第4章 复合类型

















4.1 数组

4.1.1 程序说明

4.1.2 数组的初始化规则

4.1.3 C++11数组初始化方法

4.2 字符串

4.2.1 拼接字符串常量

4.2.2 在数组中使用字符串

4.2.3 字符串输入

4.2.4 每次读取一行字符串输入

4.2.5 混合输入字符串和数字

4.3 string类简介

4.3.1 C++11字符串初始化

4.3.2 辅助、拼接和附加

4.3.3 string类的其他操作

4.3.4 string类I/O

4.3.5 其他形式的字符串字面值

4.4 结构简介

4.4.1 在程序中使用结构

4.4.2 C++11结构初始化

4.4.3 结构可以将string类作为成员吗

4.4.4 其他结构属性

4.4.5 结构数组

4.4.6 共用体

4.5 共用体

4.6 枚举

4.6.1 设置枚举量的值

4.6.2 枚举的取值范围

4.7 指针和自由存储空间

4.7.1  声明和初始化指针

4.7.2 指针的危险

4.7.3 指针和数字

4.7.4 使用new来分配内存

4.7.5 使用delete释放内存

4.7.6 使用new来创建动态数组

4.8 指针、数组和指针算术

4.8.1 程序说明

4.8.2 指针小结

4.8.3 指针和字符串

4.8.4 使用new创建动态结构

4.8.5 自动存储、静态存储和动态存储

4.9 类型组合

4.10 数组的替代品

4.10.1 模版类vector

4.10.2 模版类array(C++11)

4.10.3 比较数组、vector对象和array对象

4.11 总结

4.1 数组


4.1.1 程序说明

// arrayone.cpp -- small arrays of integers
#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    int yams[3];    // creates array with three elements
    yams[0] = 7;    // assign value to first element
    yams[1] = 8;
    yams[2] = 6;

    int yamcosts[3] = {20, 30, 5}; // create, initialize array
// NOTE: If your C++ compiler or translator can't initialize
// this array, use static int yamcosts[3] instead of
// int yamcosts[3]

    cout << "Total yams = ";
    cout << yams[0] + yams[1] + yams[2] << endl;
    cout << "The package with " << yams[1] << " yams costs ";
    cout << yamcosts[1] << " cents per yam.\n";
    int total = yams[0] * yamcosts[0] + yams[1] * yamcosts[1];
    total = total + yams[2] * yamcosts[2];
    cout << "The total yam expense is " << total << " cents.\n";

    cout << "\nSize of yams array = " << sizeof yams;
    cout << " bytes.\n";
    cout << "Size of one element = " << sizeof yams[0];
    cout << " bytes.\n";
    // cin.get();
    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
Total yams = 21
The package with 8 yams costs 30 cents per yam.
The total yam expense is 410 cents.

Size of yams array = 12 bytes.
Size of one element = 4 bytes.

4.1.2 数组的初始化规则

4.1.3 C++11数组初始化方法

    double earnings[4] {1,2,3,4}
    float balance[100] {};
    long plies[] = {25, 92, 3.0}; 错误
    char splits[4] {'h', 'I', 1122011, '\0'} 错误
    char tiles[4] {'h', 'I', 112, '\0'} 正确


4.2 字符串

(1)C-style string

C-style string
char dog[8] = {'b','e','a','u','X','','I','I'}; // not a string
char cat[8] = {'b','e','a','u','X','','I','\0'}; //a string

char bird[11] = "Mr. Cheeps";
char fish[] = "Bubbles";

char a = 'S';//字符常量

“F”='F' + \0
char b = "F";//字符串常量 

4.2.1 拼接字符串常量


4.2.2 在数组中使用字符串

// strings.cpp -- storing strings in an array
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>  // for the strlen() function
int main()
    using namespace std;
    const int Size = 15;
    char name1[Size];               // empty array
    char name2[Size] = "C++owboy";  // initialized array
    // NOTE: some implementations may require the static keyword
    // to initialize the array name2

    cout << "Howdy! I'm " << name2;
    cout << "! What's your name?\n";
    cin >> name1;
    cout << "Well, " << name1 << ", your name has ";
    cout << strlen(name1) << " letters and is stored\n";
    cout << "in an array of " << sizeof(name1) << " bytes.\n";
    cout << "Your initial is " << name1[0] << ".\n";
    name2[3] = '\0';                // set to null character
    cout << "Here are the first 3 characters of my name: ";
    cout << name2 << endl;
    // cin.get();
    // cin.get();
    return 0;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ strings.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
Howdy! I'm C++owboy! What's your name?
Well, Basiman, your name has 7 letters and is stored
in an array of 15 bytes.
Your initial is B.
Here are the first 3 characters of my name: C++

4.2.3 字符串输入

// instr1.cpp -- reading more than one string
#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    const int ArSize = 20;
    char name[ArSize];
    char dessert[ArSize];

    cout << "Enter your name:\n";
    cin >> name;
    cout << "Enter your favorite dessert:\n";
    cin >> dessert;
    cout << "I have some delicious " << dessert;
    cout << " for you, " << name << ".\n";
    // cin.get();
	// cin.get();
    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ instr1.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
Enter your name:
Alistair Drreeb
Enter your favorite dessert:
I have some delicious Drreeb for you, Alistair.


4.2.4 每次读取一行字符串输入

// instr2.cpp -- reading more than one word with getline
#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    const int ArSize = 20;
    char name[ArSize];
    char dessert[ArSize];

    cout << "Enter your name:\n";
    cin.getline(name, ArSize);  // reads through newline
    cout << "Enter your favorite dessert:\n";
    cin.getline(dessert, ArSize);
    cout << "I have some delicious " << dessert;
    cout << " for you, " << name << ".\n";
    // cin.get();
    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
Enter your name:
Dirk Hammernose
Enter your favorite dessert:
Raadish Torte
I have some delicious Raadish Torte for you, Dirk Hammernose.

// instr3.cpp -- reading more than one word with get() & get()
#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    const int ArSize = 20;
    char name[ArSize];
    char dessert[ArSize];

    cout << "Enter your name:\n";
    cin.get(name, ArSize).get();    // read string, newline
    cout << "Enter your favorite dessert:\n";
    cin.get(dessert, ArSize).get();
    cout << "I have some delicious " << dessert;
    cout << " for you, " << name << ".\n";
    // cin.get();
    return 0; 
wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ instr3.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
Enter your name:
Mai Parfait
Enter your favorite dessert:
Chocolate Mousse
I have some delicious Chocolate Mousse for you, Mai Parfait.



4.2.5 混合输入字符串和数字

// numstr.cpp -- following number input with line input
#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    cout << "What year was your house built?\n";
    int year;
    cin >> year;
    // cin.get();
    //( cin >> year).get();
    cout << "What is its street address?\n";
    char address[80];
    cin.getline(address, 80);
    cout << "Year built: " << year << endl;
    cout << "Address: " << address << endl;
    cout << "Done!\n";
    // cin.get();
    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ numstr.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
What year was your house built?
What is its street address?
Year built: 1966


4.3 string类简介



// strtype1.cpp -- using the C++ string class
#include <iostream>
#include <string>               // make string class available
int main()
    using namespace std;
    char charr1[20];            // create an empty array
    char charr2[20] = "jaguar"; // create an initialized array
    string str1;                // create an empty string object
    string str2 = "panther";    // create an initialized string

    cout << "Enter a kind of feline: ";
    cin >> charr1;
    cout << "Enter another kind of feline: ";
    cin >> str1;                // use cin for input
    cout << "Here are some felines:\n";
    cout << charr1 << " " << charr2 << " "
         << str1 << " " << str2 // use cout for output
         << endl;
    cout << "The third letter in " << charr2 << " is "
         << charr2[2] << endl;
    cout << "The third letter in " << str2 << " is "
         << str2[2] << endl;    // use array notation
    // cin.get();
	// cin.get();

    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ strtype1.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
Enter a kind of feline: ocelot
Enter another kind of feline: tiger
Here are some felines:
ocelot jaguar tiger panther
The third letter in jaguar is g
The third letter in panther is n

4.3.1 C++11字符串初始化

4.3.2 辅助、拼接和附加

合并:str1 += str2
// strtype2.cpp �- assigning, adding, and appending
#include <iostream>
#include <string>               // make string class available
int main()
    using namespace std;
    string s1 = "penguin";
    string s2, s3;

    cout << "You can assign one string object to another: s2 = s1\n";
    s2 = s1;
    cout << "s1: " << s1 << ", s2: " << s2 << endl;
    cout << "You can assign a C-style string to a string object.\n";
    cout << "s2 = \"buzzard\"\n";
    s2 = "buzzard";
    cout << "s2: " << s2 << endl;
    cout << "You can concatenate strings: s3 = s1 + s2\n";
    s3 = s1 + s2;
    cout << "s3: " << s3 << endl;
    cout << "You can append strings.\n";
    s1 += s2;
    cout <<"s1 += s2 yields s1 = " << s1 << endl;
    s2 += " for a day";
    cout <<"s2 += \" for a day\" yields s2 = " << s2 << endl;

    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ strtype2.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
You can assign one string object to another: s2 = s1
s1: penguin, s2: penguin
You can assign a C-style string to a string object.
s2 = "buzzard"
s2: buzzard
You can concatenate strings: s3 = s1 + s2
s3: penguinbuzzard
You can append strings.
s1 += s2 yields s1 = penguinbuzzard
s2 += " for a day" yields s2 = buzzard for a day

4.3.3 string类的其他操作

string对象的技术 和 用于字符数组的技术进行比较
// strtype3.cpp -- more string class features
#include <iostream>
#include <string>               // make string class available
#include <cstring>              // C-style string library
int main()
    using namespace std;
    char charr1[20]; 
    char charr2[20] = "jaguar"; 
    string str1;  
    string str2 = "panther";

    // assignment for string objects and character arrays
    str1 = str2;                // copy str2 to str1
    strcpy(charr1, charr2);     // copy charr2 to charr1
    // appending for string objects and character arrays
    str1 += " paste";           // add paste to end of str1
    strcat(charr1, " juice");   // add juice to end of charr1

    // finding the length of a string object and a C-style string
    int len1 = str1.size();     // obtain length of str1
    int len2 = strlen(charr1);  // obtain length of charr1
    cout << "The string " << str1 << " contains "
         << len1 << " characters.\n";
    cout << "The string " << charr1 << " contains "
         << len2 << " characters.\n";
    // cin.get();

    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ strtype3.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
The string panther paste contains 13 characters.
The string jaguar juice contains 12 characters.
strcat() 和 strlcpy() 指出目标数组最大允许长度的第三个参数

4.3.4 string类I/O

// strtype4.cpp -- line input
#include <iostream>
#include <string>               // make string class available
#include <cstring>              // C-style string library
int main()
    using namespace std;
    char charr[20]; 
    string str;

    cout << "Length of string in charr before input: " 
         << strlen(charr) << endl;
    cout << "Length of string in str before input: "
         << str.size() << endl;
    cout << "Enter a line of text:\n";
    cin.getline(charr, 20);     // indicate maximum length
    cout << "You entered: " << charr << endl;
    cout << "Enter another line of text:\n";
    getline(cin, str);          // cin now an argument; no length specifier
    cout << "You entered: " << str << endl;
    cout << "Length of string in charr after input: " 
         << strlen(charr) << endl;
    cout << "Length of string in str after input: "
         << str.size() << endl;
    // cin.get();

    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ strtype4.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
Length of string in charr before input: 0
Length of string in str before input: 0 //未被初始化的string类对象自动设置为0
Enter a line of text:
peanut butter
You entered: peanut butter
Enter another line of text:
blueberry jam
You entered: blueberry jam
Length of string in charr after input: 13
Length of string in str after input: 13


4.3.5 其他形式的字符串字面值


4.4 结构简介


4.4.1 在程序中使用结构

// structur.cpp -- a simple structure
#include <iostream>
struct inflatable   // structure declaration
    char name[20];
    float volume;
    double price;

int main()
    using namespace std;
    inflatable guest =
        "Glorious Gloria",  // name value
        1.88,               // volume value
        29.99               // price value
    };  // guest is a structure variable of type inflatable
// It's initialized to the indicated values
    inflatable pal =
        "Audacious Arthur",
    };  // pal is a second variable of type inflatable
// NOTE: some implementations require using
// static inflatable guest =

    cout << "Expand your guest list with " << guest.name;
    cout << " and " << pal.name << "!\n";
// pal.name is the name member of the pal variable
    cout << "You can have both for $";
    cout << guest.price + pal.price << "!\n";
    // cin.get();
    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ structur.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
Expand your guest list with Glorious Gloria and Audacious Arthur!
You can have both for $62.98!

4.4.2 C++11结构初始化


inflatable duck {"Daphe", 0.12, 9.98};
inflatable duck {};

4.4.3 结构可以将string类作为成员吗

std:string name;

4.4.4 其他结构属性

// assgn_st.cpp -- assigning structures
#include <iostream>
struct inflatable
    char name[20];
    float volume;
    double price;
int main()
    using namespace std;
    inflatable bouquet =
    inflatable choice;
    cout << "bouquet: " << bouquet.name << " for $";
    cout << bouquet.price << endl;

    choice = bouquet;  // assign one structure to another
    cout << "choice: " << choice.name << " for $";
    cout << choice.price << endl;
    // cin.get();
    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ assgn_st.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
bouquet: sunflowers for $12.49
choice: sunflowers for $12.49

4.4.5 结构数组

// arrstruc.cpp -- an array of structures
#include <iostream>
struct inflatable
    char name[20];
    float volume;
    double price;
int main()
    using namespace std;
    inflatable guests[2] =          // initializing an array of structs
        {"Bambi", 0.5, 21.99},      // first structure in array
        {"Godzilla", 2000, 565.99}  // next structure in array

    cout << "The guests " << guests[0].name << " and " << guests[1].name
         << "\nhave a combined volume of "
         << guests[0].volume + guests[1].volume << " cubic feet.\n";
    // cin.get();
    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ arrstruct.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
The guests Bambi and Godzilla
have a combined volume of 2000.5 cubic feet.

4.4.6 结构中的位字段

struct toggle_register
    unsigned int SN : 4;
    unsigned int : 4;
    bool goodIn : 1;
    bool goodTorgle : 1;

4.5 共用体



union {


4.6 枚举


enum spectrum {red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, indigo, ultraviolet};

符号常量,对应整数0~7 枚举量(enumerator)

spectrum band;
band = blue;
band = blue + 3;错误 blue converted to int
band = spectrum(3);

4.6.1 设置枚举量的值

enum spectrum {red, orange=1, yellow=4, green, blue, violet, indigo, ultraviolet};

4.6.2 枚举的取值范围

4.7 指针和自由存储空间

// address.cpp -- using the & operator to find addresses
#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    int donuts = 6;
    double cups = 4.5;

    cout << "donuts value = " << donuts;
    cout << " and donuts address = " << &donuts << endl;
// NOTE: you may need to use unsigned (&donuts)
// and unsigned (&cups)
    cout << "cups value = " << cups;
    cout << " and cups address = " << &cups << endl;
    // cin.get();
    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ address.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
donuts value = 6 and donuts address = 0x7ffee08a99d8
cups value = 4.5 and cups address = 0x7ffee08a99d0


*运算符 为 间接值(indirect velue)或解除饮用(dereferencing)
#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    int updates = 6;        // declare a variable
    int * p_updates;        // declare pointer to an int
    p_updates = &updates;   // assign address of int to pointer
    // express values two ways
    cout << "Values: updates = " << updates;
    cout << ", *p_updates = " << *p_updates << endl;
    // express address two ways
    cout << "Addresses: &updates = " << &updates;
    cout << ", p_updates = " << p_updates << endl;
    // use pointer to change value
    *p_updates = *p_updates + 1;
    cout << "Now updates = " << updates << endl;
    // cin.get();
    return 0;
Values: updates = 6, *p_updates = 6
Addresses: &updates = 0x7ffeefbff528, p_updates = 0x7ffeefbff528
Now updates = 7

4.7.1  声明和初始化指针

int* a; //a pointer to type int


// init_ptr.cpp -- initialize a pointer
#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    int higgens = 5;
    int * pt = &higgens;

    cout << "Value of higgens = " << higgens
         << "; Address of higgens = " << &higgens << endl;
    cout << "Value of *pt = " << *pt
         << "; Value of pt = " << pt << endl;
    // cin.get();
    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ init_ptr.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
Value of higgens = 5; Address of higgens = 0x7ffee71dc9d8
Value of *pt = 5; Value of pt = 0x7ffee71dc9d8

4.7.2 指针的危险


4.7.3 指针和数字

int* pt; 
pt = 0xB8000000; //type mismatch
pt = (int*) 0xB8000000; //types now match

4.7.4 使用new来分配内存

// use_new.cpp -- using the new operator
#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    int nights = 1001;
    int * pt = new int;         // allocate space for an int
    *pt = 1001;                 // store a value there

    cout << "nights value = ";
    cout << nights << ": location " << &nights << endl;
    cout << "int ";
    cout << "value = " << *pt << ": location = " << pt << endl;

    double * pd = new double;   // allocate space for a double
    *pd = 10000001.0;           // store a double there

    cout << "double ";
    cout << "value = " << *pd << ": location = " << pd << endl;
    cout << "location of pointer pd: " << &pd << endl;
    cout << "size of pt = " << sizeof(pt);
    cout << ": size of *pt = " << sizeof(*pt) << endl;
    cout << "size of pd = " << sizeof pd;
    cout << ": size of *pd = " << sizeof(*pd) << endl;
    // cin.get();
    return 0;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
nights value = 1001: location 0x7ffee2d109d8
int value = 1001: location = 0x7f9aabc02aa0
double value = 1e+07: location = 0x7f9aabc02ab0
location of pointer pd: 0x7ffee2d109c8
size of pt = 8: size of *pt = 4
size of pd = 8: size of *pd = 8


new从堆(heap)或自由存储区(free sotre)的内存区域分配内存。

4.7.5 使用delete释放内存


int* a = new int;
delete a;


int a = 5;
int* b = &a;
delete b; 错误

4.7.6 使用new来创建动态数组

静态联编(static binding):在编译时给数组分配内存
动态联编(dynamic binding):数组在运行时创建。动态数组

int* psome = new int [10];
delete [] some;
// arraynew.cpp -- using the new operator for arrays
#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    double * p3 = new double [3]; // space for 3 doubles
    p3[0] = 0.2;                  // treat p3 like an array name
    p3[1] = 0.5;
    p3[2] = 0.8;
    cout << "p3[1] is " << p3[1] << ".\n";
    p3 = p3 + 1;                  // increment the pointer
    cout << "Now p3[0] is " << p3[0] << " and ";
    cout << "p3[1] is " << p3[1] << ".\n";
    p3 = p3 - 1;                  // point back to beginning
    delete [] p3;                 // free the memory
    // cin.get();
    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ arraynew.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
p3[1] is 0.5.
Now p3[0] is 0.5 and p3[1] is 0.8.

4.8 指针、数组和指针算术

// addpntrs.cpp -- pointer addition
#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    double wages[3] = {10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0};
    short stacks[3] = {3, 2, 1};

// Here are two ways to get the address of an array
    double * pw = wages;     // name of an array = address
    short * ps = &stacks[0]; // or use address operator
// with array element
    cout << "pw = " << pw << ", *pw = " << *pw << endl;
    pw = pw + 1;
    cout << "add 1 to the pw pointer:\n";
    cout << "pw = " << pw << ", *pw = " << *pw << "\n\n";

    cout << "ps = " << ps << ", *ps = " << *ps << endl;
    ps = ps + 1;
    cout << "add 1 to the ps pointer:\n";
    cout << "ps = " << ps << ", *ps = " << *ps << "\n\n";

    cout << "access two elements with array notation\n";
    cout << "stacks[0] = " << stacks[0] 
         << ", stacks[1] = " << stacks[1] << endl;
    cout << "access two elements with pointer notation\n";
    cout << "*stacks = " << *stacks
         << ", *(stacks + 1) =  " << *(stacks + 1) << endl;

    cout << sizeof(wages) << " = size of wages array\n";
    cout << sizeof(pw) << " = size of pw pointer\n";
    // cin.get();
    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ addpntrs.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
pw = 0x7ffee46ab9c0, *pw = 10000
add 1 to the pw pointer:
pw = 0x7ffee46ab9c8, *pw = 20000

ps = 0x7ffee46ab9b6, *ps = 3
add 1 to the ps pointer:
ps = 0x7ffee46ab9b8, *ps = 2

access two elements with array notation
stacks[0] = 3, stacks[1] = 2
access two elements with pointer notation
*stacks = 3, *(stacks + 1) =  2
24 = size of wages array
8 = size of pw pointer

4.8.1 程序说明


stack[1] = *(stack + 1);

4.8.2 指针小结


4.8.3 指针和字符串

// ptrstr.cpp -- using pointers to strings
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>              // declare strlen(), strcpy()
int main()
    using namespace std;
    char animal[20] = "bear";   // animal holds bear
    const char * bird = "wren"; // bird holds address of string
    char * ps;                  // uninitialized

    cout << animal << " and ";  // display bear
    cout << bird << "\n";       // display wren
    // cout << ps << "\n";      //may display garbage, may cause a crash

    cout << "Enter a kind of animal: ";
    cin >> animal;              // ok if input < 20 chars
    // cin >> ps; Too horrible a blunder to try; ps doesn't
    //            point to allocated space

    ps = animal;                // set ps to point to string
    cout << ps << "!\n";       // ok, same as using animal
    cout << "Before using strcpy():\n";
    cout << animal << " at " << (int *) animal << endl;
    cout << ps << " at " << (int *) ps << endl;

    ps = new char[strlen(animal) + 1];  // get new storage
    strcpy(ps, animal);         // copy string to new storage
    cout << "After using strcpy():\n";
    cout << animal << " at " << (int *) animal << endl;
    cout << ps << " at " << (int *) ps << endl;
    delete [] ps;
    // cin.get();
    // cin.get();
    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ ptrstr.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
bear and wren
Enter a kind of animal: fox    
Before using strcpy():
fox at 0x7ffee48599c0
fox at 0x7ffee48599c0
After using strcpy():
fox at 0x7ffee48599c0
fox at 0x7fe242500000

4.8.4 使用new创建动态结构

// newstrct.cpp -- using new with a structure
#include <iostream>
struct inflatable   // structure definition
    char name[20];
    float volume;
    double price;
int main()
    using namespace std;
    inflatable * ps = new inflatable; // allot memory for structure
    cout << "Enter name of inflatable item: ";
    cin.get(ps->name, 20);            // method 1 for member access
    cout << "Enter volume in cubic feet: ";
    cin >> (*ps).volume;              // method 2 for member access
    cout << "Enter price: $";
    cin >> ps->price;
    cout << "Name: " << (*ps).name << endl;              // method 2
    cout << "Volume: " << ps->volume << " cubic feet\n"; // method 1
    cout << "Price: $" << ps->price << endl;             // method 1
    delete ps;                        // free memory used by structure
    // cin.get();
    // cin.get();
    return 0; 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ newstrct.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
Enter name of inflatable item: Fabulous Frodo
Enter volume in cubic feet: 1.4
Enter price: $27.99
Name: Fabulous Frodo
Volume: 1.4 cubic feet
Price: $27.99
// delete.cpp -- using the delete operator
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>      // or string.h
using namespace std;
char * getname(void);   // function prototype
int main()
    char * name;        // create pointer but no storage

    name = getname();   // assign address of string to name
    cout << name << " at " << (int *) name << "\n";
    delete [] name;     // memory freed

    name = getname();   // reuse freed memory
    cout << name << " at " << (int *) name << "\n";
    delete [] name;     // memory freed again
    // cin.get();
    // cin.get();
    return 0;

char * getname()        // return pointer to new string
    char temp[80];      // temporary storage
    cout << "Enter last name: ";
    cin >> temp;
    char * pn = new char[strlen(temp) + 1];
    strcpy(pn, temp);   // copy string into smaller space

    return pn;          // temp lost when function ends
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ delete.cpp 
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ ./a.out 
Enter last name: Fredeldumpkin
Fredeldumpkin at 0x7fa64ed00000
Enter last name: Pook    
Pook at 0x7fa64ed00000

4.8.5 自动存储、静态存储和动态存储

根据分配内存的方法, C++有3种管理数据内存的方式

4.9 类型组合

// mixtypes.cpp --some type combinations
#include <iostream>

struct antarctica_years_end
    int year;
 /* some really interesting data, etc. */

int main()
    antarctica_years_end s01, s02, s03; 
    s01.year = 1998;
    antarctica_years_end * pa = &s02;
    pa->year = 1999;
    antarctica_years_end trio[3]; // array of 3 structures
    trio[0].year = 2003;
    std::cout << trio->year << std::endl;
    const antarctica_years_end * arp[3] = {&s01, &s02, &s03};
    std::cout << arp[1]->year << std::endl;
    const antarctica_years_end ** ppa = arp; 
    auto ppb = arp; // C++0x automatic type deduction
// or else use const antarctica_years_end ** ppb = arp; 
    std::cout << (*ppa)->year << std::endl;
    std::cout << (*(ppb+1))->year << std::endl;
    // std::cin.get();
    return 0;
[wlsh@wlsh-MacbookPro] chapter_4$ g++ mixtypes.cpp 
mixtypes.cpp:22:5: warning: 'auto' type specifier is a C++11 extension [-Wc++11-extensions]
    auto ppb = arp; // C++0x automatic type deduction
1 warning generated.

4.10 数组的替代品

4.10.1 模版类vector


#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector <in> vi;
vector<double> vd(n); //create an array of n double.

4.10.2 模版类array(C++11)


#include <array>
using namespace std;

array <int, 5> a; //create array object of 5 ints;
array <double, 4> ad = {1.2 ,2.3, 2.4, 2.5}

4.10.3 比较数组、vector对象和array对象

// choices.cpp -- array variations
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>   // STL C++98
#include <array>    // C++0x
int main()
    using namespace std;
// C, original C++
    double a1[4] = {1.2, 2.4, 3.6, 4.8};
// C++98 STL
    vector<double> a2(4);   // create vector with 4 elements
// no simple way to initialize in C98
    a2[0] = 1.0/3.0;
    a2[1] = 1.0/5.0;
    a2[2] = 1.0/7.0;
    a2[3] = 1.0/9.0;
// C++0x -- create and initialize array object
    array<double, 4> a3 = {3.14, 2.72, 1.62, 1.41};  
    array<double, 4> a4;
    a4 = a3;     // valid for array objects of same size
// use array notation
    cout << "a1[2]: " << a1[2] << " at " << &a1[2] << endl;
    cout << "a2[2]: " << a2[2] << " at " << &a2[2] << endl;
    cout << "a3[2]: " << a3[2] << " at " << &a3[2] << endl;
    cout << "a4[2]: " << a4[2] << " at " << &a4[2] << endl;
// misdeed
    a1[-2] = 20.2;
    cout << "a1[-2]: " << a1[-2] <<" at " << &a1[-2] << endl;
    cout << "a3[2]: " << a3[2] << " at " << &a3[2] << endl;
    cout << "a4[2]: " << a4[2] << " at " << &a4[2] << endl;
    //  cin.get();
    return 0;

4.11 总结


















评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


