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原创 Mac uninstall Python Guide

Python的安装方式有三种:来源 Python安装的路径 系统默认 /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7 brew安装 /usr/local/Cellar 官网pkg安装 /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7 其中,...

2019-01-03 16:50:16 391

转载 P3图像引起iOS 9.1&9.2崩溃闪退问题解决方案

 参考: PPM图像详解和P3图像引起iOS 9崩溃闪退问题解决方案 在Xcode -> Organizer 中找到对应的Archies,找到Finder中app的位置:Products -> Applications -> xxx.app,如下图:  打开终端Terminal,找到xxx.app的位置(输入cd空格后,直接将xxx.app拖入到Te...

2018-12-28 14:42:15 480

原创 Xcode handling on "compiling asset catalogs"

Xcode8 在编译的时候,一直停在“compiling asset catalogs”状态不动。很有可能是某(几)个文件Xcode编译不了,注意不是代码错误,而是文件出错了。而最大可能出错是在xib文件上,试试打开新添加的xib文件,看看Xcode能否正常打开。因为有些xib文件中,某些控件的属性可能出错的话,Xcode预编译是不会报错的,但又不能正常编译,所以就一直卡住了。碰到

2017-12-25 16:19:35 1559

原创 微信小程序将图片数据流添加到image标签中

有时候我们通过API接口获取图片时,拿到的是图片的数据流:有可能是二进制数据流,也可能是base64编码的数据流。 data: { captchaImage: '../../images/captcha.png', // 如果需要的话,可以给张默认的图片先 },当获取到的是原始的图片二进制数据流时,只需要将image标签的src直接设置为图片

2017-09-29 17:46:22 44767 7

转载 Mac OS Sierra (v10.12)打开任何来源的应用

在系统设置-安全与隐私页面,显示允许任何来源:打开终端输入:(然后重新打开安全与隐私页面)sudo spctl –-master-disable隐藏允许任何来源:打开终端输入:sudo spctl –-master-enable

2017-06-08 10:39:42 674

原创 将整型的ASCii码值转换为对应的ASCii码字符串

比如ASCii码字符1对应的整型值为49,那怎么将49转换为字符串1呢?unichar c[1];c[0] = 49;NSString *str = [NSString stringWithCharacters:c length:1];str的值就是“1”

2017-04-26 10:58:43 3456

原创 iOS APNs 实现多语言及自定义事件

iOS实现远程推送的多语言显示,通常有两种方法:在服务器端实现多语言推送。这种方法需要App在上传device token到后台服务器的时候,将App使用的语言也同步上传;在App端实现多语言显示。在这里主要介绍下第2种实现方法。

2017-03-09 14:10:01 3407

转载 UITextField 密码明文及密文切换问题


2016-10-12 14:44:40 3720

转载 MacOS下设置隐藏的 ~/Library 目录,默认为显示

如果要默认为显示,则终端输入命令:chflags nohidden ~/Library--如果要默认为隐藏,则终端输入命令:chflags hidden ~/Library

2016-06-03 10:28:32 1101

原创 for 循环嵌套 while 的神奇问题

在Xcode7中写了一段OC代码,在一个for循环中嵌套了一个while循环。因为for循环中有一个异步执行,我想等异步执行完,再执行下一个for循环,所以用while循环做了一个等待。代码如下:BOOL flag = NO;for (id obj in array) { // 执行异步方法, 执行完后设置flag=YES; ...... while(true)

2016-03-31 23:02:50 5270 1

原创 Java 与 iOS 的时间浮点型之间的互相转换

时间与1970为基点,不同平台是统一的。Java平台的时间浮点型是精确到毫秒,一般为13位;而iOS平台是精确到秒,一般为10位。所以Java平台的浮点型转成iOS的NSDate需要除1000.NSTimeInterval createdTime = 1527573838293.0000;NSDate *date = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSin

2016-03-09 15:36:30 1288

原创 Can't use "address" as an attribute in core data Entity

If you use the "address" as attribute, you will get the physical address of this Entity. But before that, you can't get any warning about it.

2016-02-14 21:32:05 561

原创 add "shadow+border+corner" specially for UIView

1. Add corners for UIView. Normally it's very easy, just setup the cornerRadius for the UIView's layer.    Specially, if you want to specify some corners of the UIView. You can find some solutions o

2016-01-26 14:35:32 747

原创 Customise UITableViewHeaderFooterView through XIB

Create a UIView class through XIB, and change it as to be the subclass of UITableViewHeaderFooterView.Remember: Change the background color of the UITableViewHeaderFooterView to be "Default" in

2015-11-19 16:19:15 3291

原创 App Transport Security (ATS)

iOS9中,对C/S应用影响最大的应该是ATS这个功能了吧,所有的HTTP(S)连接都会有波及。这个功能是什么意思呢?简单来说就是Apple强制所有HTTP服务都需要用HTTP(S)来连接,要支持TLSv1.2 SSL。但请注意,这个新的特性只是能触发,必须要用Xcode7来编译App。换句话说,如果是用Xcode6.x的Xcode编译的App,即使支持iOS9也不会有影响。当然,

2015-08-05 18:05:57 1072

原创 AddressBookUI Framework in iOS9 beta4

在以前的iOS版本中,当我们需要读取系统的通讯录时,我们只需要简单调用AddressBookUI framework中的ABPeoplePickerNavigationController,代码如下:ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *abNavCtrl = [[ABPeoplePickerNavigationController alloc] init];

2015-08-05 17:45:31 779

原创 如何使用XCAsset里面的AppIcon和Launch Image资源

在新的Xcode中,我们通常会添加 App Icon 和 Launch Image 资源到XCAsset里面。有时,我们在代码中也需要用到这些资源,如 imageNamed:。但会发现有时返回的结果是nil,找不到这张图片资源。为什么会这样呢?如果我们找到 App 的package,你会发现,其实 App Icon 和 Launch Image 资源都加入到 App 中了,但是名字被改过了。所以我...

2015-05-06 18:48:36 2382

翻译 3-6. Sending an E-mail

3-6. Sending an E-mail Fred: Hi, Linda. Could youspare me a few minutes of your time? Could you tell me how to write E-mail? Linda: Sure. It’s notdifficult. It’s just like writing a letter. 

2015-05-05 22:37:41 979

翻译 3-5. Internet Use

3-5. Internet Use Nicole: Hello, Winsome. Iwonder if you could tell me something about the Internet. Winsome: Sure. What exactlydo you want to know? N: To be honest, I knowvery little abou

2015-05-05 22:35:10 648

翻译 3-3. Sending a Fax

3-3. Sending a Fax Fred: Hi, Linda, I don’t knowhow to send a fax to a client. Could you do me a favor? Linda: No problem. Actuallyit’s very easy to operate. You see, the only thing for you to

2015-04-21 22:17:19 614

翻译 3-4. Online Banking

3-4. Online Banking Fred: Linda, I hear mostpeople in this company are using E-bank. Linda: Yes, actually I’mone of those people. F: What do you think ofonline banking? L: I believe

2015-04-21 22:16:33 789

翻译 2-5. Friday: Mastering In-House Jargon

2-5. Friday: Mastering In-House Jargon Fay: Today is our last day together,Tom. I am going to show you how to improve your tech-speak. Tom: Let me guess. That’sthe jargon that techies like us

2015-04-21 22:16:04 401

翻译 3-2. On the Phone

3-2. On the Phone Linda: Hello, this is Lindaspeaking. How can I help you? Eric: Hello, I would liketo speak to Ms. Johnson, please! L: May I ask who’s calling,please? E: This is Eric

2015-04-21 22:15:39 415

翻译 2-4. Thursday: Employee Training

2-4. Thursday: Employee Training Fay: Today we go over thetraining programme which you will follow for the next three months, Tom. Tom: Well, Ms. Chang, I’mlooking forward to that. I hope my p

2015-04-21 22:15:17 445

翻译 3-1. Writing a Memorandum

3-1. Writing a Memorandum(/ˌmɛmə'rændəm/, 备忘录) Fred: Morning, Linda. Whatare you busy with? Linda: Moring Fred, I’mwriting a memo. F: What is a memo? L: A memo is an officialdocument

2015-04-21 22:15:14 492

转载 iOS多线程/并行开发


2015-04-16 14:42:07 655

翻译 2.3. Wednesday: Assign Work

2.3. Wednesday: Assign Work Fay: Good morning, Tom. NowI want to go over your task sheet. Tom: It says that I will bewriting code for the Shanghai elevator project. F: Yes. There’s theShan

2015-03-21 16:04:48 397

翻译 2.2. Tuesday: Introductions

2.2. Tuesday: Introductions Fay: Tom, let me introduceyou to Sarah Tei, manager of our Hardware Department. Sarah, this is Tom Wang,who’s starting this week in my department. Tom: Nice to meet

2015-03-21 16:04:25 386

翻译 2.1. Monday: Going to Work

2.1. Monday: Going to Work Fay: Welcome to CaliforniaComputers China, Tom! I’m the manager of the Project Department. My name is FayChang. Tom: It’s an honor to meetyou, Ms. Chang. F: Here

2015-03-21 16:03:48 371

翻译 1.12. Project Manager

1.12. Project Manager Ken: I know how busy youare, so thanks for coming. I won’t waste any time. We need a project manager toplan and execute (/'ɛksɪkjut/,执行)our project. David: Yes, I heard

2015-03-21 16:03:27 362

翻译 1.11. System Administrator

1.11. System Administrator Ken: Hi, I’m the manager of Operations. Your resume tells meyou’re a generalist. Can you tell me why you’re good at being a systemadministrator. Donna: I’m always cu

2015-03-21 16:03:08 659

翻译 1-10. Senior Software Engineer

1-10. Senior Software Engineer Ken: Thanks for taking time from your busy schedule for thismeeting, Susan. As you know, we’re looking for a senior software engineer forour new Xi’an project. S

2015-03-21 16:02:36 816

翻译 1-9. Technical Support

1-9. Technical Support Ken: Our quality control department is changing ourtechnical support from a help desk to a call center. Monica: My internship experience was with email-basedsupport. It

2015-03-21 16:01:37 459

翻译 1-8. Web Designer

1-8. Web Designer Ken: Our company needs a dedicated web designer. We’re tiredof consultants! Your resume shows that you studied web design during your lasttwo years in computer science, and inter

2015-03-21 16:01:34 645

翻译 1-7. Database Administrator

1-7. Database Administrator Ken: Thanks for coming to see us. Our system administratorwants a database administrator. We’ve grown 30% in the past year, and she canbarely keep up with the hardware

2015-03-21 16:01:06 551

翻译 1-6. Application R&D Programmer

1-6. Application R&D Programmer(R&D: researchand development) Ken: If you decide to join our application department, firstlet me make clear that we don’t develop graphics software and media pl

2015-03-21 15:59:36 521

翻译 1-5. IT Network Specialist

1-5. IT Network Specialist Ken: You have experience setting up the local network, Isee. We have three projects that could use your input. Winsome: If possible, I prefer doing hardware nodes –

2015-02-09 16:28:55 409

翻译 1-4. Project Programmer

1-4. Project Programmer Ken: Our department is short of one database programmer. Wehave a source code for all of our accounting applications written in C+, and weneed someone who can first upgrade

2015-02-09 16:28:06 388

翻译 1-3. Software Engineer

1-3. Software Engineer Ken: I see from your resume that you did a bachelor degreein computer science, and then a master’s in software engineering. Why is that? Betty: There is a strong debate

2015-02-06 18:15:20 497

翻译 1-2. Computer Hardware Engineer

1-2. Computer Hardware Engineer Ken: This week we’re hiring team members for the Shanghaiproject. The team leader is the hardware architect, and she put in thepersonnel requisition (/'rɛkwə'zɪʃən/

2015-02-06 18:14:30 628



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