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原创 Yang不等式,Hölder不等式与闵可夫斯基(Minkowski)不等式

Yang不等式∀a,b≥0,p,q>0,∀a,b≥0,p,q>0,\forall a, b \ge 0, p, q\gt 0, 若 1p+1q=1,1p+1q=1,\dfrac{1}{p} + \dfrac{1}{q} = 1, 则: ab≤app+bqq,ab≤app+bqq,ab \le \dfrac{a^p}{p} + \dfrac{b^q}{q}, 且当且仅当 ap=...

2017-10-29 22:22:33 13251

原创 gRPC

Protocol buffer data is structured as messages, where each message is a small logical record of information containing a series of name-value pairs called fields.Service method: Unary RPC Server s...

2018-08-21 17:13:03 574

原创 Deep Learning Notes: Chapter 1 Introduction

前言最近开始读《Deep Learning》一书。这让我有了一个边读书边写笔记的动机:很有必要有一个笔记,能够让人很轻松流畅的读懂这本书的核心内容,至少可以把握住这本书的脉络。 由于终究是英文表达更地道,因此该笔记都是节选自书中的原文。各位读者如果有建议或意见,欢迎留言。谢谢!Deep Learning Chapter 1 Introduction Concept Des...

2018-08-18 20:16:48 442

原创 Pro Git Notes

Git is a Distributed Version Control Systems (DVCSs). Clients fully mirror of the repository, including its full history.

2018-08-12 01:38:23 369

原创 多元函数的牛顿迭代法

f(X)=f(X0)+f′(X0)ΔX+12(ΔX)Tf″(X0)ΔXf(X)=f(X0)+f′(X0)ΔX+12(ΔX)Tf″(X0)ΔXf(X) = f(X_0) + f'(X_0) \Delta X + \dfrac {1} {2} \left ( \Delta X \right ) ^T f''(X_0) \Delta X 于是 f′(X)=f′(X0)+f″(X0)ΔXf′(X)=f′...

2018-08-09 17:55:05 12237

原创 牛顿迭代法

若 x=F(x)x=F(x)x = F(x) 等价于 f(x)=0f(x)=0f(x) = 0 则F(x)F(x)F(x) 称为迭代函数。f(x)f(x)f(x) 有二阶连续导数,且 f′(x)≠0f′(x)≠0f'(x) \neq 0 则 ∀x0,x∈R,∀x0,x∈R,\forall x_0, x \in \mathbb R, 若 f(x0)=0f(x0)=0f(x_0) = 0 则 ...

2018-08-09 09:02:05 929

原创 Nesterov Momentum

x_ahead = x + mu * v# evaluate dx_ahead (the gradient at x_ahead instead of at x)v = mu * v - learning_rate * dx_aheadx += v=>x_prev = xv_prev = vx_ahead = x_prev+ mu * v_prev v = mu * v_...

2018-08-09 08:19:11 1187

原创 CS231n Note

CS231n NoteConcepts Concept Description Image Classification Object Detection Action Classification Image Captioning Semantic Segmentation Perceptual ...

2018-08-04 20:56:43 350

原创 Clockwise/Spiral Rule to parse C declaration


2018-05-01 18:32:17 242

原创 推荐系统

推荐方式社会化推荐(social recommendation) 基于内容的推荐(content-based filtering) 协同过滤(collaborative filtering)推荐系统评测推荐系统试验方法离线试验 用户调查 在线试验(AB测试)评测指标用户满意度预测准确度覆盖率多样性新颖性惊喜度(serendipity)信任度实时性...

2018-04-25 21:52:44 271

原创 机器学习的求导公式

机器学习的求导公式损失函数的求导公式设 loss(X)loss⁡(X)\operatorname {loss} \left (X\right ) 为单个样本 XXX 的损失函数, A=g(Z)=⎛⎝⎜⎜g(z1)⋮g(zn)⎞⎠⎟⎟A=g(Z)=(g⁡(z1)⋮g⁡(zn))A = g\left (Z\right ) = \begin{pmatrix} \operatorname {g...

2018-04-18 12:30:10 834 2

原创 Recurrent Neural Networks

Examples of Sequence DataSpeech RecognitionMusic GenerationSentiment ClassificationDNA Sequence AnalysisMachine TranslationVideo Activity RecognitionName Entity RecognitionNotation ...

2018-04-16 06:28:37 436

原创 Neural Style Transfer

ConceptContent C + Style S = Generated image GWhat are Deep ConvNet Learning?More abstract features in deeper layer.Cost Functionloss(G;C,S)=αlosscontent(S,G)+βlossstyle(C,G)loss⁡(G;C,...

2018-04-16 00:04:20 268

原创 Face Recognition

Face Verification vs Face Recognition Name Input Output Description Face Verification Image and Name / ID Is the image the person with this given ID? Face Recognition Ima...

2018-04-15 19:39:30 409

原创 Object Detection

Concepts Name Description yyy Object Classification At most one object y=⎛⎝⎜c1c2c3⎞⎠⎟y=(c1c2c3)y = \begin{pmatrix} c_1 \\ c_2 \\ c_3 \end{pmatrix} Object Localization At most ...

2018-04-15 19:17:33 214

原创 Convolutional Neural Networks

PaddingOutput Dimensionn+2p−f+1n+2p−f+1n + 2 p - f + 1Padding TypesValid: p=0p=0p = 0 Same: n+2p−f+1=n⇒p=f−12n+2p−f+1=n⇒p=f−12n + 2 p - f + 1 = n \Rightarrow p = \dfrac {f - 1} {2}Str...

2018-04-13 01:34:11 267

原创 Learning from Multiple tasks

Where Transfer Learning from A to B Makes SenseTask A and B have the same input X.You have a lot more data for A than B.Low level features in A could be helpful for learning B.Where Multi-task...

2018-04-12 23:37:42 327

原创 Bias and Variance with Mismatched Distributions

Bias and Variance with Mismatched Distributions

2018-04-12 22:08:00 221

原创 Softmax Function

Sigmoid Functionsigmoid(z)=11−e−zsigmoid⁡(z)=11−e−z\operatorname {sigmoid} (z) = \dfrac {1} {1 - e ^{-z}}Softmax Functionsoftmax(zi;Z)=ezi∑i=1nezi,1≤i≤nsoftmax⁡(zi;Z)=ezi∑i=1nezi,1≤i≤n\operato...

2018-04-11 22:13:26 286 1

原创 Momentum, RMSprob and Adam

Gradient Descent with MomentumCompute exponentially weighed average of gradient, and use the gradient to update weights.AlgorithmOn iteration t:Compute dWd⁡W\operatorname {d} W and dbd⁡b\op...

2018-04-11 02:03:54 464

原创 Exponentially Weighted Averages

Exponentially Weighted Averagesvt=βvt−1+(1−β)θtvt=βvt−1+(1−β)θtv _{t} = \beta v _{t - 1} + \left (1 - \beta \right ) \theta _{t} =β[βvt−2+(1−β)θt−1]+(1−β)θt=β[βvt−2+(1−β)θt−1]+(1−β)θt= \beta \lef...

2018-04-11 00:09:48 512

原创 Shallow Neural Network Week 3

Single SampleSymbolsX=⎛⎝⎜⎜x1⋮xnx⎞⎠⎟⎟,Y=⎛⎝⎜⎜y1⋮yny⎞⎠⎟⎟,X=(x1⋮xnx),Y=(y1⋮yny),X = \begin{pmatrix} x_1 \\ \vdots \\ x_{n _{x}} \end{pmatrix}, Y = \begin{pmatrix} y_1 \\ \vdots \\ y_{n _{y}} \end{pm...

2018-04-04 05:30:25 179

原创 Activation function in Neural Network

Logistic / Sigmoid functiong(x)=11+e−x=ex1+exg(x)=11+e−x=ex1+exg(x) = \dfrac {1} {1 + e ^{-x}} = \dfrac {e ^{x}} {1 + e ^{x}} g(−x)=11+ex=e−x1+e−xg(−x)=11+ex=e−x1+e−xg(-x) = \dfrac {1} {1 + e ^{x}}...

2018-03-30 19:47:41 286

原创 Code to download files from google drive to colab

Code:def download_from_google_drive(file_name_prefix): # 1. Authenticate and create the PyDrive client. auth.authenticate_user() gauth = GoogleAuth() gauth.credentials = GoogleCredentials....

2018-03-26 15:06:02 602

原创 多元高斯分布

f(X;μ,Σ)=1(2π)n/2|Σ|1/2exp(−12(X−μ)⊺Σ−1(X−μ))f(X;μ,Σ)=1(2π)n/2|Σ|1/2exp⁡(−12(X−μ)⊺Σ−1(X−μ))f\left (X ; \mu , \Sigma\right ) = \dfrac {1} {{\left (2 \pi\right )} ^ {n / 2} {\vert \Sigma \vert } ^ {1 / ...

2018-03-24 01:08:19 303

原创 一元高斯分布

f(x;μ,σ)=12π−−√σe−(x−μ)22σ2f(x;μ,σ)=12πσe−(x−μ)22σ2f\left (x; \mu, \sigma \right ) = \dfrac {1} {\sqrt {2 \pi} \sigma} e ^ { - \dfrac {\left (x - \mu\right ) ^2} {2 \sigma ^2} } f(μ;μ,σ)=12π−−√σ,f(μ±...

2018-03-23 00:16:02 996

原创 Support Vector Machine's Large Margin

SVM Cost FunctionJ(θ)=C∑i=1m[yicost1(W⊺Xi+θ0)+(1−yi)cost0(W⊺Xi+θ0)]+∑j=1nλ2θ2jJ(θ)=C∑i=1m[yicost1⁡(W⊺Xi+θ0)+(1−yi)cost0⁡(W⊺Xi+θ0)]+∑j=1nλ2θj2J\left (\theta \right ) = C \sum \limits_{i = 1} ^{m} \le...

2018-03-19 12:20:55 191

原创 Cost Function of Support Vector Machine

Logistic Regression 中的函数 f,gf,gf, gf(x)=ln(1+ex),x∈R,g(x)=f(−x)f(x)=ln⁡(1+ex),x∈R,g(x)=f(−x)f(x) = \ln (1 + e ^{x}), x \in \mathbb R, g(x) = f(-x)f,gf,gf, g 的性质f′(x)=ex1+ex>0,x∈Rf′(x)=ex1+e...

2018-03-18 19:05:27 218

原创 Reason of Random Initialization - Neural Networks

Symmetry Problem若对于神经网络任意一层 l,l,l, 该层所有参数 ωli,jωi,jl\omega ^{l} _{i,j} 的初始值都一样,则在梯度下降每次迭代中: {ωl−11,j=ωl−12,j,0≤j≤sl−1,ωli,1=ωli,2,1≤i≤sl+1,,2≤l≤L−1{ω1,jl−1=ω2,jl−1,0≤j≤sl−1,ωi,1l=ωi,2l,1≤i≤sl+1,,2...

2018-03-18 14:04:45 190

原创 Backpropagation Algorithm 的梯度

损失函数 J(θ)J⁡(θ)\operatorname {J} \left (\mathbf {\theta}\right )J(θ)=−1m∑i=1m∑k=1K[y(i)kln(hθ(X(i))k)+(1−y(i)k)ln(1−hθ(X(i))k)]J⁡(θ)=−1m∑i=1m∑k=1K[yk(i)ln⁡(hθ(X(i))k)+(1−yk(i))ln⁡(1−hθ(X(i))k)]\opera...

2018-03-15 23:49:12 185 2

原创 Cost function of Logistic Regression and Neural Network

Logistic / Sigmoid functiong(x)=11+e−x=ex1+exg(x)=11+e−x=ex1+exg(x) = \dfrac {1} {1 + e ^{-x}} = \dfrac {e ^{x}} {1 + e ^{x}}Cost functionLogistic Regressionhθ(X)=f(X⊺θ)=P(y=1|X;θ)hθ(X)=f(X⊺...

2018-03-12 22:25:59 295

原创 Pronunciation Difference between /ʌ/ and /ɑ/

Pronunciation Difference between /ʌ/ and /ɑ/The sound /ʌ/ is pronounced in the following cases:When a word is spelled with the letter “u” in a closed stressed syllable, for example, “luck,” “cup...

2018-03-09 00:39:57 319

原创 机器学习的偏差-方差分解

假设样本变量为 XXX ,它的标签 YYY 为 XXX 的函数 Y=f(X)+ϵY=f(X)+ϵY = f\left (X\right ) + \epsilon 。其中为 ϵϵ\epsilon 机器学习模型学习不到的噪音。 对于机器学习模型 M,M,M, 假设训练后,对 XXX 的预测值为 XXX 的函数 f^(X)f^(X)\hat f \left (X \right ) 。 对于一个测试...

2018-02-26 12:08:00 1196

原创 使用梯度下降与牛顿法求解最小平方和问题

问题已知: hW(X)=∑nj=1wjxj+wn+1=∑n+1j=1wjxj=X⊺W,hW(X)=∑j=1nwjxj+wn+1=∑j=1n+1wjxj=X⊺W,h_{W}(X) = \sum _{j = 1} ^{n} w_j x_j + w_{n + 1} = \sum _{j = 1} ^{n + 1} w_j x_j = X ^{\intercal} W, 其中 W=⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎜w...

2018-02-25 21:00:06 273

原创 多面集的点的性质

定义设多面集 S={X∈Rn:AX≤b},S={X∈Rn:AX≤b},S = \{ X \in \mathbb R ^n: AX \le b \}, 其中 A=⎛⎝⎜⎜a1⋮am⎞⎠⎟⎟∈Rm×n,A=(a1⋮am)∈Rm×n,A = \begin{pmatrix} a_1\\ \vdots \\ a_m\end{pmatrix} \in \mathbb R ^{m \times n}, ...

2018-02-24 04:39:11 1025

原创 射线包含于凸集的充要条件

定理对于任意一个凸集 SSS ,对于任意一条射线 L={X0+td⃗ :t≥0},L={X0+td→:t≥0},L = \{ X_0 + t \vec d : t \ge 0\}, 则 L⊆SL⊆SL \subseteq S 当且仅当 X0∈SX0∈S X_0 \in S 且 S∩LS∩LS \cap L 无界。证明必要性易得。充分性∀X∈Rn,∀X∈...

2018-02-24 03:58:47 597

原创 多面集的表示定理的必要性的证明

多面集的表示定理的必要性的证明前面的内容见 多面集的表示定理4.2 必要性4.2.1 有界情况下若 SSS 有界,由于有界集没有方向,因此只要证明: ∀X∈S,∀X∈S,\forall X \in S, XXX 可以被表示成 X1,⋯,XkX1,⋯,Xk X_1, \cdots, X_k 的凸组合。 即存在集合 {λi∈R:∑i=1kλi=1,λi≥0,i∈N,1≤i...

2018-02-23 21:06:04 2215 3

原创 多面集的方向的性质

多面集的方向的性质引理设向量 X,β,d⃗ ∈V,X,β,d→∈V, X, \beta, \vec d \in V, 1. X≥β,X≥β,X \ge \beta, 则 ∀k∈R,k≥0,X+kd⃗ ≥β⇔d⃗ ≥0⃗ ∀k∈R,k≥0,X+kd→≥β⇔d→≥0→ \forall k \in \mathbb R, k \ge 0, X + k \...

2018-02-21 20:09:47 700

原创 多面集的极点的性质

多面集的极点的性质设多面集 S={X∈Rn:AX≤b},S={X∈Rn:AX≤b},S = \{ X \in \mathbb R ^n: AX \le b \}, 其中 A=⎛⎝⎜⎜a1⋮am⎞⎠⎟⎟∈Rm×n,A=(a1⋮am)∈Rm×n,A = \begin{pmatrix} a_1\\ \vdots \\ a_m\end{pmatrix} \in \mathbb R ^{m \tim...

2018-02-21 17:35:53 1263

原创 线性规划的标准型与规范型 (Standard and Canonical Forms)

线性规划的标准型与规范型 (Standard and Canonical Forms) Form Minimization Problem Maximization Problem Standard mins.t.∑j=1ncjxj∑j=1naijxj=bi,i=1,⋯,mxj≥0,j=1,⋯,nmin∑j=1ncjxjs.t.∑j=1naijxj=bi,i=1,...

2018-02-21 15:17:28 8230

ISOIEC 14882 2014.pdf

ISOIEC 14882 2014.pdf



多元函数带Peano余项的Taylor公式的推广(无参考资料)pdf 自己写的推论,没有类似的资料。


Mathematical Logic.pdf 高清

Mathematical Logic.pdf 高清 Joseph R. Shoenfield 英文


Matrix CookBook

These pages are a collection of facts (identities, approximations, inequalities, relations, ...) about matrices and matters relating to them. It is collected in this form for the convenience of anyone who wants a quick desktop reference .


Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 中英文+答案

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.pdf 中英文 带答案 高清 2005 带书签


Machine Learning A Probabilistic Perspective

Machine Learning 高清 英文版 2012 亚马逊评论: The closest contender to this book I believe is BRML. Both are excellent textbooks and have accompanying source code. BRML is more accessible, has a free PDF version, and a stronger focus on graphical models. MLAPP has all the qualities of an excellent graduate textbook (unified presentation, valuable learning aids), and yet is unafraid of discussing detail points (e.g. omnipresent results on complexity), as well as advanced and research topics (LDA, L1 regularization).


数据挖掘导论 高清中文完整版 PDF

网传是不错的数据挖掘入门级书籍。 《数据挖掘导论(完整版)》全面介绍了数据挖掘的理论和方法,旨在为读者提供将数据挖掘应用于实际问题所必需的知识。《数据挖掘导论(完整版)》涵盖五个主题:数据、分类、关联分析、聚类和异常检测。除异常检测外,每个主题都包含两章:前面一章讲述基本概念、代表性算法和评估技术,后面一章较深入地讨论高级概念和算法。目的是使读者在透彻地理解数据挖掘基础的同时,还能了解更多重要的高级主题。此外,书中还提供了大量示例、图表和习题。   《数据挖掘导论(完整版)》适合作为相关专业高年级本科生和研究生数据挖掘课程的教材,同时也可作为数据挖掘研究和应用开发人员的参考书。


计算机体系结构 — 量化研究方法 英文第五版 Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach

计算机体系结构 — 量化研究方法 英文第五版 官方电子版 清晰 Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach 5th English


Architecting Microsoft .NET Solutions for the Enterprise

Architecting Microsoft .NET Solutions for the Enterprise CHM文件



系统与控制理论中的线性代数 汉语,不清晰


The Science Of Programming

The Science Of Programming 最好打印出来看


Professional Linux Kernel Architecture

Professional Linux Kernel Architecture


Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition

Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition


Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Querying

Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Querying


Head First Design Patterns

Head First Design Patterns 清晰版


Bentley J. More programming pearls

More programming pearls


Effective C++ & More Effective C++ 随书CD

英文 CD 图书+源码 文件格式: html 文件大小: 8.37M



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