MIT 6.00.1x 计算机科学和Python编程导论 Set 3

本文介绍了辐射衰变的原理和计算方法,通过一个实例展示了如何计算辐射暴露量。此外,还涉及到了MIT 6.00.1x课程中的Hangman游戏编程,包括isWordGuessed、getGuessedWord和getAvailableLetters三个辅助函数的实现。

Radiation Exposure

感谢 glhezjnucn 同学贡献的翻译!
“Radioactive decay” is the process by which an unstable atom loses energy and emits ionizing particles - what is commonly refered to as radiation. Exposure to radiation can be dangerous and is very important to measure to ensure that one is not exposed to too terribly much of it.辐射衰变是不稳定原子失去能量并释放电离子的过程-这通常被称为辐射。接触辐射(暴露于辐射)可能是危险的,同时检测并确保人们不暴露于过量辐射(的环境)中变得重要。
The radioactivity of a material decreases over time, as the material decays. A radioactive decay curve describes this decay. The x-axis measures time, and the y-axis measures the amount of activity produced by the radioactive sample. ‘Activity’ is defined as the rate at which the nuclei within the sample undergo transititions - put simply, this measures how much radiation is emitted at any one point in time. The measurement of activity is called the Becquerel (Bq). Here is a sample radioactive decay curve:物质的辐射活性随着时间的流逝而减少,因为辐射物质在衰减。辐射衰减曲线用于描述这样的衰减过程。x轴表示时间,y轴表示辐射物质样品产生的辐射活性量。辐射的活性量定义为处于物质迁变的核的比率,它给出某一时刻所释放的辐射量。活性的度量称为Bq(理解为度量的单位即量纲)。如下是一个辐射衰减曲线的样例:

Now here’s the problem we’d like to solve. Let’s say Sarina has moved into a new apartment. Unbeknownst to her, there is a sample of Cobalt-60 inside one of the walls of the apartment. Initially that sample had 10 MBq of activity, but she moves in after the sample has been there for 5 years. She lives in the apartment for 6 years, then leaves. How much radiation was she exposed to?
We can actually figure this out using the radioactive decay curve from above. What we want to know is her total radiation exposure from year 5 to year 11.
Total radiation exposure corresponds to the area between the two green lines at time = 5 and time = 11, and under the blue radioactive decay curve. This should make intuitive sense - if the x axis measures time, and the y axis measures activity, then the area under the curve measures (time * activity) = MBq*years, or, approximately the total number of MBq Sarina was exposed to in her time in the radioactive apartment (technically, this result is the combination of gamma rays and beta particles she was exposed to, but this gets a bit complicated, so we’ll ignore it. Sorry, physicists!).
So far, so good. But, how do we calculate this? Unlike a simple shape - say a square, or a circle - we have no easy way to tell what the area under this curve is.
However, we have learned a technique that can help us here - approximation. Let’s use an approximation algorithm to estimate the area under this curve! We’ll do so by first splitting up the area into equally-sized rectangles (in this case, six of them, one rectangle per year):
Once we’ve done that, we can figure out the area of each rectangle pretty easily. Recall that the area of a rectangle is found by multiplying the height of the rectangle by its width. The height of this rectangle:

is the value of the curve at 5.0. If the curve is described by a function, f, we can obtain the value of the curve by asking for f(5.0).
是曲线在5.0处的值(函数值).如果曲线由函数, f, 给出,我们可以用f(5.0)得到函数值.
f(5.0) = 5.181
The width of the rectangle is 1.0. So the area of this single rectangle is 1.0*5.181 = 5.181. To approximate how much radiation Sarina was exposed to, we next calculate the area of each successive rectangle and then sum up the areas of each rectangle to get the total. When we do this





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