
与TELNET的区别: 它们都是INTERNET提供登录服务器的服务 。 TELNET 连接后,用户主机实际成为远程TELNET服务器的一个虚拟终端(或称是哑终端),一切服务完全在远程服务器上执行,但用户决不能从远程服务器中下载或上传文件,或拷贝文件到用户主机中来。 FTP则不同,它是采用客户机/服务器模式,用户能够操作FTP服务器中的目录,上传或下载文件,但用户不能请求服务器执行某个文件。
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################################################################################ # # Super Ftp Server and Client for Wall-e # # Sun May 30 2009 # # author: supertiger # # version: 3.0 # ################################################################################ Introduct Wall-e is a team for a project about two-demision code ,for details at this:http://hi.baidu.com/hzau_wall_e this server and client programs is created for the s3c2410 platform board to conveniencely control it and fulfil files transferring at the same time , that is a simple combinationfor telnet and ftp server. Of course there are many fails and bugs in it , I'll appreciate the correction and criticism! Functions 1 no count and no authentication , the shell running level result in who run the server in server side 2 basic ftp transferring functions as get files (g files ) and send files(s fname). 3 running common shells in client side(!cmd) and server side(cmd) 4 support multi-connections for multi-clients 5 Ctrl+C to break client and server shells, but also file transferring 6 error return: the server side will print error message in /var/log/wasd.log, and the client side will print these to stderr 7 help message (h) 8 see server's log(logv) 9 edit remote file, use vi ,vim ,gedit, gvim 9 cmd line params to fulfil client running a series tasks at once(before login) eg: was -s hello -d /tmp -r -p supertiger Usage 0 make the server and client change to this direction in console and run make [target] target: 1) [null] equal to bestl 2) all make server and client for both platform (arm and x86 linux) 3) host server (server_h) and client (client_h) for x86 linux 4) arm server (server_a) and client (client_a) for arm linux 5) hsac server (wasd) for x86 and client(was) for arm linux 6) ashc server (wasd) for arm and client (was) for x86 linux 7) best equals to ashc 8) you can change thest by edit Makefile 1 run the server and client server: ./wasd client: 1)login to run /was xx.xx.xx.xx then you can operate in the client side. the prompt of client side will be: Walle> 2) run a series operations through cmd lines before login ./was xx.xx.xx.xx [-s object] [-d dest ][-r [-p param] ] [-l ] [s]: send a file (object) [d]: specify the destination to change into, also where the object to save [r]: run it in the server [p]: specify the params [l]: lively, without this option client wll close after it's performance you can add this to Makefile to fulfill downloading and running programs automatically. eg:(my hello world test prog, i put the was to /usr/bin/ ) #Makefile ... smart: hello was -s hello -d /tmp -r -p supertiger hello supertiger! #Makefile ... smart: hello was -s hello -d /tmp -r -p supertiger -l hello supertiger! Walle> 2 run server side shells [usage] : cmd [return]: return what the shell will return to stdout and stderr . [eg]: Walle>ping baidu.com PING baidu.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=45.9 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=46.7 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=55 time=45.3 ms break by user! # user press Ctrl+C Walle>ls -l 总计 152 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 17382 05-30 22:00 client_a -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 13060 05-30 22:00 client_h -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4485 05-30 16:01 common.h -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 462 05-30 21:43 Makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 579 05-30 22:00 README -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 577 05-30 22:00 README~ -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 20835 05-30 22:00 server_a -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 16176 05-30 22:00 server_h -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5225 05-30 21:47 sock_client.c -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4362 05-30 15:09 sock_server.c Walle>cd /root Walle>pwd /root Walle> Walle>get aaa sh: get: command not found Walle> 3 run client side local shells [usage] :! cmd [return]: return what the shell will return to stdout and stderr . [eg] : Walle>!ls /root a es OperaDownloads aa f Pictures anaconda-ks.cfg fcitx Public automake_cn.htm g save_usb b install server_a client_h install.log server_h common.c install.log.syslog src common.h~ ked tcpd-0.2.0.tar.gz dairy Music Templates Desktop my_fs tmp Documents myos Unsaved Document 1 4 send files [usage] :s localfilename [return]: return successfully message,if success, or print error messages error message will be introduced below [eg] : Walle>s /usr/src/qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz send files successfully! Walle>ls -l ...... 1 root root 124238957 05-30 22:09 qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz Walle> tar xzvf qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz ...... [note] : /usr/src/qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz will be sent to server's `pwd` as qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.3.tar.gz 5 get files [usage] : g remotefilename [return]: return successfully message,if success, or print error messages error message will be introduced below [eg] : Walle> ls .... Walle>g /root/tcpd-0.2.0.tar.gz get remote files successfully! Walle> [note] : file /root/tcpd-0.2.0.tar.gz will be save in local's `pwd` as tcpd-0.2.0.tar.gz 5 error return the server side will print error message in /var/log/wasd.log, and the client side will print these to stderr 6 help message print h and enter in client, and you will see the help message 8 see server's log [eg]: Walle>logv login at Fri Jul 3 02:41:38 2009 run shell cat /var/log/wasd.log successfully! at Fri Jul 3 03:01:22 2009 7 edit files [usage]: <edit tool> filename [edit tool]: vi, vim ,gedit, gvim you can specify a file to edit with gvim, vi, vim, gedit , during this processing , the client will download the file first ,edit it , and then send it over, at last remove the local file,you can also specify a file with its path 8 bugs 1)client can only send keyboard signal Ctrl+C to server, so there are many shells programs couldn't be runned by client side(I'm really sorry for this): eg:ex,ed ,top ... but you can press Ctrl+C to break it! and server and client will still work normally. 2) during edit remote file , if you press gedit and there is already gedit windows opened , you will failed to modify the remote file, for gedit will not block the proc in such case. 9 contact if you've any questions please send Email to me at supertiger@yahoo.cn or chat me by QQ : 547268476, I'll appreciate it !


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