



Valuation Class - -




Price Control  - -

Standard Price or Moving Average Price

Tax price - -


Price at which the material is valuated for tax purposes. (The distinction between tax valuation and commercial valuation is not observed in the United States of America or in some European countries.)


Commercial price - -

Price at which the material is valuated for commercial purposes. (The distinction between tax valuation and commercial valuation is not observed in the United States of America or in some European countries.)








Do Not Cost“ indicator - -


The material is excluded from selection and BOM explosion.
If costed as subcomponent, the valuation price is determined through the valuation variant if no cost estimate with the same key exists for the material.

 With Qty Structure“ indicator - -

For cost estimates without quantity structure, you establish the settings for the valuation of the items that you enter in the cost estimate manually.



Origin group - -


Used for subdividing material and overhead costs.


When material costs are calculated, each material is given a general ledger account and thus is assigned to a primary cost element. If you enter an origin group for the material, the combination of source group and cost element is updated to the CO component. This means that you can

When overhead is calculated, an object is debited with overhead costs and another object (usually a cost center) is credited. For more information on the origin of overhead rates in the credit record, specify an origin group in the credit key. The system then displays the origin group in Cost Center Accounting, as well as the overhead cost element.



Overhead Key :
Key that groups the materials being manufactured for the same type of overhead application, depending on the product in question.

 When costing, the setting in material master will be overwritten by that defined in BOM


Costing Lot Size:  - -

Lot size of the costed object (such as a material or sales order) used in the product cost estimate.

entered here is used as the default value for the material cost estimate. In individual processing, the lot size can be overwritten. In mass processing, it cannot be overwritten.


Variance Key:


Key that controls variance calculation.


Variances can only be calculated for the orders for which a variance key has been entered. This key is defaulted through the costing view in the material master record.

If you have activated variance calculation in the variance key, the value of the scrap is calculated at target cost  and subtracted from the actual costs before the variances are determined.


Plant-Specific Material Status

Indicates whether, for a specific plant, the material may be used in the following areas:

  • Materials management (for example, in purchasing and in inventory management)
  • Production planning and control
  • Plant maintenance
  • Warehouse management


The plant-specific material status restricts the usability of the material for the plant concerned, that is, it defines whether a warning or error message is displayed if you include the material in a particular function.


Alternative BOM

Identifies one BOM in a BOM group.


  • One product or assembly can be described by a number of (alternative) BOMs that represent, for example, different manufacturing processes for different lot sizes. These alternative BOMs are grouped together as one multiple BOM.
  • Alternatives are maintained separately for each BOM usage.

BOM Usage


This key defines the area (such as engineering/design or production) where a BOM can be used.


By setting various indicators, you can define the maximum configuration of the item status and define whether an item must be or cannot be processed in a particular area (such as production).



A material is used in the areas production and costing in a company. For each area, you maintain a separate BOM with different items:

  • Production BOM:
  • This BOM contains items that are relevant to production. These items are copied to the planned order. Dependent requirements are generated for them, and they are copied to the production order.
  • Costing BOM:
  • This BOM contains items that are relevant to determining the material costs of a product.
    When you calculate production costs using a quantity structure, the system automatically determines the BOM and all the BOM items that are relevant to costing, in order to calculate manufacturing costs.

Key for Task List Group

Key identifying a group.


You can use groups, for instance, to identify two routings that have different production steps for one material.


Enter the group to which you want to restrict the selection.


Task List Type

Key which classifies task lists according to their functionality.

Routings are defined under the following task list types:

Special Procurement Type for Costing

Key that you use to specify the material's procurement type predetermined by the material type in more detail for costing.


If you enter a special procurement type in the Costing view of the material master record, it will be used in costing.

If you do not enter a special procurement type in the costing view of the material master record, the system will use the special procurement type in the MRP view.


If you want to cost an externally procured material by ignoring the quantity structure in costing, you have the following options:

  • In the MRP view of the material master record, enter procurement type F and no special procurement type (neither in the MRP view nor in the Costing view).
  • In Customizing for Product Cost Planning, create a new special procurement type (procurement type: F; special procurement type: blank) and enter this special procurement type in the material's Costing view.

If you want to cost a material by ignoring the BOM but including the routing, go into Customizing for Product Cost Planning and create a new special procurement type (procurement type: E; special procurement type: E) and enter this special procurement type in the material's Costing view.

Fixed-Price Co-Product

indicates the material as a fixed price co-product.


A material marked as a fixed price co-product is not costed using a joint production process.

If the material is an output material of a process with several co-products, the costs for the fixed price co-product are taken from the process costs using the net realizable-value method.


Set this indicator if the material is a co-product, but the costs are not to be determined using an apportionment method; instead, a preset price is to be used for the material.

The price for the fixed price co-product is taken from a cost estimate without quantity structure; alternatively, a price from the material master is used.


You can only set this indicator if you have also set the co-product indicator for the material.

Fixed-price co-products are shown in the itemization as items of category M (not A, as is the case with normal co-products), albeit with negative quantities and values.

Version Indicator

Indicator which specifies whether production versions exist for this material.

Production Version To Be Costed

Key that determines the production version which is used to determine the quantity structure for the cost estimate.

With joint production, you can here enter an apportionment structure for a leading co-product, or for a differenct co-product the reference to a leading co-product or process material through which the quantity structure is to be determined.


So that the quantity structure can be determined automatically using the production version, you must have selected the setting 2 (selection by production version) or 3 (selection only by production version) in the material master record in MRP view 4 under selection method. This is unnecessary if you entered the production version direct when you created the cost estimate or if it was entered direct in the material master record in costing view 1 under production version.


Valuation Class for Sales Order Stock

Default value for the valuation class for valuated sales order stocks of the material.


You need specify a valuation class here only if you want to assign a different valuation class to this type of stock than that assigned to other valuated stocks of the material. This makes it possible to define other allowed G/L accounts for these stocks.

Valuation Class for Project Stock

Default value for the valuation class for valuated project stocks of the material.


You need specify a valuation class here only if you want to assign a different valuation class to this type of stock than that assigned to other valuated stocks of the material. This makes it possible to define other allowed G/L accounts for these stocks.





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