masterminds of programming 翻译 (五)

Using the Language



How do you debug? Do you have any suggestion for C++ developers?



Bjarne: By introspection. I study the program for so long and poke at it more or less systematically for so long that I have sufficient understanding to provide an educated guess where the bug is. Testing is something else, and so is design to minimize errors. I intensely dislike debugging and will go a long way to avoid it. If I am the designer of a piece of software, I build it

around interfaces and invariants so that it is hard to get seriously bad code to compile and run incorrectly. Then, I try hard to make it testable.



Testing is the systematic search for errors. It is hard to systematically test badly structured systems, so I again recommend a clean structure of the code. Testing can be automated and is repeatable in a way that debugging is not. Having flocks of pigeons randomly peck at the screen to see if they can break a GUI-based application is no way to ensure quality systems.



Advice? It is hard to give general advice because the best techniques often depend on what is feasible for a given system in a given development environment. However: identify key interfaces that can be systematically tested and write test scripts that exercise those. Automate as much as you can and run those automated tests often. And do keep regression tests and run them frequently. Make sure that every entry point into the system and every output can be systematically tested. Compose your system out of quality components: monolithic programs are unnecessarily hard to understand and test.



At what level is it necessary to improve the security of software?



Bjarne: First of all: security is a systems issue. No localized or partial remedy will by itself succeed. Remember, even if all of your code was perfect, I could probably still gain access to your stored secrets if I could steal your computer or the storage device holding your backup. Secondly, security is a cost/benefit game: perfect security is probably beyond the reach for most of us, but I can probably protect my system sufficiently that “bad guys” will consider their time better spent trying to break into someone else’s system. Actually, I prefer not to keep important secrets online and leave serious security to the experts.

Bjarne: 首先:安全性是一个系统问题。没有局部或者部分补救措施可以成功。记住,即便你的所有代码都很完美,如果我偷了你的电脑或者存有你备份的硬盘,我仍然可以获得对你存储的秘密的访问。其次,安全性是一个性价比的游戏:绝对安全对你我来说很可能难以企及,但我可以将我系统保护的足够好到“坏人”会考虑最好还是对别人的系统下手。事实上,我不喜欢把重要的秘密存在网上,并且把事关重大的安全性问题留给那些专家。


But what about programming languages and programming techniques? There is a dangerous tendency to assume that every line of code has to be “secure” (whatever that means), even assuming that someone with bad intentions messes with some other part of the system. This is a most dangerous notion that leaves the code littered with unsystematic tests guarding against ill-formulated imagined threats. It also makes code ugly, large, and slow. “Ugly” leaves places for bugs to hide, “large” ensures incomplete testing, and “slow” encourages the use of shortcuts and dirty tricks that are among the most fertile sources of security holes.



I think the only permanent solution to security problems is in a simple security model applied systematically by quality hardware and/or software to selected interfaces. There has to be a place behind a barrier where code can be written simply, elegantly, and efficiently without worrying about random pieces of code abusing random pieces of other code. Only then can we focus on correctness, quality, and serious performance. The idea that anyone can provide an untrusted callback, plug-in, overrider, whatever, is plain silly. We have to distinguish between code that defends against fraud, and code that simply is protected against accidents.



I do not think that you can design a programming language that is completely secure and also useful for real-world systems. Obviously, that depends on the meaning of “secure”  and “system.” You could possibly achieve security in a domain-specific language, but my main domain of interest is systems programming (in a very broad meaning of that term), including embedded systems programming. I do think that type safety can and will be improved over what is offered by C++, but that is only part of the problem: type safety does not equal security. People who write C++ using lots of unencapsulated arrays, casts, and unstructured new and delete operations are asking for trouble. They are stuck in an 80s style of programming. To use C++ well, you have to adopt a style that minimizes type safety violations and manage resources (including memory) in a simple and systematic way.


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