本篇文章主要对 python logging 的介绍加深理解。更主要是 讨论在多进程环境下如何使用logging 来输出日志, 如何安全地切分日志文件。
1. logging日志模块介绍
python的logging模块提供了灵活的标准模块,使得任何Python程序都可以使用这个第三方模块来实现日志记录。python logging 官方文档
- Loggers: 可供程序直接调用的接口
- Handlers: 决定将日志记录分配至正确的目的地
- Filters: 提供更细粒度的日志是否输出的判断
- Formatters: 制定最终记录打印的格式布局
2. logging的组成
loggers 就是程序可以直接调用的一个日志接口,可以直接向logger写入日志信息。logger并不是直接实例化使用的,而是通过logging.getLogger(name)
Level | Numeric value |
NOTSET | 0 |
DEBUG | 10 |
INFO | 20 |
WARNING | 30 |
ERROR | 40 |
Handlers 将logger发过来的信息进行准确地分配,送往正确的地方。举个栗子,送往控制台或者文件或者both或者其他地方(进程管道之类的)。它决定了每个日志的行为,是之后需要配置的重点区域。
Filters 提供了更细粒度的判断,来决定日志是否需要打印。原则上handler获得一个日志就必定会根据级别被统一处理,但是如果handler拥有一个Filter可以对日志进行额外的处理和判断。例如Filter能够对来自特定源的日志进行拦截or修改甚至修改其日志级别(修改后再进行级别判断)。
Formatters 指定了最终某条记录打印的格式布局。Formatter会将传递来的信息拼接成一条具体的字符串,默认情况下Format只会将信息%(message)s
Attribute | Format | Description |
asctime | %(asctime)s | 将日志的时间构造成可读的形式,默认情况下是‘2016-02-08 12:00:00,123’精确到毫秒 |
filename | %(filename)s | 包含path的文件名 |
funcName | %(funcName)s | 由哪个function发出的log |
levelname | %(levelname)s | 日志的最终等级(被filter修改后的) |
message | %(message)s | 日志信息 |
lineno | %(lineno)d | 当前日志的行号 |
pathname | %(pathname)s | 完整路径 |
process | %(process)s | 当前进程 |
thread | %(thread)s | 当前线程 |
一个Handler只能拥有一个Formatter 因此如果要实现多种格式的输出只能用多个Handler来实现。
3. logging 配置
首先在 loggers 章节里说明了一点,我们拥有一个缺省的日志对象root,这个root日志对象的好处是我们直接可以使用logging来进行配置和打日志。例如:
logging.info("info message")
format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s',
datefmt='[%Y-%m_%d %H:%M:%S]',
keys=root, log02
format=%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(process)d %(message)s
datefmt=[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]
相信看一遍以后,也找出规律了,我将几个大块用#分了出来。每一个logger或者handler或者formatter都有一个key名字。以logger为例,首先需要在[loggers]配置中加上key名字代表了这个logger。然后用[loggers_xxxx]其中xxxx为key名来具体配置这个logger,在log02中我配置了level和一个handler名,当然你可以配置多个hander。根据这个handler名再去 [handlers]里面去找具体handler的配置,以此类推。
在handler中有一个class配置,可能有些读者并不是很懂。其实这个是logging里面原先就写好的一些handler类,你可以在这里直接调用。class指向的类相当于具体处理的Handler的执行者。在logging的文档中可以知道这里所有的Handler类都是线程安全的,大家可以放心使用。那么问题就来了,如果多进程怎么办呢。在下一章我主要就是重写Handler类,来实现在多进程环境下使用logging。 我们自己重写或者全部新建一个Handler类,然后将class配置指向自己的Handler类就可以加载自己重写的Handler了。
4. logging遇到多进程(important)
这部分其实是我写这篇文章的初衷。python中由于某种历史原因,多线程的性能基本可以无视。所以一般情况下python要实现并行操作或者并行计算的时候都是使用多进程。但是 python 中logging 并不支持多进程,所以会遇到不少麻烦。
本次就以 TimedRotatingFileHandler 这个类的问题作为例子。这个Handler本来的作用是:按天切割日志文件。(当天的文件是xxxx.log 昨天的文件是xxxx.log.2016-06-01)。这样的好处是,一来可以按天来查找日志,二来可以让日志文件不至于非常大, 过期日志也可以按天删除。
先将 TimedRotatingFileHandler 的源代码贴上来,这部分是切换时所作的操作:
def doRollover(self):
do a rollover; in this case, a date/time stamp is appended to the filename
when the rollover happens. However, you want the file to be named for the
start of the interval, not the current time. If there is a backup count,
then we have to get a list of matching filenames, sort them and remove
the one with the oldest suffix.
if self.stream:
self.stream = None
# get the time that this sequence started at and make it a TimeTuple
currentTime = int(time.time())
dstNow = time.localtime(currentTime)[-1]
t = self.rolloverAt - self.interval
if self.utc:
timeTuple = time.gmtime(t)
timeTuple = time.localtime(t)
dstThen = timeTuple[-1]
if dstNow != dstThen:
if dstNow:
addend = 3600
addend = -3600
timeTuple = time.localtime(t + addend)
dfn = self.baseFilename + "." + time.strftime(self.suffix, timeTuple)
if os.path.exists(dfn):
# Issue 18940: A file may not have been created if delay is True.
if os.path.exists(self.baseFilename):
os.rename(self.baseFilename, dfn)
if self.backupCount > 0:
for s in self.getFilesToDelete():
if not self.delay:
self.stream = self._open()
newRolloverAt = self.computeRollover(currentTime)
while newRolloverAt <= currentTime:
newRolloverAt = newRolloverAt + self.interval
#If DST changes and midnight or weekly rollover, adjust for this.
if (self.when == 'MIDNIGHT' or self.when.startswith('W')) and not self.utc:
dstAtRollover = time.localtime(newRolloverAt)[-1]
if dstNow != dstAtRollover:
if not dstNow: # DST kicks in before next rollover, so we need to deduct an hour
addend = -3600
else: # DST bows out before next rollover, so we need to add an hour
addend = 3600
newRolloverAt += addend
self.rolloverAt = newRolloverAt
我们观察 if os.path.exists(dfn)
这一行开始,这里的逻辑是如果 dfn 这个文件存在,则要先删除掉它,然后将 baseFilename 这个文件重命名为 dfn 文件。然后再重新打开 baseFilename这个文件开始写入东西。那么这里的逻辑就很清楚了
- 假设当前日志文件名为 current.log 切分后的文件名为 current.log.2016-06-01
- 判断 current.log.2016-06-01 是否存在,如果存在就删除
- 将当前的日志文件名 改名为current.log.2016-06-01
- 重新打开新文件(我观察到源代码中默认是"a" 模式打开,之前据说是"w")
于是在多进程的情况下,一个进程切换了,其他进程的句柄还在 current.log.2016-06-01 还会继续往里面写东西。又或者一个进程执行切换了,会把之前别的进程重命名的 current.log.2016-06-01 文件直接删除。又或者还有一个情况,当一个进程在写东西,另一个进程已经在切换了,会造成不可预估的情况发生。还有一种情况两个进程同时在切文件,第一个进程正在执行第3步,第二进程刚执行完第2步,然后第一个进程 完成了重命名但还没有新建一个新的 current.log 第二个进程开始重命名,此时第二个进程将会因为找不到 current 发生错误。如果第一个进程已经成功创建了 current.log 第二个进程会将这个空文件另存为 current.log.2016-06-01。那么不仅删除了日志文件,而且,进程一认为已经完成过切分了不会再切,而事实上他的句柄指向的是current.log.2016-06-01。
先前我们发现 TimedRotatingFileHandler 中逻辑的缺陷。我们只需要稍微修改一下逻辑即可:
- 判断切分后的文件 current.log.2016-06-01 是否存在,如果不存在则进行重命名。(如果存在说明有其他进程切过了,我不用切了,换一下句柄即可)
- 以"a"模式 打开 current.log
talking is cheap show me the code:
class SafeRotatingFileHandler(TimedRotatingFileHandler):
def __init__(self, filename, when='h', interval=1, backupCount=0, encoding=None, delay=False, utc=False):
TimedRotatingFileHandler.__init__(self, filename, when, interval, backupCount, encoding, delay, utc)
Override doRollover
lines commanded by "##" is changed by cc
def doRollover(self):
do a rollover; in this case, a date/time stamp is appended to the filename
when the rollover happens. However, you want the file to be named for the
start of the interval, not the current time. If there is a backup count,
then we have to get a list of matching filenames, sort them and remove
the one with the oldest suffix.
Override, 1. if dfn not exist then do rename
2. _open with "a" model
if self.stream:
self.stream = None
# get the time that this sequence started at and make it a TimeTuple
currentTime = int(time.time())
dstNow = time.localtime(currentTime)[-1]
t = self.rolloverAt - self.interval
if self.utc:
timeTuple = time.gmtime(t)
timeTuple = time.localtime(t)
dstThen = timeTuple[-1]
if dstNow != dstThen:
if dstNow:
addend = 3600
addend = -3600
timeTuple = time.localtime(t + addend)
dfn = self.baseFilename + "." + time.strftime(self.suffix, timeTuple)
## if os.path.exists(dfn):
## os.remove(dfn)
# Issue 18940: A file may not have been created if delay is True.
## if os.path.exists(self.baseFilename):
if not os.path.exists(dfn) and os.path.exists(self.baseFilename):
os.rename(self.baseFilename, dfn)
if self.backupCount > 0:
for s in self.getFilesToDelete():
if not self.delay:
self.mode = "a"
self.stream = self._open()
newRolloverAt = self.computeRollover(currentTime)
while newRolloverAt <= currentTime:
newRolloverAt = newRolloverAt + self.interval
#If DST changes and midnight or weekly rollover, adjust for this.
if (self.when == 'MIDNIGHT' or self.when.startswith('W')) and not self.utc:
dstAtRollover = time.localtime(newRolloverAt)[-1]
if dstNow != dstAtRollover:
if not dstNow: # DST kicks in before next rollover, so we need to deduct an hour
addend = -3600
else: # DST bows out before next rollover, so we need to add an hour
addend = 3600
newRolloverAt += addend
self.rolloverAt = newRolloverAt
不要以为代码那么长,其实修改部分就是 "##" 注释的地方而已,其他都是照抄源代码。这个类继承了 TimedRotatingFileHandler 重写了这个切分的过程。这个解决方案十分优雅,改换的地方非常少,也十分有效。但有网友提出,这里有一处地方依然不完美,就是rename的那一步,如果就是这么巧,同时两个或者多个进程进入了 if 语句,先后开始 rename 那么依然会发生删除掉日志的情况。确实这种情况确实会发生,由于切分文件一天才一次,正好切分的时候同时有两个Handler在操作,又正好同时走到这里,也是蛮巧的,但是为了完美,可以加上一个文件锁,if 之后加锁,得到锁之后再判断一次,再进行rename这种方式就完美了。代码就不贴了,涉及到锁代码,影响美观。
我认为最简单有效的解决方案。重写FileHandler类(这个类是所有写入文件的Handler都需要继承的TimedRotatingFileHandler 就是继承的这个类;我们增加一些简单的判断和操作就可以。
- 判断当前时间戳是否与指向的文件名是同一个时间
- 如果不是,则切换 指向的文件即可
talking is cheap show me the code:
class SafeFileHandler(FileHandler):
def __init__(self, filename, mode, encoding=None, delay=0):
Use the specified filename for streamed logging
if codecs is None:
encoding = None
FileHandler.__init__(self, filename, mode, encoding, delay)
self.mode = mode
self.encoding = encoding
self.suffix = "%Y-%m-%d"
self.suffix_time = ""
def emit(self, record):
Emit a record.
Always check time
if self.check_baseFilename(record):
FileHandler.emit(self, record)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
def check_baseFilename(self, record):
Determine if builder should occur.
record is not used, as we are just comparing times,
but it is needed so the method signatures are the same
timeTuple = time.localtime()
if self.suffix_time != time.strftime(self.suffix, timeTuple) or not os.path.exists(self.baseFilename+'.'+self.suffix_time):
return 1
return 0
def build_baseFilename(self):
do builder; in this case,
old time stamp is removed from filename and
a new time stamp is append to the filename
if self.stream:
self.stream = None
# remove old suffix
if self.suffix_time != "":
index = self.baseFilename.find("."+self.suffix_time)
if index == -1:
index = self.baseFilename.rfind(".")
self.baseFilename = self.baseFilename[:index]
# add new suffix
currentTimeTuple = time.localtime()
self.suffix_time = time.strftime(self.suffix, currentTimeTuple)
self.baseFilename = self.baseFilename + "." + self.suffix_time
self.mode = 'a'
if not self.delay:
self.stream = self._open()
check_baseFilename 就是执行逻辑1判断;build_baseFilename 就是执行逻辑2换句柄。就这么简单完成了。
这种方案与之前不同的是,当前文件就是 current.log.2016-06-01 ,到了明天当前文件就是current.log.2016-06-02 没有重命名的情况,也没有删除的情况。十分简洁优雅。也能解决多进程的logging问题。
本来 FileHandler 自己只是个原子的文件输出日志处理器,没有任何文件切分能力, TimedRotatingFileHandler 只是继承 FileHandler 。它自己负责日志切分,FileHandler负责输出能力,但是现在 TimedRotatingFileHandler 继承 SafeFileHandler 再继承 FileHandler,TimedRotatingFileHandler 在切分日志时,会在当前日志上加上后缀,也就产生了 manage.log.2018-10-23.2018-10-23,同时 SafeFileHandler 也在做切分,于是产生了 manage.log.2018-10-24,如果说 此时切分过程中会有前后时间差异,那么空的 manage.log.2018-10-23 也会被 SafeFileHandler 产生。然后就产生了上面的情况。
import codecs
import os
import re
import time
import logging
from logging import FileHandler
from stat import ST_DEV, ST_INO, ST_MTIME
_MIDNIGHT = 24 * 60 * 60 # number of seconds in a day
class SafeFileHandler(FileHandler):
def __init__(self, filename, mode, encoding=None, delay=0):
Use the specified filename for streamed logging
if codecs is None:
encoding = None
FileHandler.__init__(self, filename, mode, encoding, delay)
self.mode = mode
self.encoding = encoding
self.suffix = "%Y-%m-%d"
self.suffix_time = ""
def emit(self, record):
Emit a record.
Always check time
if self.check_baseFilename(record):
FileHandler.emit(self, record)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
def check_baseFilename(self, record):
Determine if builder should occur.
record is not used, as we are just comparing times,
but it is needed so the method signatures are the same
timeTuple = time.localtime()
if self.suffix_time != time.strftime(self.suffix, timeTuple) or not os.path.exists(self.baseFilename+'.'+self.suffix_time):
return 1
return 0
def build_baseFilename(self):
do builder; in this case,
old time stamp is removed from filename and
a new time stamp is append to the filename
if self.stream:
self.stream = None
# remove old suffix
if self.suffix_time != "":
index = self.baseFilename.find("."+self.suffix_time)
if index == -1:
index = self.baseFilename.rfind(".")
self.baseFilename = self.baseFilename[:index]
# add new suffix
currentTimeTuple = time.localtime()
self.suffix_time = time.strftime(self.suffix, currentTimeTuple)
# print(self.baseFilename)
self.baseFilename = self.baseFilename + "." + self.suffix_time
# print(self.baseFilename)
self.mode = 'a'
if not self.delay:
self.stream = self._open()
class BaseRotatingHandler(SafeFileHandler):
Base class for handlers that rotate log files at a certain point.
Not meant to be instantiated directly. Instead, use RotatingFileHandler
or TimedRotatingFileHandler.
def __init__(self, filename, mode, encoding=None, delay=False):
Use the specified filename for streamed logging
logging.FileHandler.__init__(self, filename, mode, encoding, delay)
self.mode = mode
self.encoding = encoding
self.namer = None
self.rotator = None
def emit(self, record):
Emit a record.
Output the record to the file, catering for rollover as described
in doRollover().
if self.shouldRollover(record):
logging.FileHandler.emit(self, record)
except Exception:
def rotation_filename(self, default_name):
Modify the filename of a log file when rotating.
This is provided so that a custom filename can be provided.
The default implementation calls the 'namer' attribute of the
handler, if it's callable, passing the default name to
it. If the attribute isn't callable (the default is None), the name
is returned unchanged.
:param default_name: The default name for the log file.
if not callable(self.namer):
result = default_name
result = self.namer(default_name)
return result
def rotate(self, source, dest):
When rotating, rotate the current log.
The default implementation calls the 'rotator' attribute of the
handler, if it's callable, passing the source and dest arguments to
it. If the attribute isn't callable (the default is None), the source
is simply renamed to the destination.
:param source: The source filename. This is normally the base
filename, e.g. 'test.log'
:param dest: The destination filename. This is normally
what the source is rotated to, e.g. 'test.log.1'.
if not callable(self.rotator):
# Issue 18940: A file may not have been created if delay is True.
if os.path.exists(source):
os.rename(source, dest)
self.rotator(source, dest)
class TimedRotatingFileHandler(BaseRotatingHandler):
Handler for logging to a file, rotating the log file at certain timed
If backupCount is > 0, when rollover is done, no more than backupCount
files are kept - the oldest ones are deleted.
def __init__(self, filename, when='h', interval=1, backupCount=0, encoding=None, delay=False, utc=False, atTime=None):
BaseRotatingHandler.__init__(self, filename, 'a', encoding, delay)
self.when = when.upper()
self.backupCount = backupCount
self.utc = utc
self.atTime = atTime
# Calculate the real rollover interval, which is just the number of
# seconds between rollovers. Also set the filename suffix used when
# a rollover occurs. Current 'when' events supported:
# S - Seconds
# M - Minutes
# H - Hours
# D - Days
# midnight - roll over at midnight
# W{0-6} - roll over on a certain day; 0 - Monday
# Case of the 'when' specifier is not important; lower or upper case
# will work.
if self.when == 'S':
self.interval = 1 # one second
self.suffix = "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"
self.extMatch = r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}(\.\w+)?$"
elif self.when == 'M':
self.interval = 60 # one minute
self.suffix = "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M"
self.extMatch = r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{2}-\d{2}(\.\w+)?$"
elif self.when == 'H':
self.interval = 60 * 60 # one hour
self.suffix = "%Y-%m-%d_%H"
self.extMatch = r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{2}(\.\w+)?$"
elif self.when == 'D' or self.when == 'MIDNIGHT':
self.interval = 60 * 60 * 24 # one day
self.suffix = "%Y-%m-%d"
self.extMatch = r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(\.\w+)?$"
elif self.when.startswith('W'):
self.interval = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 # one week
if len(self.when) != 2:
raise ValueError("You must specify a day for weekly rollover from 0 to 6 (0 is Monday): %s" % self.when)
if self.when[1] < '0' or self.when[1] > '6':
raise ValueError("Invalid day specified for weekly rollover: %s" % self.when)
self.dayOfWeek = int(self.when[1])
self.suffix = "%Y-%m-%d"
self.extMatch = r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(\.\w+)?$"
raise ValueError("Invalid rollover interval specified: %s" % self.when)
self.extMatch = re.compile(self.extMatch, re.ASCII)
self.interval = self.interval * interval # multiply by units requested
# The following line added because the filename passed in could be a
# path object (see Issue #27493), but self.baseFilename will be a string
filename = self.baseFilename
if os.path.exists(filename):
t = os.stat(filename)[ST_MTIME]
t = int(time.time())
self.rolloverAt = self.computeRollover(t)
def computeRollover(self, currentTime):
Work out the rollover time based on the specified time.
result = currentTime + self.interval
# If we are rolling over at midnight or weekly, then the interval is already known.
# What we need to figure out is WHEN the next interval is. In other words,
# if you are rolling over at midnight, then your base interval is 1 day,
# but you want to start that one day clock at midnight, not now. So, we
# have to fudge the rolloverAt value in order to trigger the first rollover
# at the right time. After that, the regular interval will take care of
# the rest. Note that this code doesn't care about leap seconds. :)
if self.when == 'MIDNIGHT' or self.when.startswith('W'):
# This could be done with less code, but I wanted it to be clear
if self.utc:
t = time.gmtime(currentTime)
t = time.localtime(currentTime)
currentHour = t[3]
currentMinute = t[4]
currentSecond = t[5]
currentDay = t[6]
# r is the number of seconds left between now and the next rotation
if self.atTime is None:
rotate_ts = _MIDNIGHT
rotate_ts = ((self.atTime.hour * 60 + self.atTime.minute)*60 +
r = rotate_ts - ((currentHour * 60 + currentMinute) * 60 +
if r < 0:
# Rotate time is before the current time (for example when
# self.rotateAt is 13:45 and it now 14:15), rotation is
# tomorrow.
currentDay = (currentDay + 1) % 7
result = currentTime + r
# If we are rolling over on a certain day, add in the number of days until
# the next rollover, but offset by 1 since we just calculated the time
# until the next day starts. There are three cases:
# Case 1) The day to rollover is today; in this case, do nothing
# Case 2) The day to rollover is further in the interval (i.e., today is
# day 2 (Wednesday) and rollover is on day 6 (Sunday). Days to
# next rollover is simply 6 - 2 - 1, or 3.
# Case 3) The day to rollover is behind us in the interval (i.e., today
# is day 5 (Saturday) and rollover is on day 3 (Thursday).
# Days to rollover is 6 - 5 + 3, or 4. In this case, it's the
# number of days left in the current week (1) plus the number
# of days in the next week until the rollover day (3).
# The calculations described in 2) and 3) above need to have a day added.
# This is because the above time calculation takes us to midnight on this
# day, i.e. the start of the next day.
if self.when.startswith('W'):
day = currentDay # 0 is Monday
if day != self.dayOfWeek:
if day < self.dayOfWeek:
daysToWait = self.dayOfWeek - day
daysToWait = 6 - day + self.dayOfWeek + 1
newRolloverAt = result + (daysToWait * (60 * 60 * 24))
if not self.utc:
dstNow = t[-1]
dstAtRollover = time.localtime(newRolloverAt)[-1]
if dstNow != dstAtRollover:
if not dstNow: # DST kicks in before next rollover, so we need to deduct an hour
addend = -3600
else: # DST bows out before next rollover, so we need to add an hour
addend = 3600
newRolloverAt += addend
result = newRolloverAt
return result
def shouldRollover(self, record):
Determine if rollover should occur.
record is not used, as we are just comparing times, but it is needed so
the method signatures are the same
t = int(time.time())
if t >= self.rolloverAt:
return 1
return 0
def getFilesToDelete(self):
Determine the files to delete when rolling over.
More specific than the earlier method, which just used glob.glob().
dirName, baseName = os.path.split(self.baseFilename)
fileNames = os.listdir(dirName)
baseName = fileNames[0]
result = []
prefix = baseName + "."
plen = len(prefix)
for fileName in fileNames:
if fileName[:plen] == prefix:
suffix = fileName[plen:]
if self.extMatch.match(suffix):
result.append(os.path.join(dirName, fileName))
if len(result) < self.backupCount:
result = []
result = result[:len(result) - self.backupCount]
return result
def doRollover(self):
do a rollover; in this case, a date/time stamp is appended to the filename
when the rollover happens. However, you want the file to be named for the
start of the interval, not the current time. If there is a backup count,
then we have to get a list of matching filenames, sort them and remove
the one with the oldest suffix.
if self.stream:
self.stream = None
# get the time that this sequence started at and make it a TimeTuple
currentTime = int(time.time())
dstNow = time.localtime(currentTime)[-1]
t = self.rolloverAt - self.interval
if self.utc:
timeTuple = time.gmtime(t)
timeTuple = time.localtime(t)
dstThen = timeTuple[-1]
if dstNow != dstThen:
if dstNow:
addend = 3600
addend = -3600
timeTuple = time.localtime(t + addend)
# dfn = self.rotation_filename(self.baseFilename)
# if os.path.exists(dfn):
# os.remove(dfn)
# self.rotate(self.baseFilename, dfn)
if self.backupCount > 0:
for s in self.getFilesToDelete():
if not self.delay:
self.stream = self._open()
newRolloverAt = self.computeRollover(currentTime)
while newRolloverAt <= currentTime:
newRolloverAt = newRolloverAt + self.interval
#If DST changes and midnight or weekly rollover, adjust for this.
if (self.when == 'MIDNIGHT' or self.when.startswith('W')) and not self.utc:
dstAtRollover = time.localtime(newRolloverAt)[-1]
if dstNow != dstAtRollover:
if not dstNow: # DST kicks in before next rollover, so we need to deduct an hour
addend = -3600
else: # DST bows out before next rollover, so we need to add an hour
addend = 3600
newRolloverAt += addend
self.rolloverAt = newRolloverAt