340 jQuery Plugins And Examples (340个jQuery插件)

jQuery 是继 prototype 之后又一个优秀的 Javascript 框架。其宗旨是—写更少的代码,做更多的事情。它是轻量级的 js 库(压缩后只有21k) ,这是其它的 js 库所不jquery及的,它兼容 CSS3,还兼容各种浏览器(IE 6.0+, FF 1.5+, Safari 2.0+, Opera 9.0+)。 jQuery 是一个快速的,简洁的 javaScript 库,使用户能更方便地处理 HTML documents、events、实现动画效果,并且方便地为网站提供 AJAX 交互。 jQuery 还有一个比较大的优势是,它的文档说明很全,而且各种应用也说得很详细,同时还有许多成熟的插件可供选择。 jQuery 能够使用户的 html 页保持代码和 html 内容分离。

1) Sliding Panels For jQuery - Element can start open or closed and will be toggled from their own original position.

2) jQuery Collapse -A plugin for jQuery to collapse content of div container.

3) LavaLamp



4) A Navigation Menu- Unordered List with anchors and nested lists, also demonstrates how to add a second level list.


5) SuckerFish Style

6) jQuery UI Tabs / Tabs 3 - Simple jQuery based tab-navigation


7) TabContainer Theme - JQuery style fade animation that runs as the user navigates between selected tabs.

8 ) jQuery Accordion Demo

9) Simple JQuery Accordion menu

10) jQZoom- allows you to realize a small magnifier window close to the image or images on your web page easily.

11) Image/Photo Gallery Viewer- allows you to take a grouping of images and turn it into an flash-like image/photo gallery. It allows you to style it how ever you want and add as many images at you want.

12) InnerFade - It’s designed to fade you any element inside a container in and out.

13) Easing Plugin- A jQuery plugin from GSGD to give advanced easing options. Uses Robert Penners easing equations for the transitions

14) Highlight Fade

15) jQuery Cycle Plugin- have very intersting transition effects like image cross-fading and cycling.

16) Riding carousels with jQuery - is a jQuery plugin for controlling a list of items in horizontal or vertical order.Demo

17) Farbtastic - is a jQuery plug-in that can add one or more color picker widgets into a page through JavaScript.Demo


18) jQuery Color Picker

19) jQuery ThickBox - is a webpage user interface dialog widget written in JavaScript.Demo

20) SimpleModal Demos - its goal is providing developers with a cross-browser overlay and container that will be populated with content provided to SimpleModal. Demo


21) jQuery lightBox Plugin - simple, elegant, unobtrusive, no need extra markup and is used to overlay images on the current page through the power and flexibility of jQuery´s selector. Demo


22) JQuery iFrame Plugin - If javascript is turned off, it will just show a link to the content. Here is the code in action…



23) Validation - A fairly comprehensive set of form validation rules. The plugin also dynamically creates IDs and ties them to labels when they are missing. Demo



24) Ajax Form Validation - Client side validation in a form using jQuery. The username will check with the server whether the chosen name is a) valid and b) available.Demo

25) jQuery AlphaNumeric - Allows you to prevent your users from entering certain characters inside the form fields.


26) jquery.Combobox - is an unobtrusive way of creating a HTML type combobox from a existing HTML Select element(s), a Demo is here.

27) jQuery Checkbox - Provides for the styling of checkboxes that degrades nicely when javascript is dsiabled.

28) File Style Plugin for jQuery -File Style plugin enables you to use image as browse button. You can also style filename field as normal textfield using css.

29) Simple Star Rating System


30) Half-Star Rating Plugin


31) Tooltip Plugin Examples - A fancy tooltip with some custom positioning, a tooltip with an extra class for nice shadows, and some extra content. You can find a demo here.

32) The jQuery Tooltip

33) Zebra Tables Demo -using jQuery to do zebra striping and row hovering, very NICE!! Demo


34) Table Sorter Plugin - for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table without page refreshes. It can successfully parse and sort many types of data including linked data in a cell.

35) AutoScroll for jQuery -allows for hotspot scrolling of web pages

36) Scrollable HTML table plugin- used to convert tables in ordinary HTML into scrollable ones. No additional coding is necessary. Demo

37) Sortables - You won’t believe how easy this code to make it easy to sort several lists, mix and match the lists, and send the information to a database.

38) Draggables and droppables- A good example of using jQuery plugin iDrop to drag and drop tree view nodes.

39) Switch stylesheets with jQuery- allows your visitors to choose which stylesheet they would like to view your site with. It uses cookies so that when they return to the site or visit a different page they still get their chosen stylesheet. A Demo is here.

40) jQuery Corner Demo

41) JQuery Curvy Corners- A plugin for rounded corners with smooth, anti-aliased corners.

42) jQuery Air - A passenger management interface for charter flights. A great Tutorial that you will enjoy.Demo


43) HeatColor -allows you to assign colors to elements, based on a value derived from that element. The derived value is compared to a range of values, it can find the min and max values of the desired elements, or you can pass them in manually.Demo

44) Simple jQuery Examples -This page contains a growing set of Query powered script examples in "pagemod" format. The code that is displayed when clicking "Source" is exactly the same Javascript code that powers each example. Feel free to save a copy of this page and use the example.

45) Date Picker -A flexible unobtrusive calendar component for jQuery. Demo

46) ScrollTo -A plugin for jQuery to scroll to a certain object in the page

47) 3-Column Splitter Layout -this is a 3-column layout using nested splitters. The left and right columns are a semi-fixed width; the center column grows or shrinks. Page scroll bars have been removed since all the content is inside the splitter, and the splitter is anchored to the bottom of the window using an onresize event handler.

48) Pager jQuery -Neat little jQuery plugin for a a paginated effect.

49) Select box manipulation

50) Cookie Plugin for jQuery

51) JQuery BlockUI Plugin -lets you simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser. When activated, it will prevent user activity with the page (or part of the page) until it is deactivated. BlockUI adds elements to the DOM to give it both the appearance and behavior of blocking user interaction.

52) Galleria -Is a javascript image gallery written in jQuery. It loads the images one by one from an unordered list and displays thumbnails when each image is loaded. It will create thumbnails for you if you choose so, scaled or unscaled, centered and cropped inside a fixed thumbnail box defined by CSS.

53) jQuery Multimedia Portfolio -Non obstrusive and accessible portfolio supporting multiple media : photos, video (flv), audio (mp3), will automatically detect the extension of each media and apply the adapted player.

54) wSlide -Change your lists in animated box (with pagination)

55) Hover Sub Tags- Using jQuery to reduce the size of the tag cloud that you have on your sites, for example if you have Ajax as a tag, you can have jquery, mootools, etc… as sub-tags. A Sub Tag Cloud will appear when hovering over the main Tag links.

56) Pagination- Create navigational elements, when you have a a large list of items you can display them grouped in pages and present navigational elements to move from one page to another.

57) Accordion Menu -In this Accordion menu example, the menu headers are H3 tags, with each sub menu being UL tags that expand/ contract.

58) jQuery Treeview Plugin

59) Coda-Slider- Amazing jQuery Coda-Slider can be used for Nice, slick content presentation.

60) Simple Horizontal Accordion

61) TableRowCheckboxToggle - It generically adds the toggle function to any table rows you specify based on the css class names. It will by default toggle any checkboxes within the table row.

62) TableEditor - TableEditor provides flexible in place editing of HTML tables.

63) Ingrid - ngrid is an unobtrusive jQuery component that adds datagrid behaviors (column resizing, paging, sorting, row and column styling, and more) to your tables.

64) jQuery Nice Form - Create custom looking form elements, that function like normal form elements.

65) Easy Multi Select Transfer- Allowing options to be traded from one multi select to another.

66) jQuery Form Plugin- Allows you to easily and unobtrusively upgrade HTML forms to use AJAX by using ajaxForm and ajaxSubmit methods to gather information from the form element and determine how to manage the submit process which allows you to have full control over how the data is submitted.

67) jQuery.SerialScroll - This plugin allows you to easily animate any series of elements, by sequentially scrolling them. You can use it as a section slider, text scroller, slideshows, and news ticker.

68) liScroll - LiScroll is a jQuery plugin that transforms any given unordered list into a scrolling News Ticker

69) Spinner - Allows you to cycle through millions of items or groups of items with the appearance of a scroller and functionality of a page horizontally or vertically.

70) jWYSIWYG - This plugin is an inline content editor to allow editing rich HTML content on the fly.

71) Simple chained combobox -Very simple chained selects plugin for jQuery with JSON processing and callback feature, chain multiple selects with ease.

72) jQuery checkbox

73) jGrow -jGrow is a jQuery plug-in that makes the textarea adjust its size according to the length of the text.

74) jTruncate in Action - jTruncate provides simple yet customizable truncation for text entities in your web page.

75) toggleElements - toggleElements is designed to hide informations on your site and show it only when the user requests more information.

76) Drop Shadows - Interesting Drop shadow effect generated by a jQuery Plugin.

77) Gradient jQuery plugin - It allows you to define a gradient fill and have an element filled with a gradient. You can set the direction of the gradient (right-left or up-down) and the opacity of the gradient easily.

78) Gradient - The gradient plugin adds a dynamically created configurable gradient to the background of an element without the use of images.

79) Facebox -Is a jQuery-based, Facebook-style lightbox which can display images, divs, or entire remote pages.

80) jQuery Lightbox Plugin- (balupton edition)

81) jQueryColorPicker - A simple jquery color picker plugin that can make user change the color of the background of the page easily.

82) Animated InnerFade- Full w3c compliant animated slideshow with sliding effect on large images.

83) Easy POP Show 1.0 Release - Full screen show for slide news or Image Gallery.

84) jqChart- Ajax & Draggable Simple Chart on Canvas+jQuery.

85) UI Datepicker -A simple jQuery UI Datepicker. Just add a text input field to your page and then attach the datepicker to it.

86) JSmile - A totally unobtrusive way for both (x)html and javascript events/functionality, this plug-in allows you to add, and remove, smiles in an entire document or only in some specified element.

87) ImgAreaSelect - imgAreaSelect is a jQuery plugin for selecting a rectangular area of an image.

88) jPrintArea-jPrintArea is a small jquery plugin to print only contents of a specified element. Check out their demo page

89) jTabber- Allows you to scroll through content by clicking on tabs, without the page having to reload.

90) jQuery Calculation Plug-in - The Calculation plug-in is designed to give easy-to-use jQuery functions for commonly used mathematical functions.

91) jquery.biggerlink - A jQuery plugin to make it really easy to enable the specified element/s to behave as a proxy for their first contained link.

92) Humanized Messages- It’s simply a large and translucent message that’s displayed over the contents of your screen. They fade away when the user takes any action (like typing or moving the mouse).

93) Ajax Manager -Helps you to manage AJAX requests and responses (i.e. abort requests, block requests, order responses).

94) Background-Position Animation

95) Lazyload-Delays loading of images in (long) web pages. Images below the fold (the ones lower than window bottom) are not loaded. When scrolling down they are loaded when needed.Check out their demo page

96) jQuery Tag Suggestion- The same tag suggesting as-you-type support that del.icio.us is uses. Check out their demo page

Via: noupe

More On Plugins.jQuery.com

jQuery 是继 prototype 之后又一个优秀的 Javascript 框架。其宗旨是—写更少的代码,做更多的事情。它是轻量级的 js 库(压缩后只有21k) ,这是其它的 js 库所不 jquery及的,它兼容 CSS3,还兼容各种浏览器(IE 6.0+, FF 1.5+, Safari 2.0+, Opera 9.0+)。 jQuery 是一个快速的,简洁的 javaScript 库,使用户能更方便地处理 HTML documents、events、实现动画效果,并且方便地为网站提供 AJAX 交互。 jQuery 还有一个比较大的优势是,它的文档说明很全,而且各种应用也说得很详细,同时还有许多成熟的插件可供选择。 jQuery 能够使用户的 html 页保持代码和 html 内容分离,也就是说,不用再在 html 里面插入一堆js来调用命令了,只需定义 id 即可。今天在 Kollermedia.at上发现了一篇JQuery插件列表的 文章,特推荐如下。

文件上传(File upload)

Ajax File Upload.
Multiple File Upload plugin.
jQuery File Style.
Styling an input type file.
Progress Bar Plugin.

表单验证(Form Validation)

jQuery Validation.
Auto Help.
Simple jQuery form validation.
jQuery XAV - form validations.
jQuery AlphaNumeric.
Masked Input.
TypeWatch Plugin.
Text limiter for form fields.
Ajax Username Check with jQuery.

表单-选取框(Form - Select Box stuff)

jQuery Combobox.
jQuery controlled dependent (or Cascadign) Select List.
Multiple Selects.
Select box manipulation.
Select Combo Plugin.
jQuery - LinkedSelect
Auto-populate multiple select boxes.
Choose Plugin (Select Replacement).

表单基本、输入框、选择框等(Form Basics, Input Fields, Checkboxes etc.)

jQuery Form Plugin.
jLook Nice Forms.
Ping Plugin.
Toggle Form Text.
jQuery Field Plugin.
jQuery Form’n Field plugin.
jQuery Checkbox manipulation.
jQuery labelcheck.
3 state radio buttons.
ShiftCheckbox jQuery Plugin.
Watermark Input.
jQuery Checkbox (checkboxes with imags).
jQuery SpinButton Control.
jQuery Ajax Form Builder.
jQuery Focus Fields.
jQuery Time Entry.

时间、日期和颜色选取(Time, Date and Color Picker)

jQuery UI Datepicker.
jQuery date picker plugin.
jQuery Time Picker.
Time Picker.
Farbtastic jQuery Color Picker Plugin.
Color Picker by intelliance.fr.

投票插件(Rating Plugins)

jQuery Star Rating Plugin.
jQuery Star Rater.
Content rater with asp.net, ajax and jQuery.
Half-Star Rating Plugin.

搜索插件(Search Plugins)

jQuery Suggest.
jQuery Autocomplete.
jQuery Autocomplete Mod.
jQuery Autocomplete by AjaxDaddy.
jQuery Autocomplete Plugin with HTML formatting.
jQuery Autocompleter.
AutoCompleter (Tutorial with PHP&MySQL).
quick Search jQuery Plugin.

编辑器(Inline Edit & Editors)

jQuery jFrame.
Jeditable - edit in place plugin for jQuery.
jQuery editable.
jQuery Disable Text Select Plugin.
Edit in Place with Ajax using jQuery.
jQuery Plugin - Another In-Place Editor.
tEditable - in place table editing for jQuery.

多媒体、视频、Flash等(Audio, Video, Flash, SVG, etc)

jMedia - accessible multi-media embedding.
JBEdit - Ajax online Video Editor.
jQuery MP3 Plugin.
jQuery Media Plugin.
jQuery Flash Plugin.
Embed QuickTime.
SVG Integration.


jQuery lightBox plugin.
jQuery Image Strip.
jQuery slideViewer.
jQuery jqGalScroll 2.0.
jQuery - jqGalViewII.
jQuery - jqGalViewIII.
jQuery Photo Slider.
jQuery Thumbs - easily create thumbnails.
jQuery jQIR Image Replacement.
jCarousel Lite.
Interface Imagebox.
Image Gallery using jQuery, Interface & Reflactions.
simple jQuery Gallery.
jQuery Gallery Module.
EO Gallery.
jQuery ScrollShow.
jQuery Cycle Plugin.
jQuery Flickr.
jQuery Lazy Load Images Plugin.
Zoomi - Zoomable Thumbnails.
jQuery Crop - crop any image on the fly.
Image Reflection.

Google地图(Google Map)

jQuery Plugin googlemaps.
jMaps jQuery Maps Framework.
jQuery & Google Maps.
jQuery Maps Interface forr Google and Yahoo maps.
jQuery J Maps - by Tane Piper.


Tetris with jQuery.
jQuery Chess.
Mad Libs Word Game.
jQuery Puzzle.
jQuery Solar System (not a game but awesome jQuery Stuff).

表格等(Tables, Grids etc.)



jQuery ingrid.
jQuery Grid Plugin.
Table Filter - awesome!.
jQuery Tree Tables.
Expandable “Detail” Table Rows.
Sortable Table ColdFusion Costum Tag with jQuery UI.
jQuery Bubble.
Scrollable HTML Table.
jQuery column Manager Plugin.
jQuery tableHover Plugin.
jQuery columnHover Plugin.
jQuery Grid.
TableSorter plugin for jQuery.
tEditable - in place table editing for jQuery.
jQuery charToTable Plugin.
jQuery Grid Column Sizing.
jQuery Grid Row Sizing.


统计图(Charts, Presentation etc.)

jQuery Wizard Plugin .
jQuery Chart Plugin.
Bar Chart.

边框、圆角、背景(Border, Corners, Background)

jQuery Corner.
jQuery Curvy Corner.
Nifty jQuery Corner.
Transparent Corners.
jQuery Corner Gallery.
Gradient Plugin.

文字和超链接(Text and Links)

jQuery Spoiler plugin.
Text Highlighting.
Disable Text Select Plugin.
jQuery Newsticker.
Auto line-height Plugin.
Textgrad - a text gradient plugin.
LinkLook - a link thumbnail preview.
pager jQuery Plugin.
shortKeys jQuery Plugin.
jQuery Biggerlink.
jQuery Ajax Link Checker.


jQuery Plugin - Tooltip.
jTip - The jQuery Tool Tip.
Flash Tooltips using jQuery.

菜单和导航(Menus, Navigations)

jQuery Tabs Plugin - awesome! . [demo nested tabs.]
another jQuery nested Tab Set example (based on jQuery Tabs Plugin).
jQuery idTabs.
jdMenu - Hierarchical Menu Plugin for jQuery.
jQuery SuckerFish Style.
jQuery Plugin Treeview.
treeView Basic.
FastFind Menu.
Sliding Menu.
Lava Lamp jQuery Menu.
jQuery iconDock.
jVariations Control Panel.
ContextMenu plugin.
CSS Dock Menu.
jQuery Pop-up Menu Tutorial.
Sliding Menu.


幻灯、翻转等(Accordions, Slide and Toggle stuff)

jQuery Plugin Accordion.
jQuery Accordion Plugin Horizontal Way.
haccordion - a simple horizontal accordion plugin for jQuery.
Horizontal Accordion by portalzine.de.
Accordion Example from fmarcia.info.
jQuery Accordion Example.
jQuery Demo - Expandable Sidebar Menu.
Sliding Panels for jQuery.
jQuery ToggleElements.
Coda Slider.
Accesible News Slider Plugin.
Showing and Hiding code Examples.
jQuery Easing Plugin.
jQuery Portlets.

拖放插件(Drag and Drop)

EasyDrag jQuery Plugin.
jQuery Portlets.
jqDnR - drag, drop resize.
Drag Demos.


XSLT Plugin.
jQuery Ajax call and result XML parsing.
xmlObjectifier - Converts XML DOM to JSON.
jQuery XSL Transform.
jQuery Taconite - multiple Dom updates.
RSS/ATOM Feed Parser Plugin.
jQuery Google Feed Plugin.


Wresize - IE Resize event Fix Plugin.
jQuery ifixpng.
jQuery pngFix.
Link Scrubber - removes the dotted line onfocus from links.
jQuery Perciformes - the entire suckerfish familly under one roof.
Background Iframe.
QinIE - for proper display of Q tags in IE.
jQuery Accessibility Plugin.
jQuery MouseWheel Plugin.

对话框、确认窗口(Alert, Prompt, Confirm Windows)

jQuery Impromptu.
jQuery Confirm Plugin.


jQuery Style Switcher.
JSS - Javascript StyleSheets.
jQuery Rule - creation/manipulation of CSS Rules.

DOM、AJAX和其它JQuery插件(DOM, Ajax and other jQuery plugins)

jQuery Dimenion Plugin.
jQuery Loggin.
Metadata - extract metadata from classes, attributes, elements.
Super-tiny Client-Side Include Javascript jQuery Plugin.
Undo Made Easy with Ajax.
JHeartbeat - periodically poll the server.
Lazy Load Plugin.
Live Query.
jQuery Timers.
jQuery Share it - display social bookmarking icons.
jQuery serverCookieJar.
jQuery autoSave.
jQuery Puffer.
jQuery iFrame Plugin.
Cookie Plugin for jQuery.
jQuery Spy - awesome plugin.
Effect Delay Trick.
jQuick - a quick tag creator for jQuery.


Another Article:http://www.noupe.com/ajax/50-amazing-jquery-examples-part1.html


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