cisco ios 权限等级详解

Cisco IOS实际上十六种不同的权限等级:level0-level15。当在Cisco IOS中进入不同的权限等级时,你的权限等级越高,你在路由器中能进行的操作就越多。

实际上,Cisco ios只有三个权限等级可用:





在Cisco IOS当中,这个等级相当于在UNIX拥有root权限或者在Windows中拥有管理员权限。换句话说,你可以对路由器进行全面控制。







Router>sh pri
Current privilege level is 1
Exec commands:
  access-enable    Create a temporary Access-List entry
  access-profile   Apply user-profile to interface
  atmdx            Test ATMDX system
  attach           attach to system component
  clear            Reset functions
  connect          Open a terminal connection
  crypto           Encryption related commands.
  disable          Turn off privileged commands
  disconnect       Disconnect an existing network connection
  do-exec          Mode-independent "do-exec" prefix support
  enable           Turn on privileged commands
  exit             Exit from the EXEC
  help             Description of the interactive help system
  lig              LISP Internet Groper
  lock             Lock the terminal
  login            Log in as a particular user
  logout           Exit from the EXEC
  mrinfo           Request neighbor and version information from a multicast
  mstat            Show statistics after multiple multicast traceroutes
  mtrace           Trace reverse multicast path from destination to source
  name-connection  Name an existing network connection
  pad              Open a X.29 PAD connection
  ping             Send echo messages
  ppp              Start IETF Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
  release          Release a resource
  renew            Renew a resource
  resume           Resume an active network connection
  rlogin           Open an rlogin connection
  routing-context  Routing Context
  set              Set system parameter (not config)
  show             Show running system information
  slip             Start Serial-line IP (SLIP)
  ssh              Open a secure shell client connection
  systat           Display information about terminal lines
  tclquit          Quit Tool Command Language shell
  tdm              TDM
  telnet           Open a telnet connection
  terminal         Set terminal line parameters
  traceroute       Trace route to destination
  tunnel           Open a tunnel connection
  udptn            Open an udptn connection
  where            List active connections
  x28              Become an X.28 PAD
  x3               Set X.3 parameters on PAD



Router>sh pri
Current privilege level is 1
Router>sh ?

  aaa              Show AAA values
  acircuit         Access circuit info
  adjacency        Adjacent nodes
  ancp             ANCP information
  aps              APS information
  arp              ARP table
  auto             Show Automation Template
  backup           Backup status
  bfd              BFD protocol info
  bgp              BGP information
  bootflash:       display information about bootflash: file system
  bootvar          Boot and related environment variable
  c7200            Show c7200 information
  calendar         Display the hardware calendar
  call             Show call
  call-home        Show command for call home
  capability       Capability Information
  cca              CCA information
  cdapi            CDAPI information
  class-map        Show CPL Class Map
  clock            Display the system clock
  cns              CNS agents
  compress         Show compression statistics
  connection       Show Connection
  context          Show context information about recent crash(s)
  controllers      Interface controller status
  cops             COPS information
  crypto           Encryption module
  dampening        Display dampening information 
  device-sensor    Shows Device Sensor Information 
  dialer           Dialer parameters and statistics
  disk0:           display information about disk0: file system
  disk1:           display information about disk1: file system
  dss              DSS information
  eigrp            EIGRP show commands
  event-manager    Event manager information
  exception        exception informations
  facility-alarm   Show Facility Alarms
  flash:           display information about flash: file system
  flow-sampler     Display the flow samplers configured
  format           Show format information
  funi             FUNI information
  hosts            IP domain-name, lookup style, nameservers, and host table
  hw-module        Show hardware module commands
  if-mgr           if-mgr information
  inventory        Show the physical inventory
  ip               IP information
  ipam             IP Addr Mgr (IPAM) information
  ipc              Interprocess communications commands
  ipv6             IPv6 information
  kerberos         Show Kerberos Values
  kron             Kron Subsystem
  l2vpn            Show information about Layer2 VPN
  lisp             Locator/ID Separation Protocol
  location         Display the system location
  login            Display Secure Login Configurations and State
  management       Display the management applications
  memory           Memory statistics
  microcode        show configured microcode for downloadable hardware
  mls              multilayer switching information
  modemcap         Show Modem Capabilities database
  mpls             MPLS information
  mtm              MTM
  odm-format       Show the schema used for ODM input file
  ospfv3           OSPFv3 information
  parser           Display parser information
  policy-map       Show Policy Map
  ppp              PPP parameters and statistics
  pppoe            PPPoE information
  qbm              QoS Bandwidth Manager information
  radius           Shows radius information
  rbscp            RBSCP information
  resource-group   Resource group statistics
  rmon             rmon statistics
  rom-monitor      show ROMMON region information
  route-tag        route-tag information
  sasl             show SASL information
  service-routing  Service-Routing show commands
  sessions         Information about Telnet connections
  sgbp             SGBP group information
  slot0:           display information about slot0: file system
  slot1:           display information about slot1: file system
  snmp             snmp statistics
  srcp             Display SRCP Protocol information 
  srp              SRP information
  ssh              Status of SSH server connections
  subscriber       Subscriber Service Switch Information
  syscon           System Controller information
  tacacs           Shows tacacs+ server statistics 
  tdm              TDM
  template         Template information
  terminal         Display terminal configuration parameters
  test_rib_access  RIB_ACCESS TEST info
  time-range       Time range
  topology         Topology instance information
  upgrade          Show upgrade commands
  users            Display information about terminal lines
  vc-group         Show VC Group
  version          System hardware and software status
  vfi              Virtual Forwarding Instance information
  vnet             Virtual NETwork instance information
  vpdn             VPDN information
  vrf              VPN Routing/Forwarding instance information
  vrrp             VRRP information
  vrrs             VRRS information
  warm-reboot      Show Warm Reboot related information
  wsma             Show Web Services Management Agents information
  xconnect         Xconnect information
  xos              Cross-OS Library Information and Traces
  xsd-format       Show the ODM XSD for the command



不包括show runn  show start等..........


Router#sh pri
Current privilege level is 15
Router#enable 2
Router#sh pri
Current privilege level is 2
Exec commands:
  access-enable    Create a temporary Access-List entry
  access-profile   Apply user-profile to interface
  atmdx            Test ATMDX system
  attach           attach to system component
  clear            Reset functions
  connect          Open a terminal connection
  crypto           Encryption related commands.
  disable          Turn off privileged commands
  disconnect       Disconnect an existing network connection
  do-exec          Mode-independent "do-exec" prefix support
  enable           Turn on privileged commands
  exit             Exit from the EXEC
  help             Description of the interactive help system
  lig              LISP Internet Groper
  lock             Lock the terminal
  login            Log in as a particular user
  logout           Exit from the EXEC
  mrinfo           Request neighbor and version information from a multicast
  mstat            Show statistics after multiple multicast traceroutes
  mtrace           Trace reverse multicast path from destination to source
  name-connection  Name an existing network connection
  pad              Open a X.29 PAD connection
  ping             Send echo messages
  ppp              Start IETF Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
  release          Release a resource
  renew            Renew a resource
  resume           Resume an active network connection
  rlogin           Open an rlogin connection
  routing-context  Routing Context
  set              Set system parameter (not config)
  show             Show running system information
  slip             Start Serial-line IP (SLIP)
  ssh              Open a secure shell client connection
  systat           Display information about terminal lines
  tclquit          Quit Tool Command Language shell
  tdm              TDM
  telnet           Open a telnet connection
  terminal         Set terminal line parameters
  traceroute       Trace route to destination
  tunnel           Open a tunnel connection
  udptn            Open an udptn connection
  where            List active connections
  x28              Become an X.28 PAD
  x3               Set X.3 parameters on PAD



Router#sh pri
Current privilege level is 2
Router#sh pri
Current privilege level is 15
Exec commands:
  access-enable    Create a temporary Access-List entry
  access-profile   Apply user-profile to interface
  access-template  Create a temporary Access-List entry
  archive          manage archive files
  atmdx            Test ATMDX system
  attach           attach to system component
  auto             Exec level Automation
  beep             Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol commands
  bfe              For manual emergency modes setting
  calendar         Manage the hardware calendar
  call-home        Call-Home commands
  cd               Change current directory
  chkflash         Check flash filesystem
  clear            Reset functions
  clock            Manage the system clock
  cns              CNS agents
  configure        Enter configuration mode
  connect          Open a terminal connection
  connectedapps    Connected applications related commands
  copy             Copy from one file to another
  crypto           Encryption related commands.
  debug            Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')
  delete           Delete a file
  dir              List files on a filesystem
  disable          Turn off privileged commands
  disconnect       Disconnect an existing network connection
  do-exec          Mode-independent "do-exec" prefix support
  enable           Turn on privileged commands
  erase            Erase a filesystem
  event            Event related commands
  exit             Exit from the EXEC
  format           Format a filesystem
  fsck             Filesystem check
  help             Description of the interactive help system
  hw-module        Slot level commands
  if-mgr           IF-MGR operations
  isdn             Run an ISDN EXEC command on an ISDN interface
  l2vpn            Layer2 VPN commands
  lig              LISP Internet Groper
  lock             Lock the terminal
  logging          Handles logging operations
  login            Log in as a particular user
  logout           Exit from the EXEC
  microcode        microcode commands
  mkdir            Create new directory
  monitor          Monitoring different system events
  more             Display the contents of a file
  mpls             MPLS commands
  mrinfo           Request neighbor and version information from a multicast
  mrm              IP Multicast Routing Monitor Test
  mstat            Show statistics after multiple multicast traceroutes
  mtrace           Trace reverse multicast path from destination to source
  name-connection  Name an existing network connection
  no               Disable debugging functions
  pad              Open a X.29 PAD connection
  partition        Partition disk
  ping             Send echo messages
  ppp              Start IETF Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
  pwd              Display current working directory
  release          Release a resource
  reload           Halt and perform a cold restart
  rename           Rename a file
  renew            Renew a resource
  restart          Restart Connection/Interface
  resume           Resume an active network connection
  rlogin           Open an rlogin connection
  rmdir            Remove existing directory
  routing-context  Routing Context
  rsh              Execute a remote command
  send             Send a message to other tty lines
  set              Set system parameter (not config)
  setup            Run the SETUP command facility
  show             Show running system information
  slip             Start Serial-line IP (SLIP)
  snmp             snmp commands
  spec-file        format spec file commands
  squeeze          Squeeze a filesystem
  ssh              Open a secure shell client connection
  start-chat       Start a chat-script on a line
  systat           Display information about terminal lines
  tclquit          Quit Tool Command Language shell
  tclsh            Tool Command Language shell
  tdm              TDM
  telnet           Open a telnet connection
  terminal         Set terminal line parameters
  test             Test subsystems, memory, and interfaces
  traceroute       Trace route to destination
  tunnel           Open a tunnel connection
  udptn            Open an udptn connection
  undebug          Disable debugging functions (see also 'debug')
  undelete         Undelete a file
  upgrade          Upgrade commands
  verify           Verify a file
  where            List active connections
  which-route      Do OSI route table lookup and display results
  write            Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal
  x28              Become an X.28 PAD
  x3               Set X.3 parameters on PAD
  xconnect         Xconnect EXEC commands



  access-template  Create a temporary Access-List entry
  archive          manage archive files
  auto             Exec level Automation
  beep             Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol commands
  bfe              For manual emergency modes setting
  calendar         Manage the hardware calendar
  call-home        Call-Home commands
  cd               Change current directory
  chkflash         Check flash filesystem
  clock            Manage the system clock
  cns              CNS agents
  configure        Enter configuration mode
  connectedapps    Connected applications related commands
  copy             Copy from one file to another
  debug            Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')
  delete           Delete a file
  dir              List files on a filesystem
  erase            Erase a filesystem
  event            Event related commands
  format           Format a filesystem
  fsck             Filesystem check
  hw-module        Slot level commands
  if-mgr           IF-MGR operations
  isdn             Run an ISDN EXEC command on an ISDN interface
  l2vpn            Layer2 VPN commands
  logging          Handles logging operations
  microcode        microcode commands
  mkdir            Create new directory
  monitor          Monitoring different system events
  more             Display the contents of a file
  mpls             MPLS commands
  mrm              IP Multicast Routing Monitor Test
  no               Disable debugging functions
  partition        Partition disk
  pwd              Display current working directory
  reload           Halt and perform a cold restart
  rename           Rename a file
  restart          Restart Connection/Interface
  rmdir            Remove existing directory
  rsh              Execute a remote command
  send             Send a message to other tty lines
  setup            Run the SETUP command facility
  snmp             snmp commands
  spec-file        format spec file commands
  squeeze          Squeeze a filesystem
  start-chat       Start a chat-script on a line
  tclsh            Tool Command Language shell
  test             Test subsystems, memory, and interfaces
  undebug          Disable debugging functions (see also 'debug')
  undelete         Undelete a file
  upgrade          Upgrade commands
  verify           Verify a file
  which-route      Do OSI route table lookup and display results
  write            Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal
  xconnect         Xconnect EXEC command


比level1-level14 模式下show命令多出来的参数:

Router#sh ?
  access-expression  List access expression
  access-lists       List access lists
  aliases            Display alias commands
  alignment          Show alignment information
  archive            Archive functions
  async              Information on terminal lines used as router interfaces
  beep               Show BEEP information
  bridge             Bridge Forwarding/Filtering Database [verbose]
  buffers            Buffer pool statistics
  cdp                CDP information
  cef                CEF address family independent status
  clns               CLNS network information
  cls                DLC user information
  configuration      Contents of Non-Volatile memory
  connectedapps      ConnectedApps related commands
  data-corruption    Show data errors
  database           Show Database
  debugging          State of each debugging option
  derived-config     Derived operating configuration
  dhcp               Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol status
  diag               Show diagnostic information for port adapters/modules
  dmvpn              Display DMVPN session related information
  dnsix              Shows Dnsix/DMDP information
  dwnld_mgr          Download Manager
  dxi                atm-dxi information
  eap                Shows EAP registration/session information
  ecc                Show Single Bit ECC error log
  entry              Queued terminal entries
  environment        Environmental monitor statistics
  event              Embedded event related commands
  file               Show filesystem information
  flow               Flow information
  frame-relay        Frame-Relay information
  glbp               GLBP information
  history            Display the session command history
  html               HTML helper commands
  idb                List of Interface Descriptor Blocks
  idmgr              IDMGR interaction
  interfaces         Interface status and configuration
  isis               IS-IS routing information
  key                Key information
  l3vpn              l3vpn encapsulation ip commands
  line               TTY line information
  llc2               IBM LLC2 circuit information
  logging            Show the contents of logging buffers
  mfib               MFIB address family independent status
  monitor            Monitoring different system events
  nbf                NBF (NetBEUI) information
  netbios-cache      NetBIOS name cache contents
  netconf            Show NETCONF information
  network-clocks     Network clocks information
  nhrp               Display NHRP related information
  nmsp               nmsp show commands
  ntp                Network time protocol
  object-group       List object groups
  pas                Port Adaptor Information
  pci                PCI Information
  persistent         Show persistent information
  pfr                Performance Routing(PfR) information
  platform           Show platform information
  policy-manager     Policy Manager
  pppatm             PPP over ATM
  privilege          Show current privilege level
  processes          Active process statistics
  protocols          Active network routing protocols
  radius-proxy       Shows radius-proxy client/session information
  redirect           Show L4 redirect information
  region             Region Manager Status
  registry           Function registry information
  reload             Scheduled reload information
  resource           Display Resource Usage/Relations and more details
  rhosts             Remote-host+user equivalences
  rib                Routing Information Base
  rif                RIF cache entries
  route-map          route-map information
  running-config     Current operating configuration
  sampler            Sampler information
  sdllc              Display sdlc - llc2 conversion information
  smf                Software MAC filter
  snapshot           Snapshot parameters and statistics
  source-bridge      Source-bridge parameters and statistics
  spanning-tree      Spanning tree topology
  ssm                Segment Switching Manager Status
  stacks             Process stack utilization
  standby            Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) information
  startup-config     Contents of startup configuration
  subscriber-policy  Subscriber policy
  subsys             Show subsystem information
  tcp                Status of TCP connections
  tech-support       Show system information for Tech-Support
  track              Tracking information
  translate          Protocol translation information
  tunnel             Show configured tunnels
  vlan-range         VLAN Range
  vlans              Virtual LANs Information
  vtemplate          Virtual Template interface information
  whoami             Info on current tty line
  x25                X.25 information
  x29                X.29 information












 R2#sh pri
Current privilege level is 15      //当前处于level15
R2#enable 1                               //进入level1
R2>sh pri                                    //直接进入,无需enable密码
Current privilege level is 1
R2>enable 10                         //从level1进入level10
Password:                               //输入test3
Password:                              //进不去,再输test10
R2#sh pri
Current privilege level is 10          //顺利进入level10
R2#enable 7                                   //进入level7
R2#sh pri                                         //无需enable密码
Current privilege level is 7            //顺利进入level7

R2#en 14                                        //进入level14
Password:                                      //输入level14的enable密码:test14
R2#sh pri
Current privilege level is 14
R2#en                                         //直接enable,默认进入level15
Password:                                  //输入level14的enable密码:test15
R2#sh pri
Current privilege level is 15





9、 本地定义的用户的权限等级

















修改line vty 0 4配置






line vty 0 4
 privilege level 0                          //登录后的权限等级-默认是1
 password admin                         //line密码
 login                                             //line密码登录
 transport input telnet                 //登录方式


line vty 0 4
 privilege level 0                           //本地登录方式下无效
 password admin                         //本地登录方式下无效
 login local                                    //本地登录-使用本地用户名和密码登录
 transport input telnet                  //登录方式

10、 小结










11、 赋权



使用本地用户test8 从R5 telnet R2 后,没有show  startup-config命令。

 将show  startup-config命令赋予level8

 使用本地用户test8 从R5 telnet R2 后,发现有show  startup-config命令。

使用本地用户test10 从R5 telnet R2 后 ,发现本地用户test10 也能使用show  startup-config命令。


使用本地用户test7 从R5 telnet R2 后 ,发现本地用户test7没有show命令。


privilege exec level 8 show startup-config做了两件事:

1、将show命令赋予level8,导致只有level8及以上才能使用show 命令;

2、将只有level15才能执行的show startup-config赋予level8,导致level8及以上(包括level15)都能执行show startup-config

---------------privilege 赋权一定要谨慎!!!!

【在前面的基础上再一次赋权:privilege exec level 1 show


 使用本地用户test1 从R5 telnet R2 后 ,发现show命令回来,但是没有show startup-config


 使用本地用户test10 从R5 telnet R2 后 ,发现本地用户test10 能使用show  startup-config命令(权限继承自level8)。


1、privilege exec level ?







2、privilege  config level ?



3、privilege  interface level ?



 4、privilege router level ?




R2(config)#privilege ?

  ANCP                                             ANCP configuration mode

  RITE-profile                                   Router IP traffic export profile command mode

  RMI-Node-Config                          Resource Policy Node Config mode

  RMI-Resource-Group                    Resource Group Config mode

  RMI-Resource-Manager                Resource Manager Config mode

  RMI-Resource-Policy                     Resource Policy Config mode

  SASL-profile                                   SASL profile configuration mode

  aaa-attr-list                                     AAA attribute list config mode

  aaa-user                                         AAA user definition

  accept-dialin                                   VPDN group accept dialin configuration mode

  accept-dialout                                 VPDN group accept dialout configuration mode

  acct_mlist                                        AAA accounting methodlist definitions

  address-family                                Address Family configuration mode

  archive                                            Archive the router configuration mode

  atm-l2trans-pvc-config                    ATM L2transport PVC configuration mode

  atm-l2trans-pvp-config                   ATM L2transport PVP configuration mode

  atm-pvc-range-config                     ATM PVC Range configuration mode

  atm-range-pvc-config                     ATM PVC in Range configuration mode

  atm-vc-config                                 ATM virtual circuit configuration mode

  auto-ip-sla-mpls                             Auto IP SLA MPLS LSP Monitor configs

  auto-ip-sla-mpls-lpd-params         Auto IP SLA MPLS LPD params configs

  auto-ip-sla-mpls-params               Auto IP SLA MPLS LSP Monitor Params configs

  bba-group                                     BBA Group configuration mode

  bfd-template                                 BFD template configuration mode

  bgp address-family                      Address Family configuration mode

  bgp-rs-afctx                                 Route server AF context configuration mode

  bgp-rs-context                             Route server context configuration mode

  call-home                                    call-home config mode

  call-home-profile                         call-home profile config mode

  casa-config                                 Casa configuration mode

  casa-config-wc                           Forwarding agent wildcard configuration mode

  cascustom                                 Cas custom configuration mode

  cfg-af-topo                                Configure non-base topology mode

  cfg-pathoption-list                     Path-option list configuration mode

  cm-ac                                       AC-AC connect configuration mode

  cns-connect-config                  CNS Connect Info Mode

  cns-connect-intf-config            CNS Connect Intf Info Mode

  cns-tmpl-connect-config          CNS Template Connect Info Mode

  cns_inventory_submode          CNS Inventory SubMode

  conf-rad-filter                           RADIUS filter config mode

  conf-rad-server                       RADIUS server config mode

  conf-tac-server                       Tacacs Server Definition

  config-l2tp-class                      l2tp-class configuration mode

  config-onep-mode                   Connected applications configuration mode

  config-sensor-cdplist               Subscriber CDP attribute list

  config-sensor-dhcplist             Subscriber DHCP attribute list

  config-sensor-lldplist               Subscriber LLDP attribute list

  config-st-pw-oam-class           st-pw-oam-class configuration mode

  configure                                Global configuration mode

  congestion                             Frame Relay congestion configuration mode

  conn                                      Connection configuration mode

  control-class-map                  control-classmap config mode

  controller                              Controller configuration mode

  crypto-identity                      Crypto identity config mode

  crypto-ipsec-profile               IPSec policy profile mode

  crypto-keyring                      Crypto Keyring command mode

  crypto-map                          Crypto map config mode

  crypto-map-fail-close           Crypto map fail close mode

  crypto-transform                 Crypto transform config mode

  dfp-submode                       DFP config mode

  dhcp                                   DHCP pool configuration mode

  dhcp-class                          DHCP class configuration mode

  dhcp-global-options            DHCP global options configuration mode

  dhcp-pool-class                  Per DHCP pool class configuration mode

  dhcp-relay-info                   DHCP class relay agent info configuration mode

  dhcp-subnet-secondary     Per DHCP secondary subnet configuration mode

  dspfarm                             DSP farm configuration mode

  eap-profile-mode               eap profile configuration mode

  eigrp_af_classic_submode            Address Family configuration mode

  eigrp_af_intf_submode                 Address Family interfaces configuration mode

  eigrp_af_intf_vnet_submode         Address Family interfaces vnet configuration mode

  eigrp_af_submode                        Address Family configuration mode

  eigrp_af_topo_submode               Address Family Topology configuration mode

  eigrp_sf_intf_submode                Service Family interfaces configuration mode

  eigrp_sf_submode                      Service Family configuration mode

  eigrp_sf_topo_submode             Service Family Topology configuration mode

  exec                                            Exec mode

  extcomm-list                              IP Extended community-list configuration mode

  fh_applet                                   FH Applet Entry Configuration

  fh_applet_trigger                      FH Applet Trigger Configuration

  filterserver                                 AAA filter server definitions

  flow-cache                                Flow aggregation cache config mode

  flow-sampler-map                    Flow sampler map config mode

  flowexp                             Flow Exporter configuration mode

  flowmon                             Flow Monitor configuration mode

  flowrec                             Flow Record configuration mode

  fr-fr                               FR/FR connection configuration mode

  fr-pw                               FR/PW connection configuration mode

  fr-vcb-bmode                        FR VC Bundle mode

  fr-vcb-mmode                        FR VC Bundle Member mode

  frf5                                FR/ATM Network IWF configuration mode

  frf8                                FR/ATM Service IWF configuration mode

  funi-vc-config                      FUNI virtual circuit configuration mode

  if-topo                             Configure interface topology parameters

  if-vnet                             Configure VNET interface parameters

  interface                           Interface configuration mode

  interface-dlci                      Frame Relay dlci configuration mode

  ip-explicit-path-p2p                IP explicit path configuration mode

  ip-portbundle                       Configure IP Portbundle parameters

  ip-sla                              IP SLAs entry configuration

  ip-sla-am-grp                       IP SLAs auto group config

  ip-sla-am-schedule                  IP SLAs auto group schedule config

  ip-sla-dhcp                         IP SLAs dhcp configuration

  ip-sla-dns                          IP SLAs dns configuration

  ip-sla-ethernet-echo                IP SLAs Ethernet Echo configuration

  ip-sla-ethernet-jitter              IP SLAs Ethernet Jitter configuration

  ip-sla-ethernet-monitor             IP SLAs Ethernet configs

  ip-sla-ethernet-monitor-params      IP SLAs Ethernet Params configs

  ip-sla-ftp                          IP SLAs ftp configuration

  ip-sla-http                         IP SLAs http configuration

  ip-sla-http-rr                      IP SLAs HTTP raw request Configuration

  ip-sla-icmpEcho                     IP SLAs icmpEcho configuration

  ip-sla-lspPing                      IP SLAs lsp ping configuration

  ip-sla-lspTrace                     IP SLAs lsp trace configuration

  ip-sla-pathEcho                     IP SLAs pathEcho configuration

  ip-sla-pathJitter                   IP SLAs pathJitter configuration

  ip-sla-server-twamp                 IPPM Server TWAMP submode

  ip-sla-tcp                          IP SLAs tcpConnect configuration

  ip-sla-tplt-dest                    IP SLAs auto destination submode

  ip-sla-tplt-dest-disc               IP SLAs auto dest-auto config

  ip-sla-twamp                        IP SLAs TWAMP configuration

  ip-sla-udpEcho                      IP SLAs udpEcho configuration

  ip-sla-udpJitter                    IP SLAs udpJitter configuration

  ip-sla-vccv                         IP SLA vccv configuration

  ip-subscriber                       IP subscriber config mode

  ipczone                             IPC Zone config mode

  ipczone-assoc                       IPC Association config mode

  ipenacl                             IP named extended access-list configuration mode

  iprbacl                             IP role-based access-list configuration mode

  ipsnacl                             IP named simple access-list configuration mode

  ipsub-server-list                   IP subscriber list mode

  ipv6-router                         IPv6 router configuration mode

  ipv6acl                             IPv6 access-list configuration mode

  ipv6dhcp                            IPv6 DHCP configuration mode

  ipv6dhcpvs                          IPv6 DHCP Vendor-specific configuration mode

  ipv6rbacl                           IPv6 role-based access-list configuration mode

  isakmp-profile                      Crypto ISAKMP profile command mode

  kron-occurrence                     Kron Occurrence SubMode

  kron-policy                         Kron Policy SubMode

  l2                                  vfi configuration mode

  l2 pw rtg                           l2_pw_rtg configuration mode

  l2-vfi-neighbor                     VFI neighbor configuration mode

  l2-vfi-neighbor-interface           VFI neighbor local interface submode

  l2vpn                               L2VPN configuration mode

  l2vpn-vfi                           l2vpn vfi configuration mode

  l2vpn-vfi-autodiscovery             l2vpn vfi autodiscovery configuration mode

  l2vpn-xc                            L2VPN xconnect configuration mode

  l3vpn                               l3vpn encap ip configuration mode

  line                                Line configuration mode

  lisp-site                           LISP site configuration mode

  lisp-top                            LISP router configuration mode

  lisp-top-eid-table                  LISP eid-table configuration mode

  lisp-top-locator-set                LISP locator-set configuration mode

  lisp-top-site                       LISP site configuration mode

  log_config                          Log configuration changes made via the CLI

  lsp-attribute-list                  LSP attribute list configuration mode

  lw-vlan-id                          VLAN-id configuration mode

  lw-vlan-range                       VLAN-range configuration mode

  map-class                           Map class configuration mode

  map-list                            Map list configuration mode

  mpls-te-dest-list                   MPLS TE destination list config mode

  multicast-flows-classmap            multicast-classmap config mode

  network-object-group                ACL Object Group configuration

  null-interface                      Null interface configuration mode

  oam                                 LSP Verification configuration mode

  oer_mc                              PfR master controller configuration submode

  oer_mc_br                        PfR managed border router configuration submode

  oer_mc_br_if                        PfR Border Exit configuration submode

  oer_mc_learn                  PfR Top Talker and Delay learning configuration submode

  oer_mc_learn_list                   PfR learn list configuration submode

  oer_mc_map                          pfr-map config mode

  parser_test                         Test mode for internal test purposes

  pfr_br                              PfR border router configuration submode

  policy-list                         IP Policy List configuration mode

  policymap-service                   Policymap Service configuration mode

  policymap-service-classmap          config-service-policymap-class-traffic config mode

  policymap-service-default-classmap  config-service-policymap-class-traffic config mode

  preauth                             AAA Preauth definitions

  profile-map                         profile-map config mode

  pseudowire-class                    Pseudowire-class configuration mode

  pw-tlv-template                     PW TLV template configuration mode

  radius-attrl                        Radius Attribute-List Definition

  radius-da-locsvr                    Radius Application configuration

  radius-locsvr-client                Radius Client configuration

  radius-policy-device-locsvr         Radius Application configuration

  radius-proxy-locsvr                 Radius Application configuration

  radius-sesm-locsvr                  Radius Application configuration

  request-dialin                      VPDN group request dialin configuration mode

  request-dialout                     VPDN group request dialout configuration mode

  rib_rwatch_test                     RIB_RWATCH test configuration mode

  route-map                           Route map config mode

  router                              Router configuration mode

  router-af-topology                  Topology configuration mode

  router_eigrp_classic                EIGRP Router configuration classic mode

  router_eigrp_named                  EIGRP Router configuration named mode

  rsvp-local-if-policy                RSVP local policy interface configuration mode

  rsvp-local-policy                   RSVP local policy configuration mode

  rsvp-local-subif-policy             RSVP local policy sub-interface configuration mode

  rule-map                            config-control-policymap config mode

  rule-map-condition                  config-control-policymap-class-control config mode

  sampler                             Sampler configuration mode

  scope                               scope configuration mode

  scope address-family                Address Family configuration mode

  scope address-family topology       Topology configuration mode

  security-object-group               User Object Group configuration

  sep-init-config                     WSMA Initiator profile Mode

  sep-listen-config                   WSMA Listener profile Mode

  service-object-group                ACL Object Group configuration

  sg-l4redirect-group                 SG l4 redirect server group mode

  sg-radius                           Radius Server-group Definition

  sg-tacacs+                          Tacacs+ Server-group Definition

  sg_pm_prepaid                       prepaid configuration

  sr_sf_cfg                           SAF external client configuration submode

  sr_sf_listen_cfg                    SAF external client configuration mode

  sr_test_api_reg_mode                service-routing exec test api mode

  sr_xmcp_listen_cfg                  XMCP configuration mode

  sr_xmcp_listen_client_cfg           XMCP Client configuration mode

  ssh-pubkey                          SSH public key identification mode

  ssh-pubkey-server                   SSH public key entry mode

  ssh-pubkey-user                     SSH public key entry mode

  subscriber-policy                   Subscriber policy configuration mode

  tcl                                 Tcl mode

  te-class                            TE-Class configuration mode

  template                            Template configuration mode

  template-peer-policy                peer-policy configuration mode

  template-peer-session               peer-session configuration mode

  template_efp                        Template configuration mode for Ethernet Service

  template_pw                         Template configuration mode for pseudowire

  top-af-base                         AF base topology configuration mode

  top-talkers                         Netflow top talkers config mode

  tracking-config                     Tracking configuration mode

  traffic-class-map                   traffic-classmap config mode

  vc-class                            VC class configuration mode

  vc-group                            VC group configuration mode

  view                                View configuration mode

  vpdn-group                          VPDN group configuration mode

  vpdn-template                       VPDN template configuration mode

  vrf                                 Configure VRF parameters

  vrf-af                              Configure IP VRF parameters

  vrf-list                            Configure VRF list parameters

  vrrs                                VRRS configuration mode

  wsma-config-agent                   WSMA Config Agent Profile configuration mode

  wsma-exec-agent                     WSMA Exec Agent Profile configuration mode

  wsma-filesys-agent                  WSMA FileSys Agent Profile configuration mode

  wsma-notify-agent                   WSMA Notify Agent Profile configuration mode

  xconnect-backup-connect-config      Connect Backup xconnect configuration submode

  xconnect-backup-if-config           Backup Xconnect sub-interface configuration submode

  xconnect-backup-subif-config        Backup Xconnect sub-interface configuration submode

  xconnect-cem-backup-config          Xconnect backup cem configuration submode

  xconnect-cem-config                 Xconnect CEM submode

  xconnect-cem-data-backup-config     Xconnect cem data backup configuration submode

  xconnect-cem-data-config            Xconnect CEM data submode

  xconnect-cem-sig-backup-config      Xconnect cem sig backup configuration submode

  xconnect-cem-sig-config             Xconnect CEM sig submode

  xconnect-conn-config                Xconnect connect configuration submode

  xconnect-dlci-backup-config         Xconnect backup FR DLCI configuration submode

  xconnect-dlci-config                Xconnect FR DLCI configuration submode

  xconnect-if-config                  Xconnect interface configuration submode

  xconnect-pvc-backup-config          Xconnect backup ATM PVC configuration submode

  xconnect-pvc-config                 Xconnect atm l2transport PVC configuration submode

  xconnect-pvp-backup-config          Xconnect backup ATM PVP configuration submode

  xconnect-pvp-config                Xconnect atm l2transport PVP configuration submode

  xconnect-subif-config               Xconnect sub-interface configuration submode

  xconnect-vc-backup-config           Xconnect backup Ether EFP configuration submode

  xconnect-vc-config                  Xconnect EFP submode








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