



1 Background


设正向DFT为 T ( u , v , …   ) {T(u,v,\dots)} T(u,v,),根据一般关系DFT和IDFT关系式可以表示为:
T ( u , v , …   ) = ∑ x , y f ( x , y ) g u , v , … ( x , y ) f ( x , y ) = ∑ x , y T ( u , v , …   ) h u , v , … ( x , y ) T(u,v,\dots)=\sum_{x,y}f(x,y)g_{u,v,\dots}(x,y)\\ f(x,y)=\sum_{x,y}T(u,v,\dots)h_{u,v,\dots}(x,y) T(u,v,)=x,yf(x,y)gu,v,(x,y)f(x,y)=x,yT(u,v,)hu,v,(x,y)
其中 g u , v , … {g_{u,v,\dots}} gu,v, h u , v , … {h_{u,v,\dots}} hu,v,分别表示为正变换核(Lowpass)反变换核(Highpass)。我们用级数展开可以表达关系为:
h u , v ( x , y ) = g u , v ∗ ( x , y ) = 1 M N exp ⁡ ( j 2 π ( u x / M + v y / N ) ) h_{u,v}(x,y)=g_{u,v}^*(x,y)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{MN}}\exp(j2\pi(ux/M+vy/N)) hu,v(x,y)=gu,v(x,y)=MN 1exp(j2π(ux/M+vy/N))
其中, j = − 1 {j=\sqrt{-1}} j=1 ∗ {*} 表示为复共轭算子, u = 0 , 1 , 2 , … , M − 1 {u=0,1,2,\dots,M-1} u=0,1,2,,M1 v = 0 , 1 , 2 , … , N − 1 {v=0,1,2,\dots,N-1} v=0,1,2,,N1。u和v分别表示水平和垂直频率,变换核可分为
h u ( x , y ) = 1 M exp ⁡ ( j 2 π x / M ) h v ( x , y ) = 1 N exp ⁡ ( j 2 π y / N ) 且,二者是正交的,正交关系为: < h r , h s > = δ r s = { 1 r = s 0 otherwise h_u(x,y)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{M}}\exp(j2\pi x/M)\\ h_v(x,y)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\exp(j2\pi y/N)\\ \text{且,二者是正交的,正交关系为:}\\ \big<h_r,h_s\big>=\delta_{rs}=\begin{cases}1&r=s\\0&\text{otherwise}\end{cases} hu(x,y)=M 1exp(j2πx/M)hv(x,y)=N 1exp(j2πy/N)且,二者是正交的,正交关系为:hr,hs=δrs={10r=sotherwise
DWT(Discrete Wavelets Transform)离散小波变换指的是基本小波的尺度和平移进行离散化


  • 可分离性、可伸缩性、可平移性:

ψ H ( x , y ) = ψ ( x ) φ ( y ) ψ V ( x , y ) = φ ( x ) ψ ( y ) ψ D ( x , y ) = ψ ( x ) ψ ( y ) \psi^H(x,y)=\psi(x)\varphi(y)\\ \psi^V(x,y)=\varphi(x)\psi(y)\\ \psi^D(x,y)=\psi(x)\psi(y) ψH(x,y)=ψ(x)φ(y)ψV(x,y)=φ(x)ψ(y)ψD(x,y)=ψ(x)ψ(y)
其中, ψ H ( x , y ) {\psi^H(x,y)} ψH(x,y) ψ V ( x , y ) {\psi^V(x,y)} ψV(x,y) ψ D ( x , y ) {\psi^D(x,y)} ψD(x,y)分别为水平Horizontal、垂直Vertical、对角Diagonal小波。且是二维可分的尺度函数为 φ ( x , y ) = φ ( x ) φ ( y ) {\varphi(x,y)=\varphi(x)\varphi(y)} φ(x,y)=φ(x)φ(y)

每个二维函数都是两个一维是函数的、平方可积的尺度和小波函数的乘积: φ j , k = 2 j / 2 φ ( 2 j x − k ) {\varphi_{j,k}=2^{j/2}\varphi(2^jx-k)} φj,k=2j/2φ(2jxk) ψ j , k = 2 j / 2 ψ ( 2 j x − k ) {\psi_{j,k}=2^{j/2}\psi(2^jx-k)} ψj,k=2j/2ψ(2jxk)。平移参数 k k k决定这些一维函数沿x轴的位置,尺度j决定他们的宽度并且按照 2 j / 2 2^{j/2} 2j/2控制高度或振幅。

其中,与展开函数相关联的是母小波的二进制尺度和证书平移 ψ ( x ) = ψ 0 , 0 ( x ) {\psi(x)=\psi_{0,0}(x)} ψ(x)=ψ0,0(x),并且尺度函数 φ ( x ) = φ 0 , 0 ( x ) {\varphi(x)=\varphi_{0,0}(x)} φ(x)=φ0,0(x)

  • Multiresolution Compatibility多分辨率的兼容性:一维尺度函数满足下要求即可用于多分辨率分析:
    • φ j , k {\varphi_{j,k}} φj,k对整数平移是正交的。
    • 在低尺度或低分辨率下,以一系列 φ j , k {\varphi_{j,k}} φj,k的展开函数来描述的一组函数包含在可以用高尺度描述的函数中。
    • 唯一可在每个尺度上描述的函数是 f ( x ) = 0 f(x)=0 f(x)=0
    • j → ∞ j\to\infty j,任何函数都可以以任意精度来描述。
  • Orthogonality正交性

小波变换和Fourier Transform之间的关系:






  • 对于小频率值,频域分辨率高,时域分辨率低

  • 对于大频率值,频域分辨率低,时域分辨率高


2 The Fast Wavelets Transform(FWT)

根据小波核,我们有个重要推论: φ ( x ) \varphi(x) φ(x) ψ ( x ) \psi(x) ψ(x)可以用双分辨率副本的线性组合来表达。

φ ( x ) = ∑ n h φ ( n ) 2 φ ( 2 x − n ) ψ ( x ) = ∑ n h ψ ( n ) 2 φ ( 2 x − n ) \varphi(x)=\sum_nh_\varphi(n)\sqrt2\varphi(2x-n)\\ \psi(x)=\sum_nh_\psi(n)\sqrt2\varphi(2x-n) φ(x)=nhφ(n)2 φ(2xn)ψ(x)=nhψ(n)2 φ(2xn)
其中, h φ h_{\varphi} hφ h ψ h_\psi hψ分别是尺度sacling和小波矢量wavelet vectors。



W ψ D ( j , m , n ) = h ψ ( − m ) ⊙ [ h ψ ( − n ) ⊙ W φ ( j + 1 , m , n ) ∣ n = 2 k , k ≥ 0 ] ∣ m = 2 k , k ≥ 0 W ψ V ( j , m , n ) = h φ ( − m ) ⊙ [ h ψ ( − n ) ⊙ W φ ( j + 1 , m , n ) ∣ n = 2 k , k ≥ 0 ] ∣ m = 2 k , k ≥ 0 W ψ H ( j , m , n ) = h ψ ( − m ) ⊙ [ h φ ( − n ) ⊙ W φ ( j + 1 , m , n ) ∣ n = 2 k , k ≥ 0 ] ∣ m = 2 k , k ≥ 0 W φ ( j , m , n ) = h φ ( − m ) ⊙ [ h φ ( − n ) ⊙ W φ ( j + 1 , m , n ) ∣ n = 2 k , k ≥ 0 ] ∣ m = 2 k , k ≥ 0 W_\psi^D(j,m,n)=h_\psi(-m)\odot[h_\psi(-n)\odot W_\varphi(j+1,m,n)|_{n=2k,k\ge0}]|_{m=2k,k\ge0}\\ W_\psi^V(j,m,n)=h_\varphi(-m)\odot[h_\psi(-n)\odot W_\varphi(j+1,m,n)|_{n=2k,k\ge0}]|_{m=2k,k\ge0}\\ W_\psi^H(j,m,n)=h_\psi(-m)\odot[h_\varphi(-n)\odot W_\varphi(j+1,m,n)|_{n=2k,k\ge0}]|_{m=2k,k\ge0}\\ W_\varphi(j,m,n)=h_\varphi(-m)\odot[h_\varphi(-n)\odot W_\varphi(j+1,m,n)|_{n=2k,k\ge0}]|_{m=2k,k\ge0} WψD(j,m,n)=hψ(m)[hψ(n)Wφ(j+1,m,n)n=2k,k0]m=2k,k0WψV(j,m,n)=hφ(m)[hψ(n)Wφ(j+1,m,n)n=2k,k0]m=2k,k0WψH(j,m,n)=hψ(m)[hφ(n)Wφ(j+1,m,n)n=2k,k0]m=2k,k0Wφ(j,m,n)=hφ(m)[hφ(n)Wφ(j+1,m,n)n=2k,k0]m=2k,k0
其中, h φ h_\varphi hφ h ψ h_\psi hψ分别是lowpass 和 highpass decomposition filters。


  • W φ W_\varphi Wφ是基于低通滤波器产生的,所以被称为approximation coefficients近似系数。
  • W ψ i  for  i = H , V , D W_\psi^i \space \text{for }i=H,V,D Wψi for i=H,V,D分别是水平、垂直、对角的detail coefficients。

由于FWT是向创建低分辨率分量, f ( x , y ) f(x,y) f(x,y)表示高分辨率分量,所以在第一层叠戴循环时,我们可以令 W φ ( j + 1 , m , n ) = f ( x , y ) W_\varphi(j+1,m,n)=f(x,y) Wφ(j+1,m,n)=f(x,y)

2.1 FWTs Using the Wavelet Toobox


[Lo_D, Hi_D, Lo_R, Hi_R] = wfilters(wname)


Discrete Meyer‘dmey’‘dmey’
Reverse Biorthogonal‘rbio’‘rbior1.1’、‘rbior1.3’、‘rbior1.5’、‘rbior2.2’…



Frequently coupled filter pairs频率耦合滤波器对用如下语句代替:

[F1, F2] = wfilters(wname, type)



[phi, psi, xval] = wavefun(wname, iter)


[phi1, psi1, phi2, psi2, xval] = wavefun(wname, iter)

其中,phi1和psi1是decomposition function分解函数,phi2和psi2是reconstruction function重建函数。

Example Haar filters, scaling, and wavelet functions

>> [Lo_D, Hi_D, Lo_R, Hi_R] = wfilters('haar')
Lo_D =
    0.7071    0.7071
Hi_D =
   -0.7071    0.7071
Lo_R =
    0.7071    0.7071
Hi_R =
    0.7071   -0.7071
>> [phi, psi, xval] = wavefun('haar', 10);
>> xaxis = zeros(size(xval));
>> subplot(121);plot(xval, phi, 'k', xval, xaxis, '--k');
>> axis([0 1 -1.5 1.5]); axis square
>> title('Haar Scaling Function');
>> subplot(122);plot(xval, psi, 'k', xval, xaxis, '--k');
>> axis([0 1 -1.5 1.5]); axis square
>> title('Haar Wavelet Function');


有了wavefilter,计算wavelet transform小波变换一般使用函数wavedec2

[C, S] = wavedec2(X, N, Lo_D, Hi_D)
[C, S] = wavedec2(X, N, wname)


Example A simple FWT using Haar filters:

>> f = magic(4)
f =
    16     2     3    13
     5    11    10     8
     9     7     6    12
     4    14    15     1
>> [c1, s1] = wavedec2(f, 1, 'haar')
c1 =
  Columns 1 through 9
   17.0000   17.0000   17.0000   17.0000    1.0000   -1.0000   -1.0000    1.0000    4.0000
  Columns 10 through 16
   -4.0000   -4.0000    4.0000   10.0000    6.0000   -6.0000  -10.0000
s1 =
     2     2
     2     2
     4     4



  • s1(end, :)记录了原始图像f的大小;
  • s1(2, :)记录了3个细节系数矩阵的大小;
  • s1(1, :)记录了计算近似矩阵的大小;


>> [c2, s2] = wavedec2(f, 2, 'haar') % 分解2次
c2 =
  Columns 1 through 9
   34.0000         0         0    0.0000    1.0000   -1.0000   -1.0000    1.0000    4.0000
  Columns 10 through 16
   -4.0000   -4.0000    4.0000   10.0000    6.0000   -6.0000  -10.0000
s2 =
     1     1
     1     1
     2     2
     4     4


  • s1(end, :)记录了原始图像f的大小;
  • s1(3, :)记录了尺度/分解级别为2时,3个细节系数矩阵的大小;
  • s1(2, :)记录了尺度/分解级别为1(第一次)时,3个细节系数矩阵的大小;
  • s1(1, :)记录了最后近似矩阵的大小;

2.2 FWTs without the Wavelet Toolbox

function wavefilter:创建小波滤波器

function [varargout] = wavefilter(wname, type)
%WAVEFILTER Create wavelet decomposition and reconstruction filters .
%   [VARARGOUT] = WAVEFILTER (WNAME, TYPE) returns the decomposition
%   and/or reconstruction filters used in the computation of the
%   forward and inverse FWT(fast wavelet trans form).
%       [ld, hd, lr, hr] = wavefilter('haar')   Get the low and highpass
%                                               decomposition (ld, hd) 
%                                               and reconstruction
%                                               (lr, hr) filters for
%                                               wavelet 'haar'.
%       [ld, hd] = wavefilter('haar', 'd')      Get decomposition filters
%                                               ld and hd.
%       [lr, hr] = wavefilter('haar', 'r')      Get recons truction
%                                               filters lr and hr.
%       WNAME                   Wavelet Name
%       -----------------------------------------------------------------
%       'haar' or 'db1'         Haar
%       'db4'                   4th order Daubechies
%       'sym4'                  4th order Symlets
%       'bior6.8'               Cohen-Daubechies- Feauveau biorthogonal
%       'jpeg9.7'               Antonini-Barlaud-Mathieu-Daubechies
%       TYPE                    Filter Type
%       -----------------------------------------------------------------
%       'd'                     Decomposition filters
%       'r'                     Reconstruction filters

% Check the input and output arguments.
error(nargchk(1, 2, nargin));

if (nargin == 1 && nargout ~= 4) || (nargin == 2 && nargout ~= 2)
    error('Invalid number of output arguments.');

if nargin == 1 && ~ischar(wname)
    error('WNAME must be a string.');

if nargin == 2 && ~ischar(type)
    error('TYPE must be a string.');

% Create filters for the requested wavelet.
switch lower(wname)
    case {'haar', 'db1'}
        ld = [1 1]/sqrt(2);
        hd = [-1 1]/sqrt(2);
        lr = ld;
        hr = -hd;
    case 'db4'
        ld = [-1.059740178499728e-002 3.288301166698295e-002 ...
            3.084138183598697e-002 -1.870348117188811e-001 ...
            -2.798376941698385e-002 6.308807679295904e-001 ...
            7.148465705525415e-001 2.303778133088552e-001];
        t = (0:7);
        hd = ld;
        hd(end:-1:1) = cos(pi*t).*ld;
        lr = ld;
        lr(end:-1:1) = ld;
        hr = cos(pi*t).*ld;
    case 'sym4'
        ld = [-7.576571478927333e-002 -2.963552764599851e-002 ...
            4.976186676320155e-001 8.037387518059161e-001 ...
            2.978577956052774e-001 -9.921954357684722e-002 ...
            -1.260396726203783e-002 3.222310060404270e-002];
        t = (0:7);
        hd = ld;
        hd(end:-1:1) = cos(pi*t).*ld;
        lr = ld;
        lr(end:-1:1) = ld;
        hr = cos(pi*t).*ld;
    case 'bior6.8'
        ld = [0 1.908831736481291e-003 -1.914286129088767e-003 ...
            -1.699063986760234-002 1.193456527972926e-002 ...
            4.973290349094079e-002 -7.726317316720414e-002 ...
            -9.405920349573646-002 4.207962846098268e-001 ...
            8.259229974584023e-001 4.207962846098268e-001 ...
            -9.405920349573646e-002 -7.726317316720414e-002 ...
            4.973290349094079e-002 1.193456527972926e-002 ...
            -1.699063986760234e-002 -1.914286129088767e-003 ...
        hd = [0 0 0 1.442628250562444e-002 -1.446750489679015e-002 ...
            -7.872200106262882e-002 4.036797903033992e-002 ...
            4.178491091502746e-001 -7.589077294536542e-001 ...
            4.178491091502746e-001 4.036797903033992e-002 ...
            -7.872200106262882e-002 -1.446750489679015e-002 ...
            1.442628250562444e-002 0 0 0 0];
        t = (0:17);
        lr = cos(pi*(t+1)).*hd;
        hr = cos(pi*t).*ld;
    case 'jpeg9.7'
        ld = [0 0.02674875741080976 -0.01686411844287495 ...
            -0.07822326652898785 0.2668641184428723 ...
            0.6029490182363579 0.2668641184428723 ...
            -0.07822326652898785 -0.01686411844287495 ...
        hd = [0 -0.09127176311424948 0.05754352622849957 ...
            0.5912717631142470 -1.115087052456994 ...
            0.5912717631142470 0.05754352622849957 ...
            -0.09127176311424948 0 0] ;
        t = (0:9);
        lr = cos(pi*(t+1)).*hd;
        hr = cos(pi*t).*ld;
        error('Unrecognizable wavelet name (WNAME).');

% Output the requested filters.
if (nargin == 1)
    varargout(1:4) = {ld, hd, lr, hr};
    switch lower(type(1))
        case 'd'
            varargout = {ld, hd};
        case 'r'
            varargout = {lr, hr};
            error('Unrecognizable filter TYPE');

function wavefast:实现FWT

function [c, s] = wavefast(x, n, varargin)
%WAVEFAST Computes the FWT of a '3-D extended' 2-D array.
%   [C, L] = WAVEFAST(X, N, LP, HP) computes ' PAGES' 2D N-level
%   FWTs of a 'ROWS x COLUMNS x PAGES' matrix X with respect to
%   decomposition filters LP and HP .
%   [C, L] = WAVEFAST(X, N, WNAME) performs the same operation but
%   fetches filters LP and HP for wavelet WNAME using WAVEFILTER.
%   Scale parameter N must be less than or equal to log2 of the
%   maximum image dimension. Filters LP and HP must be even. To
%   reduce border distortion, X is symmetrically extended. That is,
%   if X = [c1 c2 c3 ... cn] (in 1D), then its symmetric extension
%   would be [... c3 c2 c1 c1 c2 c3 ... cn cn cn-1 cn-2 ...].
%       Vector C is a coef f icient decomposition vector:
%           C = [ a1(n) ... ak(n) h1(n) ... hk(n) v1(n) ... vk(n)
%                 d1 (n) ... dk(n) h1 (n-1) ... d1(1) ... dk(1) ]
%           where ai, hi, vi, and di for i = 0,1, ... k are columnwise
%           vectors containing approximation, horizontal, vertical, and 
%           diagonal coefficient matrices, respectively, and k is the
%           number of pages in the 3-D extended array X. C has 3n + 1
%           sections where n is the number of wavelet decomposi tions .
%           Matrix S is an [(n+2) x 2] bookkeeping matrix if k = 1;
%           else it is [(n+2) x 3]:
%               S =[ sa(n, :); sd(n, :); sd(n-1, :); ... ; sd(1, :); sx ]
%           where sa and sd are approximation and detail size entries.

% Check the input arguments for reasonableness
error(nargchk(3, 4, nargin));
if nargin == 3
    if ischar(varargin{1})
        [lp, hp] = wavefilter(varargin{1}, 'd');
        error('Missing wavelet name');
    lp = varargin{1};
    hp = varargin{2};

% Get the filter length, 'lp', input array size, 'sx', and number of pages,
% 'pages', in extended 2-D array x
fl = length(lp);
sx = size(x);
pages = size(x, 3);

if ((ndims(x) ~= 2) && (ndims(x) ~= 3)) || (min(sx) < 2) || ~isreal(x) ...
        || ~isnumeric(x)
    error('X must be a real, numeric 2-D or 3-D matrix.');

if (ndims(lp) ~= 2) || ~isreal(lp) || ~isnumeric(lp) ...
        || (ndims(hp) ~= 2) || ~isreal(hp) || ~isnumeric(hp) ...
        || (fl ~= length(hp)) || rem(fl, 2) ~= 0
    error(['LP and HP must be even and equal length real, ' ...
    'numeric filter vectors.']);

if ~isreal(n) || ~isnumeric(n) || (n < 1) || (n > log2(max(sx)))
    error('N must be a real scaler between 1 and log2(max(size(X)))');

% Init the starting output data structures and initial approximation
c = [];
s = sx(1:2);
app = cell(pages, 1);
for i = 1:pages
    app{i} = double(x(:, :, i));

% For each decomposition ...
for i = 1:n
    % Extend the appriximation symmetrically.
    [app, keep] = symextend(app, fl, pages);
    % Convolve rows with HP and downsample. Then convolve columns with HP
    % and LP to get the diagonal and vertical coefficients.
    rows = symconv(app, hp, 'row', fl, keep, pages);
    coefs = symconv(rows, hp, 'col', fl, keep, pages);
    c = addcoefs(c, coefs, pages);
    s = [size(coefs{1}); s];
    coefs = symconv(rows, lp, 'col', fl, keep, pages);
    c = addcoefs(c, coefs, pages);
    % Convolve rows with LP and downsample. Then convolve columns with HP
    % and LP to get the horizontal and next approximation coeffcients.
    rows = symconv(app, lp, 'row', fl, keep, pages);
    coefs = symconv(rows, hp, 'col', fl, keep, pages);
    c = addcoefs(c, coefs, pages);
    app = symconv(rows, lp, 'col', fl, keep, pages);

% Append the final appriximation structures
c = addcoefs(c, app, pages);
s = [size(app{1}); s];
if ndims(x) > 2
    s(:, 3) = size(x, 3);

function nc = addcoefs(c, x, pages)
% Add 'pages' array coefficients to the wavelet decomposition vector.

nc = c;
for i = pages:-1:1
    nc = [x{i}(:)' nc];

function [y, keep] = symextend(x, fl, pages)
% Compute the number of coefficients to keep after convolution and
% downsampling. Then extend the 'pages' arrays of x in both dimensions.

y = cell(pages, 1);
for i = 1:pages
    keep = floor((fl + size(x{i}) - 1) / 2);
    y{i} = padarray(x{i}, [(fl - 1) (fl - 1)], 'symmetric', 'both');

function y = symconv(x, h, type, fl, keep, pages)
% For the 'pages' 2-D arrays in x convolve the rows or columns with h,
% downsample, and extract the center section since symmetrically extened.

y = cell(pages, 1);
for i = 1:pages
    if strcmp(type, 'row')
        y{i} = conv2(x{i}, h);
        y{i} = y{i}(:, 1:2:end);
        y{i} = y{i}(:, fl / 2 + 1:fl / 2 + keep(2));
        y{i} = conv2(x{i}, h');
        y{i} = y{i}(1:2:end, :);
        y{i} = y{i}(fl / 2 + 1:fl / 2 + keep(1), :);

function fwtcompare:自定义的FWT于wavedec2性能对比

function [ratio, maxdiff] = fwtcompare(f, n, wname)
%FWTCOMPARE Compare wavedec2 and wavefast.
%   [RATIO, MAXDIFF] = FWTCOMPARE(E, N, WNAME) compares the operation of
%   Wavelet Toolbox function WAVEDEC2 and custom function WAVEFAST.
%               F       Image to be trans formed.
%               N       Number of scales to compute.
%               WNAME   Wavelet to use.
%               RATIO Execution time ratio (custom/toolbox)
%               MAXDIFF Maximum coefficient di f ference .

% Get transform and computation time for wavedec2.
w1 = @() wavedec2(f, n, wname);
reftime = timeit(w1);

% Get transform and computation time for wavefast.
w2 = @() wavefast(f, n, wname);
t2 = timeit(w2);

% Compare the results.
ratio = t2 / reftime;
maxdiff = abs(max(w1() - w2()));


>> [ratio, maxdifference] = fwtcompare(f, 5, 'db4')
>> [ratio, maxdifference] = fwtcompare(f, 5, 'db4')
ratio =
maxdifference =

3 Working with Wavelet Decomposition Sructures

我们知道自定义和Toolbox中的小波计算函数都会返回**[c,S]形式的结构变量。其中c**是transform coefficient vector变换系数向量,S是bookkeeping matrix记录矩阵。

c = [ A N ( : ) ′    H N ( : ) ′    V N ( : ) ′    D N ( : ) ′ … H i ( : ) ′    V i ( : ) ′    D i ( : ) ′    … H 1 ( : ) ′    V 1 ( : ) ′    D 1 ( : ) ′    ] c=[A_N(:)' \space\space H_N(:)' \space\space V_N(:)' \space\space D_N(:)' \dots H_i(:)'\space\space V_i(:)'\space\space D_i(:)'\space\space \dots H_1(:)'\space\space V_1(:)'\space\space D_1(:)'\space\space] c=[AN(:)  HN(:)  VN(:)  DN(:)Hi(:)  Vi(:)  Di(:)  H1(:)  V1(:)  D1(:)  ]
其中, A N A_N AN是第N个分解等级的近似系数矩阵, H i H_i Hi V i V_i Vi D i D_i Di分别是级别i的水平、垂直、对角的变换系数矩阵,i=1,2,…,N。


S = [ s a N ;    s d N ;    s d N − 1 ; …    s d i ; …    s d 1 ;    s f ] S=[sa_N;\space\space sd_N;\space\space sd_{N-1};\dots\space\space sd_i;\dots\space\space sd_1;\space\space sf] S=[saN;  sdN;  sdN1;  sdi;  sd1;  sf]
s a N sa_N saN表示第N级的近似矩阵 A N A_N AN s d i sd_i sdi表示第i级的细节矩阵大小(这里三个方向的细节矩阵都被转换为列向量进行存储), s f sf sf表示原始图像的大小。

对于RGB彩色图像,即三位数组作为输入时,我们将其作为extended 2-D array扩展的二维数组进行处理。也就是说,矩阵由矩阵构成,(实际上很简单),表达如下:
A N ( : ) ′ = [ A N 1 ( : ) ′    A N 2 ( : ) ′ … A N k ( : ) ′ ] H i ( : ) ′ = [ H i 1 ( : ) ′    H i 2 ( : ) ′ … H i k ( : ) ′ ] V i ( : ) ′ = [ V i 1 ( : ) ′    V i 2 ( : ) ′ … V i k ( : ) ′ ] D i ( : ) ′ = [ D i 1 ( : ) ′    D i 2 ( : ) ′ … D i k ( : ) ′ ] A_N(:)'=[A_N^1(:)'\space\space A_N^2(:)' \dots A_N^k(:)']\\ H_i(:)'=[H_i^1(:)'\space\space H_i^2(:)' \dots H_i^k(:)']\\ V_i(:)'=[V_i^1(:)'\space\space V_i^2(:)' \dots V_i^k(:)']\\ D_i(:)'=[D_i^1(:)'\space\space D_i^2(:)' \dots D_i^k(:)'] AN(:)=[AN1(:)  AN2(:)ANk(:)]Hi(:)=[Hi1(:)  Hi2(:)Hik(:)]Vi(:)=[Vi1(:)  Vi2(:)Vik(:)]Di(:)=[Di1(:)  Di2(:)Dik(:)]

Example Wavelet Toolbox functions for manipulating transform decomposition vector c

>> f = magic(8);
>> [c1, s1] = wavedec2(f, 3, 'haar');
>> size(c1)
ans =
     1    64
>> s1
s1 =
     1     1
     1     1
     2     2
     4     4
     8     8
>> approx = appcoef2(c1, s1, 'haar')
approx =
>> horizdet2 = detcoef2('h', c1, s1, 2)
horizdet2 =
   1.0e-13 *
         0   -0.2842
         0         0
>> newc1 = wthcoef2('h', c1, s1, 2);
>> newhorizdet2 = detcoef2('h', newc1, s1, 2)
newhorizdet2 =
     0     0
     0     0

这里,function appcoef2是根据小波分解结构[C,S],计算N级重构系数矩阵,即获得近似矩阵:

a = appcoef2(c, s, wname)

function detcoef2是获取detail matrix,语法如下:

d = detcoef2(o, c, s, n)

其中,o可以设置为’h’、’ v’、'd’分别表示水平、垂直、对角的细节矩阵。

function wthcoef2是用于对二维信号的小波系数阈值进行处理的函数:

nc = wthcoef2(type, c, s, n, t, sorh)

type针对阈值近似系数设置为’a’,细节阈值可以传参’h’、’ v’、'd’分别表示水平、垂直、对角。n时被阈值处理后的分解级别的向量,阈值以向量t中相应的阈值为基础,如果忽略t,所有满足type和n规范的系数都将被赋值为0。

3.1 Editing Wavelet Decomposition Coefficients without the Wavelet Toolbox

function wavework:

function [varargout] = wavework(opcode, type, c, s, n, x)
%WAVEWORK is used to edit wavelet decomposition structures .
%   [VARARGOUT] = WAVEWORK (OPCODE, TYPE, c, s, N, X) gets the
%   coefficients specified by TYPE and N for access or modi fication
%   based on OPCODE.
%       OPCODE      Operation to perform
%       -----------------------------------------------------------------
%       'copy'      [varargout] = Y = requested (via TYPE and N)
%                   coefficient matrix
%       'cut'       [varargout] = [NC, Y] = New decompos ition vector
%                   (with requested coefficient matrix zeroed) AND
%                   requested coefficient matrix
%       'paste'     [varargout] = [NC] = new decomposition vector with
%                   coefficient matrix replaced by X
%       TYPE        Coefficient category
%       -----------------------------------------------------------------
%       'a'         Approximation coef ficients
%       'h'         Horizontal details
%       'v'         Vertical details
%       'd'         Diagonal details
%       [c, S] is a wavelet toolbox decomposition structure.
%       N is a decomposition level (Ignored if TYPE = 'a').
%       X is a 2- or 3-D coefficient matrix for pasting.

error(nargchk(4, 6, nargin));

if (ndims(c) ~= 2) || (size(c, 1) ~= 1)
    error('C must be a row vector.');

if (ndims(s) ~= 2) || ~isreal(s) || ~isnumeric(s) || ...
        ((size(s, 2) ~= 2) && (size(s, 3) ~= 3))
    error('S must be a real, numeric two- or three-column array.');

elements = prod(s, 2);

if (length(c) < elements(end)) || ...
        ~(elements(1) + 3 * sum(elements(2:end - 1)) >= elements(end))
    error('[C S] must form a standard wavelet decomposition structre.');

if strcmpi(opcode(1:3), 'pas') && nargin < 6
    error('Not enough input arguments');

if nargin < 5
    n = 1;
nmax = size(s, 1) - 2;

aflag = (lower(type(1)) == 'a');
if ~aflag && (n > nmax)
    error('N exceeds the decompositions in [C S].');

switch lower(type(1))   % Make pointers into C
    case 'a'
        nindex = 1;
        start = 1;
        stop = elements(1);
        ntst = nmax;
    case {'h', 'v' ,'d'}
        switch type
            case 'h'
                offset = 0;     % Offset to details
            case 'v'
                offset = 1;
            case 'd'
                offset = 2;
        nindex = size(s, 1) - n;    % Index to detail infow
        start = elements(1) + 3 * sum(elements(2:nmax - n + 1)) + ...
            offset * elements(nindex) + 1;
        stop = start + elements(nindex) - 1;
        ntst = n;
        error('TYPE must begin with "a", "h", "v" or "d".');

switch lower(opcode)    % Do requested action
    case {'copy', 'cut'}
        y = c(start:stop);
        nc = c;
        y = reshape(y, s(nindex, :));
        if strcmpi(opcode(1:3), 'cut')
            nc(start:stop) = 0;
            varargout = {nc, y};
            varargout = {y};
    case 'paste'
        if numel(x) ~= elements(end - ntst)
            error('X is not sized for the requested paste.');
            nc = c;
            nc(start:stop) = x(:);
            varargout = {nc};
        error('Unrecognized OPCODE.');

function wavecut

function [nc, y] = wavecut(type, c, s, n)
%WAVECUT Zeroes coefficients in a wavelet decomposition s tructure .
%   [NC, Y] = WAVECUT (TYPE, C, s, N) returns a new decomposition
%   vector whose detail or approximation coefficients  (based on TYPE
%   and N) have been zeroed. The coefficients that were zeroed are
%   re turned in Y.
%       TYPE        Coefficient category
%       -----------------------------------
%       'a'         Approximation coefficients
%       'h'         Horizontal details
%       'v'         Vertical details
%       'd'         Diagonal details 
%       [c, S] is a wavelet data structure.
%       N specifies a decomposition level (ignored if TYPE = 'a') .

error(nargchk(3, 4, nargin));
if nargin == 4
    [nc, y] = wavework('cut', type, c, s, n);
    [nc, y] = wavework('cut', type, c, s);

function wavepaste

function nc = wavepaste(type, c, s, n, x)
%WAVEPASTE Puts coefficients in a wavelet decomposition structure .
%   NC = WAVEPASTE(TYPE, c, S, N, X) returns the new decomposition
%   structure after pasting X into it based on TYPE and N.
%       TYPE        Coefficient category
%       ----------------------------------------
%       'a'         Approximation coefficients
%       'h'         Horizontal details
%       'v'         Vertical details
%       'd'         Diagonal details
%       [c, S] is a wavelet data structure.
%       N specifies a decomposition level (Ignored if TYPE = 'a').
%       X is a 2- or 3-D approximation or detail coefficient
%           matrix whose dimensions are appropriate for decomposition
%           level N.

error(nargchk(5, 5, nargin));
nc = wavework('paste', type, c, s, n, x);

function wavecopy

function y = wavecopy(type, c, s, n)
%WAVECOPY Fetches coefficients of a wavelet decomposition structure.
%   Y = WAVECOPY (TYPE, c, S, N) returns a coefficient array based on
%   TYPE and N.
%       TYPE        Coefficient category
%       ----------------------------------------
%       'a'         Approximation coefficients
%       'h'         Horizontal details
%       'v'         Vertical details
%       'd'         Diagonal details
%       [c, S] is a wavelet data structure .
%       N specifies a decomposition level (ignored if TYPE = 'a') .

error(nargchk(3, 4, nargin));
if nargin == 4
    y = wavework('copy', type, c, s, n);
    y = wavework('copy', type, c, s);

3.2 Displaying Wavelet Decomposition Coefficients

function wavedisplay

function w = wavedisplay(c, s, scale, border)
%WAVEDISPLAY Display wavelet decomposition coefficients.
%   W = WAVEDISPLAY (c, S, SCALE, BORDER) displays and returns a
%   wavelet coef ficient image.
%       wavedisplay(c, s);                      Display w/defaults.
%       foo = wavedisplay(c, s);                Display and return.
%       foo = wavedisp1ay(c, s, 4);             Magnify the details.
%       foo = wavedisplay(c, s, -4);            Magnify absolute values.
%       foo = wavedisplay(c, s, 1, ' append');  Keep border values.
%       [c, S] is a wavelet decomposition vector and bookkeeping
%       matrix.
%       SCALE           Detail coefficient scaling
%       -------------------------------------------------------
%       0 or 1          Maximum range (default)
%       2,3...          Magnify default by the scale factor
%       -1, -2...       Magnify absolute values by abs (scale)
%       BORDER          Border between wavelet decompositions 
%       -------------------------------------------------------
%       'absorb'        Border replaces image (default)
%       'append'        Border increases width of image
%       Image W:        ------- ------- --------------- ------------------
%                       |      |       |              |
%                       | a(n) | h(n)  |              |
%                       |      |       |              |
%                       ------- -------     h(n-1)    |
%                       |      |       |              |
%                       | v(n) | d(n)  |              |       h(n-2)
%                       |      |       |              |
%                       ------- ------- ---------------
%                       |              |              |
%                       |   v(n-1)     |    d(n-1)    |
%                       |              |              |
%                       ------- ------- --------------- ------------------
%                       |                             | 
%                       |           v(n-2)            |       d(n-2)
%                       |                             |     
%       Here, n denotes the decomposition step scale and a, h, v, d are
%       approximation, horizontal, vertical, and diagonal detail
%       coefficients, respectively.

% Check input arguments for reasonableness .
error(nargchk(2, 4, nargin));

if (ndims(c) ~= 2) || (size(c, 1) ~= 1)
    error('C must be a row vector.');

if (ndims(s) ~= 2) || ~isreal(s) || ~isnumeric(s) || ...
        ((size(s, 2) ~= 2) && (size(s, 2) ~= 3))
    error('S must be a real, numeric, two- or three-column array.');

elements = prod(s, 2);

if (length(c) < elements(end)) || ...
        ~(elements(1) + 3 * sum(elements(2:end - 1)) >= elements(end))
    error('[C S] must be a standard wavelet decomposition structure');

if (nargin > 2) && (~isreal(scale) || ~isnumeric(scale))
    error('SCALE must be a real, numeric scalar');

if (nargin > 3) && (~ischar(border))
    error('BORDER must be character string.');

if nargin == 2
    scale = 1;  % Default scale

if nargin < 4
    border = 'absorb';

% Scale coefficients and determine pad fill
absflag = scale < 0;
scale = abs(scale);
if scale == 0
    scale = 1;

[cd, w] = wavecut('a', c, s);
w = mat2gray(w);
cdx = max(abs(cd(:))) / scale;
if absflag
    cd = mat2gray(abs(cd), [0, cdx]);
    fill = 0;
    cd = mat2gray(cd, [-cdx, cdx]);
    fill = 0.5;

% Build gray image one decomposition at a time
for i = size(s, 1) - 2:-1:1
    ws = size(w);
    h = wavecopy('h', cd, s, i);
    pad = ws - size(h);
    frontporch = round(pad / 2);
    h = padarray(h, frontporch, fill, 'pre');
    h = padarray(h, pad - frontporch, fill, 'post');
    v = wavecopy('v', cd, s, i);
    pad = ws - size(v);
    frontporch = round(pad / 2);
    v = padarray(v, frontporch, fill, 'pre');
    v = padarray(v, pad - frontporch, fill, 'post');
    d = wavecopy('d', cd, s, i);
    pad = ws - size(d);
    frontporch = round(pad / 2);
    d = padarray(d, frontporch, fill, 'pre');
    d = padarray(d, pad - frontporch, fill, 'post');
    % Add 1 pixel white border and concatenate coefficients.
    switch lower(border)
        case 'append'
            w = padarray(w, [1 1], 1, 'post');
            h = padarray(h, [1 0], 1, 'post');
            v = padarray(v, [0 1], 1, 'post');
        case 'absorb'
            w(:, end, :) = 1;
            w(end, :, :) = 1;
            h(end, :, :) = 1;
            v(:, end, :) = 1;
            error('Unrecongnized BORDER parameter.');
    w = [w h; v d];

% Display result. If the reconstruction is an extended 2-D array
% with 2 or more pages, display as a time sequence.
if nargout == 0
    if size(s, 2) == 2

Example Transform coefficient display using wavedisplay:

>> f = imread('Fig0704.tif');
>> [c, s] = wavefast(f, 2, 'db4');
>> wavedisplay(c, s);
>> subplot(131);wavedisplay(c, s);
>> subplot(132);wavedisplay(c, s, 8);
>> subplot(133);wavedisplay(c, s, -8);




4 The Inverse Fast Wavelet Transform



I D = W ψ D ( j , m , n ) ↑ m = k / 2 , k ≥ 0 ⊙ h ψ ( m ) I V = W ψ V ( j , m , n ) ↑ m = k / 2 , k ≥ 0 ⊙ h φ ( m ) I H = W ψ H ( j , m , n ) ↑ m = k / 2 , k ≥ 0 ⊙ h ψ ( m ) I A = W φ ( j , m , n ) ↑ m = k / 2 , k ≥ 0 ⊙ h φ ( m ) W φ ( j + 1 , m , n ) = [ [ I D + I V ] ↑ n = k / 2 , k ≥ 0 ] ⊙ h ψ ( n ) + [ [ I H + I A ] ↑ n = k / 2 , k ≥ 0 ] ⊙ h φ ( n ) I_D=W_\psi^D(j,m,n)\uparrow^{m=k/2,k\ge0}\odot h_\psi(m)\\ I_V=W_\psi^V(j,m,n)\uparrow^{m=k/2,k\ge0}\odot h_\varphi(m)\\ I_H=W_\psi^H(j,m,n)\uparrow^{m=k/2,k\ge0}\odot h_\psi(m)\\ I_A=W_\varphi(j,m,n)\uparrow^{m=k/2,k\ge0}\odot h_\varphi(m)\\ W_\varphi(j+1,m,n)=[[I_D+I_V]\uparrow^{n=k/2,k\ge0}]\odot h_\psi(n)+[[I_H+I_A]\uparrow^{n=k/2,k\ge0}]\odot h_\varphi(n) ID=WψD(j,m,n)m=k/2,k0hψ(m)IV=WψV(j,m,n)m=k/2,k0hφ(m)IH=WψH(j,m,n)m=k/2,k0hψ(m)IA=Wφ(j,m,n)m=k/2,k0hφ(m)Wφ(j+1,m,n)=[[ID+IV]n=k/2,k0]hψ(n)+[[IH+IA]n=k/2,k0]hφ(n)
D → h p 、 h p V → l p 、 h p H → h p 、 l p A → l p 、 l p D\rightarrow hp、hp\\ V\rightarrow lp、hp\\ H\rightarrow hp、lp\\ A\rightarrow lp、lp DhphpVlphpHhplpAlplp
一般计算IFWT时,需要使用function waverec2:

g = waverec2(C, S, wname)


g = waverec2(C, S, LO_R, HI_R)

我们也可以根据IFWT的迭代图,自定义一个逆快速小波变换的函数function waveback

function [varargout] = waveback(c, s, varargin)
%WAVEBACK Computes inverse FWTs for multi-level decomposition [c, S] .
%   [VARARGOUT] = WAVEBACK(C, s, VARARGIN) performs a 2D N-level
%   partial or complete wavelet reconstruction of decomposition
%   structure [C, S].
%   Y = WAVEBACK(C, S, ' WNAME');   Output inverse FWT matrix Y
%   Y = WAVEBACK(C, S, LR, HR);     using lowpass and highpass
%                                   reconstruction filters (LR and
%                                   HR) or filters obtained by
%                                   calling WAVEFILTER with 'WNAME'.
%   [NC, NS] = WAVEBACK(C, S, 'WNAME', N);  Output new wavelet
%   [NC, NS] = WAVEBACK(C, s, LR, HR, N);   decomposition structure
%                                           [NC, NS] after N step
%                                           reconstruction.

% Check the input and output arguments for reasonableness.
error(nargchk(3, 5, nargin));
error(nargchk(1, 2, nargout));

if (ndims(c) ~= 2) || (size(c, 1) ~= 1)
    error('C must be a row vector.');

if (ndims(s) ~= 2) || ~isreal(s) || ~isnumeric(s) || ...
        ((size(s, 2) ~= 2) && (size(s, 2) ~= 3))
    error('S must be a real, numeric two- or three column array.');

elements = prod(s, 2);

if (length(c) < elements(end)) || ...
        ~(elements(1) + 3 * sum(elements(2:end- 1 )) >= elements(end))
    error('[C, S] must be a standard wavelet decomposition structure.');

% Maximum levels in [C, S].
nmax = size(s, 1) - 2;

% Get third input parameter and init check flags.
wname = varargin{1};
filterchk = 0;
nchk = 0;

switch nargin
    case 3
        if ischar(wname)
            [lp, hp] = wavefilter(wname, 'r');
            n = nmax;
            error('Undefined filter.');
        if nargout ~= 1
            error('Wrong number of output arguments.');
    case 4
        if ischar(wname)
            [lp, hp] = wavefilter(wname, 'r');
            n = varargin{2};
            nchk = 1;
            lp = varargin{1};
            hp = varargin{2};
            filterchk = 1;
            n = nmax;
            if nargout ~= 1
                error('Wrong number of output arguments.');
    case 5
        lp = varargin{1};
        hp = varargin{2};
        filterchk = 1;
        n = varargin{3};
        nchk = 1;
        error('Improper number of input arguments');

fl = length(lp);
if filterchk
    if (ndims(lp) ~= 2) || ~isreal(lp) || ~isnumeric(lp) || ...
            (ndims(hp) ~= 2) || ~isreal(hp) || ~isnumeric(hp) || ...
            (fl ~= length(hp)) || (rem(fl, 2) ~= 0)
        error('LP and HP must be even and equal length real numeric filter vectors');

if nchk && (~isnumeric(n) || ~isreal(n))
    error('N must be a real numeric');

if (n > nmax) || (n < 1)
    error('Invalid number(N) of reconstructions requested.');

if (n ~= nmax) && (nargout ~= 2)
    error('Not enough output arguments.');

% Init decomposition
nc = c;
ns = s;
nnmax = nmax;

for i = 1:n
    % Compute a new approximation
    a = symconvup(wavecopy('a', nc, ns), lp, lp, fl, ns(3, :)) + ...
        symconvup(wavecopy('h', nc, ns, nnmax), ...
                  hp, lp, fl, ns(3, :)) + ...
        symconvup(wavecopy('v', nc, ns, nnmax), ...
                  lp, hp, fl, ns(3, :)) + ...
        symconvup(wavecopy('d', nc, ns, nnmax), ...
                  hp, hp, fl, ns(3, :));
    % Update decomposition
    nc = nc(4 * prod(ns(1, :)) + 1:end);
    nc = [a(:)' nc];
    ns = ns(3:end, :);
    ns = [ns(1, :); ns];
    nnmax = size(ns, 1) - 2;

% For complete reconstructions, reformat output as 2-D.
if nargout == 1
    a = nc;
    nc = repmat(0, ns(1, :));
    nc(:) = a;

varargout{1} = nc;
if nargout == 2
    varargout{2} = ns;

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
function w = symconvup(x, f1, f2, fln, keep)
% Upsample rows and convolve columns with f1; upsample columns and convolve
% rows with f2; then extract center assuming symmetrical extension

% Process each "page" (i.e., 3rd index) of an extended 2-D array
% separately; if 'x' is 2-D, size(x, 3) = 1.

% Preallocate w.
zi = fln - 1:fln + keep(1) - 2;
zj = fln - 1:fln + keep(2) - 2;
w = zeros(numel(zi), numel(zj), size(x, 3));
for i = 1:size(x, 3)
    y = zeros([2 1] .* size(x(:, :, i)));
    y(1:2:end, :) = x(:,:,i);
    y = conv2(y, f1');
    z = zeros([1 2] .* size(y));
    z(:, 1:2:end) = y;
    z = conv2(z, f2);
    z = z(zi, zj);
    w(:, :, i) = z;

在自定义一个与waverec2做比较的函数function ifwtcompare

function [ratio, maxdiff] = ifwtcompare(f, n, wname)
%IFWTCOMPARE Compare waverec2 and waveback.
%   [RATIO, MAXDIFF] = IFWTCOMPARE(F, N, WNAME) compares the
%   operation of Wavelet Too1box function WAVEREC2 and cus tom
%   function WAVEBACK.
%       F           Image to transform and inverse trans form.
%       N           Number of   scales to compute.
%       WNAME       Wavelet to use.
%       RATIO       Execution time ratio (custom/ toolbox).
%       MAXDIFF     Maximum generated image difference.

% Compute the transform and get output and computation time for waverec2.
[c1, s1] = wavedec2(f, n, wname);
w1 = @() waverec2(c1, s1, wname);
reftime = timeit(w1);

% Compute the transform and get output and computation time for waveback.
[c2, s2] = wavefast(f, n, wname);
w2 = @() waveback(c2, s2, wname);
t2 = timeit(w2);

% Compare the results.
ratio = t2 / reftime;
diff = double(w1()) - w2();
maxdiff = abs(max(diff(:)));


>> [ratio, maxdifference] = ifwtcompare(f, 5, 'db4')
ratio =
maxdifference =


5 Wavelet in Image Processing


  1. 计算一幅image的2-D Wavelet Transform二维小波变换
  2. 修改transform coefficients变换系数
  3. 计算Inverse transform反变换

Example Wavelet directionality and edge detection

>> f = imread('Fig0707(a).tif');
>> subplot(221);imshow(f);
>> [c, s] = wavefast(f, 1, 'sym4');
>> subplot(222);wavedisplay(c, s, -6);
>> [nc, y] = wavecut('a', c, s);
>> subplot(223);wavedisplay(nc, s, -6);
>> edges = abs(waveback(nc, s, 'sym4'));
>> subplot(224);imshow(mat2gray(edges));

Example Wavelet-based image smoothing or blurring

与Fourier Transform对应的Wavelet Transform是有效的图像平滑和图像模糊的处理方法。

>> subplot(321);imshow(f);
>> [c, s] = wavefast(f, 4, 'sym4');
>> subplot(322);wavedisplay(c, s, 20);
>> [c, g8] = wavezero(c, s, 1, 'sym4');
>> [c, s] = wavefast(f, 4, 'sym4');
>> [c, g8] = wavezero(c, s, 1, 'sym4');
>> subplot(323);imshow(g8);
>> [c, g8] = wavezero(c, s, 2, 'sym4');
>> subplot(324);imshow(g8);
>> [c, g8] = wavezero(c, s, 3, 'sym4');
>> subplot(325);imshow(g8);
>> [c, g8] = wavezero(c, s, 4, 'sym4');
>> subplot(326);imshow(g8);

Example Progressive reconstruction

>> [c, s] = wavefast(f, 4, 'jpeg9.7');
>> wavedisplay(c, s, 8);
>> f = wavecopy('a', c, s);
>> figure; imshow(mat2gray(f));
>> [c, s] = waveback(c, s, 'jpeg9.7', 1); % Approximation 1
>> f = wavecopy('a', c, s);
>> figure; imshow(mat2gray(f));
>> [c, s] = waveback(c, s, 'jpeg9.7', 1); % Approximation 2
>> f = wavecopy('a', c, s);
>> figure; imshow(mat2gray(f));
>> [c, s] = waveback(c, s, 'jpeg9.7', 1); % Approximation 3
>> f = wavecopy('a', c, s);
>> figure; imshow(mat2gray(f));
>> [c, s] = waveback(c, s, 'jpeg9.7', 1); % Approximation 4
>> f = wavecopy('a', c, s);
>> figure; imshow(mat2gray(f));




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