WebBrowser Control的一个简单C++封装

本文介绍如何在不使用MFC或ATL的情况下,在纯C Win32应用程序中使用WebBrowser控件。通过参考Jeff Glatt的文章,作者提供了C++封装类CWebBrowser和CWBStorage的源代码,将COM接口和ActiveX控件集成到自定义窗口中。


        想在自己的窗口中放上一个WebBrowser Contorl,但又不想用MFC;可惜网上除了MFC/ATL以外,使用WebBrowser的资料少得可怜。

        在CodeGuru上找到Jeff Glatt 的一篇文章Display a Web Page in a Plain C Win32 Application,写成于2002年,作者的确够厚道,不但给了两份注释完整的代码(一个是exe的源文件,一个是Dll的源文件),还把如何用C一步一步实现虚函数表、接口、继承、多继承清清楚楚剖析了出来,整个一篇绝好的教你凭空(我是想说不依赖于MFC/ATL)把ActiveX控件嵌入自己窗口的指引。

        Jeff Glatt的文章端的是精彩至极,但是用Pure C搞COM的确……我反正不是这块料。不过话说回来,有了这篇妙文的指引,做一个C++的包装就只需要医葫芦画瓢啦。下面就是我原样照搬的一个C++的包装类。我是把这个类做成一个Lib文件(Jeff Glatt也就lib文件没做啦),算是个“求同存异”吧。略为有点不一样的是,Jeff Glatt考虑了打开多个窗口的问题,而我的代码,一个类就一个窗体了。



 @created: 2006/01/16
 @version: 0.1
 @filename:  WebBrowser.h
 @file base: WebBrowser
 @file ext: h
 @author: Pomelo Wu
 @purpose: Declaration for class CWebBrowser, a wrapper of
 @remark: To use this class, include 'Exdisp.h' before this file.
    Besides, use OleInitialize instead of CoInitialize, and
    do not forget OleUninitialize.

 @revision history:
 -- Date   Ver. Modifier Description--
 2006/01/16  0.1  Pomelo  Create

#ifndef __WEBBROWSER_H__
#define __WEBBROWSER_H__

// This is for a simple C++ wrapper. There are lots more things we can control about the browser object,
// but we don't do it all in this. _Many_ of the functions we provide for the browser to call, will
// never actually be called by the browser in our sample. Why? Because we don't do certain things
// with the browser that would require it to call those functions (even though we need to provide
// at least some stub for all of the functions).
// So, for these "dummy functions" that we don't expect the browser to call, we'll just stick in some
// assembly code that causes a debugger breakpoint and tells the browser object that we don't support
// the functionality. That way, if we try to do more things with the browser object, and it starts
// calling these "dummy functions", we'll know which ones we should add more meaningful code to.

 @class   CWebBrowser
 @author   Pomelo Wu
 @brief   A wrapper class of IWebBrowser2 interface.
class CWebBrowser
 // Constructor
 // Destructor

 // Data members
 IOleObject  *m_pBrowserObj;

 // Interfaces
 /*************************** UnEmbedBrowserObject() ************************
 * Called to detach the browser object from our host window, and free its
 * resources, right before we destroy our window.
 * hwnd =  Handle to the window hosting the browser object.
 * NOTE: The pointer to the browser object must have been stored in the
 * window's USERDATA field. In other words, don't call UnEmbedBrowserObject().
 * with a HWND that wasn't successfully passed to EmbedBrowserObject().
 void UnEmbedBrowserObject(HWND /*hwnd*/);

 /***************************** EmbedBrowserObject() **************************
 * Puts the browser object inside our host window, and save a pointer to this
 * window's browser object in the window's GWL_USERDATA field.
 * hwnd =  Handle of our window into which we embed the browser object.
 * RETURNS: 0 if success, or non-zero if an error.
 * NOTE: We tell the browser object to occupy the entire client area of the
 * window.
 * NOTE: No HTML page will be displayed here. We can do that with a subsequent
 * call to either DisplayHTMLPage() or DisplayHTMLStr(). This is merely once-only
 * initialization for using the browser object. In a nutshell, what we do
 * here is get a pointer to the browser object in our window's GWL_USERDATA
 * so we can access that object's functions whenever we want.
 long EmbedBrowserObject(HWND hwnd);

 /******************************* DisplayHTMLPage() ****************************
 * Displays a URL, or HTML file on disk.
 * hwnd =  Handle to the window hosting the browser object.
 * webPageName = Pointer to nul-terminated name of the URL/file.
 * RETURNS: 0 if success, or non-zero if an error.
 * NOTE: EmbedBrowserObject() must have been successfully called once with the
 * specified window, prior to calling this function. You need call
 * EmbedBrowserObject() once only, and then you can make multiple calls to
 * this function to display numerous pages in the specified window.
 long DisplayHTMLPage(HWND /*hwnd*/, LPCTSTR webPageName);

 /******************************* DisplayHTMLStr() ****************************
 * Takes a string containing some HTML BODY, and displays it in the specified
 * window. For example, perhaps you want to display the HTML text of...
 * <P>This is a picture.<P><IMG src="mypic.jpg">
 * hwnd =  Handle to the window hosting the browser object.
 * string =  Pointer to nul-terminated string containing the HTML BODY.
 *    (NOTE: No <BODY></BODY> tags are required in the string).
 * RETURNS: 0 if success, or non-zero if an error.
 * NOTE: EmbedBrowserObject() must have been successfully called once with the
 * specified window, prior to calling this function. You need call
 * EmbedBrowserObject() once only, and then you can make multiple calls to
 * this function to display numerous pages in the specified window.
 long DisplayHTMLStr(HWND /*hwnd*/, LPCTSTR string);

 // Methods
#endif //__WEBBROWSER_H__

@created: 2006/01/16
@version: 0.1
@filename:  WebBrowser.cpp
@file base: WebBrowser
@file ext: cpp
@author: Pomelo Wu

@purpose: Implementation for class CWebBrowser, a wrapper of
@remark: NULL

@revision history:
-- Date   Ver. Modifier Description--
2006/01/16  0.1  Pomelo  Create
#include <Exdisp.h>  /* Defines of stuff like IWebBrowser2. This is an include file with Visual C 6 and above */
#include <Mshtml.h>  /* Defines of stuff like IHTMLDocument2. This is an include file with Visual C 6 and above */
      /* If you gets some error when compling under VS2005, move mshtml.h to top*/
#include <crtdbg.h>  /* for _ASSERT() */

#include "WBStorage.h"
#include "WBClientsite.h"

#include "WebBrowser.h"
#include "Global.h"

/* This is used by DisplayHTMLStr(). It can be global because we never change it. */
static const SAFEARRAYBOUND ArrayBound = {1, 0};

 m_pBrowserObj = NULL;


void CWebBrowser::UnEmbedBrowserObject(HWND /*hwnd*/)
 // Not implemented for multiple browsing...
 //IOleObject **ppBrowserHandle;
 //IOleObject *pBrowserObject;
  Retrieve the browser object's pointer we stored in our window's GWL_USERDATA when
  we initially attached the browser object to this window.
 //if ((ppBrowserHandle = (IOleObject **)GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA)))
 // // Unembed the browser object, and release its resources.
 // pBrowserObject = *ppBrowserHandle;
 // pBrowserObject->Close(OLECLOSE_NOSAVE);
 // pBrowserObject->Release();

 if (m_pBrowserObj)
  // Unembed the browser object, and release its resources.


 // You must have called this for a window that wasn't successfully passed to EmbedBrowserObject().
 // Bad boy!

long CWebBrowser::DisplayHTMLStr

评论 8




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