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原创 Sublime Text2支持除UTF8外多种编码(主要解决乱码问题)

这个工具非常好用,但是默认只支持UTF-8,有时候别人传递给我的文本文件是GBK等其他编码方式的,打开乱码让人郁闷。 解决该问题安装2个插件: 第一个:为了方便以后安装其他插件的小插件叫:Package Control,大家都很常用的 打开Sublime Text2, 快捷键:Ctrl+`,在Window...

2017-11-13 11:28:40 326

原创 cocos2dx调试窗

今天弄一个项目,没瞅到调试窗。对于一个做lua项目只开sublime的不喜欢开IDE的人来说,简直心态爆炸速速整出来proj.win32下main.cpp下加[code="c++"]#ifdef WIN32 _tsetlocale(LC_ALL, _T("")); ::AllocConsole(); ::fr...

2017-11-08 09:56:42 275

原创 week12 - King arthu

17.8.21full of 充满after all 毕竟take off 脱下go off 离开in the distance 在远处17.8.22leave to do 离开去做某事take off 取下来leave on 留住lay out 陈列17.8.23die of 死于lean forward over 身体前...

2017-08-21 21:13:17 243

原创 Words Week12 - King arthu

17.8.21Life is happens to us while we are making other plans生活的计划总赶不上变化prefer v.更喜欢17.8.22Count your age by friends,not years.Count your life by smiles , not tears.从朋友看年纪,用笑容量人...

2017-08-21 21:11:31 126

原创 week11 - King arthur

17.8.14turn away 转身走开bear to do 忍受做某事rule over 统治17.8.15look through 浏览in the circumstances 在这情况下for one's sake 为了谁考虑17.8.16reach out 伸手tear off 扯掉turn away 转过脸去...

2017-08-13 22:39:02 114

原创 Words Week11 - King arthur

17.8.14Being different is one of the most beautiful things in the world;be embrace yourself.拥抱最真实的自我,你的不同才是你得天独厚的美behave v.举动rude adj.粗鲁creature n.人17.8.15No matter wha...

2017-08-13 22:33:09 188

原创 Week10 - King arthur

17.8.7in return 做为回报17.8.8worry about 担心instead of 而不是spare one's life 饶某人的性命17.8.9go by 时间流逝other than 而不是17.8.10ride at 骑马冲向at the ready 随时可用17.8.11...

2017-08-08 23:30:30 92

原创 Words Week10 - King arthur

17.8.7flesh n.果肉17.8.8There's a crack in everything.THat's how the light gets in.万物皆有裂痕,那正式光照进的地方persuade v.说服17.8.9The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.你所享...

2017-08-08 23:29:21 113

原创 Week9 - King arthur

17.7.31drive back 驱赶回去set one's heart on sb 爱上某人as much as 和 ...一样17.8.1in return 做为回报17.8.2certain death 必死无疑17.8.3talk of 谈论sleep in 睡懒觉17.8.4the s...

2017-07-31 23:21:29 88

原创 Words Week9 - King arthur

17.7.31It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.不要沉湎于梦想而忘记生活。emperor n.皇帝civilized adj.文明的17.8.1Take responsibility of your own happiness, never put it in other peopl...

2017-07-31 23:14:45 114

原创 Week8 - King arthur

17.7.29not unless 除非17.7.30take over 占上风dead of night 夜深人静的时候

2017-07-29 23:28:11 97

原创 Words Week8 - King arthur

17.7.29A day is a miniature of eternity.一天是永恒的缩影fierce adj.凶猛的empire n.帝国17.7.30Instead of worrying about what you cannot control,shift your energy to what you can create....

2017-07-29 23:27:34 283

原创 Week8 - 20000 Leagues Under The Sea

17.7.24creep onto 偷偷溜进lift up 举起be about to do 将要做17.7.25in charge 负责all the more 更加17.7.26a glimpse of 看一看extreme point 端点make sense 讲的通hoist up 升起17.7.27r...

2017-07-24 23:35:31 148

原创 Words Week8 - 20000 Leagues Under The Se ...

17.7.24Don't go through life. Grow through life.别只是生活,要从生活中成长。rescue v.营救17.7.25We are all different.Don't judge, understand instead.我们每个人都不同,去理解而非去评判handle n.把手surv...

2017-07-24 23:34:39 205

原创 Week7 - 20000 Leagues Under The Sea

17.7.17go on an excursion 做一次短途旅行lean against 斜靠着without any hesitation 毫无犹豫active volcano 活火山17.7.18look out for 提防pick sth up 收集17.7.19play about 玩耍 leave alon...

2017-07-17 21:58:38 162

原创 Words Week7 - 20000 Leagues Under The Sea

17.7.17The greatest revenge is to accomplish what others say you cannot do.最完美的回击是完成别人认为你做不到的事.curiosity n.好奇心roof n.屋顶17.7.18Have no fear of perfection,you'll never...

2017-07-17 21:56:58 203

原创 Week6 - 20000 Leagues Under The Sea

17.7.10knee down 跪下be capable of 能够做某事on a daily basis 每天smash into 撞向meet with 遭遇17.7.11abandoned A for B 为B抛弃Abe deprived of 被剥夺...17.7.12in an instant 即可s...

2017-07-10 23:36:28 164

原创 Words Week6 - 20000 Leagues Under The Sea

17.7.10Life isn't about finding yourself but creating yourself.生活不是自我发现,而是自我创造tomb n.坟bury v.埋葬pray v.请求vast adj.巨大的bay n.港湾17.7.11spot n.斑点 污点cave n....

2017-07-10 23:35:14 163

原创 Week5 - 20000 Leagues Under The Sea

2017.7.3be propelled by 由...推动be fatal to 对...致命be lost in 专注于...17.7.4be about to do 即将做...put on... 穿上fill up with 用...填满17.7.5on one's feet 站着lie down 躺下17...

2017-07-03 23:24:28 100

原创 Words Week5 - 20000 Leagues Under The Sea

2017.7.3If you do what you've always done. you'll get what you've always gotten.如果一成不变,你的收获也会一成不变。debt n.债务stare v.盯着,凝视measure v.测量17.7.4Love planted a rose, and ...

2017-07-03 23:16:12 160

原创 Lua 字符串分割

lua 字符串分割[code="lua"]function StringTool:stringSplit(str, splitChar) local sub_str_tab = {}; while (true) do local pos = string.find(str, splitChar); if (not pos) then local siz...

2017-06-29 20:29:32 655

原创 Lua金钱显示工具

Lua金钱显示工具[code="lua"]function StringTool:dealMoney(money,lenth) local moneyStr local dealLength = 3 if lenth then dealLength = lenth end if type(money) == "string" then ...

2017-06-29 20:27:04 322

原创 Lua 拆分字符

lua 拆分字符[code="lua"]function StringTool:split( str_, limit_, type_ ) if str_ == nil or str_ == "" then LogInfo("StringTool:split wrong string") return nil end if limit_ == nil or lim...

2017-06-29 20:24:50 485

原创 Words Week4 - 20000 Leagues Under The Sea

17.6.26Good,better,best. Never let it rest.Till your good is better and your better is best.whisper v.悄悄话whale n.鲸鱼scream n.尖叫声crew n.全体船员incident n.事件navy ...

2017-06-26 23:49:20 155

原创 Week4 - 20000 Leagues Under The Sea

17.6.26be fascinated by 被...所吸引get to do 开始做...on everyone's lips 大家都在议论become interested in 对...开始感兴趣crash into 撞到...a stretch of water 一片水域be full of 充满set off 出发nothing mor...

2017-06-26 23:37:18 181

原创 Words Week3 - Black beauty

17.6.19To be angry is to revenge the faults of others on ourselves生气是用别人的错误惩罚自己damage v.损害reduce v.减少bath n.淋雨,浴缸17.6.20Art is what you see. but what you make others see....

2017-06-19 22:40:23 117

原创 Week3 - Black beauty

17.6.19no chance to do 没机会做...pass time 消磨时光be of much importance 很重要at a low price 以地价had better do sth 最好做某事be particular about 对。。挑剔take care of 照顾set off 出发for rent 租用r...

2017-06-19 22:37:40 186

原创 Week2 - Black beauty

Day1 17.6.12 shake one’s head 摇头 lead the way 带路,示范 to death 非常,极其 trust sth entirly to sb trust sth entirly to sb be alarmed in sth 对某...

2017-06-12 15:19:19 186

原创 Words Week2 - Black beauty

17.6.12Everything comes to you at the right time.Be patient and trust the process上天对一切都有最好的安排,你只需平心静气,不懈努力。sunset n.日落persuasion n.说服flame n.火焰,热情pipe n.管子,烟斗,笛c...

2017-06-12 15:12:58 210

原创 Week2 - Black beauty

Day1 07.06.12

2017-06-11 23:02:03 67

原创 Words Week1 - Black beauty

17.6.6nail n.钉子,爪,指甲 v.钉住stroke v.轻抚,打,击briddle n.马笼头saddle n.马鞍strap n.马带子stable n.马厩stirrup n.马磴子spur n.马刺rein n.缰绳bit n.马嚼子harness n.马具collar ...

2017-06-08 22:19:52 102

原创 Week1 - Black beauty

Week1---------Day1---------live upon sth 靠sth谋生,依靠sth生活I lived upon my mother's milk. 可译为: 我曾靠母亲的乳汁生活。well off 处境好的So was your father's side more well off? 可译为: 那么你父亲那边更富有...

2017-06-06 15:58:56 134

原创 Note


2017-02-28 17:19:20 111


分享几个lua的时间的方法[code="lua"]function TimeTool:time(second_) if second_>=3600*24 then return string.format("%dd %02d:%02d:%02d", math.floor(second_/ (3600*24) ), math.floor((second_%(3600*24)...

2016-12-05 10:31:29 138

原创 Draw Eye


2016-12-03 14:22:54 233

原创 lua自定义log

分享个log,可以打印各种类型,包括嵌套table[code="lua"]cc.exports.cwblog = function(...) if config.debug==1 then local text = "" local xn = 0 local function textLineT(xn) -- body for i=1,xn ...

2015-06-17 17:01:57 811

原创 快速更新android-sdk

说一下SDK的更新,因为Android SDK Manager直接提供了代理,我们可以直接使用,打开Android SDK Manager按照红框部分填写,然后关闭掉,重写打开就好了如图:[img]http://dl2.iteye.com/upload/attachment/0109/0044/c234fb29-6bbf-34e9-8ab1-298e71b9647a.jpg[/...

2015-05-28 16:16:06 94

原创 Lua逻辑运算

Lua逻辑运算符[code="lua"]- and or not--and 与 or --返回的不是true 和 false--而是它的两个操作数--[[ a and b a为false 返回a a or b a为true 返回a]]print( 4 and 5) --> 5print( nil and 13) --> nil...

2015-05-22 01:26:47 201

原创 Lua类型

Lua 是动态类型语言,变量不要类型定义。Lua 中有 8 个基本类型分别为:nil、boolean、 number、string、userdata、function、thread 和 table。函数 type 可以测试给定变量或者值 的类型。[code="Lua"]print(type("Hello world)) --> stringprint(type(10*3)...

2015-05-22 01:16:29 162

原创 Lua基础

除了Lua外,还有很多类似的脚本语言,例如:Perl、Tcl、Ruby、Forth、Python。虽然其他语言在某些方面与Lua有着共同的特色,但下面这些特征是Lua特有的:[b]1. 可扩展性。[/b]Lua的扩展性非常卓越,以至于很多人把Lua用作搭建领域语言的工具(注:比如游戏脚本)。Lua被设计为易于扩展的,可以通过Lua代码或者C代码扩展,Lua的很多功能...

2015-05-09 18:08:50 93


VERY GOOD~Android2.0游戏开发实践宝典源代码.



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