

作者:Laura Peters, Editor-in-Chief -- Semiconductor International   2009-04-03   点击:102


2009年3月27日,欧洲委员会视察了位于比利时鲁汶(Leuven)市的独立半导体研究机构IMEC(Interuniversity Microelectronics Center)。数名欧洲委员会总理事(Directorate General)与法国、荷兰及英国政府的相关负责人考察了IMEC的设施。 

SEMI表示,在到07年的3年间,欧洲在世界半导体市场的产能份额已缩小至原来的3/4左右。业界的设备投资方面,亚洲和美国占75%,面向欧洲的投资与之相比规模要小。视察IMEC的欧洲委员会纳米电子部门的Dirk Beernaert表示,“为了使欧洲的半导体产业继续保持技术创新能力及竞争力,欧盟(EU)、各成员国政府及其他公共机构要与产业界合作,紧急采取有力措施进行支援”。

At a strategic meeting Friday at the IMEC facility in Leuven, Belgium, European semiconductor executives called for strong and urgent action by the European Union and national governments so that Europe can remain competitive in the semiconductor industry. “We need to find a European solution, and to back it up with the EU is a challenge — it takes time and if we wait too long, some of these companies might not exist anymore,” said Heinz Kundert, president of SEMI Europe, in an interview with Semiconductor International following the meeting.

Heinz Kundert, president of SEMI Europe
Heinz Kundert, president of SEMI Europe
SEMI Europe, with support from the European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA), organized a meeting of more than 40 representatives from several directorate generals of the European Commission, to discuss the urgent need for the European semiconductor industry to remain the cornerstone of Europe’s competitiveness and innovation. “Our duty is to let the representatives at very high levels of the national governments and the EU know of the urgency of the matter; I think we made quite good progress on that today,” Kundert said. This meeting happens to coincide with the likely bankruptcy of Qimonda, a maker of memory devices that employs 3500 people in Saxony and 1500 in Munich.

Kundert said that the full-scale rescue of Qimonda would be quite difficult. Addressing the bigger picture, he said, “These projects are too big to be solved by one company or a single nation.” Still, Kundert is optimistic that Europe is moving in the right direction, arguing that “the situation has improved, we can clearly say.”

Francois Escher, co-chair of ESIA Competitiveness Task Force
Francois Escher, co-chair of ESIA Competitiveness Task Force
In a statement, Francois Escher, co-chair of the ESIA Competitiveness Task Force, said, “As part of a dedicated innovation-led industrial policy, a globally competitive European industry needs effective measures in place along the four innovation pillars of R&D, lead markets, manufacturing and education. Europe is already on the right track in identifying and prioritizing today’s and tomorrow’s major societal needs.”

At the SEMI Brussels Forum in December 2008, Enrico Villa, senior advisor at STMicroelectronics NV (Geneva), argued that Europe’s taxation policies, industrial incentives, labor costs and labor flexibility are “not competitive compared to Asia.” Such policies have led to a decline in Europe’s share of the chip market from 21% to 16% since 2000.

In October, SEMI released a white paper eliciting its “Six Recommendations to the European Union and National Governments to Increase Europe’s Microelectronic Industry Competitiveness.”

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vc++全版本组件大全 VC++运行时(Visual C++ Runtime)是VC++开发环境中用于支持C和C++程序运行的基础库集合。这些库包含了执行C/C++程序所必需的基本函数和数据结构,例如内存管理、字符串操作、输入输出处理、异常处理等。VC++运行时库分为静态库和动态库两种形式,以适应不同类型的项目需求。 静态链接库 vs 动态链接库 静态链接库(Static Linking Libraries):在编译时,静态库的代码会被直接嵌入到最终生成的可执行文件中。这意味着每个使用静态库的程序都会包含库代码的一个副本,导致最终程序的体积较大,但不需要外部库文件支持即可独立运行。在VC++中,静态链接库的例子有LIBC.lib(用于单线程程序)和LIBCMT.lib(用于多线程程序)。 动态链接库(Dynamic Link Libraries):与静态链接相反,动态库的代码并不直接加入到应用程序中,而是在程序运行时被加载。这使得多个程序可以共享同一份库代码,节省了系统资源。VC++的动态运行时库主要通过msvcrt.dll(或其变体,如MSVCRTD.dll用于调试版本)实现,与之配套的导入库(Import Library)如CRTDLL.lib用于链接阶段。 运行时库的版本 VC++运行时库随着Visual Studio版本的更新而发展,每个版本都可能引入新的特性和优化,同时保持向后兼容性。例如,有VC++ 2005、2008、2010直至2019等多个版本的运行时库,每个版本都对应着特定的开发环境和Windows操作系统。 重要性 VC++运行时对于确保程序正确运行至关重要。当程序在没有安装相应运行时库的计算机上执行时,可能会遇到因缺失DLL文件(如MSVCP*.dll, VCRUNTIME*.dll等)而导致的错误。因此,开发完成后,通常需要分发相应的VC++ Redistributable Packages给最终用户安装,以确保程序能够在目标系统上顺利运行。 安装与部署 安装VC++运行时库通常是通过Microsoft提供的Redistributable Packages完成的,这是一个简单的过程,用户只需运行安装程序即可自动安装所需组件。对于开发者而言,了解和管理不同版本的运行时库对于确保应用程序的广泛兼容性和可靠性是必要的。


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