第10章 数组和指针









10.1 数组

10.1.1 初始化数组

10.1.2 指定初始化器(C99)

10.1.3 给数组元素赋值

10.1.4 数组边界

10.1.5 指定数组的大小

10.2 多维数组

10.2.1 初始化二维数组

10.2.2 其他多维数组

10.3 指针和数组


10.4 函数、数组和指针

10.4.1 使用指针形参

10.4.2 指针表示法和数组表示法

10.5 指针操作

10.6 保护数组中的数据

10.6.1 对形式参数使用const

10.6.2 const的其他内容

10.7 指针和多维数组

10.7.1 指针多维数组的指针

10.7.2 指针的兼容性

10.7.3 函数和多维数组

10.8 变长数组(VLA)

10.9 复合字面量

10.10 关键概念

10.11 本章小结

10.1 数组

10.1.1 初始化数组

/* day_mon1.c -- prints the days for each month */
#include <stdio.h>
#define MONTHS 12

int main(void)
    int days[MONTHS] = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
    int index;
    for (index = 0; index < MONTHS; index++)
        printf("Month %d has %2d days.\n", index +1,
    return 0;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang day_mon1.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
Month 1 has 31 days.
Month 2 has 28 days.
Month 3 has 31 days.
Month 4 has 30 days.
Month 5 has 31 days.
Month 6 has 30 days.
Month 7 has 31 days.
Month 8 has 31 days.
Month 9 has 30 days.
Month 10 has 31 days.
Month 11 has 30 days.
Month 12 has 31 days.


/* no_data.c -- uninitialized array */
#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 4
int main(void)
    int no_data[SIZE];  /* uninitialized array */
    int i;
           "i", "no_data[i]");
    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
        printf("%2d%14d\n", i, no_data[i]);
    return 0;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang no_data.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
 i    no_data[i]
 0             0
 1             0
 2             0
 3             0

/* some_data.c -- partially initialized array */
#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 4
int main(void)
    int some_data[SIZE] = {1492, 1066};
    int i;
           "i", "some_data[i]");
    for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
        printf("%2d%14d\n", i, some_data[i]);
    return 0;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang some_data.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
 i  some_data[i]
 0          1492
 1          1066
 2             0
 3             0
/* day_mon2.c -- letting the compiler count elements */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    const int days[] = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31};
    int index;
    for (index = 0; index < sizeof days / sizeof days[0]; index++)
        printf("Month %2d has %d days.\n", index +1,
    return 0;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang day_mon2.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
Month  1 has 31 days.
Month  2 has 28 days.
Month  3 has 31 days.
Month  4 has 30 days.
Month  5 has 31 days.
Month  6 has 30 days.
Month  7 has 31 days.
Month  8 has 31 days.
Month  9 has 30 days.
Month 10 has 31 days.

10.1.2 指定初始化器(C99)

// designate.c -- use designated initializers
#include <stdio.h>
#define MONTHS 12
int main(void)
    int days[MONTHS] = {31,28, [4] = 31,30,31};
//C99指定初始化器(designated initializer)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < MONTHS; i++)
        printf("%2d  %d\n", i + 1, days[i]);
    return 0;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang designate.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
 1  31
 2  28
 3  0
 4  0
 5  31
 6  30
 7  31
 8  0
 9  0
10  0
11  0
12  0

10.1.3 给数组元素赋值

#define SIZE 5
int main(void)
    int oxen[SIZE] = {5,3,2,8} //没问题
    int yaks[SIZE];

    yaks = oxen;  //不允许
    yakes[SIZE] = oxen[SIZE]; //数组下标越界
    yakes[SIZE] = {5,3,2,8} //除初始化以外也不允许使用花括号列表的形式赋值

10.1.4 数组边界

// bounds.c -- exceed the bounds of an array
#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 4
int main(void)
    int value1 = 44;
    int arr[SIZE];
    int value2 = 88;
    int i;
    printf("value1 = %d, value2 = %d\n", value1, value2);
    for (i = -1; i <= SIZE; i++)
        arr[i] = 2 * i + 1;
    for (i = -1; i < 7; i++)
        printf("%2d  %d\n", i , arr[i]);
    printf("value1 = %d, value2 = %d\n", value1, value2);
    //printf("address of arr[-1]: %p\n", &arr[-1]);
    printf("address of arr[4]:  %p\n", &arr[4]);
    printf("address of value1:  %p\n", &value1);
    printf("address of value2:  %p\n", &value2);
    return 0;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang bounds.c 
bounds.c:19:41: warning: array index -1 is before the beginning of the array [-Warray-bounds]
    printf("address of arr[-1]: %p\n", &arr[-1]);
                                        ^   ~~
bounds.c:7:5: note: array 'arr' declared here
    int arr[SIZE];
1 warning generated.
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang bounds.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
value1 = 44, value2 = 88
-1  -1
 0  1
 1  3
 2  5
 3  7
 4  9
 5  32766
 6  2091253915
value1 = 44, value2 = 88
address of arr[4]:  0x7ffeefaf3ae0
address of value1:  0x7ffeefaf3ac8
address of value2:  0x7ffeefaf3ac4

10.1.5 指定数组的大小

10.2 多维数组

10.2.1 初始化二维数组


/* rain.c  -- finds yearly totals, yearly average, and monthly
 average for several years of rainfall data */
#include <stdio.h>
#define MONTHS 12    // number of months in a year
#define YEARS   5    // number of years of data
int main(void)
    // initializing rainfall data for 2010 - 2014
    const float rain[YEARS][MONTHS] =
    int year, month;
    float subtot, total;
    printf(" YEAR    RAINFALL  (inches)\n");
    for (year = 0, total = 0; year < YEARS; year++)
    {             // for each year, sum rainfall for each month
        for (month = 0, subtot = 0; month < MONTHS; month++)
            subtot += rain[year][month];
        printf("%5d %15.1f\n", 2010 + year, subtot);
        total += subtot; // total for all years
    printf("\nThe yearly average is %.1f inches.\n\n",
    printf("MONTHLY AVERAGES:\n\n");
    printf(" Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct ");
    printf(" Nov  Dec\n");
    for (month = 0; month < MONTHS; month++)
    {             // for each month, sum rainfall over years
        for (year = 0, subtot =0; year < YEARS; year++)
            subtot += rain[year][month];
        printf("%4.1f ", subtot/YEARS);
    return 0;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang rain.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
 YEAR    RAINFALL  (inches)
 2010            32.4
 2011            37.9
 2012            49.8
 2013            44.0
 2014            32.9

The yearly average is 39.4 inches.


 Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
 7.3  7.3  4.9  3.0  2.3  0.6  1.2  0.3  0.5  1.7  3.6  6.7 

10.2.2 其他多维数组

int box[10][20][30]

10.3 指针和数组

int flizny[10];
flizny == &flizny[0];//都表示数组首元素的内存地址,常量


// pnt_add.c -- pointer addition
#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 4
int main(void)
    short dates [SIZE];
    short * pti;
    short index;
    double bills[SIZE];
    double * ptf;
    pti = dates;    // assign address of array to pointer
    ptf = bills;
    printf("%23s %15s\n", "short", "double");
    for (index = 0; index < SIZE; index ++)
        printf("pointers + %d: %10p %10p\n",
               index, pti + index, ptf + index);
    return 0;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang pnt_add.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
                  short          double
pointers + 0: 0x7ffee6ec3ae0 0x7ffee6ec3ac0
pointers + 1: 0x7ffee6ec3ae2 0x7ffee6ec3ac8
pointers + 2: 0x7ffee6ec3ae4 0x7ffee6ec3ad0
pointers + 3: 0x7ffee6ec3ae6 0x7ffee6ec3ad8

dates + 2 == &dates[2];
*(dates + 2) ==  dates[2];
/* day_mon3.c -- uses pointer notation */
#include <stdio.h>
#define MONTHS 12

int main(void)
    int days[MONTHS] = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
    int index;
    for (index = 0; index < MONTHS; index++)
        printf("Month %2d has %d days.\n", index +1,
               *(days + index));   // same as days[index]
    return 0;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang day_mon3.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
Month  1 has 31 days.
Month  2 has 28 days.
Month  3 has 31 days.
Month  4 has 30 days.
Month  5 has 31 days.
Month  6 has 30 days.
Month  7 has 31 days.
Month  8 has 31 days.
Month  9 has 30 days.
Month 10 has 31 days.
Month 11 has 30 days.
Month 12 has 31 days.

10.4 函数、数组和指针

// sum_arr1.c -- sums the elements of an array
// use %u or %lu if %zd doesn't work
#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 10
int sum(int ar[], int n);
int main(void)
    int marbles[SIZE] = {20,10,5,39,4,16,19,26,31,20};
    long answer;
    answer = sum(marbles, SIZE);
    printf("The total number of marbles is %ld.\n", answer);
    printf("The size of marbles is %zd bytes.\n",
           sizeof marbles);
    return 0;

int sum(int ar[], int n)     // how big an array?
    int i;
    int total = 0;
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++)
        total += ar[i];
    printf("The size of ar is %zd bytes.\n", sizeof ar);
    return total;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang sum_arr1.c 
sum_arr1.c:26:53: warning: sizeof on array function parameter will return size of 'int *' instead of 'int []' [-Wsizeof-array-argument]
    printf("The size of ar is %zd bytes.\n", sizeof ar);
sum_arr1.c:19:13: note: declared here
int sum(int ar[], int n)     // how big an array?
1 warning generated.

The size of ar is 8 bytes.
The total number of marbles is 190.
The size of marbles is 40 bytes


10.4.1 使用指针形参

/* sum_arr2.c -- sums the elements of an array */
#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 10
int sump(int * start, int * end);
int main(void)
    int marbles[SIZE] = {20,10,5,39,4,16,19,26,31,20};
    long answer;
    answer = sump(marbles, marbles + SIZE);
//下标从0开始,所以marbles + size指向数组末尾的下一个位置,如果指向最后一个元素则是marbles + size -1
    printf("The total number of marbles is %ld.\n", answer);
    return 0;

/* use pointer arithmetic   */
int sump(int * start, int * end)
    int total = 0;
    while (start < end)
        total += *start; // add value to total
        start++;         // advance pointer to next element
//total += *start++;
//total += *(start++);
    return total;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang sum_arr2.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
The total number of marbles is 190.
/* order.c -- precedence in pointer operations */
#include <stdio.h>
int data[2] = {100, 200};
int moredata[2] = {300, 400};
int main(void)
    int * p1, * p2, * p3;
    p1 = p2 = data;
    p3 = moredata;
    printf("  *p1 = %d,   *p2 = %d,     *p3 = %d\n",
           *p1     ,   *p2     ,     *p3);
    printf("*p1++ = %d, *++p2 = %d, (*p3)++ = %d\n",
           *p1++     , *++p2     , (*p3)++);
    printf("  *p1 = %d,   *p2 = %d,     *p3 = %d\n",
           *p1     ,   *p2     ,     *p3);
    return 0;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang order.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
  *p1 = 100,   *p2 = 100,     *p3 = 300
*p1++ = 100, *++p2 = 200, (*p3)++ = 300
  *p1 = 200,   *p2 = 200,     *p3 = 301

10.4.2 指针表示法和数组表示法


ar[i] == *(ar + i)

10.5 指针操作

// ptr_ops.c -- pointer operations
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    int urn[5] = {100,200,300,400,500};
    int * ptr1, * ptr2, *ptr3;
    ptr1 = urn;         // assign an address to a pointer
    ptr2 = &urn[2];     // ditto
    // dereference a pointer and take
    // the address of a pointer
    printf("pointer value, dereferenced pointer, pointer address:\n");
    printf("ptr1 = %p, *ptr1 =%d, &ptr1 = %p\n",
           ptr1, *ptr1, &ptr1);
    // pointer addition
    ptr3 = ptr1 + 4;
    printf("\nadding an int to a pointer:\n");
    printf("ptr1 + 4 = %p, *(ptr4 + 3) = %d\n",
           ptr1 + 4, *(ptr1 + 3));
    ptr1++;            // increment a pointer
    printf("\nvalues after ptr1++:\n");
    printf("ptr1 = %p, *ptr1 =%d, &ptr1 = %p\n",
           ptr1, *ptr1, &ptr1);
    ptr2--;            // decrement a pointer
    printf("\nvalues after --ptr2:\n");
    printf("ptr2 = %p, *ptr2 = %d, &ptr2 = %p\n",
           ptr2, *ptr2, &ptr2);
    --ptr1;            // restore to original value
    ++ptr2;            // restore to original value
    printf("\nPointers reset to original values:\n");
    printf("ptr1 = %p, ptr2 = %p\n", ptr1, ptr2);
    // subtract one pointer from another
    printf("\nsubtracting one pointer from another:\n");
    printf("ptr2 = %p, ptr1 = %p, ptr2 - ptr1 = %td\n",
           ptr2, ptr1, ptr2 - ptr1);
    // subtract an integer from a pointer
    printf("\nsubtracting an int from a pointer:\n");
    printf("ptr3 = %p, ptr3 - 2 = %p\n",
           ptr3,  ptr3 - 2);
    return 0;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang ptr_ops.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
pointer value, dereferenced pointer, pointer address:
ptr1 = 0x7ffee66b6ad0, *ptr1 =100, &ptr1 = 0x7ffee66b6ac0

adding an int to a pointer:
ptr1 + 4 = 0x7ffee66b6ae0, *(ptr4 + 3) = 400

values after ptr1++:
ptr1 = 0x7ffee66b6ad4, *ptr1 =200, &ptr1 = 0x7ffee66b6ac0

values after --ptr2:
ptr2 = 0x7ffee66b6ad4, *ptr2 = 200, &ptr2 = 0x7ffee66b6ab8

Pointers reset to original values:
ptr1 = 0x7ffee66b6ad0, ptr2 = 0x7ffee66b6ad8

subtracting one pointer from another:
ptr2 = 0x7ffee66b6ad8, ptr1 = 0x7ffee66b6ad0, ptr2 - ptr1 = 2

subtracting an int from a pointer:
ptr3 = 0x7ffee66b6ae0, ptr3 - 2 = 0x7ffee66b6ad8
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ 

10.6 保护数组中的数据



10.6.1 对形式参数使用const

int sum(const int ar[],int n) //函数原型
int sum(const int ar[],int n) {


/* arf.c -- array functions */
#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 5
void show_array(const double ar[], int n);
void mult_array(double ar[], int n, double mult);
int main(void)
    double dip[SIZE] = {20.0, 17.66, 8.2, 15.3, 22.22};
    printf("The original dip array:\n");
    show_array(dip, SIZE);
    mult_array(dip, SIZE, 2.5);
    printf("The dip array after calling mult_array():\n");
    show_array(dip, SIZE);
    return 0;

/* displays array contents */
void show_array(const double ar[], int n)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        printf("%8.3f ", ar[i]);

/* multiplies each array member by the same multiplier */
void mult_array(double ar[], int n, double mult)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        ar[i] *= mult;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang arf.c
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
The original dip array:
  20.000   17.660    8.200   15.300   22.220 
The dip array after calling mult_array():
  50.000   44.150   20.500   38.250   55.550 

10.6.2 const的其他内容



double rates[5] = {1 , 2, 3, 4, 5}
const double locked[4] = {1, 2, 4, 5}
const double *pc = rates ; //const
pc = locked;
pc = &rates[3];

double* pnc = rates; //非const
pnc = locked; 无效 只能把非const数据的地址赋给普通指针
pnc = &rates[3];有效

10.7 指针和多维数组

/* zippo1.c --  zippo info */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    int zippo[4][2] = { {2,4}, {6,8}, {1,3}, {5, 7} };
    printf("   zippo = %p,    zippo + 1 = %p\n",
           zippo,         zippo + 1);
    printf("zippo[0] = %p, zippo[0] + 1 = %p\n",
           zippo[0],      zippo[0] + 1);
    printf("  *zippo = %p,   *zippo + 1 = %p\n",
           *zippo,        *zippo + 1);
    printf("zippo[0][0] = %d\n", zippo[0][0]);
    printf("  *zippo[0] = %d\n", *zippo[0]);
    printf("    **zippo = %d\n", **zippo);
    printf("      zippo[2][1] = %d\n", zippo[2][1]);
    printf("*(*(zippo+2) + 1) = %d\n", *(*(zippo+2) + 1));
    return 0;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang zippo1.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
   zippo = 0x7ffee04d3ac0,    zippo + 1 = 0x7ffee04d3ac8
zippo[0] = 0x7ffee04d3ac0, zippo[0] + 1 = 0x7ffee04d3ac4
  *zippo = 0x7ffee04d3ac0,   *zippo + 1 = 0x7ffee04d3ac4
zippo[0][0] = 2
  *zippo[0] = 2
    **zippo = 2
      zippo[2][1] = 3
*(*(zippo+2) + 1) = 3

zippo[m][n] == *(*(zippo + m) + n)

pz[m][n] == *(*(pz+m) +n)

10.7.1 指针多维数组的指针

/* zippo2.c --  zippo info via a pointer variable */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    int zippo[4][2] = { {2,4}, {6,8}, {1,3}, {5, 7} };
    int (*pz)[2];
    pz = zippo;
    printf("   pz = %p,    pz + 1 = %p\n",
           pz,         pz + 1);
    printf("pz[0] = %p, pz[0] + 1 = %p\n",
           pz[0],      pz[0] + 1);
    printf("  *pz = %p,   *pz + 1 = %p\n",
           *pz,        *pz + 1);
    printf("pz[0][0] = %d\n", pz[0][0]);
    printf("  *pz[0] = %d\n", *pz[0]);
    printf("    **pz = %d\n", **pz);
    printf("      pz[2][1] = %d\n", pz[2][1]);
    printf("*(*(pz+2) + 1) = %d\n", *(*(pz+2) + 1));
    return 0;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang zippo2.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
   pz = 0x7ffeed436ac0,    pz + 1 = 0x7ffeed436ac8
pz[0] = 0x7ffeed436ac0, pz[0] + 1 = 0x7ffeed436ac4
  *pz = 0x7ffeed436ac0,   *pz + 1 = 0x7ffeed436ac4
pz[0][0] = 2
  *pz[0] = 2
    **pz = 2
      pz[2][1] = 3
*(*(pz+2) + 1) = 3

10.7.2 指针的兼容性

int n = 5;
double x;
x = n; //类型转换

int* p1 = &n;
double* pd = &x;
pd = p1; //编译时错误
int* pt;
int (*pa)[3];
int ar1[2][3];
int ar2[3][2];
int **p2; //一个指向指针的指针

pt = &ar1[0][0];
pt = ar1[0];
pt = ar1; 错误

pa = ar1; //都是指向内含3个int类型元素数组的指针
pa = ar2; 错误

p2 = &pt; //both pointer-to-int *
*p2 = ar2[0]; //都是指向int的指针
p2 = ar2; //错误

10.7.3 函数和多维数组

// array2d.c -- functions for 2d arrays
#include <stdio.h>
#define ROWS 3
#define COLS 4
//ar指向一个内含4个int类型值的数组(ar 16字节)
void sum_rows(int ar[][COLS], int rows);
void sum_cols(int [][COLS], int );    // ok to omit names
int sum2d(int (*ar)[COLS], int rows); // another syntax

int main(void)
    int junk[ROWS][COLS] = {
    sum_rows(junk, ROWS); //数组名
    sum_cols(junk, ROWS);
    printf("Sum of all elements = %d\n", sum2d(junk, ROWS));
    return 0;

void sum_rows(int ar[][COLS], int rows)
    int r;
    int c;
    int tot;
    for (r = 0; r < rows; r++)
        tot = 0;
        for (c = 0; c < COLS; c++)
            tot += ar[r][c];
        printf("row %d: sum = %d\n", r, tot);

void sum_cols(int ar[][COLS], int rows)
    int r;
    int c;
    int tot;
    for (c = 0; c < COLS; c++)
        tot = 0;
        for (r = 0; r < rows; r++)
            tot += ar[r][c];
        printf("col %d: sum = %d\n", c, tot);

int sum2d(int ar[][COLS], int rows)
    int r;
    int c;
    int tot = 0;
    for (r = 0; r < rows; r++)
        for (c = 0; c < COLS; c++)
            tot += ar[r][c];
    return tot;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang array2d.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
row 0: sum = 20
row 1: sum = 24
row 2: sum = 36
col 0: sum = 17
col 1: sum = 19
col 2: sum = 21
col 3: sum = 23
Sum of all elements = 80

10.8 变长数组(VLA)


C99新增变长数组(variable-length array.VLA),允许使用变量表示数组的维度。
//vararr2d.c -- functions using VLAs
#include <stdio.h>
#define ROWS 3
#define COLS 4
int sum2d(int rows, int cols, int ar[rows][cols]);
int main(void)
    int i, j;
    int rs = 3;
    int cs = 10;
    int junk[ROWS][COLS] = {
    int morejunk[ROWS-1][COLS+2] = {
    int varr[rs][cs];  // VLA
    for (i = 0; i < rs; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < cs; j++)
            varr[i][j] = i * j + j;
    printf("3x5 array\n");
    printf("Sum of all elements = %d\n",
           sum2d(ROWS, COLS, junk));
    printf("2x6 array\n");
    printf("Sum of all elements = %d\n",
           sum2d(ROWS-1, COLS+2, morejunk));
    printf("3x10 VLA\n");
    printf("Sum of all elements = %d\n",
           sum2d(rs, cs, varr));
    return 0;

// function with a VLA parameter
int sum2d(int rows, int cols, int ar[rows][cols])
    int r;
    int c;
    int tot = 0;
    for (r = 0; r < rows; r++)
        for (c = 0; c < cols; c++)
            tot += ar[r][c];
    return tot;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang vararr2d.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
3x5 array
Sum of all elements = 80
2x6 array
Sum of all elements = 315
3x10 VLA
Sum of all elements = 270

10.9 复合字面量

C99新增复合字面量(compound literal),如果有代表数组和结构内容的复合字面量,在编程时会更方便。

int diva[2] = {10,20}
(int [2]){10,20}

// flc.c -- funny-looking constants
#include <stdio.h>
#define COLS 4
int sum2d(const int ar[][COLS], int rows);
int sum(const int ar[], int n);
int main(void)
    int total1, total2, total3;
    int * pt1;
    int (*pt2)[COLS];
    pt1 = (int [2]) {10, 20};
    pt2 = (int [2][COLS]) { {1,2,3,-9}, {4,5,6,-8} };
    total1 = sum(pt1, 2);
    total2 = sum2d(pt2, 2);
    total3 = sum((int []){4,4,4,5,5,5}, 6);
    printf("total1 = %d\n", total1);
    printf("total2 = %d\n", total2);
    printf("total3 = %d\n", total3);
    return 0;

int sum(const int ar[], int n)
    int i;
    int total = 0;
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++)
        total += ar[i];
    return total;

int sum2d(const int ar[][COLS], int rows)
    int r;
    int c;
    int tot = 0;
    for (r = 0; r < rows; r++)
        for (c = 0; c < COLS; c++)
            tot += ar[r][c];
    return tot;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ clang flc.c 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] ch10$ ./a.out 
total1 = 30
total2 = 4
total3 = 27

10.10 关键概念

10.11 本章小结













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