sprite Kit Actions(三)


Scale action


You now have an animated zombie and some crazy cat ladies, but the game is missing one very important element – cats! Remember that the purpose of the game is for the player to gather as many cats as he can into the zombie’s conga line.

现在你有了一个可以动的僵尸和一些疯老太太,但是这个游戏仍然有一个重要的缺失 — 喵星人!要记得这个游戏是让玩家收集尽可能多的猫来跟僵尸一起跳舞.

In Zombie Conga, the cats won’t move from right to left like the cat ladies do – instead, they will appear at a random location on the screen and stay stationary. Rather than have them appear instantly, which would be jarring, you’ll have them start at a scale of 0 and grow to a scale of 1 over time. This will make the cats appear to “pop in” to the game.


To implement this, add the following new method:


- (void)spawnCat {
    // 1
    SKSpriteNode *cat = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"cat"];
    cat.position = CGPointMake(ScalarRandomRange(0, self.size.width), 
            ScalarRandomRange(0, self.size.height));
    cat.xScale = 0;
    cat.yScale = 0; 
    [self addChild:cat];
    // 2
    SKAction *appear = [SKAction scaleTo:1.0 duration:0.5]; 
    SKAction *wait = [SKAction waitForDuration:10.0];
    SKAction *disappear = [SKAction scaleTo:0.0 duration:0.5]; 
    SKAction *removeFromParent = [SKAction removeFromParent]; 
    [cat runAction:[SKAction sequence:@[appear, wait, disappear, removeFromParent]]];

1. You create a cat at a random spot on the screen. Note that you set the xScale

and yScale to 0, which makes the cat 0 size – effectively invisible.


2. You create an action to scale the cat up to normal size by calling the scaleTo:duration: constructor. This action is not reversible, so you also create a similar action to scale the cat back down to 0. The sequence is the cat appears, waits for a bit, disappears, and is then removed from the parent.


You want the cats to spawn continuously from the start of the game, so add the following inside initWithSize:, just after the line that spawns the enemies:


[self runAction:[SKAction repeatActionForever: [SKAction sequence:@[[SKAction
                performSelector:@selector(spawnCat) onTarget:self],
                [SKAction waitForDuration:1.0]]]]];

This is very similar to how you spawned the enemies. You simply run a sequence that calls spawnCat, waits for one second and then repeats.


You should be aware of a few other variants of the scale action:


scaleXTo:duration:, scaleYTo:duration:, and scaleXTo:y:duration:: These allow you to scale just the x-axis or y-axis of a node independently, which you can use to stretch or squash a node.


scaleBy:duration:: The “by” variant of scaling, which multiples the passed-in scale by the current node’s scale. For example, if the current scale of a node is 1.0, and you scale it by 2.0, it is now at 2x. If you scale it by 2.0 again, it is now at 4x. Note that you could not use scaleBy:duration: in the previous example, because anything multiplied by 0 is still 0!


• scaleXBy:y:duration:: Another “by” variant, but this one allows you to scale x and y independently.


Rotate action


The cats in this game should be appealing to the player to try to pick up, but right now they’re just sitting motionless.


Let’s give them some charm by making them wiggle back and forth while they sit.


To do that, you’ll need the rotate action. To use it, you call the rotateByAngle:duration: constructor, passing in the angle (in radians) by which to rotate. Replace the list of actions in spawnCat with the following:


cat.zRotation = -M_PI / 16;
SKAction *appear = [SKAction scaleTo:1.0 duration:0.5];
SKAction *leftWiggle = [SKAction rotateByAngle:M_PI / 8 duration:0.5]; 
SKAction *rightWiggle = [leftWiggle reversedAction];
SKAction *fullWiggle =[SKAction sequence: @[leftWiggle, rightWiggle]];
SKAction *wiggleWait = [SKAction repeatAction:fullWiggle count:10];
//SKAction *wait = [SKAction waitForDuration:10.0];
SKAction *disappear = [SKAction scaleTo:0.0 duration:0.5]; 
SKAction *removeFromParent = [SKAction removeFromParent]; 
[cat runAction:[SKAction sequence:@[appear, , disappear, removeFromParent]]];

Now the cat has wiggled left and right and is back to its start position. This “full wiggle” takes one second total, so in wiggleWait you repeat this 10 times to have a 10-second wiggle duration.


Group action


So far you know how to run actions one after another in sequence, but what if you want to run two actions at the exact same time? For example, in Zombie Conga you want to make the cat wiggle and scale up and down slightly as he’s wiggling.


For this sort of multitasking, you can use something called the group action. It works in a similar way to the sequence action, where you pass in a list of actions. However, instead of running them one at a time, a group action runs them all at once.


Let’s try this out. Replace the list of actions in spawnCat with the following:


SKAction *appear = [SKAction scaleTo:1.0 duration:0.5];
SKAction *leftWiggle = [SKAction rotateByAngle:M_PI / 8 duration:0.5]; SKAction *rightWiggle = [leftWiggle reversedAction];
SKAction *fullWiggle =[SKAction sequence: @[leftWiggle, rightWiggle]];
//SKAction *wait = [SKAction waitForDuration:10.0];

//SKAction *wiggleWait =
// [SKAction repeatAction:fullWiggle count:10];

SKAction *scaleUp = [SKAction scaleBy:1.2 duration:0.25];
SKAction *scaleDown = [scaleUp reversedAction];
SKAction *fullScale = [SKAction sequence:@[scaleUp, scaleDown, scaleUp, scaleDown]];

SKAction *group = [SKAction group:@[fullScale, fullWiggle]];
SKAction *groupWait = [SKAction repeatAction:group count:10];
SKAction *disappear = [SKAction scaleTo:0.0 duration:0.5]; 
SKAction *removeFromParent = [SKAction removeFromParent]; 
[cat runAction:[SKAction sequence:@[appear, , disappear, removeFromParent]]];

The duration of a group action is equal to the longest duration of any of the actions it contains. So if you add one action that takes one second, and another that takes 10 seconds, both actions will begin to run at the same time, and after one second the first action will be complete. The group action will continue to execute for nine more seconds until the other action is complete.


Collision detection


You’ve got a zombie, you’ve got cats, you’ve even got crazy cat ladies – but what you don’t have is a way to detect when they collide.


There are multiple ways to detect collisions in Sprite Kit, including using the built-in physics engine, as you’ll learn in Chapter 9, “Intermediate Physics”. In this chapter, you’ll take the simplest and easiest approach: bounding box collision detection.

在Sprite Kit中有很多种办法来做碰撞检测,包括第9章将要讲到的内置的物理引擎.在这一章我们将会使用最简单的实现方法,边界检测.

There are three basic ideas you’ll use to implement this:


You need a way of getting all of the cats and crazy cat ladies in a scene into lists so that you can check for collisions one-by-one. An easy way to do this is to give nodes a name when you create them. Then you can use the enumerateChildNodesWithName:usingBlock: method on the scene to find all of the nodes with a certain name.


2. Once you have the lists of cats and cat ladies, you can loop through them to check for collisions. Each node has a frame property that gives you a rectangle representing where the node is onscreen.


3. If you have the frame for either a cat lady or a cat, and the frame for the zombie, you can use the built-in method CGRectIntersectsRect to see if they collide.


Let’s give this a shot. First you need to set the name for each node. Inside spawnEnemy, right after creating the enemy sprite, add this line:


enemy.name = @"enemy";

Similarly, inside spawnCat, right after creating the cat sprite, add this line:

同样的 ,在spawnCat方法中创建小猫的代码后边添加下边的代码:

cat.name = @"cat";

Then add this new method to the file:


- (void)checkCollisions {
    [self enumerateChildNodesWithName:@“cat" usingBlock:^(SKNode *node, BOOL *stop){
        SKSpriteNode *cat = (SKSpriteNode *)node;
        if (CGRectIntersectsRect(cat.frame, _zombie.frame)) 
            [cat removeFromParent]; 

    [self enumerateChildNodesWithName:@“enemy" usingBlock:^(SKNode *node, BOOL *stop){
        SKSpriteNode *enemy = (SKSpriteNode *)node;
        CGRect smallerFrame = CGRectInset(enemy.frame, 20, 20); 
        if (CGRectIntersectsRect(smallerFrame, _zombie.frame)) 
            [enemy removeFromParent]; 

Here you enumerate through any child of the scene that has the name “cat” or “enemy” and cast it to an SKSpriteNode, since you know it is a sprite node if it has that name.


You then check if the frame of the cat or enemy intersects with the frame of the zombie. If there is an intersection, you simply remove the cat or enemy from the scene.


Also, notice that you do a little trick for the cat lady. Remember that the frame of a sprite is the entire image of the sprite, including transparent space:


So that means that transparent space at the top of the cat lady image would “count” as a hit if the zombie went into that area. Totally unfair!


To resolve this, you shrink the bounding box a little bit by using the CGRectInset method. It’s still not perfect, but it’s a start. You’ll learn a better way to do this in Chapter 10, “Advanced Physics”.


Add the following call to this method at the end of update::


[self checkCollisions];

Build and run, and now when you collide with the cats or enemies they disappear from the scene. It’s your first small step toward the zombie apocalypse!


The Sprite Kit game loop, round 2


There’s a slight problem with the way you’re doing the collision detection here that I should point out, which is related to how Sprite Kit’s game loop and actions interrelate.

这里我需要指出一个处理碰撞检测时与Sprite Kit游戏循环和动作打断相关的的小问题.

The last time you saw the Sprite Kit game loop, you saw that the update: method gets called, then some “other stuff” occurs, and finally Sprite Kit renders the screen:

上一次我们在介绍Sprite Kit的游戏循环时提到,首先调用update:方法,然后一些其他的东西被调用,最后Sprite Kit才会绘制屏幕.

Well, it turns out that one of the things in the “other stuff” section is evaluating the actions that you’ve been learning about in this chapter:

于是乎,引出了在”其他东西”这部分中的一些内容 — 动作评估:

(Sprite Kit游戏循环:update: —> SKScene evaluates actions —> -didEvaluateActions —> other stuff —> SpriteKit renders screen)

This leads to the problem with the way you’re currently doing collision detection. You check for collisions at the end of the update: loop, but Sprite Kit doesn’t evaluate the actions until after this update: loop. Therefore, your collision detection code is always one frame behind!

这就引出了目前碰撞检测机制中的问题.我们在update:结束的时候进行碰撞检测.但是Sprite Kit在update:结束之前是不会对动作进行评估的.因此,我们的碰撞检测代码永远会落后一帧.

As you can see in the updated event loop diagram, a much better place to perform the collision detection would be after Sprite Kit evaluates the actions and all the sprites are in their new spots. So comment out the call at the end of update::

就像你在上面的图例(序列),更好的处理碰撞检测的位置应该在Sprite Kit对动作评估结束之后,同时所有的sprite都在他们的新位置之后.所以注释掉update:方法最后的方法调用.

//[self checkCollisions];

And implement didEvaluateActions as follows:


    [self checkCollisions];

You probably won’t notice much difference in this case because the frame rate is so fast that it is hard to tell it was behind – but in some games this may be more noticable so it’s good to do things properly.

你可能并不能察觉到这两种方式的区别,毕竟绘制帧的速度实在太快了所以你没办法说看出究竟实在之前还是之后 — 但是在有些游戏中可能就会比较容易察觉到,所以先这样适当的修改还是适当的.

注:书中没有细讲关于evaluates actions这个阶段究竟做了什么,译者在这里也无法做过多解释,如果之后看到相关的内容会进行相关补充.

Sound action


The last type of action you’ll learn about in this chapter also happens to be one of the most fun – the one that plays sound effects!


Using the playSoundFileNamed:waitForCompletion: action, playing a sound effect with Sprite Kit takes just one line of code. Note that the node on which you run this action doesn’t matter, so typically you’ll just run it as an action on the scene itself.

使用playSoundFileNamed:waitForCompletion:action方法,使用Sprite Kit播放声音特效只需要1行代码.值得注意的是究竟是用哪个节点来播放声音并不重要,所以通常来说都是由场景本身来调用的.

You’ve already added the sounds to your project earlier, so you just need to write the code. Inside checkCollisions, add the following line just after [cat removeFromParent];:

之前我们已经把声音资源添加到了项目中,所以只需要写几行代码.在checkCollisions方法中,添加一行代码到[cat removeFromParent]之后:

[self runAction:[SKAction playSoundFileNamed:@"hitCat.wav" waitForCompletion:NO]];

Then add this line just after [enemy removeFromParent];:

然后添加一行代码到[enemy removeFromParent];之后:

[self runAction:[SKAction playSoundFileNamed:@"hitCatLady.wav" waitForCompletion:NO]];

Here you play the appropriate sound action for each type of collision. Build and run, move the zombie around and enjoy the sounds of the smash-up!


Sharing actions


In the previous section, you may have noticed a slight pause the first time the sound plays. This can occur when the sound system is initialized the first time it is used. The solution to this problem also demonstrates one of the most powerful features of Sprite Kits actions: sharing.

在上一节中,你可能注意到了在第一次播放声音的时候会有一点点停顿.这是因为在第一次播放声音时需要对声音系统初始化造成的.这里我们要介绍一个Sprite Kit中最强大的功能来解决这个问题 — 公用.

The SKAction object does not actually maintain any state itself, and that allows you to do something cool – reuse actions on any number of nodes simultaneously! For example, the action you create to move the cat ladies across the screen looks something like this:


SKAction *actionMove = [SKAction moveToX:-enemy.size.width/2 duration:2.0];

But you create this action for every cat lady. Instead, you could create a private or static SKAction variable, store this action in it, and then use that variable wherever you are currently using actionMove.


In fact, you could modify Zombie Conga so it reuses most of the actions you’ve created so far. Doing so would reduce the amount of memory your system uses, but that’s a performance improvement you probably don’t need to make in such a simple game. You’ll learn more about things like this in Chapter 25, “Performance.”


But how does this relate to the sound delay?


The application is loading the sound the first time you create an action that uses it. So to prevent the sound delay, you can create the actions in advance and then use them when necessary.


Create the following private variables:


SKAction *_catCollisionSound; 
SKAction *_enemyCollisionSound;

These variables will hold shared instances of the sound actions you want to run.


Now create the sound actions by adding the following lines at the end of initWithSize:, just after the line that runs the action that calls spawnCat:


_catCollisionSound = [SKAction playSoundFileNamed:@"hitCat.wav" waitForCompletion:NO];
_enemyCollisionSound =[SKAction playSoundFileNamed:@“hitCatLady.wav" waitForCompletion:NO];

These are the same actions you create in checkCollisions, but now you create them just once for the scene. That means your app will load these sounds as soon as the scene is initialized.


Finally, find this line in checkCollisions:


[self runAction:[SKAction playSoundFileNamed:@"hitCat.wav" waitForCompletion:NO]];

Replace the above line with this one:


[self runAction:_catCollisionSound];

Also find this line:


[self runAction:[SKAction playSoundFileNamed:@"hitCatLady.wav" waitForCompletion:NO]];

And replace it with this one:


[self runAction:_enemyCollisionSound];

Build and run again. You should no longer experience any pauses before the sound effects play.




Be sure to do these challenges. As a Sprite Kit developer you will be using actions all the time, so it’s important to get some practice with them before moving further.


Challenge 1: The ActionsCatalog demo


This chapter covers the most important actions in Sprite Kit, but it doesn’t cover all of them. To help you get a good understanding of all the actions that are available to you, I’ve created a little demo called ActionsCatalog, which you can find in the resources for this chapter.

这一章包含了Sprite Kit中最重要的动作,但是并没有包含全部.为了帮助你更好的了解所有可用的actions,我做了一个demo,可以在资源文件中知道他们.

Your challenge is to flip through each of these demos, then take a look at the code to answer the following questions:


What action constructor would you use to make a sprite follow a certain pre-defined path?


2. What action constructor would you use to make a sprite 50% transparent, regardless of what its current transparency settings are?


3. What are “custom actions” and how do they work at a high level?


Challenge 2: An invincible zombie


Your challenge is to modify the game to do just this. When the zombie collides with a cat lady, he should become temporarily invincible instead of destroying the cat lady.


While the zombie is invincible, he should blink. To do this, you can use the custom blink action that is included in ActionsCatalog. Here’s the code for your convenience:


float blinkTimes = 10; 
float blinkDuration = 3.0; 
SKAction *blinkAction = [SKAction customActionWithDuration:blinkDuration actionBlock:
    ^(SKNode *node, CGFloat elapsedTime) {
    float slice = blinkDuration / blinkTimes; 
    float remainder = fmodf(elapsedTime, slice); 
    node.hidden = remainder > slice / 2;

Challenge 3: The conga train


This game is called Zombie Conga, but there’s no conga line to be seen just yet!


Your challenge is to fix that. You’ll modify the game so that when the zombie collides with a cat, instead of disappearing, the cat joins your conga line!


Here are the steps to implement this challenge:


1.Create a constant float variable to keep track of the cat’s move points per second at the top of the file. Set it to 120.0.


2. Set the zombie’s zPosition to 100. This makes the zombie appear on top of the other sprites. Larger z values are “out of the screen” and smaller values are “into the screen”, and the default value is 0.


3. When the zombie collides with a cat, don’t remove the cat from the scene. Instead, do the following:


Set the cat’s name to “train” (instead of “cat”).


b. Stop all actions currently running on the cat by calling removeAllActions. 


c. Set the scale to 1 and rotation of the cat to 0.


d. Run an action to make the cat turn green over 0.2 seconds. If you’re not sure what action to use for this, check out ActionsCatalog.


4. Make a new method called moveTrain. The basic idea for this method is that every so often, you make each cat move toward where the previous cat currently is. This creates a conga line effect!


Use the following template:


    __block CGPoint targetPosition = _zombie.position; 
    [self enumerateChildNodesWithName:@“train" usingBlock:^(SKNode *node, BOOL *stop)
            if (!node.hasActions) 
                float actionDuration = 0.3; 
                CGPoint offset = // a
                CGPoint direction = // b
                CGPoint amountToMovePerSec = // c 
                CGPoint amountToMove = // d 
                SKAction *moveAction = // e
                [node runAction:moveAction]; 
            targetPosition = node.position; 

You need to fill in a through d by using the math utility functions you created last chapter, and e by creating the appropriate actions.


5. Call moveTrain at the end of update:.


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