到slave的传输都是双数的frequency slot,从slave到master则是单数的。

Frame format (contains packet type)


  • access code (68bits): 一定会有信道(哪个微微网),设备(呼唤的slave)和下一个要接入的neighbor
    preamble plus synchronization for
    channel access code: identification of the piconet (derived派生的 from the master address)
    device access code: paging the slave by the master
    inquiry查询 access code: searching address for the neighbor
  • packet header (54):
    active member address: identification of one of the seven active slaves (0 is reserved保留 for the broadcast packet)
    packet type (后面会提): data structure
    flow control: 1(stop transmission) or 0 (resume继续) for the ACL mode
    acknowledgement type: 1(ACK) or 0(NAK)
    – error check on the header field
  • data field (0-2744):
    – additional header, data
    – error check on the data field (CRC)

Packet Type

  • Synchronous connection oriented link 面向同步链接的链路 (SCO)
    for speech and audio applications
  • asynchronous connectionless link 异步无连接链路 (ACL)
    for general data applications
  • poll packet 轮询数据包
    used by the master to poll slaves
  • hopping synchronization packet 跳频同步包
    for clock and hopping sequence synchronization 时钟和跳频序列的同步
  • acknowledgement packet 确认包
    for error control scheme 差错控制方案

Link manager protocol 链路管理器协议

  • establishes links between devices.
    transitions between standby, active, and park states

  • responsible for security, synchronization, power control, etc.

Service discovery protocol 服务发现协议

  • determines available services within the piconet
  • operates in a client-server mode
    searching function: to find a particular service
    browsing浏览 function: to discover available services


communication between devices in a small area, that does not require high bandwidth.
– PC input/output devices: mouse, keyboard, printer
– game consoles 游戏机: Sony PlayStation3, Nintendo Wii

simply setup and advertises all services it provides, thus making services more accessible 简化设置并且公布了它所提供的所有服务,使得服务更容易访问


General characters

  • operates at 2.4GHz (ISM band)
    – the ISM band is license free but congested (e.g., microwave oven, bluetooth)
    – bit rate of 11Mbps (802.11b) and 54Mbps (802.11g)
    – coverage of up to 100 meters
  • consists of an access point (AP) and clients
    shares the same protocol above the MAC layer so that WiFi can work together with Ethernet
    cannot detect collision, instead relies on an < ACK > packet (i.e., retransmission if no acknowledgement is returned within a predefined time).
  • WiFi for ‘wireless fidelity’ 无线保真度


  • access network from convenient locations (wherever you want to)
  • wireless LAN requires a single access point only, while traditional wired network needs physical cables which sometimes could be not possible
  • cheaper than wired network, no need of cables and labor 劳动力


  • poor quality antenna of the network card needs to be compensated by a powerful transceiver (网卡的劣质天线需要用一个强大的收发器来补偿)
  • typical range with standard equipment is up to 100m. may not cover a large structure
  • wireless signals will be influenced by interference and complex propagation effect. So important network resources like server, are rarely connected wirelessly
  • slow (up to100Mbps) than wired networks (at least 100Mbps)
  • security problems: hackers only need a good quality antenna, rather than physical limitation of tapping (窃听) into a real wire

Data flow Topology


CSMA/CA ( Carrier Sense Multiple Access / collision avoidance)

  • a node listens the activity of the channel
  • previous transmission is completed, all nodes wait for random number of slots (contention window)
    less slots, more chance to collision; more slots, longer delay
    – basic idea is to prevent collision at the moment they are most likely to occur 在敌人最容易出现的地方驻守
  • a node starts transmission
  • a node waits for an < ACK > signal (packet received successfully)

Problems in the wireless channel:

  • unable to use collision detection (CD): wireless LANs cannot see any signal but its own
  • a hidden node: a node A, in the range of B but not C, cannot know whether C is transmitting to B


  • exchange of
    – a request to send (RTS) packet by the sender
    – a clear to send (CTS) by the intended预定的 receiver
  • alerting all nodes within the range to keep quiet for the duration of the main packet

Frame format


  • frame control:
    protocol version
    – type: data (10), management (00), control (01).
    – subtype: data (0000), RTS (1011), CTS (1100), ACK (1001).
    – more fragments片段: set to 1, if another fragment of the frame is to follow.接下来是另一片段
    – more data: set to 1, if there is more data to send after this frame.
    – retry: set to 1, if the frame is a retransmission of the earlier frame.
    – power management: set to 1 after the successful transmission, if the node goes into power save mode.
  • duration: indicates the frame length in microseconds.
  • address 1−4: source and destination addresses, etc.

WiFi protected access (WPA) Wifi 保护访问

  • RC4 stream cipher RC4流密码
  • 128bit key/48 bit initialization vector
  • enterprise mode企业模式: different keys to each other
    pre-shared key mode: same pass to all users
  • temporal key integrity protocol (TKIP) 临时密钥完整性协议 to change keys dynamically as the system is used
  • message integrity code (MIC) 信息完整性代码, prevent replay attacks
    replay attack: a valid data transmission is captured捕获 and fraudulently欺诈性地 repeated in the later session, which can be prevented by using a one-time token


full scale尺度 network connection

  • uses the same ISM band as Bluetooth, but with higher power (i.e., wider range) and faster connection
  • requires formal configuration配置 to set up links, transmit data, and share resources.

GSM (global system for mobile communication)

General characters

  • 2nd generation of digital cellular radio network 第二代数字蜂窝无线网络
  • handset手机 or mobile station (MS) searching for vicinity邻近 cells to connect network 通过搜索附近的cell连接网络
  • 900 or 1800MHz band, maximum transmission powers 1 or 2 watts by handsets
  • cell radius : few hundred meters (town centre) up to 35 kilometers (rural area)
  • data rate 9.6 and 14.4 kbps
  • moderate中等 level of service security
    a pre-shared key and challenge-response
    A5/1, A5/2 and A5/3 stream ciphers



MS: mobile station
BTS: base transceiver station
BSC: base station controller
MSC: mobile switching centre

radio subsystem:

  • MS: user device
    SIM (subscriber identity module)用户识别模块 holds the user specific data required for the network
  • BTS contains radio equipment that enables an MS to access the network
    radio mast天线杆, antenna, transmitter, receiver
  • BSC allocates frequencies to BTS’s, and implements the handover移交 procedure as an MS moves from one cell to another

network subsystem:

  • MSC connects the radio subsystem to the standard fixed networks
    MSC sets up and releases the connection, handles mobility and handover requirements during the call

operation system

  • operation and maintenance centre monitors and controls the network
    traffic monitoring
    status report
    security management
    accounting and billing information
  • authentication centre contains algorithms for authentication and the keys for encryption加密

SIM (subscriber identity module)用户模块识别

  • SIM card
  • detachable可拆卸, store the subscription information and phone book securely
  • identify and authenticate the subscriber on MS
  • keep the information after replacing handsets
  • allow users to change operators运营商 just by changing SIM 而保留手机
    SIM locking: some operators may block SIM by allowing a phone to use only one SIM or just their SIMs


  • most basic form: when a phone call in progress is redirected from its current cell to a new cell
  • switching from one cell frequency to a different cell frequency will be no interruption中断 since it is done electronically
  • break-before-make: never release the current cell until engage the new cell. time is very short and not perceptible察觉的
  • make-before-break: current source cell channel and the channel in target cell will be used in parallel for a while. so the chance is small that handover failed the call terminated终止

Service security

  • subscriber authentication: using pre-shared key and challenge-response
    MSC (mobile switching centre) prepare a 128-bit random challenge (RAND), which is sent to BTS, then to MS; MS returns a 32-bit matching signed response (SRES) to the BTS, then verified at MSC; BTS also verifies 64bits session keys received from MSC and from MS
    MSC—(random challenge)—>BTS—(random challenge)—>MS
    MS return—(signed response)—>BTS—(signed response)—>MSC verifies
    MS—(session keys)—>BTS virifies<—(session keys)—MSC
  • message encryption with A5 stream ciphers
    A5/1 (used in Europe, US) is stronger than A5/2
    possible to break A5/2 in realtime
    supports multiple algorithms — operators may replace that cipher with a stronger one




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钱包余额 0


