A Little Java Feature Toggle Test Tool Introduction

Feature Toggle is common concept in the current software development process, especially if you want to do continous dilivery. But there is a pain for developer to test both Feature Toggle On and Off logic. Because most of Feature Toggle is just a Enum, It's static, It's hard to change the status of one Feature Toggle dynamicly. That's why i write this project. Toggle is a little java tool, which can help you easily test both Feature Toggle on and off logic in one test class.

I'm trying to push this project into Maven central repository, Now it's waiting aprroval from Sonatype. when it's done, we can easily using maven depency include this little tool.

[b]step1: Include This Tool Into Your Project[/b]

There are three ways to include this tool into your project.

1. Using Maven depency(coming soon)
2. Download the project directly (Download) and add build/libs/Toggle.jar into your project classpath
3. Clone the source codes and add them into your project.

[b]step2:Define Your Own Toggle Class[/b]

Your feature toggle class must implements interface Toggle and must using ToggleStatus enum as the switch of Feature Toggle.

public enum MyFeatureToggle implements Toggle {
TEST_FEATURE(ToggleStatus.ON), STAGE1(ToggleStatus.ON), STAGE2(ToggleStatus.OFF);
private ToggleStatus status;

MyFeatureToggle(ToggleStatus status) {
this.status = status;

public void setStatus(ToggleStatus status) {
this.status = status;

public boolean isEnabled() {
return status.equals(ToggleStatus.ON);

public ToggleStatus getStatus() {
return status;


[b]step3: Apply Feature Toggle Test Rule To Your Test Class[/b]

Make sure the ToggleRule property is public.

public ToggleRule anotherToggleRule = new ToggleRule();

[b]step4: Add Annotation On the Test Method To Decide The Toggle Status When Run This Test
Now, this annotation support single, multiple and mixed Toggles.

@ToggleEnabled(toggleClass = "example.MyFeatureToggle",toggleNames = "TEST_FEATURE")
public void testEchoToggleOn() throws Exception {
assertThat(server.echo("xianlinbox"), is("Toggle is on, xianlinbox"));

@ToggleEnabled(toggleClass = "example.MyFeatureToggle",toggleNames = {"STAGE1","STAGE2"})
public void testMultipleToggle() throws Exception {
assertThat(server.multipleToggleEcho("xianlinbox"), is("TestFeature is on, Stage 1 is on, Stage 2 is on, xianlinbox"));

@ToggleDisabled(toggleClass = "example.MyFeatureToggle",toggleNames = {"STAGE1","TEST_FEATURE"})
@ToggleEnabled(toggleClass = "example.MyFeatureToggle",toggleNames = "STAGE2")
public void testMixedToggle() throws Exception {
assertThat(server.multipleToggleEcho("xianlinbox"), is("Stage 2 is on, xianlinbox"));

@ToggleDisabled(toggleClass = "example.MyFeatureToggle", toggleNames = {"STAGE1", "TEST_FEATURE"})
@ToggleEnabled(toggleClass = "example.MyFeatureToggle2", toggleNames = "TEST_FEATURE_2")
public void testMixedMultipleToggle() throws Exception {
assertThat(server.multipleToggleEcho("xianlinbox"), is("TestFeature 2 is on, xianlinbox"));

That's all , Hope you enjoy it.

Source Code: https://github.com/xianlinbox/Toggle




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