1. 示例文件获取
在Abaqus Command 中输入 ,然后会在工作目录中出现viewer_tutorial.odb.
abaqus fetch job=viewer_tutorial
2. 示例代码
# ODb commands available
from odbAccess import *
from abaqusConstants import *
# material and section Odb commands available
from odbMaterial import *
from odbSection import *
# opening an output database
odb = openOdb(path=r'C:\AbaqusWorkfile\test_pythonOdb\viewer_tutorial.odb')
# Reading model data
# The root assembly
myAssembly = odb.rootAssembly
# Part instance determine how many instances
for instanceName in odb.rootAssembly.instances.keys():
print instanceName
# Regions: A Node set An element set A surface
for NodeSets in odb.rootAssembly.instances[
print 'Node sets = ', NodeSets
# dispaly the nodes sets and the element sets
print 'Node sets = ', odb.rootAssembly.instances[
print 'Element sets = ', odb.rootAssembly.instances[
# ssigns a variable (topNodeSet) to the 'TOP' node set in the PART-1-1 part instance:
topNodeSet = odb.rootAssembly.instances['PART-1-1'].nodeSets['TOP']
# Reading results data
# Steps
for stepName in odb.steps.keys():
print stepName
step1 = odb.steps.values()[0]
print step1.name
#Frames the last frame
lastFrame = odb.steps['Step-1'].frames[-1]
# Reading field output data
for fieldName in lastFrame.fieldOutputs.keys():
print fieldName
for fieldName in lastFrame.fieldOutputs.values():
print fieldName
# use the following to view all the available field data in a frame:
# For each field output value in the last frame,
# print the name, description, and type members.
for f in lastFrame.fieldOutputs.values():
print f.name, ':', f.description
print 'Type: ', f.type
# For each location value, print the position.
for loc in f.locations:
print 'Position:', loc.position
# Results
# COPEN TARGET/IMPACTOR: Contact opening
# Type: SCALAR
# Position: NODAL
# CPRESS TARGET/IMPACTOR: Contact pressure
# Type: SCALAR
# Position: NODAL
# CSHEAR1 TARGET/IMPACTOR: Frictional shear
# Type: SCALAR
# Position: NODAL
# CSLIP1 TARGET/IMPACTOR: Relative tangential motion direction 1
# Type: SCALAR
# Position: NODAL
# LE: Logarithmic strain components
# RF: Reaction force
# Type: VECTOR
# Position: NODAL
# RM3: Reaction moment
# Type: SCALAR
# Position: NODAL
# S: Stress components
# U: Spatial displacement
# Type: VECTOR
# Position: NODAL
# UR3: Rotational displacement
# Type: SCALAR
# Position: NODAL
displacement = lastFrame.fieldOutputs['U']
fieldValues = displacement.values
mises = lastFrame.fieldOutputs['S']
fieldValues1 = mises.values
# For each displacement value, print the nodeLabel
# and data members.
for v in fieldValues:
print 'Node = %d U[x] = %6.4f, U[y] = %6.4f' % (v.nodeLabel,
v.data[0], v.data[1])
for v in fieldValues1:
print 'Element = %d Mises = %6.4f' % (v.elementLabel, v.mises)
# lists all the members of a particular FieldValue
# The resulting output is
# ['instance', 'elementLabel', 'nodeLabel', 'position',
# 'face', 'integrationPoint', 'sectionPoint',
# 'localCoordSystem', 'type', 'data', 'magnitude',
# 'mises', 'tresca', 'press', 'inv3', 'maxPrincipal',
# 'midPrincipal', 'minPrincipal', 'maxInPlanePrincipal',
# 'minInPlanePrincipal', 'outOfPlanePrincipal']
# Using regions to read a subset of field output data
center = odb.rootAssembly.instances['PART-1-1'].nodeSets['PUNCH']
# get displacement of subset
# The arguments to getSubset are a region, an element type, a position, or section point data
centerDisplacement = displacement.getSubset(region=center)
centerValues = centerDisplacement.values
for v in centerValues:
print v.nodeLabel, v.data
## another example
topCenter = \
stressField = odb.steps['Step-2'].frames[3].fieldOutputs['S']
# The following variable represents the stress at
# integration points for CAX4 elements from the
# element set "CENT."
field = stressField.getSubset(region=topCenter,
position=INTEGRATION_POINT, elementType='CAX4')
fieldValues2 = field.values
for v in fieldValues2:
print 'Element label = ', v.elementLabel,
if v.integrationPoint:
print 'Integration Point = ', v.integrationPoint
# For each tensor component.
for component in v.data:
# Print using a format. The comma at the end of the
# print statement suppresses the carriage return.
print 'S = %10.5f' % component,
# After each tuple has printed, print a carriage return.
# print
## write file and reading history outputdata
from odbAccess import *
step2 = odb.steps['Step-2']
region = step2.historyRegions['Node PART-1-1.1000']
u2Data = region.historyOutputs['U2'].data
dispFile = open('disp.dat', 'w')
for time, u2Disp in u2Data:
dispFile.write('%10.4E %10.4E\n' % (time, u2Disp))
3. 我的代码
from abaqusConstants import*
from odbAccess import*
import os
from textRepr import*
import numpy as np
myodb = openOdb(path=r'C:\AbaqusWorkfile\FIB\try-model-210601-1.odb')
myFrames = myodb.steps["Step-1"].frames
# ff = (["SDV52"]["SDV65"]["SDV78"]
# ["SDV91"]["SDV104"]["SDV117"])
sdv52field = myFrames[-1].fieldOutputs["SDV52"]
elementSets = odb.rootAssembly.instances['PART-1-1'].elementSets
bb = elementSets.keys()
CRY = []
for a in bb:
cc = odb.rootAssembly.instances['PART-1-1'].elementSets[a]
field = []
for a in CRY:
dd = sdv52field.getSubset(region=a,
position=INTEGRATION_POINT, elementType='C3D8R')
average = []
for a in field:
fieldValues = a.values
temp1 = []
for v in fieldValues:
temp1 = []
for value in fieldValues:
ee = np.mean(temp1)
average = np.array(average)
np.savetxt(r"C:\AbaqusWorkfile\test_pythonOdb\miller.txt", average, fmt="% .10f")