
如何有效且自信地主导/主持一个英文视频会议 conference call?



1 开始会议


Good morning. This is [Alex] from the [your company name].

Good afternoon [Rachel]. Thank you for joining us today.

I would like to welcome everybody here today.

Thanks for attending.

Could you all when speaking state your name clearly?

Please indicate (say) which office/department you represent so that the minutes are recorded properly.


Before we start, please could you introduce yourselves?

I’m afraid [Jacky] is absent today. We will have to proceed without him


[Ralph], please could you correct my pronunciation before we begin?

Today we have two [Toms]. Please could we add surnames when speaking: Tom Smith and Tom Taylor.


I’d like to introduce [Paul]. He’s in charge of Sales in the Paris office.

2 设定基本规则


We have 3 nationalities here today. Please speak clearly and slowly so that everyone understands.

Please could you speak one at a time?

May I remind you to speak one at a time?


Could you check your microphone please?

Remember to switch off the mute button when you are speaking. Switch it on when you’re not speaking.

3 决定发言顺序



We’ll follow an alphabetical speaking order. We’ll begin with Mr. Baldwin, followed by Mrs. Brown, Mr. Chatterjee, Ms. Evans, Mr. Richards, Ms. Stalling and Mr. Yaxley.

4 处理问题


Can you hear me ok?

Could you check your microphone please?


I can’t hear very well.

I’m sorry. I have a problem with my microphone.

There’s a lot of noise in the background. Could you check your microphone please?

John, you need to switch off the mute button if you want to speak.


I’m sorry [John], but I’m afraid I didn’t understand. Please could you repeat that?

I’m afraid I didn’t understand, Mr [Chopra]. Please could you speak more slowly?


I’m sorry [Mr McKay] but I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat that please?

I’m afraid I didn’t understand [Mr McKay]. Please could you say that again?

I’m sorry [Mr McKay]. Please could you clarify what you mean by…?


There are two people speaking. Mr Chopra, can you continue? John, we’ll come back to you in a moment.

5 设定目标

The purpose of today’s meeting is to review last month’s sales.

The objective of this meeting is to make a decision about the advertising campaign.

The purpose of this call is…

Our agenda today will be…

I would like your input on…

I’ll be asking questions about…

6 参照文件

You should have a green document in front of you entitled ‘Customer Satisfaction’

The main points are highlighted in bold.

Please turn to page 14

7 分享意见

Shall we go round the table and hear everyone’s opinion?

Alex, what do you think?

[Rachel], what are your thoughts?


In my opinion, we are performing well under the circumstances.

I think that…


I agree

I completely agree

I agree to a certain extent.


I’m sorry but I’m afraid I disagree.

I see your point but I’m afraid I disagree.

I tend to disagree.

I see things from a different perspective.


So what you’re saying is, we need to increase sales.

Could you repeat that please?

So if I understood correctly, you want us to increase the budget?


Let’s try to find a middle ground.

Why don’t we try to reach a compromise?

Would you be willing to compromise?

If you could increase our budget, then we could spend more on advertising.


Maybe we could increase the budget.

Why don’t we focus on online advertising?


That’s a good idea.

I like that idea.


I understand.

I see your point.


I’m sorry to interrupt. It’s Susan here.

Alex here. Could I just jump in here.

8 管理发言的人


Sorry. Who’s speaking please?

Please could you say your name before speaking?


[Pauline], what are your thoughts?

Let’s ask everyone their opinion.

9 管理时间


May I remind everyone that we have to finish by 4pm.

Please be brief as we only have 30 minutes.

I think we’re getting side-tracked. Let’s try to keep to the agenda.


I’m afraid we’re running out of time.

Would anyone like to add anything before we finish the call?

We’re running out of time. Let’s try to wrap things up.

10 会议结束


So, let’s go over the main points.

So, to summarize we have decided to focus on online sales.


So [Alex], you’re going to send out the minutes. [Rachel], you’re going to speak to the regional Manager.


Shall we schedule a follow-up call in 2 weeks?

Let’s speak again next month.

Thank you everyone for your time. In this discussion, we covered the following points…


从去年开始,由于没有了展会,加之视频会议一下子在全球流行开来,所以整个外贸行业在跟客户沟通也发生的变化,具体表现就是你可能跟客户开视频会议(conference call)的频率和时长都变多。


这篇文章将假设你是视频会议的参与者,然后我将将展示完成电话会议的每一个步骤,以及在其中你可以使用的基本商务英语短语。(我们将在另外一篇文章中假设你是会议的注册者,然后告诉你如何主持一个conference call以及有用的英文短语)






1 开始对话



Hello, Mr. Smith.
Hello, Mrs. Rodriguez.
Good morning, Mr. Smith.

2 打过招呼后

Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
Is the audio working?
Is the video working?


How are you?
How’s it going?
How is your day so far?
How is work?
How is everything?

你还可以使用一些社交型的small talk,可以参考下面的文章:

外贸社交达人必备实力:利用Small Talk帮助你获得更多客户的好感和信任(配大量例子和案例)

3 对问候语的回应

Everything’s fantastic.
Can’t complain.
Never better.

关于如何像一个英文母语者一样流利自信地回答 “How are you”,可以参考下面的文章:

你真的会正确回答国外客户的这两个问题吗:How are you? & How have you been?

4 谈论视频会议的目的
一个专业的conference call应该谈及目的或复述议程。你可能在一些回答中使用短语动词,你可以说:

I’d like to talk about X, Y, and Z.Let’s go over X, Y, and Z.I’d like to review X, Y, and Z.
I’d like to cover X, Y, and Z in this call.

你可以使用这些短语 “talk with you about”,”go over something “或 “cover something “。

5 总结会议

It was great talking with you about X, Y, and Z.
I really enjoyed being able to cover X, Y, and Z with you today.
I appreciate your time going over X, Y, and Z with you.
It’s been a pleasure talking about X, Y, and Z with you.


I’ll follow up with you in a couple of days.
I’ll touch base with you in a couple of days.
I will get back in touch with you soon

6 如何结束通话?

Thank you.
Thank you for talking with me today.
Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today.
Thank you for taking the time to chat with me today.
Thank you for making time for meeting with me today.


7 收尾
最后,在你说了谢谢、总结和谈论下一步行动步骤之后,你可以通过简单地说 “Bye “或 “Goodbye”来结束你的电话。如果你的商务电话更随意,你可以说,”See you later “或 “Talk to you soon”。但建议不要说byebye,具体原因请看这个文章:

79种用英语说”再见”的聪明方法(一定不要跟母语英语的客户说bye bye)
1 自我介绍
在电话正式开始之前,你可能会听到这样的问题:Is everyone on here? 或 Can you hear me? 你可以用简单的yes来回答。


Hello, everyone. My name is James Zhang and I’m the Sales Manager at [your company name]

2 轮到你发言时


Hello everyone. As the Sales Manager, I have three suggestions for the project.

然后,在你讨论这三点时,用 “first”、”second “和 “third”来标记。


So to sum up, by implementing these three strategies we can achieve a significant sales boost and build a stronger relationship with our customers.

3 尽量不要打断发言的人,但如果你一定要打断,可以这样做

I’d like to raise an objection to…
I disagree with…


I’d like to backtrack (return) to [topic]. 我想回溯/返回到某个话题。


如果你听不清几个词或句子:I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. Could you please repeat what you just said?

如果有一个具体的词你不理解或不认识:I’m afraid I’m unfamiliar with that term. Can you explain it?

如果你需要澄清一个想法:I’m sorry, I don’t follow you. Could you please explain that again?

如果有人说话太快或语无伦次:Can you speak a little more slowly, please?


4 结束通话

After hearing your points, I feel the best course of action is to…


Thank you for all your input. I’ll let you know my final decision on this topic by email within a day or two.



1 在电话中介绍自己
Hello, Sandra here.

Hello, it’s Sandra speaking.

2 检查其他人是否在通话中
Is Sandra on the line?

Do we have Sandra on the call?

Do we have Sandra yet?

Are we waiting for anyone else?

3 开始通话
Welcome to the conference call…

Is everyone ready to start?

Shall we start?

As you know, today we are discussing X…

Did everyone receive the agenda? / Has everyone received the agenda?

4 克服声音问题
If you are not speaking, please put yourself on mute.

Eric, I can hear background noises, please can you put yourself on mute when you are not talking?

The sound quality is not good, please can everyone speak up?

I can’t hear Jane, can everyone else hear Jane?

Sorry can you say that again, I can’t hear you clearly?

Sorry can you repeat that, the sound quality is poor?

5 共享你的屏幕
I’m sharing my screen, can everyone see it?

I’m uploading the document now, can you see it?

6 结束通话
So the agreed action points are X, Y, Z.

Is there anything else to discuss?

I’ll confirm our discussion by email.

Let’s finish / close the call, thank you everyone.

Thank you for your contribution/participation/ideas, let’s speak again next week.

We’ve run out of time so let’s wrap up and close the call.

7 如何在电话会议中要求澄清问题

Could you speak more slowly please?

Could you repeat that again or could you repeat that last bit please?

Could you speak up please (a little louder)?

Could you explain that again? Or Could you explain that in layman’s terms (non technical

I didn’t get that I am sorry could you say it again?

8 如何打断正式的电话会议

Sorry, would you mind if I asked a question?

Just to clarify are you saying that…

Could I interrupt you for a minute?

Would you mind if I jumped in there please?

Can I stop you for just one minute please?


9 其他电话会议英语词汇

I won’t keep you long

I will keep this brief (short)

Well, that is all I wanted to say

That covers everything I had to say

Now, are there any questions?

I am glad you asked that…

That is a really good question

Let me get back to you on that (I will give you a better answer later)

Can you leave it with me? I’ll find out and let you know.

I think you might have misunderstood me…

Please allow me to clarify it once more.


  1. 会前闲谈

  2. Nice to see you again / Good to meet you.

  3. How was your trip?

  4. Have you been here before?

  5. We’ve emailed each other a few times, but it’s nice to finally meet you face to face.

  6. You must be (name).

  7. Is this your first time here?

  8. 欢迎与会者

  9. Good morning everyone and welcome to the meeting today.

  10. I’m pleased to welcome you today to…

  11. 介绍自己和与会者

  12. For those of you who don’t know me, I am…

  13. I think we could start by each person saying their name and a few words about their job, their role in this team, their background…

  14. I’m pleased to introduce you to a new member of our team.

  15. In case you don’t know him/her already, this is… from…

  16. 开始会议

  17. OK that’s the introductions out of the way. Let’s get started.

  18. Let’s get the ball rolling, shall we?

  19. We’ve got a lot to get through, so let’s begin.

  20. I’d like to start with… which is about…

  21. Let’s kick off with…

  22. 介绍议程

  23. Have you all got the agenda?

  24. As we can see from the agenda there is a lot to get through.

  25. As we can see from the agenda there is only a couple of issues to discuss.

  26. If there are no objections, I’d like to skip the first topic and start instead with the third one.

  27. 介绍会议的主题/议题

  28. As you probably know, the main reason for this meeting is…

  29. As I wrote in my email yesterday, we need to come to an agreement about…

  30. What we need to decide today is…

  31. 重温会议目标

  32. The purpose of this meeting is to…

  33. If we achieve nothing else today we must find a solution to…

  34. Our aim today is…

  35. By the end of this meeting, I’d like to have reached a decision about…

  36. 为缺席的人道歉

  37. Unfortunately David can’t be here with us today.

  38. Vicky won’t be joining us today; she isn’t feeling well, unfortunately.

  39. 回顾以前的会议

  40. Before we begin I think it would be a good idea to review…

  41. In our last meeting, we agreed on the following issues… but we still need to reach a conclusion on…

  42. There are a number of points from the last meeting which need to be addressed.

  43. 移交给另一个参与者

  44. Over to David now.

  45. OK, that’s it from me, I’d like to hand over to John.

  46. Sara’s now going to go into this point in more detail for you.

  47. 过渡到新的议程点

  48. If nobody has anything else to add we will move on.

  49. If there are no more questions I’d like to move on to the next item.

  50. Let’s move on to the next point which is about…

  51. 参照视觉资料

  52. As you can see from this slide…

  53. If you could now focus on the second chart you will see.

  54. I would like to draw your attention to this graph…

  55. 情况更新

  56. How is the project coming along?

  57. How did you get on at XYZ company last week?

  58. Steven, can you bring us up to speed on…?

  59. Despite recent setbacks, I am happy to say we are on schedule.

  60. I have not received approval yet.

  61. I am delighted to tell you that our proposal has been accepted.

  62. We have got the go-ahead from the board.

  63. You’ll be pleased to hear that the presentation was a success.

  64. We have achieved our targets for this quarter.

  65. We have hit some serious issues with…

  66. Our request for more funding has been declined.

  67. The latest figures are somewhat disappointing.

  68. 请求采取行动

  69. I’d like you to…

  70. Would you mind…?

  71. David, could you take care of that please?

  72. Could you send us this information at the end of the week, please?

  73. 接受任务

  74. I’d be happy to handle that.

  75. OK I’ll do that.

  76. Sure – when do you need it?

  77. I’ll deal with that – when do we need it?

  78. 委婉拒绝任务

  79. I don’t think I’d be the best person to handle that task.

  80. I’d like to help out, but my time is fully taken up with…

  81. Our team is really stretched as it is, so I can’t agree to that unless we extend the deadline.

  82. 打断一下

  83. Sorry to interrupt, but…

  84. Sorry, I really have to say something here.

  85. Hold on a moment. What you’re saying is…

  86. If I could just jump in for a moment…

  87. May I interrupt you there for a second?

  88. 应对中断的情况

  89. If I could just finish what I was saying.

  90. Could I just finish my point?

  91. Please let me finish.

  92. Just a second…

  93. 征求意见

  94. How do you feel about that?

  95. What is your point of view?

  96. David, I would really appreciate your view.

  97. Have you got any thoughts on this?

  98. Do you have any views on this?

  99. Does anyone have any other comments?

  100. 回应意见

  101. I see what you mean.

  102. You’ve got a point there.

  103. That’s a very good point.

  104. That’s a great suggestion.

  105. That’s one way of looking at it.

86. I believe…
87. I’m convinced that…
88. I’m sure that…
89. I have no doubt…
90. There’s no doubt in my mind that…
91. I’m quite certain that…

92. I think…
93. Well, if you ask me…
94. I’d like to point out that…
95. As I see it…
96. In my opinion…

97. I feel that…
98. My impression is that…
99. I am not sure but I am leaning towards…
100.I tend to think…

  1. 表示同意
  2. Absolutely.
  3. Exactly.
  4. I totally agree with you.
  5. I have exactly the same opinion as you.
  6. You have hit the nail on the head. (idiom)

106. I agree to a certain extent
107. I am with you up to a point.
108. I agree partly.
109. I guess you’re right.

  1. 表示不同意
  2. I totally disagree.
  3. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there.
  4. With respect, I have to say I don’t agree.
  5. I disagree entirely.
  6. I can’t go along with that at all.
  7. It’s out of the question.
  8. I understand what you are saying, but I have a different opinion.

117. I agree with you to a point but I disagree about…
118. I know what you mean but…
119. I don’t really agree with you.
120. I think it might be better to…
121. I’d be inclined to think the opposite.

  1. 表达保留意见

  2. I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.

  3. Don’t you think that…?

  4. I’m concerned that…

  5. I’m not entirely convinced that…Clarifying

  6. What I’m trying to say is…

  7. What I mean is…

  8. Let me give you an example of what I mean.

  9. To illustrate…

  10. Well, in other words…

  11. 要求澄清的问题

  12. I’m sorry, but I’m not very clear about…

  13. Could you explain that again please?

  14. What do you mean by…?

  15. I don’t quite understand what you mean by…

  16. So what you’re saying is…

  17. Are you saying that…?

  18. If I understand you correctly, you mean…

  19. Let me see if I understand you correctly, you mean that…

  20. 征求建议

  21. Do you have any suggestions?

  22. Please share any suggestions you may have.

  23. Any suggestions?

  24. What do you suggest?

  25. If you have any suggestions, do feel free to put them on the table.

  26. 提出建议

  27. Why don’t you…

  28. Have you tried…

  29. I think we should…

  30. How about…

  31. My suggestion would be…

  32. My recommendation would be to…

  33. I propose…

  34. I would suggest…

  35. I would recommend…

  36. The best course of action would probably be…

  37. We should probably consider…

  38. 论证你的观点

  39. I feel strongly that we should go this way because of the following facts…

  40. The benefit of doing it this way is that…

  41. I’m very much in favour of… because …

  42. There are three main advantages to this solution.

  43. 放弃争论

  44. I have to admit that…

  45. It is true that…

  46. I see what you mean, I had not thought of it like that.

  47. Yes, you are right, I did not take that into account.

  48. That’s a good point.

  49. 谈论成本问题

  50. This will be a hefty / substantial investment. (a big investment)

  51. Please provide me with a cost estimation.

  52. Can you tell me something about the costs involved?

  53. What are we talking about in terms of cost?

  54. The drop in sales of (product A) was off-set by the increase in profits of (product B).

  55. We compensated for the loss by selling more…

  56. 描述发展趋势

  57. Sales rocketed by 80%. (increased a lot)

  58. Sales exploded by 80%. (increased a lot)

  59. Sales went through the roof. (increased a lot)

  60. Sales fluctuated this quarter. (increased and decreased during the quarter)

  61. Sales plummeted… (decreased a lot)

  62. Sales leveled off in August. (neither went up nor down)

  63. Sales fell sharply. (decreased a lot suddenly)

  64. Sales dropped slightly. (decreased a little bit)

  65. 达成协议

  66. Are we in agreement then?

  67. I think we have an understanding now.

  68. So if we are both in agreement, I will draw up a written proposal.

  69. Sounds like we have a deal.

  70. To sum up, I think we’ve agreed the following…

  71. 归纳总结

  72. To recap on what has been said so far,…

  73. So far, the following points have been raised…

  74. Let’s go over what we have decided on…

  75. Just to summarize briefly:…

  76. So going forward we need to…

  77. Our next steps are to…

  78. 检查是否已涵盖所有议题

  79. Is there anything else that we need to discuss / talk about, or have we covered everything ?

  80. No, I think we’ve covered everything, thanks.

  81. Actually, there is just one more thing that I’d like to discuss.

  82. Actually, there’s something I’d like to bring up briefly before we finish.

  83. 谈论未来的联系

  84. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

  85. I’ll check and get in touch with next week about our next meeting.

  86. I’ll be be in contact with you shortly to arrange our next meeting.

  87. See you at…/ See you next week…/ See you on Friday…/ See you soon./ See you later.

  88. 感谢和结束

  89. Thanks for your time today.

  90. I appreciate your input, Many thanks.

  91. Let’s wrap it up there and continue tomorrow.

  92. Have a safe trip home.





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