自定义 Checkbox, 解决官方Checkbox不能设置太小的问题

package com.abc.activity.compose

import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.activity.compose.setContent
import androidx.compose.animation.animateColorAsState
import androidx.compose.animation.core.animateFloat
import androidx.compose.animation.core.snap
import androidx.compose.animation.core.spring
import androidx.compose.animation.core.tween
import androidx.compose.animation.core.updateTransition
import androidx.compose.foundation.Canvas
import androidx.compose.foundation.background
import androidx.compose.foundation.interaction.MutableInteractionSource
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.Column
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.Row
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.Spacer
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.fillMaxWidth
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.height
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.padding
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.requiredSize
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.wrapContentSize
import androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.grid.GridCells
import androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.grid.LazyVerticalGrid
import androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.grid.items
import androidx.compose.foundation.selection.triStateToggleable
import androidx.compose.foundation.text.BasicText
import androidx.compose.material3.ColorScheme
import androidx.compose.material3.MaterialTheme
import androidx.compose.material3.TriStateCheckbox
import androidx.compose.material3.minimumInteractiveComponentSize
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.runtime.State
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberUpdatedState
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.CornerRadius
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Size
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Path
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.PathMeasure
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.StrokeCap
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.drawscope.DrawScope
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.drawscope.Fill
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.drawscope.Stroke
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.takeOrElse
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.Role
import androidx.compose.ui.state.ToggleableState
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.compose.ui.util.lerp
import com.abc.robot01.activity.MYBLACK_Percent10
import com.abc.robot01.activity.MYBLACK_Percent5
import com.abc.robot01.activity.MYBLUE
import com.abc.robot01.activity.MyFont_Size
import com.abc.robot01.activity.px
import kotlin.math.floor
import kotlin.math.max

class CheckBoxDemo : ComponentActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
       Column(modifier = Modifier.background(Color.White)) {
           Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(100.px))

 * 空间
fun CheckboxMinimalExample() {
    var checked by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
    val items = listOf("全选0", "客厅1", "餐厅2", "卧室3", "厨房4", "书房5", "阳台6", "电梯厅7", "阳台8")
            columns = GridCells.Fixed(9), // 2 columns in the grid
            modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
        ) {
            items(items) { item ->
            Row(verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically) {
                    checked = checked,
                    onCheckedChange = { checked = it }
                    text = item,
                    style = TextStyle(
                        fontSize = MyFont_Size,
                        color = Color(0xFF000000)

fun Checkbox01(
    checked: Boolean,
    onCheckedChange: ((Boolean) -> Unit)?,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    colors: CheckboxColors2 = CheckboxDefaults2.colors(),
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }
) {
        state = ToggleableState(checked),
        onClick = if (onCheckedChange != null) {
            { onCheckedChange(!checked) }
        } else {
        modifier = modifier,
        enabled = enabled,
        colors = colors,
        interactionSource = interactionSource

fun TriStateCheckbox2(
    state: ToggleableState,
    onClick: (() -> Unit)?,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    colors: CheckboxColors2 = CheckboxDefaults2.colors(),
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }
) {
    val toggleableModifier =
        if (onClick != null) {
                state = state,
                onClick = onClick,
                enabled = enabled,
                role = Role.Checkbox,
                interactionSource = interactionSource,
                indication = androidx.compose.material.ripple.rememberRipple(
                    bounded = false,
                    radius = 0.dp / 2
        } else {
        enabled = enabled,
        value = state,
        modifier = modifier
//            .then(
//                if (onClick != null) {
//                } else {
//                    Modifier
//                }
//            )
        colors = colors

private fun CheckboxImpl2(
    enabled: Boolean,
    value: ToggleableState,
    modifier: Modifier,
    colors: CheckboxColors2
) {
    val transition = updateTransition(value)
    val checkDrawFraction = transition.animateFloat(
        transitionSpec = {
            when {
                initialState == ToggleableState.Off -> tween(CheckAnimationDuration)
                targetState == ToggleableState.Off -> snap(BoxOutDuration)
                else -> spring()
    ) {
        when (it) {
            ToggleableState.On -> 1f
            ToggleableState.Off -> 0f
            ToggleableState.Indeterminate -> 1f

    val checkCenterGravitationShiftFraction = transition.animateFloat(
        transitionSpec = {
            when {
                initialState == ToggleableState.Off -> snap()
                targetState == ToggleableState.Off -> snap(BoxOutDuration)
                else -> tween(durationMillis = CheckAnimationDuration)
    ) {
        when (it) {
            ToggleableState.On -> 0f
            ToggleableState.Off -> 0f
            ToggleableState.Indeterminate -> 1f
    val checkCache = remember { CheckDrawingCache() }
    val checkColor = colors.checkmarkColor(value)
    val boxColor = colors.boxColor(enabled, value)
    val borderColor = colors.borderColor(enabled, value)
    ) {
        val strokeWidthPx = floor(StrokeWidth.toPx())
            boxColor = boxColor.value,
            borderColor = borderColor.value,
            radius = RadiusSize.toPx(),
            strokeWidth = strokeWidthPx
            checkColor = checkColor.value,
            checkFraction = checkDrawFraction.value,
            crossCenterGravitation = checkCenterGravitationShiftFraction.value,
            strokeWidthPx = strokeWidthPx,
            drawingCache = checkCache

private fun DrawScope.drawBox(
    boxColor: Color,
    borderColor: Color,
    radius: Float,
    strokeWidth: Float
) {
    val halfStrokeWidth = strokeWidth / 2.0f
    val stroke = Stroke(strokeWidth)
    val checkboxSize = size.width
    if (boxColor == borderColor) {
            size = Size(checkboxSize, checkboxSize),
            cornerRadius = CornerRadius(radius),
            style = Fill
    } else {
            topLeft = Offset(strokeWidth, strokeWidth),
            size = Size(checkboxSize - strokeWidth * 2, checkboxSize - strokeWidth * 2),
            cornerRadius = CornerRadius(max(0f, radius - strokeWidth)),
            style = Fill
            topLeft = Offset(halfStrokeWidth, halfStrokeWidth),
            size = Size(checkboxSize - strokeWidth, checkboxSize - strokeWidth),
            cornerRadius = CornerRadius(radius - halfStrokeWidth),
            style = stroke

private fun DrawScope.drawCheck(
    checkColor: Color,
    checkFraction: Float,
    crossCenterGravitation: Float,
    strokeWidthPx: Float,
    drawingCache: CheckDrawingCache
) {
    val stroke = Stroke(width = strokeWidthPx, cap = StrokeCap.Square)
    val width = size.width
    val checkCrossX = 0.4f
    val checkCrossY = 0.7f
    val leftX = 0.2f
    val leftY = 0.5f
    val rightX = 0.8f
    val rightY = 0.3f

    val gravitatedCrossX = lerp(checkCrossX, 0.5f, crossCenterGravitation)
    val gravitatedCrossY = lerp(checkCrossY, 0.5f, crossCenterGravitation)
    // gravitate only Y for end to achieve center line
    val gravitatedLeftY = lerp(leftY, 0.5f, crossCenterGravitation)
    val gravitatedRightY = lerp(rightY, 0.5f, crossCenterGravitation)

    with(drawingCache) {
        checkPath.moveTo(width * leftX, width * gravitatedLeftY)
        checkPath.lineTo(width * gravitatedCrossX, width * gravitatedCrossY)
        checkPath.lineTo(width * rightX, width * gravitatedRightY)
        // TODO: replace with proper declarative non-android alternative when ready (b/158188351)
        pathMeasure.setPath(checkPath, false)
            0f, pathMeasure.length * checkFraction, pathToDraw, true
    drawPath(drawingCache.pathToDraw, checkColor, style = stroke)

private class CheckDrawingCache(
    val checkPath: Path = Path(),
    val pathMeasure: PathMeasure = PathMeasure(),
    val pathToDraw: Path = Path()

private val CheckboxDefaultPadding = 2.dp
private val CheckboxSize = 30.px
private val StrokeWidth = 2.dp
private val RadiusSize = 2.dp

private const val BoxInDuration = 50
private const val BoxOutDuration = 100
private const val CheckAnimationDuration = 100

class CheckboxColors2 constructor(
    val checkedCheckmarkColor: Color,
    val uncheckedCheckmarkColor: Color,
    val checkedBoxColor: Color,
    val uncheckedBoxColor: Color,
    val disabledCheckedBoxColor: Color,
    val disabledUncheckedBoxColor: Color,
    val disabledIndeterminateBoxColor: Color,
    val checkedBorderColor: Color,
    val uncheckedBorderColor: Color,
    val disabledBorderColor: Color,
    val disabledUncheckedBorderColor: Color,
    val disabledIndeterminateBorderColor: Color
) {
     * Returns a copy of this CheckboxColors, optionally overriding some of the values.
     * This uses the Color.Unspecified to mean “use the value from the source”
    fun copy(
        checkedCheckmarkColor: Color = this.checkedCheckmarkColor,
        uncheckedCheckmarkColor: Color = this.uncheckedCheckmarkColor,
        checkedBoxColor: Color = this.checkedBoxColor,
        uncheckedBoxColor: Color = this.uncheckedBoxColor,
        disabledCheckedBoxColor: Color = this.disabledCheckedBoxColor,
        disabledUncheckedBoxColor: Color = this.disabledUncheckedBoxColor,
        disabledIndeterminateBoxColor: Color = this.disabledIndeterminateBoxColor,
        checkedBorderColor: Color = this.checkedBorderColor,
        uncheckedBorderColor: Color = this.uncheckedBorderColor,
        disabledBorderColor: Color = this.disabledBorderColor,
        disabledUncheckedBorderColor: Color = this.disabledUncheckedBorderColor,
        disabledIndeterminateBorderColor: Color = this.disabledIndeterminateBorderColor
    ) = CheckboxColors2(
        checkedCheckmarkColor.takeOrElse { this.checkedCheckmarkColor },
        uncheckedCheckmarkColor.takeOrElse { this.uncheckedCheckmarkColor },
        checkedBoxColor.takeOrElse { this.checkedBoxColor },
        uncheckedBoxColor.takeOrElse { this.uncheckedBoxColor },
        disabledCheckedBoxColor.takeOrElse { this.disabledCheckedBoxColor },
        disabledUncheckedBoxColor.takeOrElse { this.disabledUncheckedBoxColor },
        disabledIndeterminateBoxColor.takeOrElse { this.disabledIndeterminateBoxColor },
        checkedBorderColor.takeOrElse { this.checkedBorderColor },
        uncheckedBorderColor.takeOrElse { this.uncheckedBorderColor },
        disabledBorderColor.takeOrElse { this.disabledBorderColor },
        disabledUncheckedBorderColor.takeOrElse { this.disabledUncheckedBorderColor },
        disabledIndeterminateBorderColor.takeOrElse { this.disabledIndeterminateBorderColor },

     * Represents the color used for the checkmark inside the checkbox, depending on [state].
     * @param state the [ToggleableState] of the checkbox
    internal fun checkmarkColor(state: ToggleableState): State<Color> {
        val target = if (state == ToggleableState.Off) {
        } else {

        val duration = if (state == ToggleableState.Off) BoxOutDuration else BoxInDuration
        return animateColorAsState(target, tween(durationMillis = duration))

     * Represents the color used for the box (background) of the checkbox, depending on [enabled]
     * and [state].
     * @param enabled whether the checkbox is enabled or not
     * @param state the [ToggleableState] of the checkbox
    internal fun boxColor(enabled: Boolean, state: ToggleableState): State<Color> {
        val target = if (enabled) {
            when (state) {
                ToggleableState.On, ToggleableState.Indeterminate -> checkedBoxColor
                ToggleableState.Off -> uncheckedBoxColor
        } else {
            when (state) {
                ToggleableState.On -> disabledCheckedBoxColor
                ToggleableState.Indeterminate -> disabledIndeterminateBoxColor
                ToggleableState.Off -> disabledUncheckedBoxColor

        // If not enabled 'snap' to the disabled state, as there should be no animations between
        // enabled / disabled.
        return if (enabled) {
            val duration = if (state == ToggleableState.Off) BoxOutDuration else BoxInDuration
            animateColorAsState(target, tween(durationMillis = duration))
        } else {

     * Represents the color used for the border of the checkbox, depending on [enabled] and [state].
     * @param enabled whether the checkbox is enabled or not
     * @param state the [ToggleableState] of the checkbox
    internal fun borderColor(enabled: Boolean, state: ToggleableState): State<Color> {
        val target = if (enabled) {
            when (state) {
                ToggleableState.On, ToggleableState.Indeterminate -> checkedBorderColor
                ToggleableState.Off -> uncheckedBorderColor
        } else {
            when (state) {
                ToggleableState.Indeterminate -> disabledIndeterminateBorderColor
                ToggleableState.On -> disabledBorderColor
                ToggleableState.Off -> disabledUncheckedBorderColor

        // If not enabled 'snap' to the disabled state, as there should be no animations between
        // enabled / disabled.
        return if (enabled) {
            val duration = if (state == ToggleableState.Off) BoxOutDuration else BoxInDuration
            animateColorAsState(target, tween(durationMillis = duration))
        } else {

//    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
//        if (this === other) return true
//        if (other == null || other !is CheckboxColors) return false
//        if (checkedCheckmarkColor != other.checkedCheckmarkColor) return false
//        if (uncheckedCheckmarkColor != other.uncheckedCheckmarkColor) return false
//        if (checkedBoxColor != other.checkedBoxColor) return false
//        if (uncheckedBoxColor != other.uncheckedBoxColor) return false
//        if (disabledCheckedBoxColor != other.disabledCheckedBoxColor) return false
//        if (disabledUncheckedBoxColor != other.disabledUncheckedBoxColor) return false
//        if (disabledIndeterminateBoxColor != other.disabledIndeterminateBoxColor) return false
//        if (checkedBorderColor != other.checkedBorderColor) return false
//        if (uncheckedBorderColor != other.uncheckedBorderColor) return false
//        if (disabledBorderColor != other.disabledBorderColor) return false
//        if (disabledUncheckedBorderColor != other.disabledUncheckedBorderColor) return false
//        if (disabledIndeterminateBorderColor != other.disabledIndeterminateBorderColor) return false
//        return true
//    }

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        var result = checkedCheckmarkColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + uncheckedCheckmarkColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + checkedBoxColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + uncheckedBoxColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledCheckedBoxColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledUncheckedBoxColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledIndeterminateBoxColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + checkedBorderColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + uncheckedBorderColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledBorderColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledUncheckedBorderColor.hashCode()
        result = 31 * result + disabledIndeterminateBorderColor.hashCode()
        return result

object CheckboxDefaults2 {
     * Creates a [CheckboxColors] that will animate between the provided colors according to the
     * Material specification.
    fun colors() = defaultCheckboxColors

     * Creates a [CheckboxColors] that will animate between the provided colors according to the
     * Material specification.
     * @param checkedColor the color that will be used for the border and box when checked
     * @param uncheckedColor color that will be used for the border when unchecked. By default, the
     * inner box is transparent when unchecked.
     * @param checkmarkColor color that will be used for the checkmark when checked
     * @param disabledCheckedColor color that will be used for the box and border when disabled and
     * checked
     * @param disabledUncheckedColor color that will be used for the border when disabled and
     * unchecked. By default, the inner box is transparent when unchecked.
     * @param disabledIndeterminateColor color that will be used for the box and
     * border in a [TriStateCheckbox] when disabled AND in an [ToggleableState.Indeterminate] state
    fun colors(
        checkedColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        uncheckedColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        checkmarkColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledCheckedColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledUncheckedColor: Color = Color.Unspecified,
        disabledIndeterminateColor: Color = Color.Unspecified
    ): CheckboxColors2 = defaultCheckboxColors.copy(
        checkedCheckmarkColor = checkmarkColor,
        uncheckedCheckmarkColor = Color.Transparent,
        checkedBoxColor = checkedColor,
        uncheckedBoxColor = Color.Transparent,
        disabledCheckedBoxColor = disabledCheckedColor,
        disabledUncheckedBoxColor = Color.Transparent,
        disabledIndeterminateBoxColor = disabledIndeterminateColor,
        checkedBorderColor = checkedColor,
        uncheckedBorderColor = uncheckedColor,
        disabledBorderColor = disabledCheckedColor,
        disabledUncheckedBorderColor = disabledUncheckedColor,
        disabledIndeterminateBorderColor = disabledIndeterminateColor

    internal val defaultCheckboxColors: CheckboxColors2
        get() {
            return CheckboxColors2(
                checkedCheckmarkColor= MYBLUE,
                uncheckedCheckmarkColor = MYBLACK_Percent5,
                checkedBoxColor = MYBLACK_Percent5,
                uncheckedBoxColor = MYBLACK_Percent5,
                disabledCheckedBoxColor = Color.Gray,
                disabledUncheckedBoxColor = Color.Transparent,
                disabledIndeterminateBoxColor = Color.Gray,
                checkedBorderColor = MYBLACK_Percent5,
                uncheckedBorderColor = MYBLACK_Percent5,
                disabledBorderColor = Color.Gray,
                disabledUncheckedBorderColor = Color.Transparent,
                disabledIndeterminateBorderColor = Color.Gray






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钱包余额 0


