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#Movediv {


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function readyTest() {
   //text  ----seelct elements by id
   var txt1Val = $('#txt1').val();
   $('#txt2').attr("value","text1 value =" + txt1Val );

   // get elements by class name     element type.class

   //get elemnets by attribute
    $('input[name=txtNm4]').attr("value","456"); //beware, this can be very slow

 //find a whose rel attribute
 //ends with "end"

 //testing whether a selection contains elements
 if($('div').length) {

 if($('div.naviTxt').length) {
    // alert($('div.naviTxt').length);

 //refining selections
 $('div.foo').has('p');   //div.foo elements that contain <p> `s
 $('h1').not('.bar');    //h1 elements that don`t have a class of bar
    $('ul li').filter('.current'); //unordered list items with class of current
 $('ul li').first();             // just the first unordered list item
 $('ul li').eq(5)           // the sixth

    $("#myForm :input").eq(1).attr("value", "79794") //using form-related pseduo-selectors
 //:button  select <button> elecmnets and elements with type="button"
 //:checkbox selects inputs with type="checkbox"
 //:checked selects checked inputs
 //disabled selects disabled form elecmnets
 //:enabled selects endabled form elecments
 //:file slelcts inputs with type="file"
 //:inmage slects inputs with type="inmage"
 //:input selects<input>,<textarea>,and<select>elements
 //:password selects inputs with type="password"
 //:radio selects inputs with type="reset"
 //:selected selects optinos that are selected
 //:submit selects inputs with type="submit"
 //:text selects inputs with type="text"

 //formatting chained code
     .html('new text for the third h3!');

 //The $.fn.html method used as a setter
 $('h1').eq(1).html('hello world!');

    //the html mehtod used as a getter
 var testVal = $('h3').html();

 //getting css properties

 //setting css properties
 $('h1').css('fontSize','100px'); //setting an individual property
 $('h1').css({'fontSize' : '100px', 'color' : 'red'}); //setting multiple property   the css protery font-seize is expressed as fontSize in javaScript.

 //working with classes
 var $h1 = $('h1');

 //basic dimendions methods
 $('h1').width('50px'); //sets the width of all h1 elements
 $('h1').width();  //gets the width of the first h1

 $('h1').height('50px'); //sets the height of all h1 elements
 $('h1').height();  //gets the height of the first h1
    $('h1').position(); //returns an object containting position information for the first h1 relative to its "offset (positioned) parent"

 //$.fn.attr as a setter can accept either a key and a vaule, or an object containing one or more key/value pairs
    var aVal = $('.a1').attr('href');
 $('.a1').attr({'href' : 'http://www.baidu.com',
                 'title' : 'somethingNew.html'});

    var aTxt =  $('h3').text();

 //$.fn.html   get or set the html
 //$.fn.text   get or set text contextsl html will be stripped.
 //$.fn.attr   get or set the value ofthe provided attribute
 //$.fn.width  get or set width in pixels of the first enlemnet in the selection as an integer
 //$.fn.height get or set the height in pixels of the firest element in the selection as an integer
 //$.fn.position  get an object with position information for the first element int the selection,relative to its first positioned ancestor. this is a getter only
 //$.fn.val       get or set the value of form elements

 //$('div.foo').has('p')   div.foo elements that contain <p>
 //$('h1').not('.bar')     h1 elements that dont have a class of bar
 //$('ul li').filter('.current')  unordered list items with class of current
 //$('ul li').eq()

 //:button select <button> elements and elements with type="button"
 //:checkbox  selects inputs with type ="checkbox"
 //:checked   selects checked inputs
 //:disbled    selects disabled form elements
 //:enabled   selects enabled form elements
 //:file      selects inputs with type="image"
 //:input     selects<input>,<textarea>,and <select> elements
 //:password   selects inputs with type="password"
    //:radio     selets inputs with type="radio"
 //:reset     selects inputs with type="reset"
 //:selected  selects options that are selected
 //:submit    selects inputs with type="submit"
 //:text      selects inputs with type="text"
                                                 //$("#myForm :input");  //get all elements that accept input

     //formatting chained code
  //   $('#content')
 //    .find('h3')
 //    .eq(2)
 //    .html('new text for the third h3')

 //the url for the request
 url : 'listManagement.nhn?m=test',

 beforeSend :  function() {$('#waitDiv').show();},

 //request type
 type : 'POST',

 dataType : "json",

 //data to send
 data : "uploadFilePath=" + $('#uploadFilePath').val() + "&pageFlag=" + $('#pageFlag').val(),

 //code to run if the request fails
 error : function(xhr,status) {$('#waitDiv').hide();alert(status);},
    //code to run if the request succeeds
  success : function(json) {var list = json.listInfoResult;  alert(list[1].endRow);$('#waitDiv').hide();},  
 //code to run regardless of success or failure
    complete : function(xhr, status) {alert('The request is complete!');}

 }); */

  //cloning(copying) elecments

  //moving elements

    //removing elements

  //create elements
  var $newElement = $('<p>This is a new paragraph</p>');

  //appen method add new element
  var myItems =[];
  var $myList = $('#myList1');

  for (var i=0; i<5 ; i++) {
     myItems.push('<li> item'+i+'</li>');


    //utility methods
       //$.trim removes leading and trailing whitespace
    //$.each  iterates over arrays and objects.
    //$.inArray returns a value,s index in an array, or -1 if the value is not in the array.
    //$.extend  changes the properties of the first object using the properties of subsequent objects
    //$.proxy  if you have an object with menthods you can pass the object and the name of a method to return a function that will always ren in the scope of the object

          $.trim(' lots of extra whitespace   ');   //returns 'lost of extra whitespace'

    $.each(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], function(idx, val){
       console.log('element' + idx + 'is' + val);
    $.each({foo:'bar', baz:'bim'}, function(k,v){
       console.log(k + ':' + v);
    $.each({foo:'bar', baz:'bim'}, function(k,v){
       $('#txt8').attr('value', k + ':' + v);

           var myArray = [1,2,3,4,5];
     if($.inArray(4, myArray) !== -1){
        $('#txt7').attr('value', 'found it');

    var firstObject = {foo : 'bar', a : 'b'};
    var secondObject = {foo : 'baz'};

    var newObject = $.extend(firstObject, secondObject);
          $('#txt9').attr('value', newObject.foo + firstObject.foo );

    var myObject = {
        myFn : function() {
           $('#txt10').attr('value', this );
          //$('#foo').click(myObject.myFn);  // logs Dom element #foo
          //$('#foo').click($.proxy(myObject, 'myFn'));  // logs Dom element #foo

    $('#div1').data('keyName', {foo : 'bar'});

          //later, we don not have to find the div again , we can just read it from the list items data


         //cnoflicts with other libraries
   //var j = jQuery.noConflict();
         // Do something with jQuery
        // j("div p").hide();
         // Do something with another library's $()
         //$("content").style.display = 'none';

     /* <script type="text/javascript" src="other_lib.js"/>
   <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"/>
   <script type="text/javascript">
     jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    // Code that uses jQuery's $ can follow here.
     // Code that uses other library's $ can follow here.

   /* jQuery.noConflict();
   // Do something with jQuery
   jQuery("div p").hide();
   // Do something with another library's $()
   $("content").style.display = 'none';*/


         //run only once
   /*  $('#submit1').one('click', function() {
         var foo = function() {alert('hahaha');}
   $('#submit1').bind('click', foo);
   $('#submit1').unbind('click',foo );

   $('#submit1').delegate('click', foo);
   $('#submit1').undelegate('click', foo);

   $('#submit1').live('click', foo);
   $('#submit1').die('click', foo);*/

      //table change background

   //two or more functions each tiem the event occurs
  function(){  $("#submit1").hide('slow');},
  function(){ $("#submit1").show('fast');},

     //animate the opacity of the selected elements to 100%
 // $("#testEffect").fadeOut('slow');
 // $("#testEffect").fadeIn();
    // function() { $("#testEffect").slideUp(1600);},
   //function() { $("#testEffect").show(1600);}
  // );

  // function() { $("#testEffect").slideToggle(1600);}
      //function() { $("#Movediv").animate({"left": "+=50px"}, "slow");}
  function() { $("#Movediv").animate({"left": "+=50px"}, "slow").delay(1000).hide(300);}


  <form id="myForm">
   <input type="text" id="txt1" value=""  size="20"/>    <input type="text" id="txt2" value=""  size="20"/>  <br>
    <input type="text" id="txt7" value="*************"  size="20"/>     <br>
    <input type="text" id="txt8" value="*************"  size="20"/>     <br>  
   <input  class="naviTxt" type="text" id="txt3" value=""  size="20"/>  <br> 
   <input type="text" id="txt4" name="txtNm4" value=""  size="20"/> 
   <input type="text" id="txt9" name="txtNm9" value=""  size="20"/>   <br> 
    <input type="text" id="txt10" name="txtNm10" value=""  size="20"/>
   <a rel="friend" href="http://www.functravel.com/">Cheap Flights</a>

   <div id="div1" class="naviTxt">
      <span class="foo"> food</span>

   <h1></h1> <h1></h1>
   <h3>test Get method</h3> <input type="text" id="txt5" name="txtNm5" value=""  size="20"/>

   <a id="a1" href="">google</a> <input type="text" id="txt6" name="txtNm6" value=""  size="20"/>

   <div id = "myList">
     <li class="liTest">Coffee</li>

   <div id = "testList">
     <li class="toLi">111</li>

      <a id="a2" href="">baidu</a>

 <div class="container">
   <div class="hello">Hello</div>
   <div class="goodbye">Goodbye</div>
 <ul id="myList1"></ul>

    <div id="testDiv">
  <a href="#">aaaaa</a>
     <input type="button" id="submit1" name="submi1t" value="submit1"  size="20"/>
   <p id="toggle"> <input type="button" id="submit2" name="submit2" value="submit2"  size="20"/> </p>
   <input type="button" id="submit3" name="submit3" value="submit3"  size="20"/>
<table id="testTable" border="1">
   <td>test background1</td>  
   <td>test background2</td>
<div id="testEffect" style="width:50px; height:60px;background:#D1FFA6;border-style:solid;border-width:1px; border-color:#D1FFA6;"></div>
<div id="Movediv"/>

评论 3




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