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原创 Sonar Getting Started

Quick guide regarding Sonar (SonarQube) Installation, Security Authentication and Code Analysis Settings.

2017-01-16 01:32:45 402

原创 [Java EE][Security] - Understanding Security Realms - 2. DB authentication and authorization

Database is the most commonly used media to store authentication and authorization information for application.This example is setting up a database for application authentication model which bases on security realms framework. The database can apply to y

2016-03-27 00:09:16 555

原创 [Docker] - Install Oracle DB over Docker as development DB

Pull wnameless/oracle-xe-11g into docker, create a container from this image. Configure it as my local development environment for extremely short time.

2016-03-26 20:52:14 485

原创 [Java EE][Security] - Understanding Security Realms - Logout

1. Logout single application (single session) session.invalidate();2. Logout application which shares session with other applications (WebLogic)logoutpublic static boolean logout(HttpServ

2016-02-16 16:12:42 359

原创 [weblogic] - session-timeout in web.xml does not work on WebLogic11g?

How to set session-time for Java Web Application deployed on WebLogic?Two Ways to Set session-timeThere are two places to set session timeout for java web application if it will deploy on WebLogic

2016-02-15 12:20:30 884

原创 [JSP] - frequently-used skills

Today I took use of JSP to create login page and loginFailed page for my project. Google is not absent again. I have not been approaching this for very long time, but they are basics and will become u

2016-02-12 16:50:47 417

原创 [Java EE][Security] - Understanding Security Realms - 1. Main Thought

Securing ContainersIn Java EE, the component containers are responsible for providing application security. A container provides two types of security: declarative and programmatic.Realm, User

2016-01-01 23:23:19 424

原创 [Docker] - Install Oracle for set up development environment

We often need install Oracle database for development environment. This process normally will take many time, especially on Linux OS. It becomes quite more convenient after we have docker.1. Search

2016-01-01 14:40:08 669

原创 [Docker] - 发布镜像到你自己的库

1. 要申请一个Docker Hub的账户链接:https://hub.docker.com你只需提供:用户名,email 和密码,email是用来申请后激活账户只用。在Docker Hub中发布提取自己的Image,动作设计得有点像操作GitHub,确切的说是动作的名称。2. Browse Container中Image$ docler images确定之前我们创

2015-12-28 22:27:26 988

原创 [Docker] - 制作你自己的镜像

在前面一节中你已经运行了whalesay,这一节中我们学习如何自己制作镜像(程序)。1. DockerfileDockerfile是用来描述被制作成Image的软件的,说明这个软件已经是完整的可用的。他描述了软件要运行在什么样的环境下,用什么命令来运行。这个文件可能非常短小。启动Docker Quickstart Terminal为你自己的Doc

2015-12-27 21:37:58 3773

原创 [Docker] - 如何发现和运行自己需要的Image(镜像)

全世界的人都可以创建和分享自己的Docker Image,你可以用浏览器访问Docker Hub网站,来搜索发现那些对自己有用的Image,下载并运行他们。1. 访问Docker Hub,并搜索Image地址右上角有一个Search输入框,输入关键词就可以搜索。Docker Hub所包含的Image包括,个人发布的私人版本和由一些组织发布的官方正式版本。一些组织,RedHa

2015-12-27 14:45:12 2971

原创 [Docker] - 理解镜像和容器 - Understanding images&container

第一个例子在安装完Docker后,我们通过命令docker run hello-world 来测试Docker。它代表了几个含义,docker - 告诉操作系统你要使用Docker程序run - 子命令,创建和运行一个Docker containerhello-world - 告诉Docker要加载那个image到contaonerContainer - 容器 & Imag

2015-12-27 11:57:56 557

原创 [Docker] - 安装Docker

Docker官网Docker下载安装安装的Docker Toolbox包括一下内容You install Docker using Docker Toolbox. Docker Toolbox includes the following Docker tools:Docker Machine for running the docker-machine binar

2015-12-26 21:00:01 963

原创 User and group operations

Explain some common operations of user and group by bash shell in Ubuntu.List all the users and groupsList users[plain] view plaincopyprint?~$ less /etc/passwd    ~$ 

2015-12-22 14:44:41 400

原创 Learning C - Keywords and reserved identifiers

ISO/ANSI C Keywordsautobreakcasecharconstcontinuedefaultdodoubleelseenumexternfloatgotoifinlineintlongregisterrestrict

2015-12-22 14:40:14 396

原创 [springframework] - Difference between @Controller and @RestController

No difference substantially.@RestController = @Controller + @ResponseBody

2015-12-22 12:20:49 298

原创 [springframework] - Spring MVC Implements RESTful

This instructions is on targets for following requirements:maven managementspring mvc frameworkannotation configurationJSON auto converting1. POM and core dependencies to unify spring ver

2015-12-22 09:42:31 435

原创 [hibernate] - hibernate modules

modulesdescrptionhibernate-coreThe main (core) Hibernate module. Defines its ORM features and APIs as well as the various integration SPIs.hibernate-entitymanagerSupport for JPA. JPA

2015-09-20 21:19:41 407

原创 [JavaSecurity] - RSA Encryption

Using RSA encrypt your data.

2015-08-11 21:15:39 717

原创 [JavaSecurity] - AES Encryption

AES algorithmJava example

2015-08-08 14:57:39 644

原创 [Oracle] - Create DB on Oracle 12c for an Application

Best practice about creating DB on Oracle12c for application.

2015-07-13 00:10:36 899

原创 [MAVEN] - Package a Web Application into EAR

1. Introduce EAR file2. Create a Enterprise Application (EAR) to assemble a Java Web Application (WAR)

2015-04-27 22:47:08 436

原创 [MAVEN] - Add "provided" and "test" scopes for dependency

Solve "provided" dependency can't be accessed in unit test code and unit test environment in maven pom file.

2015-04-25 17:54:57 685

原创 [springframework] - 1. Overview

*** The following words, some are culled from Official Spring Framework Reference and some are summarized from my working practice.Springframework introduction

2015-04-04 21:57:59 852

原创 [Oracle] - Install Oracle12cR1 on Oracle Linux in VirtualBox

Summarized today, using simple several words to describe how to install Oracle Database on Oracle Linux as following.*** Login as root user1. Update host name in /etc/hosts2. Update per-

2015-02-16 23:43:20 978

原创 Linux Common Commands - keep updating

Create a new groupgroupadd -g 54321 oracleCreate a new useruseradd -c "Operate Oracle DB" -m -d /home/oracle -g oracle -G sudoers,weblogic,orainstall -s /bin/bash -u 54321 oracleuseradd -u 543

2015-01-06 21:37:16 595

原创 ssh login without password

Login remote server without typing password with ssh.

2014-11-11 22:16:56 1768

原创 [Oracle] - Connect to a PDB of Oracle12c

How to connect PDB after you install Oracle12c?

2014-10-28 00:21:59 1962 1

原创 [Oracle] - Install Oracle12cR1 on Oracle Linux 6.5 in VirtualBox

Install Oracle12cR1 to Oracle Linux 6.5 in VirtualBox.

2014-10-23 00:47:58 1637 1

原创 [VirtualBox] - Install Oracle Linux 7 on Oracle VirtualBox

Set up a development environment in my iMac. So virtualbox become a stop which can't be avoided.1. Install VirtualBox2. Install Oracle Linux3. Remove OpenJDK4. Install Oracle JDK

2014-10-14 00:40:38 1540 1

原创 Create a new user

$ su - weblogicI was going to install weblogic in my local. So I created a specific user for it.useradd$ sudo useradd weblogic -s /bin/bash -m -d /home/weblogic -c "weblogic user"1. create a

2014-03-24 16:05:33 1146

原创 [spring security] - Spring security LDAP configuration - Search approach

Simple XML" />" />

2014-03-12 15:35:02 997

原创 [spring security] - LDAP configuration - Bind approach

Springsecurity LDAP authentication sample XML. " />" />" /> uid={0},ou=People cn sn uid

2014-03-12 10:56:28 1195

原创 [springframework] - DispatcherServlet and WebApplicationContext

1. Default context configuration xml, [servlet-name]-servlet.xmlConfigure DispatcherServlet in web.xml dispatcherServlet org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet 1 dispatcherSe

2014-03-04 11:16:11 963

原创 Learning C - Hello world! & function prototype

First programprocessor instructionmain function//preprocessor directive, include header file stdio.h#include //main function, always the first function calledint main(void){ printf("He

2013-10-23 00:15:39 976

原创 Start learning C

Once learned in my college.... Now I'm going to pick it up.Textbook: >OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTSIDE: EclipseVersion controll: SVNI also installed Netbeans and KDevelop. But seems eclipse is th

2013-10-20 15:10:51 720

原创 Open virtual effects in Ubuntu 12.04LTS

Need install below packages:compizcompiz-corecompiz-fusion-plugins-extra+compiz-fusion-plugins-main+compiz-gnomecompiz-plugin+compiz-plugins-default+compiz-plugins-extra+compiz-plugi

2013-09-11 00:30:50 923

原创 Manually start and stop Oracle XE in Ubuntu

Start Oralce:sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe startStop Oracle:sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe stopRe-config Oracle:sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configureRemove auto-start from system boot:cd /etc/l

2013-08-25 01:53:33 1455

原创 Disable autostart of Oracle-xe in Ubuntu

Remove auto-start from system boot:cd /etc/ls -l rc*.dYou may get 7 directories, rc0.d, rc1.d, ..., rc6.d and rcS.d, and in some of them you may find the files like ls -l *oracle-xe* lrwxrwx

2013-08-25 01:47:34 1237

原创 Often used Linux Commands

How to display CPU information?more /proc/cpuinfoless /proc/cpuinfocat /proc/cpuinfo

2013-08-19 17:53:57 499



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