
HMM(Hidden Markov Models):
      A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Applications in
Speech Recognition.pdf

ME(Maximum Entropy):

MEMM(Maximum Entropy Markov Models):

CRF(Conditional Random Fields):
      An Introduction to Conditional Random Fields for Relational Learning.pdf
      Conditional Random Fields: Probabilistic Models for Segmenting and
Labeling Sequence Data.pdf

SVM(support vector machine):

LSA(or LSI)(Latent Semantic Analysis):
      Latent semantic analysis.pdf

pLSA(or pLSI)(Probablistic Latent Semantic Analysis):
      Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis.pdf

LDA(Latent Dirichlet Allocation):
      Latent Dirichlet Allocaton.pdf(用variational theory + EM算法解模型)
      Parameter estimation for text analysis.pdf(using Gibbs Sampling 解模)

Neural Networksi(including Hopfield Model& self-organizing maps &
Stochastic networks & Boltzmann Machine etc.):
      Neural Networks – A Systematic Introduction

Diffusion Networks:
      Diffusion Networks, Products of Experts, and Factor Analysis.pdf

Markov random fields:

Generalized Linear Model(including logistic regression etc.):
      An introduction to Generalized Linear Models 2nd

Chinese Restraunt Model (Dirichlet Processes):
      Dirichlet Processes, Chinese Restaurant Processes and all that.pdf
      Estimating a Dirichlet Distribution.pdf

Some important algorithms:

EM(Expectation Maximization):
      Expectation Maximization and Posterior Constraints.pdf
      Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm.pdf

MCMC(Markov Chain Monte Carlo) & Gibbs Sampling:
      Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Gibbs Sampling.pdf
      Explaining the Gibbs Sampler.pdf
      An introduction to MCMC for Machine Learning.pdf


      SVD, QR分解, Shur分解, LU分解, 谱分解

Boosting( including Adaboost):

Spectral Clustering:
      Tutorial on spectral clustering.pdf

Energy-Based Learning:
      A tutorial on Energy-based learning.pdf

Belief Propagation:
      Understanding Belief Propagation and its Generalizations.pdf
      Construction free energy approximation and generalized belief
propagation algorithms.pdf
      Loopy Belief Propagation for Approximate Inference An Empirical Study.pdf
      Loopy Belief Propagation.pdf

AP (affinity Propagation):

      <<最优化理论与算法 2nd>> chapter 10
      On the limited memory BFGS method for large scale optimization.pdf

概率图(probabilistic networks):
      An introduction to Variational Methods for Graphical Models.pdf
      Probabilistic Networks
      Factor Graphs and the Sum-Product Algorithm.pdf
      Constructing Free Energy Approximations and Generalized Belief
Propagation Algorithms.pdf
      *Graphical Models, exponential families, and variational inference.pdf

Variational Theory(变分理论,我们只用概率图上的变分):
      Tutorial on varational approximation methods.pdf
      A variational Bayesian framework for graphical models.pdf
      variational tutorial.pdf

Information Theory:
      Elements of Information Theory 2nd.pdf



      应用随机过程 林元烈 2002.pdf

Matrix Theory:

      <<模式识别 2nd>> 边肇祺
      *Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.pdf

      <<Convex Optimization>>





semi-supervised learning:
      <<Semi-supervised Learning>> MIT Press
      semi-supervised learning based on Graph.pdf



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