一个Open Source 开发人员的简历

最近在搞hsqldb(一个著名的内存数据库 http://hsqldb.sourceforge.net)的相关开发, 无意中浏览了hsqldb的开发人员,贴出来让大家也瞧一瞧

User Name:

Campbell Boucher-Burnet

Born: Oct 9, 1961
Height: 6'1".
Eyes: grey/w green/blue
Hair: dirty blonde
Build: Athletic (for a programmer). 220 lb.


Obtained an Altair machine.

Learned 8080 Assembler, Altair 8080 operation, PDP 11 programming, HP Basic and card/tape-based batch processing on my Highschool's HP Minicomputer. Did personal projects and work for my highschool (HP batch programming)


Learned Basic, Lisp, Forth, Pascal, Intel Assembler, C/C++.

Attended college and received Applied Scientific Computing diploma.

Worked for Continental Carlisle Douglas Investement Brokers for several years.


Bought a Sinclair Z80 machine.

Did independent Amiga/IBM PC/Macintosh programming.

Bought an Amiga 1000.

Did commercial Dbase programming for small business.

Co-founded Animattic Video Productions Inc.

Bought second Amiga (2000)

Built a 25 MHz 68030 daughter card for second Amiga.

Developed Amiga device drivers for controlling 3/4" UMatic Video recorders, Sony BetaMax commercial-grade cameras, and video switching devices.

Wrote Amiga AREXX glue for coordinating Deluxe Music Construction Set, several multimedia, video, and image editing programs, Imagine raytracing engine, an Amiga 8MB framebuffer addon, a custom storyboarding database that I wrote, and single frame recording through the UMatic device drivers I developed.

Worked as a retail salesperson for one year.

Worked as a retail manager for 1 1/2 years.


Moved to a different city.

Worked as a shipper/receiver

Worked as an inventory controller

Bought first IBM PC compatible computer (Dell XPS 120c).

Learned AutoCAD and AutoLISP.
Learned 3DStudio Max
Leaned Adobe Photoshop
Leaned Adobe Premier
Learned TrueSpace
Learned Microsoft Office and Visual Basic for Applications
Learned Micorsoft Access
Learned Microsoft Internet Information Server
(including Active Server Pages)
Learned Microsoft SQL Server
Learned Microsoft FrontPage
Learned Microsoft Visual Studio EE (C/C++, J++, FoxPro, etc)
Learned HTML/JavaScript/CSS/Applets
Learned many other Win32-based web development systems and software packages.


Attended university in the faculty of science toward a degree in computer science /w math minor.

Bought second IBM PC compatible computer (Dell XPS D333)

Founded Camco & Associates Consulting sole proprietership.

Worked for local government as a programmer/business analyst/technical writer.

Learned Oracle 7/8, including PL/SQL.

Learned HP/UX shell programming and administration, including Oracle 7.x on HP/UX administration.

Learned Sybase PowerBuilder 5, 6.x, and 7, including Powerbuilder Foundation Class (PFC) framework and SuperClass! framework.

Learned Sysbase Enterprise Application Studio and other Sybase products, including:
- PowerSite
- PowerDynamo
- PowerDesigner
- DataArchitect Suite
- O'Reilly WebSite
- Sybase EAServer (Jaguar CTS)
- ObjectCycle versioning system
- Watcom C/C++
- SQL Anywhere

Successfully completed Sysbase courses:
- Mastering Datawindows
- Building Object-Oriented Applications in PowerBuilder

Wrote requirements spec for forms<->database automation module of Dept. of Highways Property Services Information system (PSIS).

Performed PSIS upgrade/maintenance work for several years.

Performed all client consultation, wrote requirments specs, created client software, back-end database software (PL/SQL), and historical data conversion designs, implemented and rolled out designs for Saskatchewan Dept. of Highways Motor Carrier Offence List system (MCOL). Project passed peer review.

Handled all aspects, ranging from client interviews and requirments gathering/specification to design and implementation, for developmenet of Saskatchewan Dept. of Highways Engineering Division Gravel Inventory and Crush Simulation OLTP/OLAP system. Project passed peer review and is in production to present.

Wrote requirments specification for new interface between Saskatchewan Dept.of Justice Land Titles sytem (JAIN) and Saskatchewan Dept. of Highways Property Services Information system (PSIS). Interface was successfully implemented by another consultant, based on my specification.

Learned Java, JFC, and J2EE
Learned Linux/UNIX administration and shell programming.
Learned Perl.
Learned PHP, including a number of PHP IDEs.
Learned openSSL/openSSH,
Learned Netbeans/Forte4J IDE
Learned Oracle JBuilder IDE
Learned Oracle 8i
Learned Apache/Jakarta Tomcat
Learned Cinema 4D XL 5 and 6
Learned Alias|Wavefront Maya 2.
Learned Cakewalk 8/9
Learned Finale 97/2000
Learned CoolEdit 98/2000
Learned Cubase 3/5

Became involved with Bennettarts.com as a web developer with Senzai Corp, the research branch of Bennettarts.com.

Performed maintenance and configuration of sites in the technozone.com family.


Bought a third IBM PC compatible computer.

Upgraded my original Dell XPS 120c computer by installing a new motherboard, power supply, 30 GB 7200RPM hard drive, 500 MHz Athlon, and 512MB SDRAM.

Wired my home with an 8 port ethernet hub and ethernet ports set up in various locations throughout the house. The network currently has five stations, being my three computers plus my sons' and my wifes' computers, all of which I administer.

Developing Java wrapper of DynAPI.
Developing Java JNDI<->hsqldb Adapter.
Developing Java JOS targeted applications and services.
Developing 100% in memory Java 1.1 compliant Applet-based web-desktop using concepts from DynAPI, JNDI, hsqldb, and JOS.
Developing Java J2EE Applications.
Developing Oracle WebDB and IFS applications.
Increasing involvement with HSQLDB, including development and contribution of full DatabaseMetaData facility

Became Core HSQLDB Member

Contributed parametric statement precompilation facility for HSQLDB, achieving 2-3 X performance boost for certain classes of statement.

2003 - present

Returned to work for Gov't of Saskatchewan Corportate Information Services, supporting and developing applications for Dept. of Highways and Dept. of Agriculture & Foods.

Contributing Java Management Extentions framework for HSQLDB

Contributing RA optimizations for HSQLDB

Researching alternate join strategy implementations for HSQLDB.

Skill Inventory

3100 SQLCompetent> 10 years
3110 C/C++Competent> 10 years
3120 PerlCompetent2 yr - 5 yr
3130 PHPCompetent2 yr - 5 yr
3140 JavaCompetent5 yr - 10 yr
3900 Other Prog. Lang.Competent> 10 years
7100 UNIX AdminCompetent2 yr - 5 yr
7110 NetworkingCompetent5 yr - 10 yr
7120 SecurityCompetent2 yr - 5 yr
7130 WritingCompetent> 10 years
7140 EditingCompetent> 10 years
7150 DatabasesCompetent> 10 years
7900 Other Skill AreaCompetent> 10 years
3160 Visual BasicCompetent5 yr - 10 yr
3180 UMLCompetent2 yr - 5 yr
3200 HTML/DHTMLCompetent5 yr - 10 yr
3210 XML/XPath/XLink/XSL/XSLTCompetent6 Mo - 2 yr
7160 Object Oriented DesignCompetent> 10 years
7170 Object Oriented AnalysisCompetent> 10 years
3240 LISPCompetent> 10 years
3250 DelphiCompetent5 yr - 10 yr
3260 ASPCompetent5 yr - 10 yr
3310 RubyWant to Learn< 6 Months


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### 回答1: OpenDDS 开发人员指南是一个全面的指南,介绍了 OpenDDS 软件的使用方法,涵盖了多个方面的内容,为开发人员提供了丰富的知识和操作指南。 首先,指南介绍了 OpenDDS 的背景和基本概念,包括数据分布式系统(DDS)的概述、主题、数据类型等基本概念。这些内容能够帮助初学者快速了解 DDS 技术,并为后续的学习和应用打下基础。 其次,指南详细介绍了 OpenDDS 的安装和配置,包括编译源代码、安装必备库文件、设置环境变量等操作步骤。这些步骤可以帮助开发人员在本地环境中成功运行 OpenDDS 软件。 接着,指南介绍了 OpenDDS 的基本架构和使用方法,包括如何创建和发布主题、如何订阅主题,还包括如何使用 OpenDDS 中的数据访问 API 进行数据交互等。这些内容可以帮助开发人员更加深入地了解 OpenDDS 的内部工作原理和应用方法。 最后,指南还介绍了一些高级的 OpenDDS 特性,如 QoS、分布式中介程序、安全机制等。这些特性可以帮助开发人员更好地应对实际项目中的需求,并能够提升应用程序的性能和稳定性。 总之,OpenDDS 开发人员指南是一本非常有用的指南,能够帮助开发人员更好地学习和应用 OpenDDS 软件,同时也能够提升项目的效率和质量。 ### 回答2: OPENDDS开发人员指南是一份开发指南,旨在帮助开发人员使用开源中间件OPENDDS,构建实时分布式系统。它包含了所有需要使用OPENDDS的信息,从基础配置到高级主题,以及如何将OPENDDS与其他常用技术集成。 该指南适合所有OPENDDS用户,包括开发人员和系统管理员。其目的是使用户在开发分布式应用程序时更容易,更直接,同时提高系统的性能。 该指南不仅提供了有关如何开始使用OPENDDS的信息,还包括有关如何控制和调试系统的信息,并提供了许多示例和教程来解释每个特定主题的细节。此外,该指南还提供了关于如何优化性能,提高系统吞吐量的信息。 总之,OPENDDS开发人员指南是一个非常实用的指南,旨在提供OPENDDS开发和部署的所有信息。它激励开发人员和管理员利用OPENDDS实现高品质的实时分布式系统。 ### 回答3: opendds是一种快速数据分发系统,是一项用于开发分布式应用程序的核心技术。opendds开发人员指南中文版是opendds开发人员必备的参考书籍之一。该指南提供了丰富的opendds编程知识,介绍了opendds的底层原理、架构、配置和使用方法等,帮助开发人员更好地掌握opendds技术,开发高效、可靠的分布式应用程序。 opendds开发人员指南中文版的主要内容包括:opendds编程模型、数据类型和消息传输、服务配置和管理、安全认证和多线程编程等。其中,opendds编程模型介绍了opendds的基本结构和数据传输方式,通过代码示例和详细解释让开发人员了解opendds的工作流程和常用编程方式。数据类型和消息传输则介绍了opendds的数据结构、消息格式和编解码等问题,帮助开发人员更好地了解数据传输过程及其实现原理。 opendds开发人员指南中文版还详细介绍了服务配置和管理方面的内容,包括配置文件格式、运行时管理和性能优化等,帮助开发人员更好地掌握opendds的配置和管理技术。此外,还介绍了安全认证和多线程编程等高级技术,用于实现更加安全、高效的分布式应用程序。总之,opendds开发人员指南中文版是opendds开发人员必不可少的参考书籍之一,对于掌握opendds技术,开发分布式应用程序具有不可替代的作用。


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