
In 2024, the mental health blue book released in Beijing showed that more than half of the employees in the banking industry have poor mental health. 54.9% of employees have anxiety; 30.6% of employees show a high degree of burnout at work; 61.2% of employees feel high or great stress. The survey shows that 48.0% of bank employees work more than 50 hours a week, and 4.8% of them even work more than 70 hours a week. In addition, 40.8% of employees exercise less than one hour a week, and 17.8% of employees have irregular meals and cannot eat three meals on time. These bad living habits have a great impact on their physical and mental health.

This study found that the overall stress level of employees in the banking industry is currently high, and the factors that bring greater pressure to employees are mainly fierce competition in the industry, fast work pace, high liability risks, high mechanical repetitiveness, heavy daily workload, and cost of living. High and traffic pressure. Among them, except for the latter two, the rest belong to work pressure.

Under the influence of high work pressure and bad living habits, employees in the banking industry have begun to suffer from sub-health conditions, including tired and dry eyes, easy fatigue, cervical/lumbar pain, memory loss, pharyngitis, rhinitis, etc. Among them, pharyngitis and rhinitis are physical symptoms unique to bank employees. They are more common in women and counter workers. The symptoms are also more obvious in some senior managers.

The survey shows that the mental health conditions of employees aged 30 to 35, employees with a bachelor's degree or below, employees in counter positions, senior managers and divorced employees are worse than those of other groups of employees. People who need to focus on. They have obvious tendencies to depression and anxiety, and their job burnout is also the most prominent.

In recent years, due to the substitution of electronic channels, the shift from labor dispatch to labor outsourcing, and employees' own considerations, the employees lost by various banks are mainly those with associate degrees or below. These employees are mainly engaged in counter, lobby and technical work. The salary Treatment is average. Moreover, in order to obtain and maintain competitive advantages, modern banks have increasingly high demands on their employees. Employees often face huge workloads, fierce competition among colleagues, and a tense working atmosphere that causes physical and mental suffering.

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