Machine learning(3) Linear Discriminant Functions--Least-squares classification

Machine Learning(3)Least-squares classification

Chenjing Ding

Mthe number of mixture components
x_nn-th input vector
Nthe number of training input vectors
Kthe number of classes
wa vector of the weight matrix
Wweight matrix
Xinput metrix

To put it clearly, all vectors in this passage are column vector, the transpose of them are row vector; and all Capital letter represents matrix, otherwise it represents a vector.

1.General Classification Problem

1.1 one sample input case

Let’s consider K discriminant linear models:

yk(x)=wTkx+wk0,k=1...K(1.1.1) (1.1.1) y k ( x ) = w k T x + w k 0 , k = 1... K
Both wk w k and x x are vector. if W is a matrix as followed:(1.1.2)W=[w1,w2,wk]=[w10w20...wK0w11w21...wK1............w1Dw2D...wKD]
then we obtain Y(x) Y ( x ) which is a column vector,
Y(x)=WTx=[y1(x) y2(x) ...yK(x)]T(1.1.3) (1.1.3) Y ( x ) = W T x = [ y 1 ( x )   y 2 ( x )   . . . y K ( x ) ] T

1.2 input as a matrix

For entire data set, X is a matrix.

Yˆ(X)=XW Y ^ ( X ) = X W

X=[x1 x2 ... xN]T X = [ x 1   x 2   . . .   x N ] T

T=[t1 t2...tN]T,Yˆ(X)=[Y(x1) Y(x2) ...Y(xN)]T(1.2.1) (1.2.1) T = [ t 1   t 2... t N ] T , Y ^ ( X ) = [ Y ( x 1 )   Y ( x 2 )   . . . Y ( x N ) ] T

and t1,t2... t 1 , t 2 . . . is column vectors , T and Yˆ(X) Y ^ ( X ) are matrix, T is the target matrix ;

2. Closed-form solution

Try to find the closed-form solution of W, directly to minimize the sum-of-squares error:

E(W)=n=1Nk=1K(yk(xn)tnk)2=n=1Nk=1K(wTkxntnk)2 E ( W ) = ∑ n = 1 N ∑ k = 1 K ( y k ( x n ) − t n k ) 2 = ∑ n = 1 N ∑ k = 1 K ( w k T x n − t n k ) 2
Let’s formulate the sum-of-squares error in matrix notation:
ija2ij=Tr(ATA),Tr(A)A=I(2.1) (2.1) ∑ i j a i j 2 = T r ( A T A ) , ∂ T r ( A ) ∂ A = I

E(W)=12Tr((XWT)T(XWT))(2.2) (2.2) E ( W ) = 1 2 T r ( ( X W − T ) T ( X W − T ) )

E(W)W=12E(W)(XWT)T(XWT)(XWT)T(XWT)W(2.3) (2.3) ∂ E ( W ) ∂ W = 1 2 ∂ E ( W ) ∂ ( X W − T ) T ( X W − T ) ∂ ( X W − T ) T ( X W − T ) ∂ W

=XT(XWT)....using(4)(2.4) (2.4) = X T ( X W − T ) . . . . u s i n g ( 4 )

and for all matrix A the inverse of ATA A T A must exist.
E(W)W=0W=(XTX)1XTT ∂ E ( W ) ∂ W = 0 ⇒ W = ( X T X ) − 1 X T T

Thus the closed form solution for y(xn) y ( x n ) is :
Y(xn)=WTxn=((XTX)1XTT)Txn Y ( x n ) = W T x n = ( ( X T X ) − 1 X T T ) T x n

3. Problems

  1. Least-squares is very sensitive to outliers!
  2. Least-squares corresponds to Maximum Likelihood under the assumption of a Gaussian conditional distribution.However, our binary target vectors have a distribution that is clearly non-Gaussian (0-1 distribution when K is 2)!

    discuss later





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