


Quantum Information Science

Quantum sensing

Improving sensitivity and spatial resolution.


Quantum cryptography

Privacy founded on fundamental laws of quantum physics.


Quantum networking

Distributing quantumness around the world.


Quantum simulation

Probes of exotic quantum many-body phenomena.


Quantum computing

Speeding up solutions to hard problems.


Quantum information concepts

Entanglement, error correction, complexity, …


Frontiers of Physics(物理前沿)

short distancelong distancecomplexity
Higgs boson(希格斯玻色子)Large scale structure(宇宙大尺度结构)Many-body entanglement(多体纠缠)
Neutrino masses(中微子质量)Cosmic microwave background(宇宙微波背景辐射)Phases of quantum matter(量子物质的相位)
Supersymmetry(超对称性)Dark matter(暗物质)Quantum computing(量子计算)
Quantum gravity(量子引力)Dark energy(暗能量)Quantum spacetime(量子时空)
String theory(弦理论)Gravitational waves(引力波)

Two fundamental ideas

  1. Quantum complexity(量子复杂性)

​ Why we think quantum computing is powerful.(为什么我们认为量子计算很强大)

  1. Quantum error correction(量子纠错)

​ Why we think quantum computing is scalable.(为什么我们认为量子计算是可伸缩的)

Quantum entanglement(量子纠缠)


Nearly all the information in a typical entangled “quantum book” is encoded in the correlations among the “pages”.You can’t access the information if you read the book one page at a time. (在一本典型的纠缠“量子书”中,几乎所有的信息都被编码在“页面”之间的关联中。如果你一页一页地阅读这本书,你就无法获取信息。)


A complete description of a typical quantum state of just 300 qubits requires more bits than the number of atoms in the visible universe.(一个只有300个量子位的典型量子态的完整描述需要的原子数比可见宇宙中原子的数量更多)

Why we think quantum computing is powerful


  1. Problems believed to be hard classically, which are easy for quantum computers. Factoring is the best known example.
  1. Complexity theory arguments indicating that quantum computers are hard to simulate classically.


  2. We don’t know how to simulate a quantum computer efficiently using a digital (“classical”) computer. The cost of the best known simulation algorithm rises exponentially with the number of qubits.


But … the power of quantum computing is limited. For example, we don’t believe that quantum computers can efficiently solve worst-case instances of NP-hard optimization problems (e.g., the traveling salesman problem).




“The theory of everything?”

“The Theory of Everything is not even remotely a theory of every thing … We know this equation is correct … However, it cannot be solved accurately when the number of particles exceeds about 10. No computer existing, or that will ever exist, can break this barrier because it is a catastrophe of dimension
… We have succeeded in reducing all of ordinary physical behavior to a simple, correct Theory of Everything only to discover that it has revealed exactly nothing about many things of great importance.”
R. B. Laughlin and D. Pines, PNAS 2000.“万物理论甚至远不是万物理论……我们知道这个方程是正确的……然而,当粒子数超过10个左右时,它就无法精确求解。现有的或将永远存在的任何计算机都无法打破这一障碍,因为这是一场维度灾难

image-20220205221457678“Nature isn’t classical, dammit, and if you want to make a simulation of Nature, you’d better make it quantum mechanical, and by golly it’s a wonderful problem because it doesn’t look so easy.”
R. P. Feynman, 1981自然不是经典的,该死的,如果你想模拟自然,你最好用量子力学,天哪,这是一个很好的问题,因为它看起来不那么容易。

A quantum computer can simulate efficiently any physical process that occurs in Nature.

(Maybe. We don’t actually know for sure.)

particle collision(粒子碰撞)molecular chemistry(分子化学)entangled electrons(纠缠电子)
superconductor(超导体)black hole(黑洞)early universe(早期宇宙)

Understanding strongly interacting quantum systems will be like the transition from alchemy to chemistry(理解强相互作用的量子系统就像是从炼金术到化学的过渡)

Why quantum computing is hard

  1. We want qubits to interact strongly with one another.(我们希望量子位元彼此之间有强烈的相互作用)

  2. We don’t want qubits to interact with the environment.(我们不希望量子比特与环境相互作用)

  3. Except when we control or measure them. (除非当我们控制或测量它们)


Decoherence explains why quantum phenomena, though observable in the microscopic systems studied in the physics lab, are not manifest in the macroscopic physical systems that we encounter in our ordinary experience.(退相干解释了为什么量子现象,虽然在物理实验室研究的微观系统中可以观察到,但在我们日常经验中遇到的宏观物理系统中却没有表现出来)

量子相干性  先介绍一下“量子相干性”。



























About Sycamore(悬铃木)

“Quantum David vs. Classical Goliath”

Afully programmablecircuit-based quantum computer.n= 53 working qubits in a two-dimensional array with coupling of nearest neighbors.
A circuit with 20 layers of 2-qubit gatescan be executed millions of times in a few minutes, yielding verifiable results.
Simulating this quantum circuit using a classical supercomputer is hard.It would take at least days, possibly much longer.
Furthermore, the cost of the classical simulation grows exponentially with the number of qubits.
Conclusion:the hardware is working well enoughto produce meaningful results in a regime where classical simulation is very difficult.

What quantum computational supremacy means

“Quantum David vs. Classical Goliath”

It’s a programmable circuit-based quantum computer. (这是一台基于可编程电路的量子计算机。)

An impressive achievement in experimental physics and a testament to ongoing progress in building quantum computing hardware.(这是一项令人印象深刻的实验物理学成就,也是量子计算硬件建设不断进步的证明。)

We have arguably entered the regime where the extravagant exponential resources of the quantum world can be validated.(可以说,我们已经进入了一个制度,在这个制度中,量子世界的奢侈指数资源可以得到验证。)

This confirmation does not surprise (most) physicists, but it’s a milestonefor technology on planet earth. (这一确认并不令(大多数)物理学家感到惊讶,但它是地球上技术的里程碑。)

Building a quantum computer is merely really, really hard, not ridiculously hard. The hardware is working; we can begin a serious search for useful applications.(Building a quantum computer is merely *really, really hard, not ridiculously hard. The hardware is working; we can begin a serious search for useful applications.)

But the specific task performed by Sycamore to demonstrate quantum computational supremacy is not particularly useful.(但是,为了证明量子计算的优越性而执行的具体任务并不是特别有用。)

Quantum computing in the NISQ Era

The (noisy) 50-100 qubit quantum computer has arrived.


(NISQ = noisy intermediate-scale quantum.)


NISQ devices cannot be simulated by brute force using the most powerful currently existing supercomputers. (NISQ设备无法用目前最强大的超级计算机进行暴力模拟)

Noise limits the computational power of NISQ-era technology.(噪音限制了NISQ时代技术的计算能力)

NISQ will be an interesting tool for exploring physics. It might also have other useful applications. But we’re not sure about that.(NISQ将成为探索物理的有趣工具。它可能还有其他有用的应用。但我们对此不确定)

NISQ will not change the world by itself. Rather it is a step toward more powerful quantum technologies of the future. (NISQ本身不会改变世界。相反,这是朝着未来更强大的量子技术迈出的一步)

Potentially transformative scalable quantum computers may still be decades away. We’re not sure how long it will take.(具有潜在变革性的可伸缩量子计算机可能还需要几十年的时间。我们不确定需要多长时间)

Hybrid quantum/classical optimizers


We don’t expect a quantum computer to solve worst case instances of NP-hard problems, but it might find better approximate
solutions, or find them faster. (我们不指望量子计算机能解决NP难问题的最坏情况,但它可能会找到更好的近似解,或者更快地找到它们)
Classical optimization algorithms (for both classical and quantum problems) are sophisticated and well-honed after decades of hard work. (经典优化算法(用于经典和量子问题)经过几十年的努力,已经非常成熟和完善)
We don’t know whether NISQ devices can do better, but we can try it and see how well it works. (我们不知道NISQ设备是否能做得更好,但我们可以尝试一下,看看它的效果如何)

The era of quantum heuristics


Peter Shor: “You don’t need them [testbeds] to be big enough to solve useful problems, just big enough to tell whether you can solve useful problems.”(你不需要它们(试验台)大到足以解决有用的问题,只需要它们大到足以告诉你是否能解决有用的问题。)

Sometimes algorithms are effective in practice even though theorists are not able to validate their performance in advance. (有时算法在实践中是有效的,即使理论工作者无法提前验证它们的性能)

Example: Deep learning. Mostly tinkering so far, without much theory input.(深度学习。到目前为止,大部分是修补,没有太多的理论投入)

Possible quantum examples:
Quantum annealers, approximate optimizers, variational eigensolvers, quantum machine learning … playing around may give us new ideas.(量子退火机、近似优化器、变分本征解算器、量子机器学习……使用这些可能会给我们带来新的想法)

What can we do with, say, < 100 qubits, depth < 100? We need a dialog between quantum algorithm experts and application users. (比如说,<100量子位,深度<100,我们能做什么?我们需要量子算法专家和应用程序用户之间的对话)

Maybe we’ll get lucky …

The steep climb to scalability


NISQ-era quantum devices will not be protected by quantum error correction. Noise will limit the scale of computations that can be executed accurately.(NISQ时代的量子设备将不受量子纠错保护。噪声会限制可以准确执行的计算规模)

Quantum error correction (QEC) will be essential for solving some hard problems. But QEC carries a high overhead cost in number of qubits & gates.(量子纠错(QEC)对于解决一些难题至关重要。但QEC在量子位和门的数量上有很高的开销)

This cost depends on both the hardware quality and algorithm complexity. With today’s hardware, solving (say) useful chemistry problems may require hundreds to thousands of physical qubits for each protected logical qubit. (这一成本取决于硬件质量和算法复杂性。有了今天的硬件,解决(比如)有用的化学问题可能需要为每个受保护的逻辑量子位提供数百到数千个物理量子位)

Recent estimate: 20 million physical qubits to break RSA 2048 (Gidney, Ekerå 2019), for gate error rate 10-3.(2000万个物理量子位将打破RSA 2048,门错误率为10-3)

To reach scalability, we must cross the daunting “quantum chasm” from hundreds to millions of physical qubits. This may take a while. (为了实现可伸缩性,我们必须跨越令人生畏的“量子鸿沟”,从数百个物理量子位到数百万个物理量子位。这可能需要一段时间)

Advances in quantum gate fidelity, systems engineering, algorithm design, and error correction protocols can hasten the arrival of the fully fault-tolerant .(量子门保真度、系统工程、算法设计和纠错协议的进步可以加速完全容错量子计算机的到来)


Quantum speedups in the NISQ era and beyond


Quantum computational supremacy demonstrations confirm the extravagant computation resources provided by the quantum world.(量子计算霸权的演示证实了量子世界提供的奢侈计算资源)

In the NISQ era we can explore heuristic quantum algorithms. Near-term quantum advantage for useful applications is possible, but not guaranteed. (在NISQ时代,我们可以探索启发式量子算法。在有用的应用中,短期量子优势是可能的,但不能保证)

For truly scalable quantum computing, quantum error correction will be required. But QEC has a dauntingly high overhead cost, and will not be feasible in the near term.(对于真正可扩展的量子计算,需要进行量子纠错。但QEC的间接成本高得吓人,短期内不可行。)

Lower quantum gate error rates will lower the overhead cost of quantum error correction, and also extend the reach of quantum algorithms which do not use error correction.(较低的量子门错误率将降低量子纠错的开销成本,并扩展不使用纠错的量子算法的应用范围)

NISQ will not change the world by itself. Realistically, the goal for near-term quantum platforms should be to pave the way for bigger payoffs using future devices. Progress toward fault-tolerant QC must continue to be a high priority for quantum technologists.(NISQ本身不会改变世界。实际上,近期量子平台的目标应该是为使用未来设备获得更大回报铺平道路。在容错质量控制方面取得进展必须继续成为量子技术专家的高度优先事项)

Quantum information vs. Classical information

  1. Randomness.

    Clicks in a Geiger counter are intrinsically random, not pseudorandom. Can’t predict outcome even with the most complete possible knowledge of the state. (盖革计数器中的咔哒声本质上是随机的,而不是伪随机的。即使对状况有尽可能全面的了解,也无法预测结果)

  2. Uncertainty.

    Operators A and B do not commute means that measuring A influences the outcome of a subsequent measurement of B. (操作员A和B不通勤意味着测量A会影响后续测量B的结果)

  3. Entanglement.

    The whole is more definite than the parts. Even if we have the complete possible knowledge of the (pure) state of joint system AB, the (mixed) state of A may be highly uncertain.(整体比局部更明确。即使我们完全了解关节系统AB的(纯)状态,A的(混合)状态也可能是高度不确定的)

a subsequent measurement of B. (操作员A和B不通勤意味着测量A会影响后续测量B的结果)

  1. Entanglement.

    The whole is more definite than the parts. Even if we have the complete possible knowledge of the (pure) state of joint system AB, the (mixed) state of A may be highly uncertain.(整体比局部更明确。即使我们完全了解关节系统AB的(纯)状态,A的(混合)状态也可能是高度不确定的)

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### 回答1: 《量子化学计算入门-202003.pdf》是一本介绍量子化学计算基础知识的文件。量子化学计算是基于量子力学原理,利用计算机模拟和解析分子的性质和反应的方法。 文件首先介绍了量子化学计算的背景和基本概念,包括量子力学的一些基本原理和概念,如波函数、波函数方程、薛定谔方程等。然后介绍了分子的基本结构和电子结构计算方法,如分子轨道理论、哈特里-福克方法等。 文件还介绍了量子化学计算中的一些重要工具和技术,如基组、近似方法、数值方法等。其中,基组是描述分子电子结构时所用的一组数学函数,近似方法是为了简化计算而对波函数进行近似处理的方法,数值方法是计算机用于求解波函数方程的方法。 此外,文件还介绍了一些常用的量子化学计算软件和工具,如Gaussian、GAMESS、NWChem等。这些软件提供了一些实用的功能和方法,可以用于计算分子的电子结构、反应性质和光谱等。 总的来说,这本文件是一本适合初学者的量子化学计算入门指南,介绍了量子化学计算的基础知识、方法和工具,对于想要了解和学习量子化学计算的人来说是一本很好的参考资料。 ### 回答2: 《量子化学计算入门-202003.pdf》是一份关于量子化学计算入门的文件。量子化学计算是一种利用量子力学理论和计算方法来模拟和预测分子结构、属性和反应的计算方法。 这份文件从入门角度介绍了量子化学计算的基本原理和方法。首先,它介绍了量子化学计算的背景和基本概念,包括量子力学的基本原理和分子的量子力学描述。其次,它介绍了量子化学计算的基本步骤,包括构建分子模型、确定分子的能量和波尔兹曼权重等。然后,它介绍了常见的量子化学计算方法,如哈特里-福克方法、密度泛函理论和双重杂化方法,并讨论了它们的优缺点和适用范围。 此外,该文件还介绍了常用的量子化学计算软件和工具,如Gaussian、GAMESS和VASP等,并提供了相关软件的下载链接和使用说明。同时,它还提供了一些量子化学计算的案例和实例,帮助读者更好地理解和应用所学知识。 综上所述,《量子化学计算入门-202003.pdf》是一份入门级别的量子化学计算指南,适用于对该领域感兴趣的学习者。通过学习这份文件,读者可以了解量子化学计算的基本原理和方法,掌握常见的计算工具和软件,并能够进行简单的量子化学计算。


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