



操作系统: Windows XP

开发工具: MyEclipse7.5

JDK 6.0 版本

Web 服务器: Tomcat6.0

数据库: MySQL5.0


●关于 Java 的基本语法不再赘述, Java 语言学习请参见 Cay S.Horstmann Gary Cornell 的《 Java2 核心技术》上下卷等书籍。

●关于 SQL 语言不再赘述, SQL 学习参见 Konrad King 的《 SQL 编程实用大全》或者《 SQL 完全手册》等书籍。

二、热身:一个最简单的 Java Web 项目—— TinyBee


⊙指导新手在 Java Web 开发的世界扬帆起航;

⊙熟悉 MyEclipse 开发环境;




1、   MyEclipse7.5 中新建一个名为“ TinyBee ”的 Web Project




2、     在“ src ”下新建一个名为“ com.ww.tinybee ”的包,并在该包下添加一个名为“ HelloTinyBee ”的类,

package com.ww. tinybee ;


public class HelloTinyBee {

    public String sayHello(String tinybee){

       return "Hello ," +tinybee+ "!" ;




3、     WebRoot ”下新建一个名为“ index.html ”的页面,用于接收用户请求

<%@ page language = "java" import = "java.util.*" pageEncoding = "GB18030" %>


String path = request.getContextPath();

String basePath = request.getScheme()+ "://" +request.getServerName()+ ":" +request.getServerPort()+path+ "/" ;



<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd" >

< html >

< head >

< meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset=UTF-8" >

< title > Please enter your name: </ title >

</ head >

< body >

    < form method = "post" action = "hellotinybee.jsp" >

    Please enter your name < input type = "text" name = "tinybee" >

    < input type = "submit" value = " 递交 " >

    </ form >

</ body >

</ html >


4、     WebRoot ”下新建一个名为“ hellotinybee.jsp ”的页面,用于响应用户输入的请求,

<%@ page language = "java" contentType = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"

    pageEncoding = "UTF-8" %>

<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd" >

<%@ page import = "com.ww.tinybee.HelloTinyBee" %>

< html >

< head >

< meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset=UTF-8" >

< title > Insert title here </ title >

</ head >

< body >


String tinybee=request.getParameter( "tinybee" );

HelloTinyBee hello= new HelloTinyBee();

String hellotinybee=hello.sayHello(tinybee);


  <%= hellotinybee %>

</ body >

</ html >


5、     Deploy 项目并启动 Tomcat6.0 后,打开浏览器输入


    输入“ TinyBee ”,提交后成功出现预期页面:



至此为止,一个最为简单的 Java Web 项目建立完成,打包部署不再赘述。

可实际项目不可能这么简单,页面控制跳转( Control MVC 之“ C ”)是 Web 项目的一个通用功能,程序员可不可以不用去做这些费神费力不讨好的事情? Struts 应运而生(当然 Struts 不单只用来控制页面跳转,但确实其最重要的功能之一)。

三、为项目添加 Spring Struts Hibernate 能力


⊙初步掌握如何手动配置、使用 SSH2

为什么用 SSH2 框架或者其他类似框架?

随着项目的复杂程度越来越高,一个构架清晰的项目才具备可维护性的基础;并且,为了使开发人员专注于业务领域,一个具备可集成业务、解决业务外通用问题的框架乃众望所归。感谢开源社区,为 Java 量身定做了 SSH 框架,该框架的发展史、关注点、特点、优点在网上或者任何一本价值 99 元的计算机书籍均可找到,不再赘述。

有些大公司做项目还是用原始的 Servlet Jsp 方式,而不是采用 SSH 框架,这有以下三方面的原因:一是大公司所做的项目都比较早,前期没有 SSH 框架,后期不会刻意去添加该框架(可能随着项目的发展,逐渐演变出类似 SSH MVC 框架);二是大公司所做的项目一般比较规范, SSH 的主旨之一也是为了规范开发、增强可维护性,因此也就没有转变到 SSH 框架的迫切需求;三是大公司在做项目的过程中,比较倾向于沿用以往成功经验,也就不一定非得引入 SSH 框架。正所谓“兵无定势、水无常形 ”, SSH2 仅仅是一个框架、一个提高工作效率的工具,我们必须相信 Every Roads to Rome ,才可以掌握框架,而不是被框架奴役,谨记,永远是“软件工程本身,而不是什么其他东西

MyEclipse7.5 下,为我们上述的 TinyBee 项目添加 SSH 能力是一项很小白的活动,也不再赘述,提醒新手注意 Spring SSH 框架的基础框架,应该最早添加

         Tips 0001 MyEclipse7.5 自动添加 SSH 的选项中没有最新的 Spring3 Struts2 Hibernate3 ,但想用这些最新的,怎么办?(难度:★)

答:手动添加。其实 SSH SSH2 的根本区别是 Struts 版本的变化,因为 Struts 1 Struts 2 差别甚大,而 Spring Hibernate 截止目前版本,仅仅是升级完善上的意义,所以这个“ 2 ”指的就是 Struts 的改进。既然有更好的 SSH2 框架,我们就采用此框架。

若用 MyEclipse 自带的 SSH 能力添加向导,实在不值一提,但是一个版本的 MyEclipse 往往仅支持几个子版本号的 SSH 添加,比如 MyEclipse7.5 就没有 Struts2 能力添加向导。那就手动来一个吧!顺便为了说明 Spring 是如何整合 Hibernate Struts ,我故意把 Spring 放在最后整,也便于大家看到一个好的框架是如何松耦合的。


3.1 配置 Struts2

    如前文提到, struts 给出了一个清晰的 MVC 模式,使开发变得简单高效,以下这个例子就可以看出运用 Struts 控制跳转是多么地方便。

1 、添置必备包:将 commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar commons-logging-1.0.4.jar freemarker-2.3.15.jar log4j-1.2.15.jar ognl-2.7.3.jar struts2-core- xwork-core-2.1.6.jar 拷贝到项目的 /WebRoot/WEB-INF/lib 下(其他包按需要添加),并在工程中导入这些库;

2 、配置相关配置文件:在项目的 src 下配置 log4j.properties


#define a logger


  log4j.rootLogger= INFO,console,file



# define an appender named console, which is set to be a ConsoleAppender

log4j.appender.console= org .apache .log4j.ConsoleAppender


# define an appender named file, which is set to be a RollingFileAppender

log4j.appender.file= org .apache .log4j.RollingFileAppender

log4j.appender.file.File= d : /demo_log.txt


#set the log's size

log4j.appender.file.MaxFileSize= 1000KB

log4j.appender.file.MaxBackupIndex= 20



# assign a SimpleLayout to console appender

log4j.appender.console.layout= org .apache .log4j.SimpleLayout


# assign a PatternLayout to file appender

log4j.appender.file.layout= org .apache .log4j.PatternLayout

# For debug

# log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=[%-5p][%t][%C][%d{yyyy -MM-dd HH:mm:ss}] %m%n

# For deployment

log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern= [%-5p][%d{yyyy -MM-dd HH : mm:ss}] %m%n

配置 struts.properties

### Struts default properties

###(can be overridden by a struts.properties file in the root of the classpath )



### Specifies the Configuration used to configure Struts

### one could extend org .apache .struts2.config .Configuration

### to build one's customize way of getting the configurations parameters into Struts

# struts.configuration=org .apache .struts2.config .DefaultConfiguration


### This can be used to set your default locale and encoding scheme

# struts.locale =en_US

struts.i18n.encoding= UTF-8


### if specified, the default object factory can be overridden here

### Note: short-hand notation is supported in some cases, such as "spring"

###       Alternatively, you can provide a com .opensymphony .xwork2.ObjectFactory subclass name here 

# struts.objectFactory = spring


### specifies the autoWiring logic when using the SpringObjectFactory.

### valid values are: name, type, auto, and constructor (name is the default)

struts.objectFactory.spring.autoWire = name


### indicates to the struts-spring integration if Class instances should be cached

### this should, until a future Spring release makes it possible, be left as true

### unless you know exactly what you are doing!

### valid values are: true, false (true is the default)

struts.objectFactory.spring.useClassCache = true


### if specified, the default object type determiner can be overridden here

### Note: short-hand notation is supported in some cases, such as "tiger" or "notiger "

###       Alternatively, you can provide a com .opensymphony .xwork2.util .ObjectTypeDeterminer implementation name here

### Note: By default, com .opensymphony .xwork2.util .DefaultObjectTypeDeterminer is used which handles type detection

###       using generics . com .opensymphony .xwork2.util .GenericsObjectTypeDeterminer was deprecated since XWork 2, it's

###       functions are integrated in DefaultObjectTypeDeterminer now.

###       To disable tiger support use the "notiger " property value here.

#struts.objectTypeDeterminer = tiger

#struts.objectTypeDeterminer = notiger


### Parser to handle HTTP POST requests, encoded using the MIME-type multipart /form-data

# struts.multipart .parser=cos

# struts.multipart .parser=pell

struts.multipart.parser= jakarta

# uses javax .servlet .context.tempdir by default


struts.multipart.maxSize= 2097152


### Load custom property files (does not override struts.properties!)

# struts.custom.properties=application,org /apache /struts2/extension/custom


### How request URLs are mapped to and from actions

#struts.mapper .class=org .apache .struts2.dispatcher.mapper .DefaultActionMapper


### Used by the DefaultActionMapper

### You may provide a comma separated list, e.g. struts.action.extension=action,jnlp ,do

struts.action.extension= do


### Used by FilterDispatcher

### If true then Struts serves static content from inside its jar.

### If false then the static content must be available at <context_path> /struts

struts.serve.static= true


### Used by FilterDispatcher

### This is good for development where one wants changes to the static content be

### fetch on each request.

### NOTE: This will only have effect if struts.serve.static=true

### If true -> Struts will write out header for static contents such that they will

###             be cached by web browsers (using Date, Cache-Content, Pragma , Expires)

###             headers).

### If false -> Struts will write out header for static contents such that they are

###            NOT to be cached by web browser (using Cache-Content, Pragma , Expires

###            headers)

struts.serve.static.browserCache= true


### Set this to false if you wish to disable implicit dynamic method invocation

### via the URL request. This includes URLs like foo !bar.action, as well as params

### like method:bar (but not action:foo).

### An alternative to implicit dynamic method invocation is to use wildcard

### mappings, such as <action name="*/*" method="{2}" class="actions.{1}">

struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation = true


### Set this to true if you wish to allow slashes in your action names.  If false,

### Actions names cannot have slashes, and will be accessible via any directory

### prefix.  This is the traditional behavior expected of WebWork applications.

### Setting to true is useful when you want to use wildcards and store values

### in the URL, to be extracted by wildcard patterns, such as

### <action name="*/*" method="{2}" class="actions.{1}"> to match "/foo /edit" or

### "/foo /save".

struts.enable.SlashesInActionNames = false


### use alternative syntax that requires %{} in most places

### to evaluate expressions for String attributes for tags

struts.tag.altSyntax= true


### when set to true, Struts will act much more friendly for developers. This

### includes:

### - struts.i18n.reload = true

### - struts.configuration.xml .reload = true

### - raising various debug or ignorable problems to errors

###   For example: normally a request to foo .action?someUnknownField=true should

###                be ignored (given that any value can come from the web and it

###                should not be trusted). However, during development, it may be

###                useful to know when these errors are happening and be told of

###                them right away.

struts.devMode = false


### when set to true, resource bundles will be reloaded on _every_ request.

### this is good during development, but should never be used in production

struts.i18n.reload= false


### Standard UI theme

### Change this to reflect which path should be used for JSP control tag templates by default

struts.ui.theme= simple

struts.ui.templateDir= template

#sets the default template type. Either ftl , vm , or jsp

struts.ui.templateSuffix= ftl


### Configuration reloading

### This will cause the configuration to reload struts.xml when it is changed

struts.configuration.xml.reload= false


### Location of velocity.properties file.  defaults to velocity.properties

struts.velocity.configfile = velocity.properties


### Comma separated list of VelocityContext classnames to chain to the StrutsVelocityContext

struts.velocity.contexts =


### Location of the velocity toolbox



### used to build URLs, such as the UrlTag

struts.url.http.port = 80

struts.url.https.port = 443

### possible values are: none, get or all

struts.url.includeParams = get


### Load custom default resource bundles

struts.custom.i18n.resources= com .demo.struts2.resources.ApplicationResources


### workaround for some app servers that don't handle HttpServletRequest.getParameterMap()

### often used for WebLogic, Orion, and OC4J

struts.dispatcher.parametersWorkaround = false


### configure the Freemarker Manager class to be used

### Allows user to plug-in customised Freemarker Manager if necessary

### MUST extends off org .apache .struts2.views.freemarker .FreemarkerManager

#struts.freemarker .manager.classname =org .apache .struts2.views.freemarker .FreemarkerManager


### Enables caching of FreeMarker templates

### Has the same effect as copying the templates under WEB_APP/templates

struts.freemarker.templatesCache= false


### Enables caching of models on the BeanWrapper

struts.freemarker.beanwrapperCache= false


### See the StrutsBeanWrapper javadocs for more information

struts.freemarker.wrapper.altMap= true


### configure the XSLTResult class to use stylesheet caching.

### Set to true for developers and false for production.

struts.xslt.nocache= false


### A list of configuration files automatically loaded by Struts

struts.configuration.files= struts-default.xml ,struts-plugin .xml ,struts.xml


### Whether to always select the namespace to be everything before the last slash or not

struts.mapper.alwaysSelectFullNamespace= false

配置 struts.xml (尚未配置,先放模板)

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>


    "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN"

    "http://struts.apache.org/dtds/struts-2.0.dtd" >


< struts >

    < constant name = "struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation" value = "false" />

    < constant name = "struts.devMode" value = "false" />


    < include file = "example.xml" />


    <!-- Add packages here -->


</ struts >

上述两步骤为惯常步骤。下面验证 struts 是否可用:

3 、在 src com.tinybee.struts2.actions 下建立 LoginAction 控制登录跳转逻辑:

package com.tinybee.struts2.actions;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;


public class LoginAction extends ActionSupport {


       private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


       private String username;

       private String password;



    public String execute() throws Exception {


       if ( username .equals( "TinyBee" ) && password .equals( "123456" )) {

           ActionContext.getContext ().getSession().put( "username" , username );

           return Action. SUCCESS ;

       } else {


           return Action. LOGIN ;



       public String getUsername() {

              return username;



       public void setUsername(String username) {

              this.username = username;



       public String getPassword() {

              return password;



       public void setPassword(String password) {

              this.password = password;




4 、配置 struts.xml (其中粗体部分),指定跳转页面:

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>


    "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN"

    "http://struts.apache.org/dtds/struts-2.0.dtd" >


< struts >


    < constant name = "struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation" value = "false" />

    < constant name = "struts.devMode" value = "false" />


    < include file = "example.xml" />


    <!-- Add packages here -->

    < package name = "myLogin" extends = "struts-default" >

       < action name = "login" class = "com.tinybee.struts2.actions.LoginAction" >

           < result name = "success" > success.jsp </ result >

           < result name = "login" > login.jsp </ result >

       </ action >

    </ package >


</ struts >

5 、配置 web.xml (其中粗体为插入部分)

< web-app version = "2.4" xmlns = "http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"

    xmlns:xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

    xsi:schemaLocation = "http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee

    http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd" >


    < filter >

       < filter-name > struts2 </ filter-name >

       < filter-class >


       </ filter-class >

    </ filter >

    < filter-mapping >

       < filter-name > struts2 </ filter-name >

       < url-pattern > /* </ url-pattern >

    </ filter-mapping >


</ web-app >


6 、构建相应的 login.jsp success.jsp


< form action = "login.do" method = "post" >

< input type = "text" name = "username" >

< input type = "text" name = "password" >

< input type = "submit" value = "Login" >

</ form >


< table width = "300" border = "1" >

    < tr >

       < td > Hello! <%= (String) session.getAttribute( "username" ) %> </ td >

    </ tr >


    < tr >

       < td >< a href = "login.jsp" > [Back] </ a ></ td >

    </ tr >

</ table >

7 、在浏览器输入


仅当输入“ TinyBee/123456 ”账号时,出现

验证 struts2 成功!

想一下,在前面不用 struts 的那个例子中,控制页面的跳转得写多少代码,对于一个动辄几百个页面的项目意味着什么呢?其他好处慢慢细说。

3.2 配置 Hibernate

刚才,验证账号“ TinyBee/123456 ”是否与输入匹配在 LoginAction 中是写死的,这在真正的项目中当然不会出现,而是在数据库中持久化,用时才去取。为了屏蔽对数据库的底层操作(又是一件费神费力不讨好的事情),专注于业务本身,涌现了大量的数据持久化框架来解决数据库与对象映射问题, Hibernate 就是其中的佼佼者。

接上文,我们把存取数据的工作交给 Hibernate 去做。

1 、添加需要的基础包: mysql-connector-java-5.1.10-bin.jar (这个包不属于 Hibernate ,是连接 MySql 数据库的连接驱动, Oracle Sql Server 的也有相类似的包)、 hibernate3.jar antlr-2.7.6.jar commons-collections-3.1.jar dom4j-1.6.1.jar javassist-3.9.0.GA.jar jta-1.1.jar slf4j-api-1.5.8.jar (数字随版本号不同略有变化,此处用 Hibernate3.5.2 最终版),另外需要特别注意的是,下载一个名为 slf4j-log4j12-1.5.8.jar 的包(版本号与前面的 slf4j-api-1.5.8.jar 保持一致)添加进去

2、  添加配置文件 hibernate.cfg.xml


<? xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8' ?>

<! DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC

       "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"

        "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd" >

< hibernate-configuration >

    < session-factory >

       < property name = "connection.driver_class" > com.mysql.jdbc.Driver </ property >

       < property name = "connection.url" > jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/wwmis </ property >

       < property name = "myeclipse.connection.profile" > MySQLConnection </ property >

       < property name = "connection.username" > root </ property >

       < property name = "connection.password" > 4736693 </ property >

       < property name = "dialect" > org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect </ property >

       < property name = "show_sql" > true </ property >

       < mapping resource = "com/ww/tinybee/hibernate/beans/UserAccount.hbm.xml" />

    </ session-factory >

</ hibernate-configuration >

此处是连接 MySQL 数据库,数据库名为 wwmis ,账号 root/4736693 ,在后文用到的账户表 user_account 表如下所示,有一账号为“ TinyBee/123456 ”的记录:



连接 Oracle SQL Server 的配置参见百度。

By the way ,这里 <mapping resource=”com/ww/..” /> 可以随便写,后面利用 MyEclipse Hibernate Reverse Engineering 功能自动生成 Bean DAO 时会自动生成 mapping ,届时把这个不要的 mapping 行删除即可。

3、  添加 HibernateSessionFactory.java, 代码如下:


package com.ww.tinybee.hibernate.util;


import org.hibernate.HibernateException;

import org.hibernate.Session;

import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;



  * Configures and provides access to Hibernate sessions, tied to the

  * current thread of execution.   Follows the Thread Local Session

  * pattern, see {@link http://hibernate.org/42.html } .


public class HibernateSessionFactory {



     * Location of hibernate.cfg.xml file.

     * Location should be on the classpath as Hibernate uses  

     * #resourceAsStream style lookup for its configuration file.

     * The default classpath location of the hibernate config file is

     * in the default package. Use #setConfigFile() to update

     * the location of the configuration file for the current session.   


    private static String CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION = "/hibernate.cfg.xml" ;

    private static final ThreadLocal<Session> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<Session>();

    private   static Configuration configuration = new Configuration();   

    private static org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory ;

    private static String configFile = CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION ;


    static {

    try {

           configuration .configure( configFile );

           sessionFactory = configuration .buildSessionFactory();

       } catch (Exception e) {

           System. err

                  .println( "%%%% Error Creating SessionFactory %%%%" );




    private HibernateSessionFactory() {




     * Returns the ThreadLocal Session instance.   Lazy initialize

     * the <code> SessionFactory </code> if needed.


     *   @return Session

     *   @throws HibernateException


    public static Session getSession() throws HibernateException {

        Session session = (Session) threadLocal .get();


       if (session == null || !session.isOpen()) {

           if ( sessionFactory == null ) {

              rebuildSessionFactory ();


           session = ( sessionFactory != null ) ? sessionFactory .openSession()

                  : null ;

           threadLocal .set(session);



        return session;




     *   Rebuild hibernate session factory



    public static void rebuildSessionFactory() {

       try {

           configuration .configure( configFile );

           sessionFactory = configuration .buildSessionFactory();

       } catch (Exception e) {

           System. err

                  .println( "%%%% Error Creating SessionFactory %%%%" );






     *   Close the single hibernate session instance.


     *   @throws HibernateException


    public static void closeSession() throws HibernateException {

        Session session = (Session) threadLocal .get();

        threadLocal .set( null );


        if (session != null ) {






     *   return session factory



    public static org.hibernate.SessionFactory getSessionFactory() {

       return sessionFactory ;




     *   return session factory


     *   session factory will be rebuilded in the next call


    public static void setConfigFile(String configFile) {

       HibernateSessionFactory. configFile = configFile;

       sessionFactory = null ;



     *   return hibernate configuration



    public static Configuration getConfiguration() {

       return configuration ;



位于 com.ww.tinybee.hibernate.util 下。

4、  生成实体 Bean DAO 和映射文件:在 MyEclipse MyEclipse Database Explorer perspective 模式下,对表 user_account 执行 Hibernate Reverse Engineering ,自动生成 Bean AbstractUserAccount.java UserAccount.java )、 DAO BaseHibernateDAO.java IBaseHibernateDAO.java UserAccountDAO.java )和 UserAccount.hbm.xml ,结构如下:



5、  测试 Hibernate :写一个登录验证测试一下。如上图所示,在 service 包中写一个 Login 类:


package com.ww.tinybee.service;


import com.ww.tinybee.hibernate.beans.*;

import com.ww.tinybee.hibernate.DAO.UserAccountDAO;

import java.util.List;



public class Login {


    public boolean ValidateUser(String username,String password){

       UserAccountDAO userAccountDAO= new UserAccountDAO();

       List record=userAccountDAO.findByAccountName(username);

       if (record.isEmpty()== true )

           return false ;

       else {

           String pwd=((UserAccount)record.get(0)).getAccountPassword();

           if (pwd!= null &&pwd.equals(password)){

              return true ;


           else {

              return false ;






/** 测试类 */

    public static void main(String args[]){

       Login login= new Login();

       System. out .println (login.ValidateUser( "TinyBee" , "123456" ));

       System. out .println (login.ValidateUser( "TinyBee" , "111111" ));







    表明 TinyBee 用户用“ 123456 密码登录验证成功。

6、  Struts 2+Hibernate 集成:话归前文,如何让 Struts 中的页面使用 Hibernate 得到的数据?只须将上文 Struts 2 中的 LoginAction.java 改为(深色部分):


package com.ww.tinybee.struts2.actions;


import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;

import com.ww.tinybee.service.Login;


public class LoginAction extends ActionSupport {


    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


    private String username ;


    private String password ;


    @SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )

    public String execute() throws Exception {

       Login login= new Login();

       if (login.ValidateUser( username , password )== true ){

           ActionContext.getContext ().getSession().put( "username" , username );

           return Action. SUCCESS ;

       } else {


           return Action. LOGIN ;



/** 此为原来代码

       if (username.equals("TinyBee") && password.equals("123456")) {

           ActionContext.getContext().getSession().put("username", username);

           return Action.SUCCESS;

       } else {


           return Action.LOGIN;





    public String getUsername() {

       return username ;



    public void setUsername(String username) {

       this . username = username;



    public String getPassword() {

       return password ;



    public void setPassword(String password) {

       this . password = password;




7、  在浏览器输入


仅当输入“ TinyBee/123456 ”账号时,出现


验证 Struts2+Hibernate 成功!

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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
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