
1.我想找老板加薪..却不知道该怎么说...兄弟们help me!

You have to give your boss enough reasons to raise your salary. For example:

1. I have worked for your company for N years and I think my skill has improved a lot, so I think I need a raise.

2. I'm more productive than Mr.X which earns higher salary than me, so I think it's fair for me to get a raise to get closer to his salary.

3. My friend is working in another company with higher pay, but I really like working here, the only problem is that ...


Depending on your situation, there can be lots of answers:

1) I'm quite new in this field, so for the next five years, I want to became as strong as possible in technical field.

2) I think I'm quite experienced in software development, so for the next two years, I would like to became an expert in your domain, and then move to a techincal leadership role.

3) ...


Actually, it's possbile. You just need to work for a really good company.

1. Good company pays more reasonable.
2. Jobs are normally quite stable because they know how to make money.
3. Working hour for good companies is not so long as they promote work-life balance.

HP used to be such a good company. But software jobs with HP are more boring because it's basically a hardware company. Microsoft is little bit more stressful than HP, but jobs are much more exciting. Intel is said to be much more stressful.

> 但是总觉得测试好像是没文化的人做的事

If you think that way, you should not even be hired to do testing.

Testing is very critical in software development, especially for big companies like HP and Microsoft. At Microsoft, SDE/T writes programs to test production code automatically. There are less coding in testing at HP, but things may change recently.

Testing organization is involved with production development from start to finish.

> 会不会受歧视?

I've been working for HP for 8 years, Microsoft for 3 years. No one cares where are you from, where did you get your degree, how many degrees have you got.

Just show them what you can do.

> 有微软的吗,有认识吴波的吗,95年进微软的,前些日子培训过我,在西格玛大厦

Yes. There is a 吴波 who used to work here. He is now in Microsoft Beijing.

> 不知楼主在哪工作

I'm in building 2. I used to work in building 9 and 10.

> 并不全是“X”形的建筑,其他的建筑是非办公楼吗?

The first 6 buildings are in X-shape, the next three are in double X-shape, the new buildings are not in X-shape. All the buildings with numbers are office buildings. There are about 20,000 people working in those buildings, with over 1,500 Chinese.

> 但是我有个关于发展的问题想请教

Just post your question on CSDN and point me to it.

> 我还以为是个卫星图,呵呵
Those pictures are taken by satellite.

> 卫星拍摄得也太.....

Are you looking at http://blog.joycode.com/fyuan/articles/34760.aspx? It looks quite good to me. You can even see cars driving on streets.

> The buildings are in X-shape,why?

Builds 1-6, 8-10 are in X-shape to maximize number of offices with outside windows. Unlike most company, each Microsoft person normally has his/her own seperate small office. Each office is about 10 to 12 square meters. But new empolyee normally have to share office with other people for some time.

> 楼主,我现在在钻研windows内核。在微软有没有这方面的工作机会?

Microsoft is still hiring 3000-5000 people a year. So there are lots of jobs for good software design engineers, software design engineers in test (QA), and program managers.

> 用C++写驱动程序,月薪7500
I've written printer drivers using C++. But printer drivers have moved to user mode. So writing them is more like application development than driver development.

> 为什么外国程序员的工资是几万,中国的是几千?公司要招一个外籍华人,工资比我多个0,不平衡!

Suppose your company pays $5,000 a month to hire a software engineer in US, which is $60,000 a year:

1) Around 20% goes to federal income tax, social security tax, medicare tax, plus possible state income tax. Now he has 4,000 a month left.
2) Around 20% goes to his own retirement account (401K). Now he has 3,000 a month left.
3) Around 25% goes to house/apartment payment. Now he has 1,750 a month left.
4) $500 goes to utility bills, grocery, etc. Now he has 1,250 a month left
5) $400 goes to car payment, auto insurance, gas.

Now he has $850 a month left, a net saving of 17% (plus 401k, plus social security) if he does not spend on other things.

In US, a software engineer job is supposed to be able to support a whole family (wife staying at home, 2 kids, a house, two cars, vacation, medical/dental insurance).

> 并购时代程序员如何完成自我定位?
I know two groups of friends at HP, one group worked on HP's WinCE machines in Singapore, another group works on HP's inject printers in Vancouver Washington.

When HP merged with Compaq, the WinCE group in Singapore lost their jobs because Compaq's WinCE machines are better than HP's. The printer group in Vancouver Washington was happy because they can sell more printers with Compaq PCs now.

Normally company merge is followed by job cut to reduce cost. Only the better one will survive.

> Why don't overseas Chinese return to China?
A few years ago, I wanted to return to China, so I applied for an R&D manager job with Intel research lab in Shanghai. I went through the telephone interview, and then called off the interview because a publisher signed a contract with me to write a book. After the book is published, I joined Microsoft. Now I would not consider returning to China until my boy enters college in a few years.

China has lots of engineers, lots of talented engineers. What I read is that China/India are producing more engineering students than US. You can constantly read that college graduates are having a hard time finding jobs in China. Some people are even opting for working without pay. What China lacks are marketing/management talents who can organize people together to run a real money making bussiness. One good way to produce those people is working for foreign companies like HP, IBM, Microsoft for a long time. This definitely takes time.

But returning to China is not the only way to help China or help students/engineers in China. Internet brings people much closer than ever before.

Good luck, guys.

> 现在手上有50W资金,做IT的话做什么好?

If you're asking such questions here, put the money into a bank or other safe place.

The real question is what can you do to make money from money, with higher return rate than a bank or stock market.

> 成熟的人和不成熟的人之间有什么区别

A mature person has few defects in the program running in his/her head.

A mature person can improve the program running in his/her head gradually to make it better.

> 请问谁知道到微软亚洲工程院的薪酬情况

Big companies normally have different levels of jobs. Even within the same level, there is difference in salary.

Good companies pay according to your experience, skill and contribution. Even if you do not get a good pay to start with, your salary will increase quickly if you're really good. No 送礼, 后门, 说情 is needed.

> 现在的1000元人民币相当于30年前的多少元?(

Come on, you do not want to return to life 30 years ago. It was miserable life, although little bit better than 40 years ago.

30 years ago, 1975, my parents were making 88.88 RMB combined monthly. Three of us gets 0.88 RMB as monthly allowance. School fee is around 7.50 RMB half a year. With three kids, we can't afford to pay school at the begining of a semester, so we had to pay them over several months. My father was responsible for putting food on the table, but his budget was only 15 RMB a month, or 50 cents a day. People seldom get meat, fish, egg, fruit to eat, because there was not much money left for them and supply was limited.

The rice we ate was of very poor quality with lots of stones inside. The supply of rice was limited, so we had to buy 山芋干 to cook together with rice. Good quality noddle was only provided on Dec 26th, Mao's birthday. Chinese new year was a big thing because it was only then more food was provided.

Colleges were all closed until Deng reopened it in the spring of 1978.

Life is much better now than 30 years ago.

> 程序员安全感

1) Programs is universal. Good programers can find job anywhere in the world.

2) Every field is trying to reducing cost, so use computer to automate things used to be done by human is a good way to reduce cost. So essentailly programmers are eating away other people's job.

3) Computer hardwares are still evolving at rapid speed to be cheap and better. So there are more and more places with computers being used, which means more jobs for programmers.

Sometimes ago, people in US killed all the wolves in national parks. Then the deers were very happy, because there is no one to chase them around. They have all the time to eat tiny young trees. So they became fatter and the forest suffers too.

To solve the problem, people brought wolves from Canada to US. Now the deers are not safe any more. They have to run around to get away from wolves, the weak ones will be killed by wolves. They also do not have time to eat tiny young trees. The result is healthy deers and healthy forest.

> UT裁员15%,请大家讨论

As the company is listed on stock market, they have to do something to please the stock holders. Otherwise, stock price will fall even more and more people will lose jobs.

> 请教各位,你们公司开发人员的工资是如何定的?

Good company normally have different levels, each level having different requirements, responsibility and salary.

Strong people will move much quickily in levels and salary. 工龄 and 学历 should not be important.

Check csdn.fengyuan.com.

I'm going to add more stuff to that page.

> 袁峰是做什么的,在哪里,英语很好对不对。好像写的都是英文呢,了不起。

I'm an old software design engineer. Actually, my English is not that good, you should be able to find mistakes easily. I'm using English most of the time just because typing English is much faster for me. If I type in Chinese, I would be 5 to 10 times slower.

> 还有他在csdn里担任合职位,怎么多人崇拜,不要嘛,典型的斯大林(个人崇拜主意)。

No title. Somehow CSDN decided to give me 5 stars.
Yes, I agree with you, 个人崇拜 is bad. People should be respected becuase of their ideas.

> 问一下袁峰大哥,这些人都是在美国毕业留下来的吗?有没有从国内直接通过网上在线申请,
> 应聘过去的?

I have not attended one day school outside of China, but I joined HP first before joining Microsoft. I know some people transferred from Microsoft China to US. Not sure about hiring directly from China. A few days ago, there was ad about hiring people from Asia directly to Microsoft US.

Thanks, smallrole.

主  题:  程序员最需要的是安全感

Sometimes  ago,  people  in  US  killed  all  the  wolves  in  national  parks.  Then  the  deers  were  very  happy,  because  there  is  no  one  to  chase  them  around.  They  have  all  the  time  to  eat  tiny  young  trees.  So  they  became  fatter  and  the  forest  suffers  too. 
To  solve  the  problem,  people  brought  wolves  from  Canada  to  US.  Now  the  deers  are  not  safe  any  more.  They  have  to  run  around  to  get  away  from  wolves,  the  weak  ones  will  be  killed  by  wolves.  They  also  do  not  have  time  to  eat  tiny  young  trees.  The  result  is  healthy  deers  and  healthy  forest.

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