masterminds of programming 翻译 (三)

One fundamental difference between C++ and Java is the way pointers are implemented. In some ways, you could say that Java doesn’t have real pointers. What differences are there between the two approaches?



Bjarne: Well, of course Java has pointers. In fact, just about everything in Java is implicitly a pointer. They just call them references. There are advantages to having pointers implicit as well as disadvantages. Separately, there are advantages to having true local objects (as in C++) as well as disadvantages.

Bjarne: 恩,Java当然是有指针的。事实上,Java里的任何对象都是一个隐式指针。 他们只是称它们为引用罢了。隐式指针有好处也有坏处。同样,拥有真正的局部对象(就像在C++里那样)也是一把双刃剑。


C++’s choice to support stack-allocated local variables and true member variables of every type gives nice uniform semantics, supports the notion of value semantics well, gives compact layout and minimal access costs, and is the basis for C++’s support for general resource management. That’s major, and Java’s pervasive and implicit use of pointers (aka references) closes the door to all that.



Consider the layout tradeoff: in C++ a vector<complex>(10) is represented as a handle to an array of 10 complex numbers on the free store. In all, that’s 25 words: 3 words for the vector, plus 20 words for the complex numbers, plus a 2-word header for the array on the free store (heap). The equivalent in Java (for a user-defined container of objects of userdefined types) would be 56 words: 1 for the reference to the container, plus 3 for the container,  plus 10 for the references to the objects, plus 20 for the objects, plus 24 for the free store headers for the 12 independently allocated objects. Obviously, these numbers are approximate because the free store (heap) overhead is implementation defined in both languages. However, the conclusion is clear: by making references ubiquitous and implicit, Java may have simplified the programming model and the garbage collector implementation, but it has increased the memory overhead dramatically—and increased the memory access cost (requiring more indirect accesses) and allocation overheads proportionally.



What Java doesn’t have—and good for Java for that—is C and C++’s ability to misuse pointers through pointer arithmetic. Well-written C++ doesn’t suffer from that problem either: people use higher-level abstractions, such as iostreams, containers, and algorithms, rather than fiddling with pointers. Essentially all arrays and most pointers belong deep in implementations that most programmers don’t have to see. Unfortunately, there is also lots of poorly written and unnecessarily low-level C++ around.

Java所没有的-Java也是好的-CC++在进行指针算数运算时可能出现的指针错用可能。 一个编写良好的C++代码其实也不会受此困扰:人们使用高级抽象类,像是输入输出流类(iostream),容器类(container),和算法类(algorithms)而不是乱用指针。本质上所有数组和大多数指针都属于底层实现,大多数程序员并不是非去了解不可。不幸的是,在我们身边还存在很多写的不好也不需要的C++底层代码


There is, however, an important place where pointers—and pointer manipulation—is a boon: the direct and efficient expression of data structures. Java’s references are lacking here; for example, you can’t express a swap operation in Java. Another example is simply the use of pointers for low-level direct access to (real) memory; for every system, some language has to do that, and often that language is C++.The “dark side” of having pointers (and C-style arrays) is of course the potential for misuse: buffer overruns, pointers into deleted memory, uninitialized pointers, etc. However,  in well-written C++ that is not a major problem. You simply don’t get those problems with pointers and arrays used within abstractions (such as vector, string, map, etc.). Scoped resource management takes care of most needs; smart pointers and specialized handles can be used to deal with most of the rest. People whose experience is primarily C or oldstyle C++ find this hard to believe, but scope-based resource management is an immensely powerful tool and user-defined with suitable operations can address classical problems with less code than the old insecure hacks. For example, this is the simplest form of the classical buffer overrun and security problem:



char buf[MAX_BUF];

gets(buf); // Yuck!


Use a standard library string and the problem goes away:


string s;

cin >> s; // read whitespace separated characters


These are obviously trivial examples, but suitable “strings” and “containers” can be crafted to meet essentially all needs, and the standard library provides a good set to start with.


[1] 这里所说的自由空间(free store)和平时所说的堆(heap)类似,C++newdelete申请和释放的空间便是在这个自由空间里进行的。这里vector本身的元素还是在栈(stack)里,只是控制它的句柄在自由空间里。    --译者注

[2] 这里头部即句柄译者注

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