Linear Programming and network flows P17 笔记

Multiperiod Coal Blending and Distribution Problem

i i Mine identity 1,,J
j j Silo identity 1,,n
k k Customer identity 1,,K
t t Time period 1,,T(T3)
pit p i t Tons of coal produced at mine i during period t
ait a i t Ash percentage in the coal produced at mine i during period t
sit s i t Sulfur percentage in the coal produced at mine i during period t
Mi M i Storage capacity of mine i
cMi c i M Storage cost per ton per period at mine i
A1 A 1 Permissible flow transfer arcs (i,j) ( i , j ) from mine i to silo j
F1i F i 1 ={j:(i,j)A1} = { j : ( i , j ) ∈ A 1 }
R1j R j 1 ={i:(i,j)A1} = { i : ( i , j ) ∈ A 1 }
c1ij c i j 1 Transportation cost per ton from mine i to silo j
Sj S j Storage capicity of silo j
cSj c j S Storage cost per ton per period at silo j
q0j q j 0 Initial tons of coal stored at silo j
a0j a j 0 Ash percentage in q0j q j 0
s0j s j 0 Sulfur percentage in q0j q j 0
cBij c i j B Cost per ton to clean coal coming from mine i to silo j
αij α i j Weight percentage after cleaning the coal coming from mine i to silo j (0,1] ( 0 , 1 ]
βij β i j Ash percentage after cleaning the coal coming from mine i to silo j (0,1] ( 0 , 1 ]
γij γ i j Sulfur percentage after cleaning the coal coming from mine i to silo j (0,1] ( 0 , 1 ]
A2 A 2 Permissible flow transfer arcs (i,j) ( i , j ) from silo j to customer k
F2j F j 2 ={k:(j,k)A2} = { k : ( j , k ) ∈ A 2 }
R2k R k 2 ={j:(j,k)A2} = { j : ( j , k ) ∈ A 2 }
c2jk c j k 2 Transportation cost per ton from to silo j to customer k
dkt d k t Tons of coal required by customer k during period t
[lakt,uakt] [ l k t a , u k t a ] Ash percentage limit required by customer k during period t
[lskt,uskt] [ l k t s , u k t s ] Sulfur percentage limit required by customer k during period t
rkt r k t Revenue earned per ton per percentage that falls below uakt u k t a
ykτijt y i j t k τ Tons of coal shipped from mine i to silo j during period t, with continued shipment to customer k during period τ τ where τ=t+1,t+2,t+3 τ = t + 1 , t + 2 , t + 3
y0jkτ y j k τ 0 Tons of coal in intial storage at silo j, with continued shipment to customer k during period τ τ where τ=1,2,3 τ = 1 , 2 , 3
xMiδ x i δ M Tons of coal remaining in storage at mine i during period δ δ
xsjδ x j δ s Accumulated tons of coal in storage at silo j during period δ δ
zakτ z k τ a Ash percentage in the blended coal that is ultimately shipped to customer k during period τ τ
zSkτ z k τ S Sulfur percentage in the blended coal that is ultimately shipped to customer k during period τ τ
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