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原创 Macos OS 安装Kafka Eagle

​Kafka Eagle 是一款开源工具,专门用于监控和管理 Apache Kafka 集群。它提供了一系列功能,帮助用户更轻松地维护他们的 Kafka 环境。首先,Kafka Eagle 提供实时监控功能,让你能够迅速了解 Kafka 集群的运行状态,包括关键性能指标、生产者和消费者的状态以及健康状况。这有助于及时发现潜在问题。此外,Kafka Eagle 还支持警报和通知功能,允许你设置警报规则,以便在出现问题或性能下降时接收通知。这确保了你可以快速采取行动来解决问题。

2023-11-24 09:06:13 381

原创 【Kafka系列】大禹治水——谈谈Kafka的高性能


2023-11-23 14:33:11 78

原创 智慧工厂IOT项目Kafka消息积压优化方案

Kafka 系统在本公司的智慧工厂 IOT 项目中得到了广泛应用。​目前,全国包括海外有上千个矿山工厂、光伏工厂、Cableway工厂等使用我们的系统,虽然这些工厂的业务层逻辑各不相同,并且对应的服务系统也不完全一样。但是作为消息中间件和缓存中间件的Kafka集群和MQTT集群整个公司都是使用的同一套底层服务,所以也面临着巨大的负载压力。随着业务的迅猛发展, Kafka 集群规模快速增长。

2023-11-23 14:31:40 479

原创 【Kafka系列】Kafka安装与部署

本节主要介绍了Kafka单机版本和集群版本的搭建方式,所有的搭建方式都需要依赖Zookeeper来作为分布式协调中心,帮助Kafka进行选主等操作。最终通过Spring Boot快速集成了Kafka并进行了简单的用例测试,帮我们了解了Kafka的部署和简单应用。

2023-11-23 10:54:46 314

原创 【Kafka系列】Kafka事务机制

​​Kafka 的事务机制是一种保证消息系统中一组相关操作要么全部成功,要么全部失败的机制。它其实类似于分布式事务的概念,旨在提供端到端的一次语义(End-to-End Exactly-Once Semantics),确保消息在传输过程中不会被重复、丢失或不一致。具体体现在当生产者发送一组消息时,可以随时决定是否要撤回这段消息,而被撤回的消息消费者那边也不能消费到该消息。

2023-11-22 11:44:14 261

原创 【Kafka系列】Kafka的再均衡机制

​​再均衡是Kafka中用于重新分配消费者组(consumer group)中消费者(consumer)和分区(partition)之间关系的机制。当消费者组内的消费者数量变化,或者消费者订阅的主题发生变化(新增或删除分区),都可能触发再平衡。Kafka提供了三种再平衡策略:Round Robin(轮询),Range(范围)和Sticky(粘性)。Round Robin(轮询): 这种策略会以轮询的方式将所有分区依次分配给消费者,确保每个消费者都能均匀地获得分区。

2023-11-21 15:31:21 432

原创 Flutter中State的生命周期


2021-04-30 15:39:32 368 1

原创 Ubuntu19安装dlib库GPU+cuda+opencv

1.安装显卡驱动安装相关依赖sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev libleveldb-dev libsnappy-dev libopencv-dev libhdf5-serial-dev protobuf-compilersudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends libboost-all-devsud...

2019-07-16 16:56:51 974

原创 Opencv Notes

1.CV_32FC132 :bits numbers,there are 8bits,16bits,32bits,64bits,it is each piexl's bits in imageF:float,there are also U(unsigned int),S(signed int)C1:The channel numbers of image.

2019-04-25 16:43:16 143

原创 C++ Notes

1.the difference of "string str=null;" and "tring str="";"string str=null just declare the variable str,which points to a null,and don't allocate memory.string str="" has allocated memory and str ...

2019-04-17 11:38:39 194

原创 Java Learning Notes-Stack()

Java util package has provided the inner data structure "Stack",which extends from Vector<E>.In this place,I am going to do a sample explaination about "stack",which should a fundmental knowledg...

2019-04-10 16:52:33 113

原创 Java Learning Notes-Passing Function Parameters

There are two terms that describe how parameters can be passed to a function in a programming language.One trem is called "call by value" and the other is called "call by reference".The first term mea...

2019-04-09 11:23:49 109

原创 MySQL Install In Ubuntu

1.Install MySQL Unbuntu has provided a convenient way to install MySQL,you just need to scan lower command in the terminal,the unbuntu will help you install MySQL automaticly.sudo apt install mys...

2019-03-28 18:59:28 225

原创 Java Learning Notes-Problem ArrayList cannot be converted to List

List is an interface in Java,so you can not instantiate the type List<?>,the collection class ArrayList extends "AbstractList" and implements the "List" interface.So we should be able to cast a...

2019-03-27 21:42:29 615


JDBCAndMySQLFor Ubuntu versions : 5.10, 6.06, 6.10, 7.04, 9.10IntroductionThis document explains how to set up Java applications to communicate with the MySQL Database. This can be used eithe...

2019-03-26 16:33:46 151

原创 Java Learning Note-HashMap

1.What is mapAs the difine of map in Collins:"Map is a drawing of a particular area,showing its main features as they would appear if you looked at them from above".In programming language,the mean ...

2019-03-22 13:24:16 177

原创 Numpy Learning Notes-np.transpose()

np.transpose(a,axes) By deafault,reverse the dimensions,otherwise permute the axes according to the values given. a : input array axes : list of ints,optionalTranspose is a normal operation in mat...

2019-03-11 22:32:40 126

原创 Tensorflow Learning Notes-tf.boolean_mask()

tf.boolean_mask(tensor,mask,name="boolean_mask",axis=None) Apply boolean mask to tensor,Numpy equivalent is 'tensor[mask]' tensor: N-D tensor mask: K-D boolean mask,K&lt;=N and K must be known stat...

2019-03-10 22:57:00 147

原创 Tensorflow Learning Notes-tf.concat()


2019-03-08 22:44:09 106

原创 Java Learning Notes-The difference between ">>>" and ">>"

Today,I have met a problem when I wrireJava program,that is the difference between bitwise operator "&gt;&gt;&gt;" and "&gt;&gt;".In C++,there is only "&gt;&gt;" bitwise operator,which performs a bi

2019-03-07 22:59:55 118

原创 Tensorflow Learning Notes-tf.argmax() tf.reduce_max()

In tensorflow source code,we may often meet those functions like:tf.argmax(),tf.reduce_max(),tf.argmin(),tf.reduce_min(),tf.reduce_mean...and so on.Likes their function name,those functions have man...

2019-03-04 23:42:34 127

原创 Numpy Learning Notes-np.argsort()

In the ssd objects detection algorithm,I need to find out the top 400(according to the paper) bouding boxes in the total 87732 anchor boxes.Therefore,we need a method to find out the maximum propabil...

2019-03-02 22:14:51 132

原创 Tensor Calculation Method

Recently,I have met some problem when I Implement an Objects Detection algorithm,The single shot detection(ssd),which is that The Tensor Calculation method,including divition,multiplation,add and subs...

2019-03-01 11:20:01 283



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