

Geometric Transformations and Image Processing

1 Transforming Points


我们可以将这种输入到输出的正向的空间映射用公式表达为: ( x , y ) = T { ( w , z } {(x,y)=T\{(w,z\}} (x,y)=T{(w,z}。如果可以反向映射的话,表达式满足 ( u , z ) = T − 1 { ( x , y ) } {(u,z)=T^{-1}\{(x,y)\}} (u,z)=T1{(x,y)}

图像的geometric transformations(几何变换)也就被定为geometric coordinate transformations(几何坐标变换)。我们令 f ( w , z ) {f(w,z)} f(w,z)表示输入空间的一幅图像, g ( x , y ) {g(x,y)} g(x,y)表示输出空间的一幅图像,那么根据上述映射关系,我么可以得到: g ( x , y ) = f ( T − 1 { ( x , y ) } ) {g(x,y)=f(T^{-1}\{(x,y)\})} g(x,y)=f(T1{(x,y)})

在MATLAB中,我们使用function maketform创建转换形式变量tform:

tform = maketform(transform_type, params, ...)


tform = maketform('custom', ndims_in, ndims_out, forward_fcn, inv_function, tdata)


Example Creating a custom tform structure and using it to transform points

( x , y ) = T { ( w , z ) } = ( 3 w , 2 z ) ( w , z ) = T − 1 { ( x , y ) } = ( x / 3 , y / 2 ) (x,y)=T\{(w,z)\}=(3w,2z)\\ (w,z)=T^{-1}\{(x,y)\}=(x/3,y/2) (x,y)=T{(w,z)}=(3w,2z)(w,z)=T1{(x,y)}=(x/3,y/2)

>> forward_fcn = @(wz, tdata) [3*wz(:,1), 2*wz(:,2)];
>> inverse_fcn = @(xy, tdata) [xy(:,1)/3, xy(:,2)/2];
>> tform1 = maketform('custom', 2, 2, forward_fcn, inverse_fcn, [])
tform1 = 
  struct with fields:
       ndims_in: 2
      ndims_out: 2
    forward_fcn: @(wz,tdata)[3*wz(:,1),2*wz(:,2)]
    inverse_fcn: @(xy,tdata)[xy(:,1)/3,xy(:,2)/2]
          tdata: []

这里我们做一下简单的测试,并使用工具箱中的function tformfwdfunction tforminv进行正向和反向映射:

WZ = [1 1; 3 2];
>> XY = tformfwd(WZ, tform1)
XY =
     3     2
     9     4
>> WZ2 = tforminv(XY, tform1)
WZ2 =
     1     1
     3     2

( x , y ) = T { ( w , z ) } = ( w + 0.4 z , z ) ( w , z ) = T − 1 { ( x , y ) } = ( x − 0.4 y , y ) (x,y)=T\{(w,z)\}=(w+0.4z,z)\\ (w,z)=T^{-1}\{(x,y)\}=(x-0.4y,y) (x,y)=T{(w,z)}=(w+0.4z,z)(w,z)=T1{(x,y)}=(x0.4y,y)

>> forward_fcn2 = @(wz, tdata) [wz(:,1)+wz(:,2)*0.4, wz(:,2)];
>> inverse_fcn2 = @(xy, tdata) [xy(:,1)-xy(:,2)*0.4, xy(:,2)];
>> tform2 = maketform('custom', 2, 2, forward_fcn2, inverse_fcn2, []);
>> WZ
WZ =
     1     1
     3     2
>> XY = tformfwd(WZ, tform2)
XY =
    1.4000    1.0000
    3.8000    2.0000
>> WZ2 = tforminv(XY, tform2)
WZ2 =
    1.0000    1.0000
    3.0000    2.0000

我们根据上述概念,自定义两个M-function pointgridvistform,以便于目测并检验给定的变换

function pointgrid

function wz = pointgrid(corners)
%POINTGRID Points arranged on a grid.
%   WZ = POINTGRI D (CORNERS) computes a set point of points on a
%   grid containing 10 horizontal and vertical lines. Each line
%   contains 50 points. CORNERS is a 2-by-2 matrix. The first
%   row contains the horizontal and vertical coordinates of one
%   corner of the grid. The second row contains the coordinates
%   of the opposite corner. Each row of the P-by-2 output
%   matrix, WZ, contains the coordinates of a point on the output
%   grid.

% Create 10 horizontal lines containing 50 points each.
[w1, z1] = meshgrid(linspace(corners(1,1), corners(2,1), 46), ...
    linspace(corners(1), corners(2), 10));

% Create 10 vertical lines containing 50 points each.
[w2, z2] = meshgrid(linspace(corners(1,1), corners(2,1), 10), ...
    linspace(corners(1), corners(2), 46));

% Create a P-by-2 matrix containing all the input-space points.
wz = [w1(:), z1(:); w2(:), z2(:)];

function vistform

function vistform(tform, wz)
%VISTFORM Visualization transformation effect on set of points.
%   VISTFORM(TFORM, WZ) shows two plots. On the left are the
%   points in each row of the P-by-2 matrix WZ. On the right are
%   the spatially transformed points using TFORM.

% Transform the points to output space.
xy = tformfwd(tform, wz);

% Compute axes limits for both plots. Bump the limites outward slightly.
minlim = min([wz; xy], [], 1);
maxlim = max([wz; xy], [], 1);
bump = max((maxlim - minlim) * 0.05, 0.1);
limits = [minlim(1)-bump(1), maxlim(1)+bump(1), ...
    minlim(2)-bump(2), maxlim(2)+bump(2)];

grid_plot(wz, limits, 'w', 'z');

grid_plot(xy, limits, 'x', 'y');

function grid_plot(ab, limits, a_label, b_label)
plot(ab(:,1), ab(:,2), '.', 'MarkerSize', 2)
axis equal, axis ij, axis(limits);
set(gca, 'XAxisLocation', 'top')
xlabel(a_label), ylabel(b_label)


>> vistform(tform1, pointgrid([0 0; 100 100]))
>> figure, vistform(tform2, pointgrid([0 0; 100 100]))
image-20211121183001862 image-20211121182924445

2 Affine Transformations仿射变换

[ x , y ] = [ w , z ] [ a 11 a 12 a 21 a 22 ] + [ b 1 , b 2 ] 为 了 方 便 处 理 b , 所 以 空 间 坐 标 矩 阵 后 都 加 上 一 个 元 素 , 值 为 1 , 化 简 为 : [ x , y , 1 ] = [ w , z , 1 ] [ a 11 a 12 0 a 21 a 22 0 b 1 b 2 0 ] 我 们 就 可 以 令 T = [ a 11 a 12 0 a 21 a 22 0 b 1 b 2 0 ] , 则 上 述 公 式 简 化 为 [ x , y , 1 ] = [ w , z , 1 ] T [x,y]=[w,z]\left[\begin{matrix}a_{11}&a_{12}\\a_{21}&a_{22}\end{matrix}\right]+[b_1,b_2]\\ 为了方便处理b,所以空间坐标矩阵后都加上一个元素,值为1,化简为:\\ [x,y,1]=[w,z,1]\left[\begin{matrix}a_{11}&a_{12}&0\\a_{21}&a_{22}&0\\b_1&b_2&0\end{matrix}\right]\\ 我们就可以令T=\left[\begin{matrix}a_{11}&a_{12}&0\\a_{21}&a_{22}&0\\b_1&b_2&0\end{matrix}\right],则上述公式简化为[x,y,1]=[w,z,1]T [x,y]=[w,z][a11a21a12a22]+[b1,b2]便b1[x,y,1]=[w,z,1]a11a21b1a12a22b2000T=a11a21b1a12a22b2000[x,y,1]=[w,z,1]T
其中, T {T} T矩阵也称为affine matrix仿射矩阵,这里也就是affine参数起作用了。


>> T = [1 0 0; 0.4 1 0; 0 0 1];
>> tform3 = maketform('affine', T);
>> WZ = [1 1; 3 2];
>> XY = tformfwd(WZ, tform3)
XY =
    1.4000    1.0000
    3.8000    2.0000

那么,affine matrix的一个特殊形式如下:
T = [ s cos ⁡ θ s sin ⁡ θ 0 − s sin ⁡ θ s cos ⁡ θ 0 b 1 b 2 1 ] O R T = [ s cos ⁡ θ s sin ⁡ θ 0 s sin ⁡ θ − s cos ⁡ θ 0 b 1 b 2 1 ] T=\left[\begin{matrix}s\cos{\theta}&s\sin{\theta}&0\\-s\sin{\theta}&s\cos{\theta}&0\\b_1&b_2&1\end{matrix}\right]\\ OR\\ T=\left[\begin{matrix}s\cos{\theta}&s\sin{\theta}&0\\s\sin{\theta}&-s\cos{\theta}&0\\b_1&b_2&1\end{matrix}\right]\\ T=scosθssinθb1ssinθscosθb2001ORT=scosθssinθb1ssinθscosθb2001
这些,类似于旋转、平移和反射的,都属于affine transformations的子集,被称为similarity transformations。

我们简单罗列一下affine matrix对应的transformations:

Typeaffine matrixcoordinate equations
Identity [ 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ] {\left[\begin{matrix}1&0&0\\0&1&0\\0&0&1\end{matrix}\right]\\} 100010001 x = w y = z x=w\\y=z x=wy=z
Scaling [ s x 0 0 0 s y 0 0 0 1 ] {\left[\begin{matrix}s_x&0&0\\0&s_y&0\\0&0&1\end{matrix}\right]\\} sx000sy0001 x = s x w y = s y z x=s_xw\\y=s_yz x=sxwy=syz
Rotation [ s cos ⁡ θ s sin ⁡ θ 0 − s sin ⁡ θ s cos ⁡ θ 0 0 0 1 ] {\left[\begin{matrix}s\cos{\theta}&s\sin{\theta}&0\\-s\sin{\theta}&s\cos{\theta}&0\\0&0&1\end{matrix}\right]\\} scosθssinθ0ssinθscosθ0001 x = w cos ⁡ θ − z sin ⁡ θ y = w sin ⁡ θ + z cos ⁡ θ x=w\cos{\theta}-z\sin{\theta}\\y=w\sin{\theta}+z\cos{\theta} x=wcosθzsinθy=wsinθ+zcosθ
Shear(horizontal) [ 1 0 0 α 1 0 0 0 1 ] {\left[\begin{matrix}1&0&0\\\alpha&1&0\\0&0&1\end{matrix}\right]\\} 1α0010001 x = w + α z y = z x=w+\alpha z\\y=z x=w+αzy=z
Shear(vertical) [ 1 0 0 β 1 0 0 0 1 ] {\left[\begin{matrix}1&0&0\\\beta&1&0\\0&0&1\end{matrix}\right]\\} 1β0010001 x = w y = β w + z x=w\\y=\beta w+z x=wy=βw+z
Vertical reflection [ 1 0 0 0 − 1 0 0 0 1 ] {\left[\begin{matrix}1&0&0\\0&-1&0\\0&0&1\end{matrix}\right]\\} 100010001 x = w y = − z x=w\\y=-z x=wy=z
Translation [ 1 0 0 0 − 1 0 δ x δ y 1 ] {\left[\begin{matrix}1&0&0\\0&-1&0\\\delta_x&\delta_y&1\end{matrix}\right]\\} 10δx01δy001 x = w + δ x y = z + δ y x=w+\delta_x\\y=z+\delta_y x=w+δxy=z+δy

3 Projection Transformations

投影变换属于几何变换的一种,这里与affine transfromations不同的是,辅助坐标不是constant。表达式如下:
[ x ′ , y ′ , h ] = [ w , z , 1 ] [ a 11 a 12 a 13 a 21 a 22 a 23 b 1 b 2 1 ] C o n d i t i o n s : a 13 ≠ 0 , a 23 ≠ 0   , x = x ′ / h , y = y ′ / h [x',y',h]=[w,z,1]\left[\begin{matrix}a_{11}&a_{12}&a_{13}\\a_{21}&a_{22}&a_{23}\\b_1&b_2&1\end{matrix}\right]\\ Conditions:a_{13}≠0 , a_{23}≠0\space , x=x'/h , y=y'/h [x,y,h]=[w,z,1]a11a21b1a12a22b2a13a231Conditions:a13=0,a23=0 ,x=x/h,y=y/h

>> T = [-2.7391 0.2928 -0.6376
         0.7426 -0.7501 0.8088
         2.8750 0.7500 1.0000];
>> tform = maketform('projective', T);
>> vistform(tform, pointgrid([0 0; 1 1]));

4 Applying Geometric Transformations to Images

逆映射使用function imtransform,语法如下:

g = imtransform(f, tform)


Example Geometric transformations of images

affine transform遵循的scaling affine matrix为 T = [ s x 0 0 0 s y 0 0 0 1 ] {T=\left[\begin{matrix}s_x&0&0\\0&s_y&0\\0&0&1\end{matrix}\right]} T=sx000sy0001,rotation affine matrix为 T = [ s cos ⁡ θ s sin ⁡ θ 0 − s sin ⁡ θ s cos ⁡ θ 0 0 0 1 ] {T=\left[\begin{matrix}s\cos{\theta}&s\sin{\theta}&0\\-s\sin{\theta}&s\cos{\theta}&0\\0&0&1\end{matrix}\right]} T=scosθssinθ0ssinθscosθ0001

>> f = checkerboard(50);
>> sx = 0.75;
>> sy = 1.25;
>> T = [sx 0 0; 0 sy 0; 0 0 1];
>> t1 = maketform('affine', T);
>> g1 = imtransform(f, t1);
>> theta = pi/6;
>> T2 = [cos(theta) sin(theta) 0; -sin(theta) cos(theta) 0; 0 0 1];
>> t2 = maketform('affine', T2);
>> g2 = imtransform(f, t2);
>> T3 = [0.5768 0.0782 -0.0009; 0.0127 0.5371 -0.0009; 0.5987 0.5761 1.0000];
>> tform3 = maketform('projective', T3);
>> g3 = imtransform(f, tform3);
>> subplot(221);imshow(f);title('original image');xlabel('(a)');
>> subplot(222);imshow(g1);title('scaling image');xlabel('(b)');
>> subplot(223);imshow(g2);title('rotation image');xlabel('(c)');
>> subplot(224);imshow(g3);title('projective image');xlabel('(d)');

5 Image Coordinate Systems in MATLAB

MATLAB的坐标系统:这里强调一下,MATLAB中的image coordinate的原点在左上角,为了方便查看像素点位置坐标,我们可以使用如下语句,使得下回每一次使用imshow显示图像时,图像上都可以显示坐标轴

>> iptsetpref imshowAxesVisible on

5.1 Output Image Location


[g, xdata, ydata] = imtransform(f, tform, 'FillValue', 255)


Example Displaying input and output images together in a common coordinate system

>> theta = 3*pi/4;
>> T = [cos(theta) sin(theta) 0; -sin(theta) cos(theta) 0; 0 0 1];
>> tform = maketform('affine', T);
>> [g, xdata, ydata] = imtransform(f, tform, 'FillValue', 255);
>> imshow(f)
>> hold on
>> imshow(g, 'XData', xdata, 'YData', ydata)
>> axis auto
>> axis on
>> T = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 1300 200 1];
>> tform = maketform('affine', T);
>> [g, xdata, ydata] = imtransform(f, tform, 'FillValue', 255);
>> imshow(f)
>> hold on
>> imshow(g, 'XData', xdata, 'YData', ydata)
>> axis on
>> axis auto
image-20211123154305219 image-20211123154434361

5.2 Controlling the Output Grid


  1. 决定输入image得边界矩形
  2. 在边界矩形上把点映射到输出空间
  3. 计算变换后输出空间中点的边界矩形
  4. 计算位于输出空间中、边界矩形内的网格上的输出图像像素


function g = imtransform2(f, varargin)
%IMTRANSFORM2 2-D image transformation with fixed output location
%   G = IMTRANSFORM2(F, TFORM, ...) applies a 2-D geometric
%   transformation to an image. IMTRANSFORM2 fixes the output image
%   location to cover the same region as the input image.
%   IMTRANSFORM2 takes the same set of optional parameter/value 
%   pairs as IMTRANSFORM.

[M, N] = size(f);
xdata = [1 N];
ydata = [1 M];
g = imtransform(f, varargin{:}, 'XData', xdata, 'YData', ydata);

6 Image Interpolation 图像内插



  1. 连续数据离散化,即连续域到离散域的映射,通常要用到相应的内插核函数。常见的内插核有:
    1. 盒状核: h B ( x ) = { 1 − 0.5 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 0 otherwise {h_B(x)=\begin{cases}1&-0.5\le x\le 0.5 \\ 0 & \text{otherwise}\end{cases}} hB(x)={100.5x0.5otherwise
    2. 三角核: h T ( x ) = { 1 − ∣ x ∣ x ≤ 1 0 otherwise {h_T(x)=\begin{cases}1-|x|&x\le1\\0&\text{otherwise}\end{cases}} hT(x)={1x0x1otherwise
    3. 立方核: h C ( x ) = { 1.5 ∣ x ∣ 3 − 2.5 ∣ x ∣ 2 + 1 ∣ x ∣ ≤ 1 − 0.5 ∣ x ∣ 3 + 2.5 ∣ x ∣ 2 − 4 ∣ x ∣ + 2 1 < ∣ x ∣ ≤ 2 0 otherwise {h_C(x)=\begin{cases}1.5{|x|}^3-2.5{|x|}^2+1&|x|\le1\\-0.5{|x|}^3+2.5{|x|}^2-4{|x|}+2&1\lt|x|\le2\\0&\text{otherwise}\end{cases}} hC(x)=1.5x32.5x2+10.5x3+2.5x24x+20x11<x2otherwise
  2. 在离散位置估计函数值。

6.1 Interpolation in Two Dimensions


例如:求 f ( x , y ) {f(x,y)} f(x,y)先行内插的 f ′ ( 2.6 , 1.4 ) {f'(2.6,1.4)} f(2.6,1.4)

  1. f ( 2 , 1 ) {f(2,1)} f(2,1) f ( 3 , 1 ) {f(3,1)} f(3,1)之间的线性内插决定 f ′ ( 2.6 , 1 ) {f'(2.6,1)} f(2.6,1)
  2. f ( 2 , 2 ) {f(2,2)} f(2,2) f ( 3 , 2 ) {f(3,2)} f(3,2)之间的线性内插决定 f ′ ( 2.6 , 2 ) {f'(2.6,2)} f(2.6,2)
  3. f ′ ( 2.6 , 1 ) {f'(2.6,1)} f(2.6,1) f ′ ( 2.6 , 2 ) {f'(2.6,2)} f(2.6,2)之间的线性内插决定 f ′ ( 2.6 , 1.4 ) {f'(2.6,1.4)} f(2.6,1.4)

6.2 Comparing Interpolation Methods

我们自定义一个function reprotate,这个函数的作用是比较计算速度和图像质量(我们用timeit记录时间)


function g = reprotate(f, interp_method)
%REPROTATE Rotate image repeatedly
%    G = REPROTATE (F, INTERP METHOD) rotates the input image, F,
%    twelve times in succession as a test of di fferent inte rpolation
%    methods. INTERP METHOD can be one of the strings nearest' ,
%    'bilinear' , or 'bicubic'.

% Form a spatial transformation that rotates the image about its
% center point. The trans formation is formed as a composite of
% three affine trans formations :
% 1. Transform the center of the image to the origin.
center = fliplr(1 + size(f) / 2);
A1 = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; -center, 1];

% 2. Rotate 30 degrees about the origin
theta = 30*pi/180;
A2 = [cos(theta) -sin(theta) 0; sin(theta) cos(theta) 0; 0 0 1];

% 3. Transform from the origin back to the original center location.
A3 = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; center, 1];
% Compose the three transforms using matrix multiplication
A = A1 * A2 * A3;
tform = maketform('affine', A);

% Apply the rotation 12 times in sequence. Use imtransform2 so that
% each successive transformation is computed using the same location
% and size as the original image.
g = f;
for k = 1:12
    g = imtransform2(g, tform, interp_method);

Example Comparing speed and image quality for several interpolation methods

>> f = imread('Fig0517(a).tif');
>> timeit(@() reprotate(f, 'nearest'))
ans =
>> timeit(@() reprotate(f, 'bilinear'))
ans =
>> timeit(@() reprotate(f, 'bicubic'))
ans =




7 Image Registration图像配准

7.1 The Registration Process


  1. 检测特征
  2. 匹配相应的特征
  3. 推断/确定几何变换
  4. 通过几何变换用另一幅图像对准一幅图像

7.2 Manual Feature Selection and Matching Using cpselect

使用function cpselect手动筛选特征点进行匹配,使用规则如下:

>> cpselect(FIGURE1, FIGURE2)

7.3 Inferring Transformation Parameters Using cp2tform 使用cp2tform推断变换参数


tform = cp2tform(input_points, base_points, transformtype)


Type of TransformationDescriptionFunctions
Nonreflective similarity缩放、旋转、剪切和平移的结合;直线保持为直线,平行线保持平行;保持物体的基本形状cp2tform
Piecewise linear局部变换的几何变换,不同的仿射变换用于三角形区域cp2tform

7.4 Visualing Aligend Image 观察对准图像

这里自定义一个用于对准图像的函数function visreg


function h = visreg(fref, f, tform, layer, alpha)
%VISERG Visualize registered images
% VISREG (FREF, F, TFORM) displays two registered images together .

% FREF is the reference image. F is the input image, and TFORM
% defines the geometric transformation that aligns image F with
% image FREF .
% VISREG (FREF, F, TFORM, LAYER) displays F transparently over FREF
% if LAYER is 'top' ; otherwise it displays FREF transparently over
% F.
% VISREG(FREF, F, TFORM, LAYER, ALPHA) uses the scalar value 
% ALPHA, which ranges between 0.0 and 1.0, to control the level of
% transparency of the top image. If ALPHA is 1.0, the top image
% is opaque. If ALPHA is 0.0, the top image is invisible .
% H = VISREG(...) returns a vector of handles to the two di splayed
% image objects. H is in the form [HBOTTOM, HTOP].
if nargin < 5
    alpha = 0.5;

if nargin < 4
    layer = 'top';

% Transform the input image, f, recording where the result lies in 
% coordinate space
[g, g_xdata, g_ydata] = imtransform(f, tform);

[M, N] = size(fref);
fref_xdata = [1 N];
fref_ydata = [1 M];

if strcmp(layer, 'top')
    % Display the transformed input image above the reference image
    top_image = g;
    top_xdata = g_xdata;
    top_ydata = g_ydata;
    % The transformed input image is likely to have regions of black 
    % pixels because they correspond to "out of bounds" locations on
    % the original image. (See Example 5.2.) These pixe1s should be
    % displayed completely transparently. To compute the appropriate 
    % transparency matrix, we can start with a matrix  filled with the
    % value ALPHA and then transform it with the same transformation
    % applied to the input image. Any zeros in the result will cause
    % the black "out of bounds" pixels in g to be displayed
    % transparently.
    top_alpha = imtransform(alpha * ones(size(f)), tform);
    bottom_image = fref;
    bottom_xdata = fref_xdata;
    bottom_ydata = fref_ydata;
    % Display the reference image above the transformed input image
    top_image = fref;
    top_xdata = fref_xdata;
    top_ydata = fref_ydata;
    top_alpha = alpha;
    bottom_image = g;
    bottom_xdata = g_xdata;
    bottom_ydata = g_ydata;

% Display the bottom image at the correct location in coordinate space.
h_botton = imshow(bottom_image, 'XData', bottom_xdata, 'YData', bottom_ydata);
hold on

% Display the top image with the appropriate transparency
h_top = imshow(top_image, 'XData', top_xdata, 'YData', top_ydata);
set(h_top, 'AlphaData', top_alpha);
% The first call to imshow above has the effect of fixing the axis limits.
% Use the axis command to let the axis limits be chosen automatically to
% fully encompass both images.
axis auto

if nargout > 0
    h = [h_botton, h_top];

7.5 Area-Based Registration

对于外在特征选择和匹配的可供选择的方式基于区域的配准。在这个过程中,我们是将模版图像的第一幅图像移动到覆盖第二幅图像的每个位置。在每个位置中,计算相似性(similarity metric)。

对于Area-Based Registration,我们需要对similarity metric归一化处理为correlation coefficient相关系数。那么input image于template image之间的归一化互相关定义为:
γ ( x , y ) = ∑ s , t [ w ( s , t ) − w ˉ ] [ f ( x + s , y + t ) − f x y ˉ ] ∑ s , t [ w ( s , t ) − w ˉ ] 2 [ f ( x + s , y + t ) − f x y ˉ ] 2 \gamma(x,y)=\frac{\sum_{s,t}[w(s,t)-\bar{w}][f(x+s,y+t)-\bar{f_{xy}}]}{\sqrt{\sum_{s,t}[w(s,t)-\bar{w}]^2[f(x+s,y+t)-\bar{f_{xy}}]^2}} γ(x,y)=s,t[w(s,t)wˉ]2[f(x+s,y+t)fxyˉ]2 s,t[w(s,t)wˉ][f(x+s,y+t)fxyˉ]
其中, w {w} w是模版, w ˉ {\bar{w}} wˉ是模版元素的均值,只计算一次。 f {f} f是图像, f x y ˉ {\bar{f_{xy}}} fxyˉ w {w} w f {f} f覆盖区域图像的均值。求和是对图像和模版覆盖的 s {s} s t {t} t进行。

在MATLAB中,使用function normxcorr2实现:

g = normxcorr2(template, f)

Example Using function normxcorr2 to locate a template in an image

>> onion   = rgb2gray(imread('onion.png'));
>> peppers = rgb2gray(imread('peppers.png'));
>> imshowpair(peppers,onion,'montage')
>> c = normxcorr2(onion,peppers);
>> figure, surf(c), shading flat
>> [ypeak, xpeak] = find(c==max(c(:)));
>> % Compute translation from max location in correlation matrix
>> yoffSet = ypeak-size(onion,1);
>> xoffSet = xpeak-size(onion,2);
>> figure
>> hAx  = axes;
>> imshow(peppers,'Parent', hAx);
>> drawrectangle(hAx, 'Position', [xoffSet+1, yoffSet+1, size(onion,2), size(onion,1)]);

Example Using normxcorr2 to register two images differing by a translation

>> g1 = normxcorr2(w, f1);
>> g2 = normxcorr2(w, f2);
>> [y1, x1] = find(g1 == max(g1(:)));
>> [y2, x2] = find(g2 == max(g2(:)));
>> delta_x = x1 - x2;
>> delta_y = y1 - y2;
>> tform = maketform('affine', [1 0 0; 0 1 0; delta_x delta_y 1]);
>> visreg(f1, f2, tform)


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